
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Posted at





$ wget http://compling.hss.ntu.edu.sg/wnja/data/1.1/wnjpn.db.gz
$ gzip -d wnjpn.db.gz





# 解凍したSQLite3データベースファイルのパス
SET_WN_JPN <- list(
  FILE = "wnjpn.db"

wordnet_sqlite <- dplyr::src_sqlite(path = SET_WN_JPN$FILE, create = FALSE)
> methods::show(object = wordnet_sqlite)
src:  sqlite 3.8.6 [wnjpn.db]
tbls: ancestor, link_def, pos_def, sense, synlink, synset, synset_def, synset_ex, variant, word,


# 品詞定義
dplyr::tbl(src = wordnet_sqlite, from = "pos_def") %>%
  dplyr::collect(x = .)
Source: local data frame [8 x 3]

  pos lang       def
1   a  eng adjective
2   r  eng    adverb
3   n  eng      noun
4   v  eng      verb
5   a  jpn    形容詞
6   r  jpn      副詞
7   n  jpn      名詞

# リンク定義
## 詳しくは「http://compling.hss.ntu.edu.sg/wnja/」の「4 関連synsetとのリンク」を参照のこと
dplyr::tbl(src = wordnet_sqlite, from = "link_def") %>%
  dplyr::collect(x = .) %>%
   link lang                    def
1  also  eng               See also
2  syns  eng               Synonyms
3  hype  eng              Hypernyms
4  inst  eng              Instances
5  hypo  eng                Hyponym
6  hasi  eng           Has Instance
7  mero  eng               Meronyms
8  mmem  eng    Meronyms --- Member
9  msub  eng Meronyms --- Substance
10 mprt  eng      Meronyms --- Part
11 holo  eng               Holonyms
12 hmem  eng    Holonyms --- Member
13 hsub  eng Holonyms --- Substance
14 hprt  eng       Holonyms -- Part
15 attr  eng             Attributes
16  sim  eng             Similar to
17 enta  eng                Entails
18 caus  eng                 Causes
19 dmnc  eng    Domain --- Category
20 dmnu  eng       Domain --- Usage
21 dmnr  eng      Domain --- Region
22 dmtc  eng In Domain --- Category
23 dmtu  eng    In Domain --- Usage
24 dmtr  eng   In Domain --- Region
25 ants  eng               Antonyms



# 検索するクエリの定義
  WORD = c("bank"),
  POS = c("n")

# wordテーブルからクエリにマッチする単語を抽出
hit_words <- dplyr::tbl(
  src = wordnet_sqlite,
  from = dplyr::build_sql(
    "SELECT * FROM word WHERE lemma IN (", SET_SEARCH_QUERY$WORD, ")",
    "AND pos IN (", SET_SEARCH_QUERY$POS, ")"
) %>%
  dplyr::collect() %>%
Source: local data frame [1 x 5]

  wordid lang lemma pron pos
1 109396  eng  bank   NA   n

# 同義語をsenseテーブルから取得
hit_words_synset <- dplyr::tbl(
  src = wordnet_sqlite,
  from =  dplyr::build_sql(
    "SELECT * FROM sense WHERE wordid IN (", dplyr::ident(x = hit_words$wordid),")"
) %>%
  dplyr::collect() %>%
Source: local data frame [10 x 7]

       synset wordid lang rank lexid freq    src
1  09213565-n 109396  eng    0     1   25 eng-30
2  08420278-n 109396  eng    0     2   20 eng-30
3  09213434-n 109396  eng    0     3    2 eng-30
4  08462066-n 109396  eng    0     4    1 eng-30
5  13368318-n 109396  eng    0     5    0 eng-30
6  13356402-n 109396  eng    0     6    0 eng-30
7  09213828-n 109396  eng    0     7    0 eng-30
8  04139859-n 109396  eng    0     8    0 eng-30
9  02787772-n 109396  eng    0     9    0 eng-30
10 00169305-n 109396  eng    0    10    0 eng-30

