Android アプリ作成時の署名方法変更
def get_sigalg(self):
output = run.run([self.keytool,
'-keystore', self.keystore,
'-storepass', self.keystore_pass,
'-alias', self.keystore_alias
], protect_arg_positions=(6,))
# If the keytool encounters an error, that means some of the provided
# keychain info is invalid and we should bail anyway
run.check_output_for_error(output, r'RuntimeException: (.*)', True)
run.check_output_for_error(output, r'^keytool: (.*)', True)
# ここを変更
# Edited by sngmr for Error installing apk
match = re.search(r'Signature algorithm name: (.*)', output)
if match is not None:
if match.group(1) == "SHA256withRSA":
return "SHA1withRSA"
return match.group(1)
# Return the default:
return "MD5withRSA"
// 320行目付近
validate: function (value, callback) {
// if there's a value, then they entered something, otherwise let the cli prompt
if (value) {
var selectedAlias = value.toLowerCase(),
alias = _t.keystoreAlias = _t.keystoreAliases.filter(function (a) { return a.name && a.name.toLowerCase() == selectedAlias; }).shift();
if (!alias) {
return callback(new Error(__('Invalid "--alias" value "%s"', value)));
if (alias.sigalg && alias.sigalg.toLowerCase() == 'sha256withrsa') {
logger.warn(__('The selected alias %s uses the %s signature algorithm which will likely have issues with Android 4.3 and older.', ('"' + value + '"').cyan, ('"' + alias.sigalg + '"').cyan));
logger.warn(__('Certificates that use the %s or %s signature algorithm will provide better compatibility.', '"SHA1withRSA"'.cyan, '"MD5withRSA"'.cyan));
// ここを追加 for Java 7 で Keystore を作ってしまってるのの対応
logger.warn(__('Force change %s to %s', ('"' + alias.sigalg + '"').cyan, '"SHA1withRSA"'.cyan));
alias.sigalg = 'SHA1withRSA';
callback(null, value);
def list_devices(self):
adb = self.get_adb()
(out, err) = subprocess.Popen([adb, 'devices'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
if type(err) != types.NoneType and len(err) > 0:
raise Exception(err)
devices = []
for line in out.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("List of devices"): continue
elif line.startswith("emulator-"):
(name, status) = line.split()
port = int(name[name.index("-")+1:])
offline = False
if status == "offline":
offline = True
devices.append(Device(name, port, True, offline))
# Added by sngmr
elif line.startswith("192.168.56."):
(name, status) = line.split()
port = int(name[name.index(":")+1:])
offline = False
if status == "offline":
offline = True
devices.append(Device(name, port, True, offline))
elif "device" in line:
name = line.split()[0]
return devices
// 448行目付近
// Changed by sngmr
emulatorProcess = spawn('python', ['--version'], { detached: true, stdio: 'ignore' });
// emulatorProcess = spawn('python', emulatorCmd, { detached: true, stdio: 'ignore' });
/// 中略
// 465行目付近
devicesProcess.on('exit', function (code, status) {
if (results.indexOf('emulator') != -1) {
logger.info(__('Emulator is running') + '\n');
// Addedn by sngmr
} else if (results.indexOf('192.168.56.') != -1) {
logger.info(__('AndroVM Emulator is running') + '\n');
} else {
emulatorRunning = false;
logger.info(__('Emulator process exited successfully') + '\n');
logcatProcess && logcatProcess.kill('SIGKILL');
adbProcess && adbProcess.kill('SIGKILL');
buildProcess && buildProcess.kill('SIGKILL');
emulatorProcess = buildProcess = logcatProcess = adbProcess = null;