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# 読み込むパッケージ
SET_LOAD_PACKAGE <- c("tidyverse", "Rcpp", "chunked", "tidytext", "visNetwork", "textmineR", "Matrix", "topicmodels", "LDAvis", "text2vec")

# コーパスファイルの設定
  DOWNLOAD_URL = "http://nlp.ist.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kuntt/KNBC_v1.0_090925.tar.bz2",
  DIST_FILE = "KNBC.tar.bz2"
  EXTRACT_DIR = "knbc_corpus",
  READ_DIR = "knbc_corpus/KNBC_v1.0_090925/corpus2/"
SET_STAGING_FILE = "knbc.csv"

# ストップワード設定
SET_STOP_WORD <- c("こと", "もの", "私", "よう", "これ", "の")
# MeCabの{Rcpp}ラッパー定義
Sys.setenv("PKG_LIBS" = "-lmecab")
callCppMeCab <- Rcpp::cppFunction(
  code = 'DataFrame callCppMeCab(SEXP str) {
  std::string input = Rcpp::as<std::string>(str);
  std::vector<std::string> surface, feature;

  // MeCabタガーを生成して、入力文の形態素解析結果を受け取る
  MeCab::Tagger *tagger = MeCab::createTagger("-l 2");
  const MeCab::Node* node = tagger->parseToNode(input.c_str());
  std::vector<std::string> strs;
  for (; node; node = node->next) {
    if (node->stat == MECAB_NOR_NODE || node->stat == MECAB_UNK_NODE) {
      surface.push_back(std::string(node->surface, node->length));
  return Rcpp::wrap(
      Rcpp::Named("surface") = surface,
      Rcpp::Named("feature") = feature
  includes = c("#include <mecab.h>")

# 形態素解析結果のうち、指定した品詞の表層のみを抽出
# @param text 形態素解析にかける入力文
# @param extract_pattern 抽出するパターン(正規表現)
extractContent <- function (text, extract_pattern) {
  ex_surface <- callCppMeCab(str = text) %>% 
      col = feature, 
      into = c("pos", "pos1", "pos2", "pos3", "ctype", "cform", "baseform", "orth", "pron"),
      sep = ",", fill = "right"
    ) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(string = .$pos, pattern = extract_pattern)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate_if(.tbl = ., .predicate = is.factor, .funs = as.character) %>% 
  if (nrow(x = ex_surface) < 1) {
  return (
    dplyr::summarize(ex_surface, sentence = stringr::str_c(surface, collapse = "\t")) %>% 



# 今回使用するパッケージを読み込み
pacman::p_load(char = SET_LOAD_PACKAGE, install = FALSE, character.only = TRUE)

# コーパス準備
  list = FALSE, compressed = "bzip2"

# document_id, sentence_id, textの形に変換
knbc_raw <- dplyr::bind_rows(
    X = list.files(path = SET_TARGET_DIR$READ_DIR, pattern = ".tsv$", full.names = TRUE),
    FUN = readr::read_tsv,
    locale = locale(encoding = "EUC-JP"),
    col_types = "cc----", col_names = c("id", "text")
) %>%  
  tidyr::separate(col = id, into = c("gid", "domain", "did", "dummy", "sid_1", "sid_2"), sep = "_|-") %>% 
  # タイトル除去
  dplyr::filter(.$sid_1 != 1) %>% 
  tidyr::unite_(col = "gids", from = c("gid", "did", "domain"), sep = "-") %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(did = as.integer(x = as.factor(x = gids))) %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(gids) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(sid = dplyr::row_number(x = gids)) %>% 
  dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
  dplyr::select(gids, did, sid, text) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(did, sid)

# テキスト毎のドメイン
knbc_domain <- knbc_raw %>% 
  dplyr::select(gids, did) %>% 
  tidyr::separate(col = gids, into = c("id", "v", "domain"), sep = "-") %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(domain, did) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(scount = n()) %>% 
  dplyr::select(did, domain) %>% 

# テキストのドメイン頻度
> table(knbc_domain$domain)

Gourmet  Keitai   Kyoto  Sports 
     57      79      91      22 

# 行数
> nrow(x = knbc_raw)
[1] 3934

# 文書数
> max(knbc_raw$did)
[1] 249

# 文書毎の文数
knbc_raw %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(did) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(sent_count = max(sid)) %>% 
  ggplot2::ggplot(data =., ggplot2::aes(x = sent_count)) + ggplot2::geom_histogram()