# 同義語のsynsetを用いて、単語テーブルから同義語を取得
syn_word <- dplyr::left_join(
  x = dplyr::tbl(
    src = wordnet_sqlite,
    from = dplyr::build_sql(
      "SELECT synset, wordid, freq, src FROM sense WHERE synset IN ", hit_words_synset$synset
  y = dplyr::tbl(src = wordnet_sqlite, from = "word"),
  by = c("wordid")
) %>%
  dplyr::select(synset, wordid, src, lang, lemma, pos) %>%
  dplyr::collect() %>%
  as.data.frame() %>%
       synset wordid    src lang                            lemma pos
1  00169305-n 109396 eng-30  eng                             bank   n
2  00169305-n 181934   hand  jpn                           バンク   n
3  02787772-n   2904 eng-30  eng                    bank_building   n
4  02787772-n 109396 eng-30  eng                             bank   n
5  02787772-n 181934  multi  jpn                           バンク   n
6  02787772-n 215551   hand  jpn                             銀行   n
7  04139859-n  33190 eng-30  eng                        money_box   n
8  04139859-n  59504 eng-30  eng                     savings_bank   n
9  04139859-n 109396 eng-30  eng                             bank   n
10 04139859-n 114383 eng-30  eng                        coin_bank   n
11 04139859-n 242717   mono  jpn                         貯蓄銀行   n
12 04139859-n 244846   hand  jpn                           貯金箱   n
13 08420278-n  50873 eng-30  eng                  banking_concern   n
14 08420278-n  84396 eng-30  eng depository_financial_institution   n
15 08420278-n  94765 eng-30  eng                  banking_company   n
16 08420278-n 109396 eng-30  eng                             bank   n
17 08420278-n 181934   hand  jpn                           バンク   n
18 08420278-n 215551   hand  jpn                             銀行   n
19 08420278-n 235459   hand  jpn                             銭荘   n
20 08420278-n 235696   hand  jpn                     預金金融機関   n
21 08462066-n 109396 eng-30  eng                             bank   n
22 08462066-n 181934   hand  jpn                           バンク   n
23 09213434-n 109396 eng-30  eng                             bank   n
24 09213434-n 160045   hand  jpn                                  n
25 09213434-n 178189   hand  jpn                                  n
26 09213434-n 181934   hand  jpn                           バンク   n
27 09213434-n 219256   hand  jpn                             土手   n
28 09213565-n 109396 eng-30  eng                             bank   n
29 09213565-n 172009   hand  jpn                             岸べ   n
30 09213565-n 204204   hand  jpn                             斜面   n
31 09213565-n 205653   hand  jpn                             岸辺   n
32 09213565-n 208732   hand  jpn                                  n
33 09213565-n 219256   hand  jpn                             土手   n
34 09213828-n  10271 eng-30  eng                             cant   n
35 09213828-n 109396 eng-30  eng                             bank   n
36 09213828-n 116039 eng-30  eng                           camber   n
37 13356402-n 109396 eng-30  eng                             bank   n
38 13356402-n 215551   hand  jpn                             銀行   n
39 13368318-n 109396 eng-30  eng                             bank   n
40 13368318-n 215551  multi  jpn                             銀行   n

