
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

citation - Evernoteに実装するアンビリバボーな機能 #2

Last updated at Posted at 2015-12-18






citation screenshot 1


citation screenshot 2


citation screenshot 3


citation screenshot 4




citation screenshot 5


citation screenshot 6



(2015-12-18 追記) 使い方(発展編)


ソースコード冒頭にあるproperty citationTemplate : ...の部分で、貼り付けるリンクの見た目を決めています。


  • 元のままでは無駄な情報が多い
  • 文字やリンクの大きさや色、順番が気にくわない
  • 引用はblockquoteじゃないと気持ち悪い


その際に注意すべきこととして 特殊文字の取り扱い があります。

property citationTemplate : ...の部分ではHTML全体を文字列としてcitationTemplateという変数に入れるため、ダブルクオーテーション(")で囲っています。





  • Mac OS X: 10.11
  • Evernote: ver 6.3 (452832 Direct)


* [[Clipping]]: 引用内容 - getClipping()
* [[Link]]: リンクURL - getLink()
* [[Title]]: リンクタイトル - getTitle()
* [[Author]]: 作者 - getAuthor()
* [[Publisher]]: 出版社、発行元 - getPublisher()
* [[Date]]: 日付 - getDate()
property citationTemplate : "<br>
<div class='citation' style='padding: 0px 30px;'>
    <div class='clipping' style='line-height:18px; padding: 8px 15px; border-left:2px solid #dedede; color: #919191; font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: italic; font-size: 14px;'>[[Clipping]]</div>
    <div style='padding-left: 17px;'>
        <div class='title' style='color: #000000; font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 19px;'>
            <a style='text-decoration: none; color: rgba(45,190,96,1.0);' href='[[Link]]'>
        <div style='color: #919191; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 4px; font-family: 'CaeciliaLTStd', serif; font-style: italic;'>
            <span class='author'>[[Author]]</span>
            <span class='publisher'>[[Publisher]].</span>
            <span class='date'>[[Date]]</span>

on run

    if application "Evernote" is running and application "Evernote" is frontmost then
        set curApp to make Evernote
    else if application "Safari" is running and application "Safari" is frontmost then
        set curApp to make Safari
        --set curApp to make some_application
    end if

    copy citationTemplate to citation
    repeat with replacement in {¬
        {"[[Clipping]]", getClipping() of curApp}, ¬
        {"[[Link]]", getLink() of curApp}, ¬
        {"[[Title]]", getTitle() of curApp}, ¬
        {"[[Author]]", getAuthor() of curApp}, ¬
        {"[[Publisher]]", getPublisher() of curApp}, ¬
        {"[[Date]]", getDate() of curApp} ¬
        set {f, r} to replacement
        set r to my escapeHTMLSpecialChars(r)
        set r to my replace(r, {return, linefeed}, "<br>")
        set citation to my replace(citation, f, r)
    end repeat

    my copyHTML(citation)
    display notification getTitle() of curApp with title "Copied"
end run

script some_application

    on getClipping()
        repeat until application id (my appID) is frontmost
            activate application id (my appID)
        end repeat
        set the clipboard to ""
        set tmpClipboard to the clipboard as record
        tell application "System Events"
            keystroke "c" using {command down}
            set timestamp to current date
            repeat while (the clipboard as record) = tmpClipboard
                if (current date) > timestamp + 10 then
                end if
                delay 1
            end repeat
        end tell
        return the clipboard as text
    end getClipping

    on getLink()
        return ""
    end getLink

    on getTitle()
        return ""
    end getTitle

    on getAuthor()
        return ""
    end getAuthor

    on getPublisher()
        return ""
    end getPublisher

    on getDate()
        return ""
    end getDate

    on make
        set a_class to me
        script Instance
            property parent : a_class
            property appID : run script "tell application \"System Events\" to return bundle identifier of process 1 whose frontmost = true and visible = true"
        end script
    end make
end script

script Evernote
    property parent : some_application

    --on getClipping()
    --  continue getClipping()
    --end getClipping

    on getLink()
        tell application "Evernote"
            return note link of (note id (my noteID)) of notebook 1
        end tell
    end getLink

    on getTitle()
        tell application "Evernote"
            return title of (note id (my noteID)) of notebook 1
        end tell
    end getTitle

    on getAuthor()
        tell application "Evernote"
            set noteAuthor to author of (note id (my noteID)) of notebook 1
        end tell
        if noteAuthor = missing value then
            set noteAuthor to ""
        end if
        return noteAuthor
    end getAuthor

    on getPublisher()
        tell application "Evernote"
            return name of notebook of (note id (my noteID)) of notebook 1
        end tell
    end getPublisher

    on getDate()
        tell application "Evernote"
            tell creation date of (note id (my noteID)) of notebook 1 as date
                return "" & year & "年" & (month of it as number) & "月" & day & "日"
            end tell
        end tell
    end getDate

    on make
        set self to continue make
        script EvernoteInstance
            property parent : self
            property noteID : run script "tell application \"Evernote\" to return local id of item 1 of (selection as list)"
        end script
    end make
end script

script Safari
    property parent : some_application

    on getClipping()
        tell application "Safari"
            set clipping to do JavaScript "document.getSelection().toString();" in current tab of window id (my windowID)
        end tell
        if clipping = "" then
                set clipping to my extractText(my metas, linefeed & "og:description,", linefeed)
            on error number -2700
            end try
        end if
        return clipping
    end getClipping

    on getLink()
            return my extractText(my metas, linefeed & "og:url,", linefeed)
        on error number -2700
        end try
        tell application "Safari"
            return URL of current tab of window id (my windowID)
        end tell
    end getLink