# ひとつの文の長さ
knbc_raw %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(sent_len = stringr::str_length(string = .$text)) %>% 
  ggplot2::ggplot(data =., ggplot2::aes(x = sent_len)) + ggplot2::geom_histogram()



# 各文から名詞と形容詞を抽出して、ファイルに書き出し
knbc_raw %>% 
  dplyr::select(-gids) %>% 
  dplyr::rowwise(data = .) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(text = extractContent(text = text, extract_pattern = "名詞|形容詞")) %>%
  readr::write_csv(path = SET_STAGING_FILE)



# 単語頻度を集計に{chunked}を試す
knbc_chunked_corpus <- chunked::read_table_chunkwise(
  file = SET_STAGING_FILE, sep = ",", chunk_size = 500,
  header = TRUE

# while文を回す方法しか思い当たらなかったので、いい感じに対処する方法を要調査
knbc <- list()
knbc_chunk <- "NULL"
while (!is.null(x = knbc_chunk)) {
  knbc_chunk <- knbc_chunked_corpus$next_chunk(cmds = NULL)
  if (!is.null(x = knbc_chunk)) {
    knbc <- dplyr::bind_rows(
      knbc, knbc_chunk %>% 
        tidytext::unnest_tokens_(output_col = "word", input_col = "text") %>% 
        dplyr::count(word, sort = TRUE)

> knbc %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(word) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(n = sum(n)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(x = n))
# A tibble: 5,124 × 2
    word     n
   <chr> <int>
1        713
2   こと   475
3        321
4   携帯   317
5   京都   289
6        237
7   電話   224
8   よう   216
9   もの   198
10  観光   158




knbc_corpus <- readr::read_csv(
  col_types = list(
    did = readr::col_integer(), sid = readr::col_integer(), text = readr::col_character()
) %>% 

> knbc_corpus %>% 
  dplyr::filter(did == 1 & sid == 1)
# A tibble: 1 × 3
    did   sid                                                 text
  <int> <int>                                                <chr>
1     1     1 今さら\t接頭\t句\tない\t今さら\t私\tプリペイド\t携帯

# tri-gram
> knbc_corpus %>% 
  tidytext::unnest_tokens_(output_col = "ngram", input_col = "text", token = "ngrams", n = 3) %>% 
  dplyr::filter(did == 1 & sid == 1)
# A tibble: 6 × 3
    did   sid                ngram
  <int> <int>                <chr>
1     1     1       今さら 接頭 
2     1     1         接頭  ない
3     1     1        ない 今さら
4     1     1       ない 今さら 
5     1     1 今さら  プリペイド
6     1     1    プリペイド 携帯

# skip-gram
> knbc_corpus %>% 
  tidytext::unnest_tokens_(output_col = "ngram", input_col = "text", token = "skip_ngrams", n = 3, k = 2) %>% 
  dplyr::filter(did == 1 & sid == 1)
# A tibble: 12 × 3
     did   sid                  ngram
   <int> <int>                  <chr>
1      1     1 今さら ない プリペイド
2      1     1       接頭 今さら 携帯
3      1     1       今さら  今さら
4      1     1           接頭 ない 
5      1     1    今さら プリペイド
6      1     1           ない  携帯
7      1     1         今さら 接頭 
8      1     1           接頭  ない
9      1     1          ない 今さら
10     1     1         ない 今さら 
11     1     1   今さら  プリペイド
12     1     1      プリペイド 携帯

# 文レベルでの共起頻度
knbc_co <- knbc_corpus %>% 
  tidytext::unnest_tokens_(output_col = "word", input_col = "text", token = "words") %>% 
  dplyr::anti_join(y = dplyr::data_frame(word = SET_STOP_WORD), by = "word") %>% 
  widyr::pairwise_count(item = word, feature = sid, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE) %>% 

# 共起頻度の頻度
> co_freq <- table(knbc_co$n) %>% 

      1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9      10      11      12 
2547815  425269  150040   69181   37289   22272   14126    9336    6042    4215    2986    2165 
     13      14      15      16      17      18      19      20      21      22      23      24 
   1448    1050     780     561     357     266     206     141     112      66      60      36 
     25      26      27      28      29      30      33 
     29      18      14       4       5       2       1 