# 関係する単語を抽出
## hype:上位語 hypo:下位語 hmem:構成要素(構成員) mprt:被構成要素(部分)
synlink_words <- dplyr::tbl(
  src = wordnet_sqlite,
  from = dplyr::build_sql(
    "SELECT word.lemma, link, word.pos, sense.wordid, synset1, synset2, word.lang, sense.src FROM synlink, sense, word WHERE synset1 IN ", unique(x = syn_word$synset),
    "AND synset2 = synset AND sense.wordid = word.wordid"
) %>%
  dplyr::collect() %>%
  as.data.frame() %>%
                     lemma link pos wordid    synset1    synset2 lang    src
1        airplane_maneuver hype   n  61332 00169305-n 00170844-n  eng eng-30
2          flight_maneuver hype   n  72532 00169305-n 00170844-n  eng eng-30
3            vertical_bank hypo   n  28729 00169305-n 00169522-n  eng eng-30
4               depository hype   n  20564 02787772-n 03177349-n  eng eng-30
5                  deposit hype   n  25267 02787772-n 03177349-n  eng eng-30
6               repository hype   n  41348 02787772-n 03177349-n  eng eng-30
7               depositary hype   n  83776 02787772-n 03177349-n  eng eng-30
8                 預かり所 hype   n 158245 02787772-n 03177349-n  jpn   hand
9                        hype   n 182060 02787772-n 03177349-n  jpn   hand
10                  保管所 hype   n 185928 02787772-n 03177349-n  jpn   hand
11                  貯蔵室 hype   n 186985 02787772-n 03177349-n  jpn   hand
12                  受託所 hype   n 188582 02787772-n 03177349-n  jpn   hand
13                  デポー hype   n 209663 02787772-n 03177349-n  jpn   hand
14                       hype   n 214943 02787772-n 03177349-n  jpn   hand
15                  貯蔵所 hype   n 228040 02787772-n 03177349-n  jpn   hand
16              リポジトリ hype   n 244611 02787772-n 03177349-n  jpn   hand
17                   vault mprt   n  47145 02787772-n 04523831-n  eng eng-30
18              bank_vault mprt   n  90999 02787772-n 04523831-n  eng eng-30
19               container hype   n  69347 04139859-n 03094503-n  eng eng-30
20                    器物 hype   n 164432 04139859-n 03094503-n  jpn   hand
21                入れもの hype   n 168151 04139859-n 03094503-n  jpn   hand
22                容れもの hype   n 185050 04139859-n 03094503-n  jpn   hand
23                  容れ物 hype   n 187629 04139859-n 03094503-n  jpn   hand
24              コンテナー hype   n 209830 04139859-n 03094503-n  jpn   hand
25                       hype   n 212300 04139859-n 03094503-n  jpn   hand
26                    入物 hype   n 222590 04139859-n 03094503-n  jpn   hand
27                コンテナ hype   n 240512 04139859-n 03094503-n  jpn   hand
28                  入れ物 hype   n 243209 04139859-n 03094503-n  jpn   hand
29                    容物 hype   n 243436 04139859-n 03094503-n  jpn   hand
30                    容器 hype   n 247435 04139859-n 03094503-n  jpn   hand
31              penny_bank hypo   n  13159 04139859-n 03935335-n  eng eng-30
32              piggy_bank hypo   n  95556 04139859-n 03935335-n  eng eng-30
33                    貯金 hypo   n 207174 04139859-n 03935335-n  jpn   mono
34          banking_system hmem   n  35951 08420278-n 08066491-n  eng eng-30
35        banking_industry hmem   n  91943 08420278-n 08066491-n  eng eng-30
36            銀行システム hmem   n 180060 08420278-n 08066491-n  jpn   mono
37  financial_organisation hype   n  13889 08420278-n 08054721-n  eng eng-30
38   financial_institution hype   n  42159 08420278-n 08054721-n  eng eng-30
39  financial_organization hype   n  46425 08420278-n 08054721-n  eng eng-30
40                金融機関 hype   n 234854 08420278-n 08054721-n  jpn   hand
41            credit_union hypo   n  89598 08420278-n 08234628-n  eng eng-30
42    federal_reserve_bank hypo   n  15844 08420278-n 08350919-n  eng eng-30
43            reserve_bank hypo   n  94149 08420278-n 08350919-n  eng eng-30
44                準備銀行 hypo   n 163248 08420278-n 08350919-n  jpn   hand
45              agent_bank hypo   n 115323 08420278-n 08418316-n  eng eng-30
46         commercial_bank hypo   n  84972 08420278-n 08418420-n  eng eng-30
47       full_service_bank hypo   n 107735 08420278-n 08418420-n  eng eng-30
48                商業銀行 hypo   n 189796 08420278-n 08418420-n  jpn   hand
49              state_bank hypo   n   6514 08420278-n 08418763-n  eng eng-30
50              ゴスバンク hypo   n 188702 08420278-n 08418763-n  jpn   mono
51               lead_bank hypo   n   6763 08420278-n 08418885-n  eng eng-30
52              agent_bank hypo   n 115323 08420278-n 08418885-n  eng eng-30
53             member_bank hypo   n 113068 08420278-n 08419033-n  eng eng-30
54                社員銀行 hypo   n 175463 08420278-n 08419033-n  jpn   mono
55           merchant_bank hypo   n  18400 08420278-n 08419163-n  eng eng-30
56                acquirer hypo   n  38281 08420278-n 08419163-n  eng eng-30
57      マーチャントバンク hypo   n 199652 08420278-n 08419163-n  jpn   hand
58                acquirer hypo   n  38281 08420278-n 08419562-n  eng eng-30
59                  取得者 hypo   n 181469 08420278-n 08419562-n  jpn   mono
60      thrift_institution hypo   n  53053 08420278-n 08422524-n  eng eng-30
61          home_loan_bank hypo   n  43386 08420278-n 08423298-n  eng eng-30
62                   array hype   n  34788 08462066-n 07939382-n  eng eng-30
63                       hype   n 183528 08462066-n 07939382-n  jpn   hand
64                    配列 hype   n 213303 08462066-n 07939382-n  jpn   hand
65                   ridge hype   n 110340 09213434-n 09409512-n  eng eng-30
66                  隆起線 hype   n 208638 09213434-n 09409512-n  jpn   hand
67                   bluff hypo   n  85554 09213434-n 09224725-n  eng eng-30
68                       hypo   n 200984 09213434-n 09224725-n  jpn   hand
69                       hypo   n 208732 09213434-n 09224725-n  jpn   hand
