#1. はじめに
SendGrid初心者のための注意点(SoftLayer版)にも書いたように、SoftLayer提供のSendGridでは、Click Trackingが有効にされています。これを無効化したいと思う人は多いと思うのですが、SoftLayerのサポートに聞いたりすると、SendGridに聞いてくれというたらい回しに会うことが結構あります(ちゃんと反論すれば、SendGridはSoftLayerが3rd Party提供しているのだから、SoftLayerが対応してくれるのですが、サポートメンバーのスキルレベルに応じては何度もやり取りの往復があるため、交渉に疲れる人も多いことでしょう。。。)。
#2. SendGridのChatサポート画面へたどり着く方法
- SoftLayerの管理ポータルから、Services > Email Delivery を選択
- Email Delivery Serviceの、Actionsから、Access Vendor Portalを選択
- SendGridのポータル画面が開くので、左上のロゴ部分から、Help&Supportを選択
- SendGridのサポートページが開くので、Sign inリンクを押下。 (特にユーザーID/パスワード入力の必要なく、ログインできるはずです)ログイン後、自分のアカウント名が表示される。
- ページ下の「Trending articles」のどれか1つの記事を選択
- ページ内にある、「Chat with Support」を選択
#3. Chatの開始。
Me: Hello, I'm using SendGrid offered from SoftLayer(3rd Party). In our current configuration, "Click Tracking" is enabled as default, but could you make it disabled because most of our receivers might treat the changed links as fishing
Just a moment...
Maria: hi there
Me: hi
Maria: just a moment please so I could read your statement
Me: thanks
Maria: you will have to contact Softlayer support in order to disable the Click Tracking as they have access to your features
Me: I contacted SoftLayer support, but they asked us to directly contact SendGrid to change our configuration...
because they don't have any policy about it.
Maria: oh, I see, in this case I will have to escalate your request to our developers in order to disable the app, could you please provide me your Sendgrid username?
Me: sure. my user name is "自分のユーザー名を伝える"
(my mail address is my user name in SendGrid. Sorry it might be confusing...)
Maria: done, I have put a request for you, but please note that it may take up to 24 hours until de app will be disabled, I will reach out to you via email as soon as I have their confirmation, sounds good for you>?
Me: appreciate your quick help!
I'm very satisfied with SendGrid support. Very thanks!
Maria: You're most welcome!
Is there anything else I can help with?
Me: That's all for now. Thanks! Have a good day!
Maria: You're welcome!
Have a nice day, and thanks for choosing SendGrid!
Hi there,
I hope this email finds you well.
Just wanted you to know that our dev team managed to disable the Click Tracking app, if you have any other questions, please let us know.
We all wish you a wonderful day!
#4. 終わりに