# 共起ネットワークを可視化(頻度の累積相対度数(下位30%)を切り捨て)
knbc_co_net <- visNetwork::toVisNetworkData(
  igraph = igraph::graph.data.frame(
    d = knbc_co %>% 
      dplyr::filter(n > which.max(x = dplyr::cume_dist(x = co_freq) < 0.70)) %>% 
      dplyr::rename(from = item1, to = item2, value = n)
  idToLabel = TRUE
  nodes = knbc_co_net$nodes, edges = knbc_co_net$edges,
  width = 900, height = 1200
) %>% 
    highlightNearest = TRUE, nodesIdSelection = TRUE
  ) %>% 
  visNetwork::visIgraphLayout(layout = "layout_nicely") %>% 
  visNetwork::visPhysics(stabilization = TRUE)





# 文書毎の単語頻度(ストップワード除去)
knbc_doc_word_cnt <- knbc_corpus %>% 
  tidytext::unnest_tokens_(output_col = "word", input_col = "text", token = "words") %>% 
  dplyr::anti_join(y = dplyr::data_frame(word = SET_STOP_WORD), by = "word") %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(did, word) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(freq = n()) %>% 

# 上位10単語を表示
> knbc_doc_word_cnt %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(x = freq)) %>% 
  dplyr::top_n(n = 10, wt = freq)
# A tibble: 10 × 3
     did   word  freq
   <int>  <chr> <int>
1     56   神社    25
2     69   電話    20
3    200 うどん    20
4     69   携帯    19
5    110   離宮    18
6      1   携帯    16
7     70         16
8     70   交通    16
9     70         16
10   197   餃子    16

> knbc_doc_tfidf <- knbc_doc_word_cnt %>% 
  tidytext::bind_tf_idf_(term_col = "word", document_col = "did", n_col = "freq")

# IDF上位10単語を表示
> knbc_doc_tfidf %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(x = tf_idf)) %>% 
  dplyr::top_n(n = 10, wt = idf)
# A tibble: 2,962 × 6
     did       word  freq         tf      idf    tf_idf
   <int>      <chr> <int>      <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1    231 さつまいも     3 0.10000000 5.517453 0.5517453
2    141   なぎなた     3 0.08823529 5.517453 0.4868341
3    100     真如堂     4 0.08333333 5.517453 0.4597877
4     97       ケイ     5 0.07692308 5.517453 0.4244195
5    154     レタス    11 0.07534247 5.517453 0.4156985
6    172              3 0.07317073 5.517453 0.4037161
7    215              5 0.06944444 5.517453 0.3831565
8     70             16 0.06400000 5.517453 0.3531170
9    238       動物     4 0.06349206 5.517453 0.3503145
10   220       味噌     7 0.06194690 5.517453 0.3417891
# ... with 2,952 more rows

# TF-IDF上位10単語を表示
> knbc_doc_tfidf %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(x = tf_idf)) %>% 
  dplyr::top_n(n = 20, wt = tf_idf)
# A tibble: 20 × 6
     did         word  freq         tf      idf    tf_idf
   <int>        <chr> <int>      <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1    189         焼肉     5 0.15625000 4.824306 0.7537978
2    110         離宮    18 0.14285714 4.824306 0.6891865
3    238               11 0.17460317 3.725693 0.6505179
4    103         広告     7 0.14000000 4.418841 0.6186377
5    232       カフェ    12 0.16666667 3.571543 0.5952571
6    200       うどん    20 0.12820513 4.418841 0.5665180
7    231   さつまいも     3 0.10000000 5.517453 0.5517453
8    219 チャーシュー     4 0.10810811 4.824306 0.5215466
9    132         入力    12 0.13333333 3.908015 0.5210687
10   218         弁当     6 0.10714286 4.824306 0.5168899
11   178         充電     5 0.12500000 4.131159 0.5163948
12    44       ボタン     4 0.11428571 4.418841 0.5050104
13   141     なぎなた     3 0.08823529 5.517453 0.4868341
14   220       おでん    11 0.09734513 4.824306 0.4696227
15   169       パフェ     5 0.12500000 3.725693 0.4657117
16   100       真如堂     4 0.08333333 5.517453 0.4597877
17   197         餃子    16 0.09467456 4.824306 0.4567390
18   112         返信     7 0.12727273 3.571543 0.4545600
19   237                6 0.12000000 3.725693 0.4470832
20    97         ケイ     5 0.07692308 5.517453 0.4244195