70                    断崖 hypo   n 234504 09213434-n 09224725-n  jpn   hand
71                sandbank hypo   n  31038 09213434-n 09421799-n  eng eng-30
72                       hypo   n 178843 09213434-n 09421799-n  jpn  multi
73                    砂州 hypo   n 232284 09213434-n 09421799-n  jpn   hand
74                    砂嘴 hypo   n 232395 09213434-n 09421799-n  jpn  multi
75                 incline hype   n  12108 09213565-n 09437454-n  eng eng-30
76                   slope hype   n  26474 09213565-n 09437454-n  eng eng-30
77                    side hype   n  95288 09213565-n 09437454-n  eng eng-30
78                    傾斜 hype   n 157253 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
79                  なぞえ hype   n 158222 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
80                  傾斜面 hype   n 173490 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
81                    勾配 hype   n 176613 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
82                スロープ hype   n 187845 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
83                       hype   n 194276 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
84                    斜面 hype   n 204204 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
85                  のり面 hype   n 247005 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
86               riverbank hypo   n  29468 09213565-n 09415584-n  eng eng-30
87               riverside hypo   n  71456 09213565-n 09415584-n  eng eng-30
88                    川岸 hypo   n 161829 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
89                    川端 hypo   n 164896 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
90                    川堤 hypo   n 177971 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
91                  川べり hypo   n 188586 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
92                  川っ縁 hypo   n 199838 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
93                    河岸 hypo   n 200402 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
94                  川ぶち hypo   n 202990 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
95                    川辺 hypo   n 203067 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
96                    川縁 hypo   n 203940 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
97                    川べ hypo   n 207716 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
98                  川ばた hypo   n 229181 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
99                    河堤 hypo   n 231694 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
100               川っぷち hypo   n 240536 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
101                   河畔 hypo   n 246327 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
102              waterside hypo   n 112977 09213565-n 09475925-n  eng eng-30
103                   水辺 hypo   n 162248 09213565-n 09475925-n  jpn   hand
104                incline hype   n  12108 09213828-n 09437454-n  eng eng-30
105                  slope hype   n  26474 09213828-n 09437454-n  eng eng-30
106                   side hype   n  95288 09213828-n 09437454-n  eng eng-30
107                   傾斜 hype   n 157253 09213828-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
108                 なぞえ hype   n 158222 09213828-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
109                 傾斜面 hype   n 173490 09213828-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
110                   勾配 hype   n 176613 09213828-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
111               スロープ hype   n 187845 09213828-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
112                      hype   n 194276 09213828-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
113                   斜面 hype   n 204204 09213828-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
114                 のり面 hype   n 247005 09213828-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
115     pecuniary_resource hype   n   3874 13356402-n 13356112-n  eng eng-30
116      monetary_resource hype   n  21832 13356402-n 13356112-n  eng eng-30
117               finances hype   n  51785 13356402-n 13356112-n  eng eng-30
118                  funds hype   n  87569 13356402-n 13356112-n  eng eng-30
119           cash_in_hand hype   n 105562 13356402-n 13356112-n  eng eng-30
120                   資金 hype   n 190819 13356402-n 13356112-n  jpn   hand
121              stockpile hype   n  21992 13368318-n 13368052-n  eng eng-30
122                reserve hype   n  41486 13368318-n 13368052-n  eng eng-30
123                backlog hype   n  75723 13368318-n 13368052-n  eng eng-30
124               リザーブ hype   n 165130 13368318-n 13368052-n  jpn   hand
125                   予備 hype   n 181781 13368318-n 13368052-n  jpn   hand
126                   蓄積 hype   n 188202 13368318-n 13368052-n  jpn   hand
127                   貯え hype   n 213203 13368318-n 13368052-n  jpn   hand
128                   控え hype   n 228164 13368318-n 13368052-n  jpn   hand
129                   蓄え hype   n 230209 13368318-n 13368052-n  jpn   hand
130                   貯蓄 hype   n 233381 13368318-n 13368052-n  jpn   hand
131                   備蓄 hype   n 242874 13368318-n 13368052-n  jpn   hand
132             blood_bank hypo   n  83103 13368318-n 13368517-n  eng eng-30
133               血液銀行 hypo   n 159726 13368318-n 13368517-n  jpn   hand
134               eye_bank hypo   n  82686 13368318-n 13368675-n  eng eng-30
135              food_bank hypo   n  78295 13368318-n 13368900-n  eng eng-30
136              soil_bank hypo   n  82174 13368318-n 13369282-n  eng eng-30

