set myFlag to the button returned of (display dialog "Bridgeのお気に入りを変更します" buttons {"上書き", "追加", "キャンセル"} default button 3 with icon 2)
set myFolder to choose folder with prompt "追加フォルダのある場所を指定"
set myPath to (path to temporary items as text) & "AddFavorites2BridgeTemp.jsx"
tell application "Finder"
set myList to every item of myFolder
set the myFile to open for access file myPath with write permission
set eof file myPath to 0
repeat with i in myList
if class of i is alias file then set i to original item of i
if class of i is folder then
set i to i as Unicode text
set i to ¬
"myTmb=new Thumbnail(" & ¬
(quoted form of POSIX path of i) ¬
& ");app.favorites.insert(myTmb);"
write i as «class utf8» to the myFile starting at eof
end if
end repeat
end try
close access file myPath
end tell
tell application "Adobe Bridge CC"
if myFlag = "上書き" then do javascript "app.favorites.clearAll();"
do javascript "#include " & (POSIX path of myPath)
end tell