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picojson::value を bool へ ECMA-262 互換で変換する実装例

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picojson の picojson::value を ECMA-262 で Boolean( x ) するのと互換の boolean 判定結果を bool で得る実装例を示したい。


#pragma once

#include "type.hxx"

namespace usagi::json::picojson
  static inline auto to_bool( const boolean_type in ) { return in; }

  /// @note ECMA-262 NaN: Boolean( 0/0 ) -> false
  /// @note ECMA-262 +Inf: Boolean( +1/0 ) -> true
  /// @note ECMA-262 -Inf: Boolean( -1/0 ) -> true
  static inline auto to_bool( const number_type in )
    return not std::isnan( in ) and in != 0;

  /// @note ECMA-262 empty-string: Boolean( "" ) -> false
  static inline auto to_bool( const string_type& in )
    return not in.empty();

  /// @note: ECMA-262 array: Boolean( [] ) -> true
  static inline auto to_bool( const array_type& )
  { return true; }

  /// @note: ECMA-262 object: Boolean( {} ) -> true
  static inline auto to_bool( const object_type& )
  { return true; }

  /// @note: ECMA-262 null: Boolean( null ) -> false
  static inline auto to_bool( const null_type& = null_type() )
  { return false; }

  /// @brief ECMA-262 Boolean( in ) 互換変換
  static inline auto to_bool( const value_type& in )
    if ( in.is< boolean_type >() )
      return to_bool( in.get< boolean_type >() );

    if ( in.is< number_type >() )
      return to_bool( in.get< number_type >() );

    if ( in.is< string_type >() )
      return to_bool( in.get< string_type >() );

    if ( in.is< array_type >() )
      return to_bool( in.get< array_type >() );

    if ( in.is< object_type >() )
      return to_bool( in.get< object_type >() );

    if ( in.is< null_type >() )
      return to_bool();

    return false;

  /// @brief to_bool した結果を value_type で得る syntax sugar
  static inline auto to_bool_value( const value_type& in )
  { return value_type( to_bool( in ) ); }


#include "make_value.hxx"
#include "to_bool.hxx"

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

auto main() -> int
  using namespace std;
  using namespace usagi::json::picojson;

    << "null -> " << boolalpha << to_bool( make_value() ) << '\n'
    << "0 -> " << boolalpha << to_bool( make_value( 0 ) ) << '\n'
    << "1 -> " << boolalpha << to_bool( make_value( 1 ) ) << '\n'
    << "-1 -> " << boolalpha << to_bool( make_value( -1 ) ) << '\n'
    << "\"\" -> " << boolalpha << to_bool( make_value( "" ) ) << '\n'
    << "\"hoge\" -> " << boolalpha << to_bool( make_value( "hoge" ) ) << '\n'
    << "false -> " << boolalpha << to_bool( make_value( false ) ) << '\n'
    << "true -> " << boolalpha << to_bool( make_value( true ) ) << '\n'
    << "[] -> " << boolalpha << to_bool( make_array_value() ) << '\n'
    << "{} -> " << boolalpha << to_bool( make_object_value() ) << '\n'


null -> false
0 -> false
1 -> true
-1 -> true
"" -> false
"hoge" -> true
false -> false
true -> true
[] -> true
{} -> true

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