# 岸としての意味を持つbank
syn_word %>%
  dplyr::filter(synset == "09213565-n")
      synset wordid    src lang lemma pos
1 09213565-n 109396 eng-30  eng  bank   n
2 09213565-n 172009   hand  jpn  岸べ   n
3 09213565-n 204204   hand  jpn  斜面   n
4 09213565-n 205653   hand  jpn  岸辺   n
5 09213565-n 208732   hand  jpn       n
6 09213565-n 219256   hand  jpn  土手   n

synlink_words %>%
  dplyr::filter(synset1 == "09213565-n")
       lemma link pos wordid    synset1    synset2 lang    src
1    incline hype   n  12108 09213565-n 09437454-n  eng eng-30
2      slope hype   n  26474 09213565-n 09437454-n  eng eng-30
3       side hype   n  95288 09213565-n 09437454-n  eng eng-30
4       傾斜 hype   n 157253 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
5     なぞえ hype   n 158222 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
6     傾斜面 hype   n 173490 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
7       勾配 hype   n 176613 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
8   スロープ hype   n 187845 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
9          hype   n 194276 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
10      斜面 hype   n 204204 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
11    のり面 hype   n 247005 09213565-n 09437454-n  jpn   hand
12 riverbank hypo   n  29468 09213565-n 09415584-n  eng eng-30
13 riverside hypo   n  71456 09213565-n 09415584-n  eng eng-30
14      川岸 hypo   n 161829 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
15      川端 hypo   n 164896 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
16      川堤 hypo   n 177971 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
17    川べり hypo   n 188586 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
18    川っ縁 hypo   n 199838 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
19      河岸 hypo   n 200402 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
20    川ぶち hypo   n 202990 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
21      川辺 hypo   n 203067 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
22      川縁 hypo   n 203940 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
23      川べ hypo   n 207716 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
24    川ばた hypo   n 229181 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
25      河堤 hypo   n 231694 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
26  川っぷち hypo   n 240536 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
27      河畔 hypo   n 246327 09213565-n 09415584-n  jpn   hand
28 waterside hypo   n 112977 09213565-n 09475925-n  eng eng-30
29      水辺 hypo   n 162248 09213565-n 09475925-n  jpg   hand