# 文書間の距離(文書毎にTF-IDFが上位の10語に限定)
knbc_doc_dist <- knbc_doc_tfidf %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(did) %>% 
  dplyr::top_n(n = 10, wt = tf_idf) %>% 
  dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
  widyr::pairwise_dist(item = did, feature = word, value = tf_idf, method = "euclidean", upper = FALSE) %>% 

# 一番近い文書同士で共通して出現する単語を表示
  x = knbc_doc_tfidf %>% 
    dplyr::filter(did == knbc_doc_dist$item1[1]) %>% 
    dplyr::select(word, did, tf_idf) %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(x = tf_idf)),
  y = knbc_doc_dist %>% 
    dplyr::filter(item1 == knbc_doc_dist$item1[1]) %>% 
    dplyr::top_n(n = 1, wt = -distance) %>%
    dplyr::select(did = item2) %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(y = knbc_doc_tfidf) %>% 
    dplyr::select(word, did, tf_idf) %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(x = tf_idf)),
  by = c("word")
) %>% 
Joining, by = "did"
     word did.x    tf_idf.x did.y    tf_idf.y
1    卒業    52 0.021661008   115 0.018174114
2    あと    52 0.021160556   115 0.011836149
3    是非    52 0.020764783   115 0.017422160
4    多い    52 0.016394187   115 0.009170082
5          52 0.013348896   115 0.005600025
6          52 0.008367429   115 0.014040954
7          52 0.007990222   115 0.006703991
8    今日    52 0.006800579   115 0.011411703
9          52 0.006352466   115 0.010659748
10   どこ    52 0.005874841   115 0.019716540
11         52 0.005874841   115 0.009858270
12         52 0.004666947   115 0.015662731
13   時間    52 0.004443223   115 0.037279728
14 ところ    52 0.004389883   115 0.007366438
15         52 0.003914336   115 0.022989564
16         52 0.003488270   115 0.011706973
17   いい    52 0.002894373   115 0.004856899
18   ない    52 0.002862946   115 0.004804163


Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA)


# CAST Document-Term-Matrix
> knbc_dtm <- knbc_doc_word_cnt %>% 
  tidytext::cast_dtm_(term_col = "word", document_col = "did", value_col = "freq") %>% 
<<DocumentTermMatrix (documents: 249, terms: 5118)>>
Non-/sparse entries: 15776/1258606
Sparsity           : 99%
Maximal term length: 13
Weighting          : term frequency (tf)

> tidytext::tidy(x = knbc_dtm)
# A tibble: 15,776 × 3
   document     term count
      <chr>    <chr> <dbl>
1         1   com     1
2         2   com     1
3        46   com     1
4        69   com     1
5         1 http     1
6         2 http     2
7        35 http     1
8        46 http     1
9        69 http     3
10       92 http     1
# ... with 15,766 more rows

# CAST Term-Document-Matrix
> knbc_tdm <- knbc_doc_word_cnt %>% 
  tidytext::cast_tdm_(term_col = "word", document_col = "did", value_col = "freq") %>% 
<<TermDocumentMatrix (terms: 5118, documents: 249)>>
Non-/sparse entries: 15776/1258606
Sparsity           : 99%
Maximal term length: 13
Weighting          : term frequency (tf)

> tidytext::tidy(x = knbc_tdm)
# A tibble: 15,776 × 3
                   term document count
                  <chr>    <chr> <dbl>
1                com        1     1
2              http        1     1
3              mixi        1     1
4  prepaidfan        1     1
5                  sa        1     1
6      softbank        1     1
7      vodafone        1     1
8                web        1     1
9                www        1     1
10               いくつ        1     1
# ... with 15,766 more rows
# KNBCコーパスはGourmet, Keitai, Kyoto, Sportsについて書かれたコーパスなので、トピック数を4に指定して実行
knbc_dtm_lda <- topicmodels::LDA(x = knbc_dtm, k = 4, method = "Gibbs")

# 単語の生成確率が一番高いトピック
topic_term <- tidytext::tidy(knbc_dtm_lda, matrix = "beta") %>%
  dplyr::group_by(term) %>%
  dplyr::top_n(n = 1, wt = beta) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(topic) %>% 