    on getTitle()
            return my extractText(my metas, linefeed & "og:title,", linefeed)
        on error number -2700
        end try
        tell application "Safari"
            return name of current tab of window id (my windowID)
        end tell
    end getTitle

    on getAuthor()
            return my extractText(my metas, linefeed & "twitter:creator,", linefeed)
        on error number -2700
        end try
        return ""
    end getAuthor

    on getPublisher()
            return my extractText(my metas, linefeed & "og:site_name,", linefeed)
        on error number -2700
        end try
        return ""
    end getPublisher

    on getDate()
            set ISODate to my extractText(my metas, linefeed & "article:published_time,", linefeed)
            tell my ISODateToDate(ISODate)
                return "" & year & "年" & (month of it as number) & "月" & day & "日"
            end tell
        on error number -2700
        end try
        return ""
    end getDate

    on make
        set self to continue make
        script SafariInstance
            property parent : self
            property windowID : run script "tell application \"Safari\" to return id of window 1 whose current tab ≠ missing value"
            property metas : run script "tell application \"Safari\" to return do JavaScript \"var ary=[]; var elements=document.getElementsByTagName('meta'); for(i=0; i<elements.length; i++) {content=elements[i].getAttribute('content'); if(elements[i].getAttribute('property')) {ary.push(elements[i].getAttribute('property') + ',' + elements[i].getAttribute('content'));} else if(elements[i].getAttribute('name')) {ary.push(elements[i].getAttribute('name') + ',' + elements[i].getAttribute('content'));}} '\\\\n' + ary.join('\\\\n') + '\\\\n';\" in current tab of window id " & windowID
        end script
    end make
end script

on escapeHTMLSpecialChars(args)
    if class of args = list then
        repeat with i from 1 to count args
            set item i of args to my escapeHTMLSpecialChars(item i of args)
        end repeat
        set args to my replace(args, "&", "&amp;")
        set args to my replace(args, "<", "&lt;")
        set args to my replace(args, ">", "&gt;")
        set args to my replace(args, quote, "&quot;")
        set args to my replace(args, "'", "&#039;")
    end if
    return args
end escapeHTMLSpecialChars

on replace(str as text, find, replace as text)
    set oldDel to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to find
    set replaceList to text items of str
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replace
    set str to replaceList as string
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDel
    return str
end replace

on copyHTML(HTML as text)
    set the clipboard to {«class utf8»:HTML, string:HTML, Unicode text:HTML, «class HTML»:my htmlToRawData(HTML)}
end copyHTML

on extractText(theText, beginText, endText)
    --beginText, endText例: {text:"a", forwardSearch:false, containText:true}
    set beginText to (beginText as record) & {forwardSearch:true, containText:false}
    set endText to (endText as record) & {forwardSearch:true, containText:false}

    if theText does not contain text of beginText or theText does not contain text of endText then error "引数の文字列が含まれません"

    set scraps to my split(theText, text of beginText)
    if forwardSearch of beginText then
        set theText to my join(rest of scraps, text of beginText)
        set {theText} to reverse of scraps
    end if
    set scraps to my split(theText, text of endText)
    if forwardSearch of endText then
        set {theText} to scraps
        set theText to my join(reverse of rest of reverse of scraps, text of endText)
    end if
    if containText of beginText then
        set theText to "" & text of beginText & theText
    end if
    if containText of endText then
        set theText to "" & theText & text of endText
    end if
    return theText
end extractText

on ISODateToDate(ISODate)
    if class of ISODate = «class isot» then
        set aDate to ISODate as date
        set aDate to (do shell script "echo " & quoted form of ISODate as «class isot») as date
        if ISODate ends with "Z" then
            set aDate to my shiftDateFromGMT(aDate)
        end if
    end if
    return aDate
end ISODateToDate

on htmlToRawData(HTML as text)
    return run script "«data HTML" & (do shell script "echo " & quoted form of HTML & " | hexdump -v -e '/1 \"%02X\"'") & "»"
end htmlToRawData

on split(str as text, delim)
    set oldDel to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
    set aList to text items of str
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDel
    return aList
end split

on join(textList, term as text)
    set oldDel to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to term
    set aText to textList as string
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDel
    return aText
end join

on shiftDateFromGMT(aDate)
    global timeToGMT
    on error number -2753
        set timeToGMT to time to GMT
    end try
    return aDate + timeToGMT
end shiftDateFromGMT




  • スクリプトエディタ.app (/Applications/Utilities/Script Editor.app) 起動
  • メニューバー
  • 「スクリプトエディタ」
  • 「環境設定…」
  • 「一般」
  • 「スクリプトメニュー」
  • 「メニューバーにスクリプトメニューを表示」 にチェック




  • システム環境設定.app (/Applications/System Preferences.app) 起動
  • 「セキュリティとプライバシー」
  • 「プライバシー」
  • 鍵マーク 「変更するにはカギをクリックします。」をクリック
  • パスワード入力
  • 「ロックを解除」
  • 「アクセシビリティ」
  • 「+」
  • /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app を選択
  • 「開く」

(2015-12-18 追記) スクリプトファイルの保存方法



  • スクリプトエディタ.app (/Applications/Utilities/Script Editor.app) 起動
  • ファイル選択ダイアログが表示された場合は「新規書類」
  • このページ中部の「ソースコード」にある「citation.scpt」全体をスクリプトエディタ.appにコピペ
  • ⌘+Kでコンパイル
  • ⌘+Sで保存
  • 名前を「citation.scpt」に
  • 保存場所を「/Users/(ユーザ名)/Library/Scripts」に
  • ファイルフォーマットは「スクリプト」のままで
  • 「保存」




  • 2015-12-16: Evernoteのノート上で引用型ノートリンクをコピーする機能実装
  • 2015-12-17: Safariで引用型リンクをコピーする機能追加

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