# 銀行としての意味を持つbankで絞り込み
syn_word %>%
  dplyr::filter(synset == "08420278-n")
      synset wordid    src lang                            lemma pos
1 08420278-n  50873 eng-30  eng                  banking_concern   n
2 08420278-n  84396 eng-30  eng depository_financial_institution   n
3 08420278-n  94765 eng-30  eng                  banking_company   n
4 08420278-n 109396 eng-30  eng                             bank   n
5 08420278-n 181934   hand  jpn                           バンク   n
6 08420278-n 215551   hand  jpn                             銀行   n
7 08420278-n 235459   hand  jpn                             銭荘   n
8 08420278-n 235696   hand  jpn                     預金金融機関   n

synlink_words %>%
  dplyr::filter(synset1 == "08420278-n")
                    lemma link pos wordid    synset1    synset2 lang    src
1          banking_system hmem   n  35951 08420278-n 08066491-n  eng eng-30
2        banking_industry hmem   n  91943 08420278-n 08066491-n  eng eng-30
3            銀行システム hmem   n 180060 08420278-n 08066491-n  jpn   mono
4  financial_organisation hype   n  13889 08420278-n 08054721-n  eng eng-30
5   financial_institution hype   n  42159 08420278-n 08054721-n  eng eng-30
6  financial_organization hype   n  46425 08420278-n 08054721-n  eng eng-30
7                金融機関 hype   n 234854 08420278-n 08054721-n  jpn   hand
8            credit_union hypo   n  89598 08420278-n 08234628-n  eng eng-30
9    federal_reserve_bank hypo   n  15844 08420278-n 08350919-n  eng eng-30
10           reserve_bank hypo   n  94149 08420278-n 08350919-n  eng eng-30
11               準備銀行 hypo   n 163248 08420278-n 08350919-n  jpn   hand
12             agent_bank hypo   n 115323 08420278-n 08418316-n  eng eng-30
13        commercial_bank hypo   n  84972 08420278-n 08418420-n  eng eng-30
14      full_service_bank hypo   n 107735 08420278-n 08418420-n  eng eng-30
15               商業銀行 hypo   n 189796 08420278-n 08418420-n  jpn   hand
16             state_bank hypo   n   6514 08420278-n 08418763-n  eng eng-30
17             ゴスバンク hypo   n 188702 08420278-n 08418763-n  jpn   mono
18              lead_bank hypo   n   6763 08420278-n 08418885-n  eng eng-30
19             agent_bank hypo   n 115323 08420278-n 08418885-n  eng eng-30
20            member_bank hypo   n 113068 08420278-n 08419033-n  eng eng-30
21               社員銀行 hypo   n 175463 08420278-n 08419033-n  jpn   mono
22          merchant_bank hypo   n  18400 08420278-n 08419163-n  eng eng-30
23               acquirer hypo   n  38281 08420278-n 08419163-n  eng eng-30
24     マーチャントバンク hypo   n 199652 08420278-n 08419163-n  jpn   hand
25               acquirer hypo   n  38281 08420278-n 08419562-n  eng eng-30
26                 取得者 hypo   n 181469 08420278-n 08419562-n  jpn   mono
27     thrift_institution hypo   n  53053 08420278-n 08422524-n  eng eng-30
28         home_loan_bank hypo   n  43386 08420278-n 08423298-n  eng eng-30




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