# 各トピック毎に生成確率が高い上位10単語を表示
> topic_term %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(topic) %>%
  dplyr::top_n(n = 10, wt = beta) %>%
   topic     term        beta
1      1        0.014223022
2      1        0.035533876
3      1        0.006961546
4      1        0.010592284
5      1     観光 0.024799520
6      1     京都 0.045636800
7      1     時間 0.011539433
8      1        0.009645135
9      1     神社 0.009171560
10     1     清水 0.007592978
11     2     機能 0.009552115
12     2     携帯 0.050398932
13     2        0.010823612
14     2     自分 0.009869990
15     2        0.009711052
16     2     電話 0.035617788
17     2     いい 0.010982549
18     2        0.008916367
19     2     とき 0.011777234
20     2   メール 0.022743889
21     3     それ 0.011788188
22     3     ない 0.017929646
23     3        0.010252823
24     3        0.011105804
25     3        0.010082227
26     3        0.015029513
27     3        0.025435873
28     3     好き 0.013494149
29     3     しく 0.009741035
30     3     大学 0.010082227
31     4        0.013884887
32     4        0.006861403
33     4        0.010283100
34     4        0.009202564
35     4        0.011543726
36     4     さん 0.007581761
37     4 おいしい 0.007941939
38     4        0.014425155
39     4     料理 0.011363636
40     4        0.007581761

# 各トピック毎に生成確率が高い単語を可視化
  tidytext::tidy(knbc_dtm_lda) %>%
    dplyr::filter(beta > 0.010) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(term = reorder(term, beta)),
  ggplot2::aes(term, beta)
) + ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity") + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ topic, scales = "free") +
  ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, size = 15)) + 
  # Macでの日本語文字列表示用
  ggplot2::theme_bw(base_family = "HiraKakuProN-W3")


# 各テキストでひとつのトピックを選ぶ
> dplyr::left_join(
  x = tidytext::tidy(knbc_dtm_lda, matrix = "gamma") %>%
    dplyr::group_by(document) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(gamma) %>% 
    dplyr::top_n(n = 1, wt = gamma) %>%
    ungroup() %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(document = as.integer(x = document)) %>% 
  y = knbc_domain,
  by = c("document" = "did")
) %>% 
  dplyr::select(topic, domain) %>% 
  table %>% 
topic Gourmet Keitai Kyoto Sports
    1       3      1    72      1
    2       0     70     1      1
    3       8      7     9     20
    4      48      1    13      0

# tidytext::augmentでも同じ結果になると思ったが、微妙に異なる(要確認)
  x = tidytext::augment(x = knbc_dtm_lda) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(document = as.integer(x = .$document)) %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(document, .topic) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(cnt = n()) %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(document, cnt) %>% 
    dplyr::top_n(n = 1, wt = cnt) %>%
    dplyr::select(document, .topic),
  y = knbc_domain,
  by = c("document" = "did")
) %>% 
  dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
  dplyr::select(.topic, domain) %>% 
.topic Gourmet Keitai Kyoto Sports
     1       4      1    66      1
     2       0     70     3      2
     3       8      7    12     20
     4      45      1    14      0

# {LDAvis}で可視化
lda_posterior <- topicmodels::posterior(object = knbc_dtm_lda)
most_probable_topic_word <- knbc_dtm_lda @ wordassignments
lda_json <- LDAvis::createJSON(
  phi = lda_posterior$terms, 
  theta = lda_posterior$topics,
  vocab = colnames(x = lda_posterior$terms),
  doc.length = slam::row_sums(x = most_probable_topic_word, na.rm = TRUE),
  term.frequency = slam::col_sums(x = most_probable_topic_word, na.rm = TRUE)
LDAvis::serVis(json = lda_json, out.dir = "knbc_lda", open.browser = TRUE)


ldavis_topic1.png ldavis_topic2.png ldavis_topic3.png ldavis_topic4.png




# no method or default for coercing “DocumentTermMatrix” to “dgCMatrix”
# knbc_tcm <- textmineR::Dtm2Tcm(dtm = as(object = knbc_dtm, Class = "dgCMatrix"))
knbc_tcm <- textmineR::Dtm2Tcm(dtm = as(object = knbc_dtm, Class = "Matrix"))
knbc_glove_fit <- text2vec::glove(
  tcm = knbc_tcm, word_vectors_size = 50,
  num_iters = 50, x_max = 10, convergence_threshold = 0.005, 
  verbose = FALSE
word_vectors <- knbc_glove_fit$word_vectors[[1]] + knbc_glove_fit$word_vectors[[2]]
rownames(x = word_vectors) <- rownames(x = knbc_tcm)
word_vectors_norm <- sqrt(x = rowSums(x = word_vectors ^ 2))

