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  • EKReminder: Reminders.appのリマインダーをEKReminderクラスのインスタンスに変換
  • EKReminderArray: 複数のリマインダーに対応
    • 第3引数のsortDescriptorsでソート順を指定可能
  • reminderInReminders: EKReminderクラスのインスタンスをReminders.appのリマインダーに変換
  • reminderListInReminders: 複数のEKReminderクラスのインスタンスに対応
use scripting additions
use framework "EventKit"
use framework "Foundation"

set eventStore to current application's EKEventStore's alloc()'s initWithAccessToEntityTypes:(current application's EKEntityMaskReminder)
tell application "Reminders"
    set reminderItem to my EKReminder(eventStore, reminder 1)
    set reminderArray to my EKReminderArray(eventStore, id of reminders whose completed = false, {current application's NSSortDescriptor's sortDescriptorWithKey:"self.title" ascending:true})
end tell
my reminderInReminders(reminderItem)
my reminderListInReminders(reminderArray)

on EKReminder(eventStore, aReminder)
    --require framework: EventKit, Foundation
    return item 1 of my EKReminderArray(eventStore, {aReminder}, {})
end EKReminder

on EKReminderArray(eventStore, reminderList as list, sortDescriptors as list)
    --require framework: EventKit, Foundation
    set reminderArray to current application's NSMutableArray's arrayWithCapacity:(count reminderList)
    repeat with aReminder in reminderList
        tell application "Reminders"
            if class of aReminder = reminder then
                set reminderIdentifier to (current application's NSURL's URLWithString:(id of aReminder))'s |host|
            else if aReminder starts with "x-apple-reminder://" then
                set reminderIdentifier to (current application's NSURL's URLWithString:aReminder)'s |host|
                set reminderIdentifier to aReminder as text
            end if
        end tell
        set reminder to (eventStore's calendarItemWithIdentifier:reminderIdentifier)
        (reminderArray's addObject:reminder)
    end repeat
    return reminderArray's sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:sortDescriptors
end EKReminderArray

on reminderInReminders(reminder)
    --require framework: EventKit, Foundation
    return item 1 of my reminderListInReminders({reminder})
end reminderInReminders

on reminderListInReminders(reminderArray as list)
    --require framework: EventKit, Foundation
    set reminderList to {}
    repeat with reminder in reminderArray
        set reminderID to ((current application's NSString's stringWithString:"x-apple-reminder://")'s stringByAppendingString:(reminder's calendarItemIdentifier)) as text
        tell application "Reminders"
            set end of reminderList to reminder id reminderID
        end tell
    end repeat
    return reminderList
end reminderListInReminders
  • 2016-08-31: EventKitフレームワークを使ってEKReminderハンドラ、EKReminderArrayハンドラを作成
  • 2016-09-27: reminderInRemindersハンドラ、reminderListInRemindersハンドラを作成

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