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PHP: is_numeric - Manual

指定した変数が数値であるかどうかを調べます。数値形式の文字列は以下の要素から なります。(オプションの)符号、任意の数の数字、(オプションの)小数部、 そして(オプションの)指数部。つまり、+0123.45e6 は数値として有効な値です。十六進表記(0xf4c3b00c など) や二進表記 (0b10100111001 など)、そして八進表記 (0777 など) は認められません。

バージョン 説明
7.0.0 十六進表記(0xf4c3b00c など) の文字列は数値形式の文字列とみなされなくなりました。 つまり、is_numeric()FALSE を返すようになりました。



 * 出力をテキストとして表示するため、テキストファイルのContent-Typeを送信
header('Content-Type: text/plain');

$tests = [
    '42', // 普通の数値
    '0xf4c3b00c', // 十六進表記
    '0777', // 八進表記
    '0b10100111001', // 二進表記
    '1337e0', // 指数部を含む数値
    '+42', // 符号付きの数値
    '3.141592', // 小数部を含む数値
    'not numeric', // 数値ではない文字列

foreach ($tests as $element) {
    echo '"', $element, '" is' . (is_numeric($element) ? '' : ' NOT') . ' numeric', PHP_EOL;


PHP 7以上
"42" is numeric
"0xf4c3b00c" is NOT numeric
"0777" is NOT numeric
"0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
"1337e0" is numeric
"+42" is numeric
"3.141592" is numeric
"not numeric" is NOT numeric

PHP 7未満
"42" is numeric
"0xf4c3b00c" is numeric
"0777" is NOT numeric
"0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
"1337e0" is numeric
"+42" is numeric
"3.141592" is numeric
"not numeric" is NOT numeric


PHP 7.0.0beta2の場合

PHP 7.0.0beta2
"42" is numeric
"0xf4c3b00c" is NOT numeric
"0777" is numeric
"0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
"1337e0" is numeric
"+42" is numeric
"3.141592" is numeric
"not numeric" is NOT numeric

 "42" is numeric
 "0xf4c3b00c" is NOT numeric
-"0777" is NOT numeric
+"0777" is numeric
 "0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
 "1337e0" is numeric
 "+42" is numeric
 "3.141592" is numeric
 "not numeric" is NOT numeric

PHP 7.0.0alpha2の場合

PHP 7.0.0alpha2
"42" is numeric
"0xf4c3b00c" is NOT numeric
"0777" is numeric
"0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
"1337e0" is numeric
"+42" is numeric
"3.141592" is numeric
"not numeric" is NOT numeric

 "42" is numeric
 "0xf4c3b00c" is NOT numeric
-"0777" is NOT numeric
+"0777" is numeric
 "0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
 "1337e0" is numeric
 "+42" is numeric
 "3.141592" is numeric
 "not numeric" is NOT numeric

PHP 5.6.8の場合

PHP 5.6.8
"42" is numeric
"0xf4c3b00c" is numeric
"0777" is numeric
"0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
"1337e0" is numeric
"+42" is numeric
"3.141592" is numeric
"not numeric" is NOT numeric

 "42" is numeric
 "0xf4c3b00c" is numeric
-"0777" is NOT numeric
+"0777" is numeric
 "0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
 "1337e0" is numeric
 "+42" is numeric
 "3.141592" is numeric
 "not numeric" is NOT numeric

PHP 5.6.10の場合

PHP 5.6.10
"42" is numeric
"0xf4c3b00c" is numeric
"0777" is numeric
"0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
"1337e0" is numeric
"+42" is numeric
"3.141592" is numeric
"not numeric" is NOT numeric

 "42" is numeric
 "0xf4c3b00c" is numeric
-"0777" is NOT numeric
+"0777" is numeric
 "0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
 "1337e0" is numeric
 "+42" is numeric
 "3.141592" is numeric
 "not numeric" is NOT numeric

PHP 5.5.24の場合

PHP 5.5.24
"42" is numeric
"0xf4c3b00c" is numeric
"0777" is numeric
"0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
"1337e0" is numeric
"+42" is numeric
"3.141592" is numeric
"not numeric" is NOT numeric

 "42" is numeric
 "0xf4c3b00c" is numeric
-"0777" is NOT numeric
+"0777" is numeric
 "0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
 "1337e0" is numeric
 "+42" is numeric
 "3.141592" is numeric
 "not numeric" is NOT numeric

PHP 5.4.42の場合

PHP 5.4.42
"42" is numeric
"0xf4c3b00c" is numeric
"0777" is numeric
"0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
"1337e0" is numeric
"+42" is numeric
"3.141592" is numeric
"not numeric" is NOT numeric

 "42" is numeric
 "0xf4c3b00c" is numeric
-"0777" is NOT numeric
+"0777" is numeric
 "0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
 "1337e0" is numeric
 "+42" is numeric
 "3.141592" is numeric
 "not numeric" is NOT numeric

PHP 5.4.40の場合

PHP 5.4.40
"42" is numeric
"0xf4c3b00c" is numeric
"0777" is numeric
"0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
"1337e0" is numeric
"+42" is numeric
"3.141592" is numeric
"not numeric" is NOT numeric

 "42" is numeric
 "0xf4c3b00c" is numeric
-"0777" is NOT numeric
+"0777" is numeric
 "0b10100111001" is NOT numeric
 "1337e0" is numeric
 "+42" is numeric
 "3.141592" is numeric
 "not numeric" is NOT numeric



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