# アナロジー
query <- word_vectors["ラーメン", , drop = FALSE] + word_vectors["餃子", , drop = FALSE]

cos_dist <- text2vec:::cosine(
  m_query = query, m_source = word_vectors, m_source_norm = word_vectors_norm
> head(sort(x = cos_dist[1, ], decreasing = TRUE), n = 10)
      餃子   ラーメン       直伝                         九州          インパクト     我が家 
 0.7830368  0.6812339  0.6218219  0.5890876  0.5718114  0.5650479  0.5609208  0.5578002  0.5537876 







> devtools::session_info()
Session info ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 setting  value                       
 version  R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21)
 system   x86_64, darwin13.4.0        
 ui       RStudio (0.99.903)          
 language (EN)                        
 collate  ja_JP.UTF-8                 
 tz       Asia/Tokyo                  
 date     2016-09-12                  

Packages --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 package      * version    date       source                            
 assertthat     0.1        2013-12-06 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 broom          0.4.1      2016-06-24 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 chron          2.3-47     2015-06-24 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 chunked      * 0.3        2016-06-24 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 codetools      0.2-14     2015-07-15 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 colorspace     1.2-6      2015-03-11 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 data.table     1.9.6      2015-09-19 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 DBI            0.5        2016-08-11 cran (@0.5)                       
 devtools       1.12.0     2016-06-24 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 digest         0.6.9      2016-01-08 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 dplyr        * 0.5.0      2016-06-24 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 foreach        1.4.3      2015-10-13 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 ggplot2      * 2.1.0      2016-03-01 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 gtable         0.2.0      2016-02-26 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 htmltools      0.3.5      2016-03-21 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 htmlwidgets    0.6        2016-02-25 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 iterators      1.0.8      2015-10-13 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 janeaustenr    0.1.1      2016-06-20 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 jsonlite       1.0        2016-07-01 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 lattice        0.20-33    2015-07-14 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 LDAvis       * 0.3.2      2015-10-24 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 magrittr       1.5        2014-11-22 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 Matrix       * 1.2-6      2016-05-02 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 memoise        1.0.0      2016-01-29 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 mnormt         1.5-4      2016-03-09 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 modeltools     0.2-21     2013-09-02 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 munsell        0.4.3      2016-02-13 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 nlme           3.1-128    2016-05-10 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 NLP            0.1-9      2016-02-18 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 pacman       * 0.4.1      2016-03-30 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 plyr           1.8.4      2016-06-08 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 psych          1.6.6      2016-06-28 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 purrr        * 0.2.2      2016-06-18 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 R6             2.1.3      2016-08-19 cran (@2.1.3)                     
 Rcpp         * 0.12.7     2016-09-05 cran (@0.12.7)                    
 RcppParallel   4.3.19     2016-05-05 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 RcppProgress   0.2.1      2015-01-09 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 readr        * 1.0.0      2016-08-03 cran (@1.0.0)                     
 reshape2       1.4.1      2014-12-06 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 rsconnect      0.4.3      2016-08-13 Github (rstudio/rsconnect@1665cb8)
 scales         0.4.0      2016-02-26 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 slam           0.1-37     2016-08-05 cran (@0.1-37)                    
 SnowballC      0.5.1      2014-08-09 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 stringi        1.1.1      2016-05-27 CRAN (R 3.3.1)                    
 stringr        1.1.0      2016-08-19 cran (@1.1.0)                     
 text2vec     * 0.3.0      2016-03-31 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 textmineR    * 2.0.2      2016-06-06 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 tibble       * 1.2        2016-08-26 cran (@1.2)                       
 tidyr        * 0.6.0      2016-08-12 cran (@0.6.0)                     
 tidytext     * 0.1.1      2016-06-25 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 tidyverse    * 2016-09-07 Github (hadley/tidyverse@7149f49) 
 tm             0.6-2      2015-07-03 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 tokenizers     0.1.2      2016-04-14 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 topicmodels  * 0.2-4      2016-05-23 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 visNetwork   * 1.0.1      2016-06-20 CRAN (R 3.3.0)                    
 widyr        * 2016-09-07 Github (dgrtwo/widyr@46c508a)     
 withr          1.0.2      2016-06-20 CRAN (R 3.3.0)         

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