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Last updated at Posted at 2017-03-05

言語処理100本ノック 2015の挑戦記録です。環境はUbuntu 16.04 LTS + Python 3.5.2 :: Anaconda 4.1.1 (64-bit)です。過去のノックの一覧はこちらからどうぞ。

第9章: ベクトル空間法 (I)


なお,問題83を素直に実装すると,大量(約7GB)の主記憶が必要になる. メモリが不足する場合は,処理を工夫するか,1/100サンプリングのコーパスenwiki-20150112-400-r100-10576.txt.bz2を用いよ.

80. コーパスの整形

文を単語列に変換する最も単純な方法は,空白文字で単語に区切ることである. ただ,この方法では文末のピリオドや括弧などの記号が単語に含まれてしまう. そこで,コーパスの各行のテキストを空白文字でトークンのリストに分割した後,各トークンに以下の処理を施し,単語から記号を除去せよ.

  • トークンの先頭と末尾に出現する次の文字を削除: .,!?;:()[]'"
  • 空文字列となったトークンは削除



# coding: utf-8
import bz2
fname_input = 'enwiki-20150112-400-r100-10576.txt.bz2'		# 1/100版^^;
fname_output = 'corpus80.txt'

# 1行ずつ処理
with bz2.open(fname_input, 'rt') as data_file, \
		open(fname_output, mode='wt') as out_file:
	for line in data_file:

		# 空白で分解、前後の記号除去
		tokens = []		# 結果のトークン配列
		for chunk in line.split(' '):
			token = chunk.strip().strip('.,!?;:()[]\'"')
			if len(token) > 0:

		# 出力
		print(*tokens, sep=' ', end='\n', file=out_file)




Anarchism is a political philosophy that advocates stateless societies often defined as self-governed voluntary institutions but that several authors have defined as more specific institutions based on non-hierarchical free associations Anarchism holds the state to be undesirable unnecessary or harmful While anti-statism is central anarchism entails opposing authority or hierarchical organisation in the conduct of human relations including but not limited to the state system
As a subtle and anti-dogmatic philosophy anarchism draws on many currents of thought and strategy Anarchism does not offer a fixed body of doctrine from a single particular world view instead fluxing and flowing as a philosophy There are many types and traditions of anarchism not all of which are mutually exclusive Anarchist schools of thought can differ fundamentally supporting anything from extreme individualism to complete collectivism Strains of anarchism have often been divided into the categories of social and individualist anarchism or similar dual classifications Anarchism is usually considered a radical left-wing ideology and much of anarchist economics and anarchist legal philosophy reflect anti-authoritarian interpretations of communism collectivism syndicalism mutualism or participatory economics
The central tendency of anarchism as a social movement has been represented by anarcho-communism and anarcho-syndicalism with individualist anarchism being primarily a literary phenomenon which nevertheless did have an impact on the bigger currents and individualists have also participated in large anarchist organisations Many anarchists oppose all forms of aggression supporting self-defense or non-violence anarcho-pacifism while others have supported the use of some coercive measures including violent revolution and propaganda of the deed as means to achieve anarchist ends
Etymology and terminology
The term anarchism is a compound word composed from the word anarchy and the suffix -ism themselves derived respectively from the Greek i.e anarchy from anarchos meaning one without rulers from the privative prefix ἀν- an- i.e without and archos i.e leader ruler cf archon or arkhē i.e authority sovereignty realm magistracy and the suffix or -ismos -isma from the verbal infinitive suffix -ίζειν -izein The first known use of this word was in 1539."Anarchist was the term adopted by Maximilien de Robespierre to attack those on the left whom he had used for his own ends during the French Revolution but was determined to get rid of though among these anarchists there were few who exhibited the social revolt characteristics of later anarchists There would be many revolutionaries of the early nineteenth century who contributed to the anarchist doctrines of the next generation such as William Godwin and Wilhelm Weitling but they did not use the word anarchist or anarchism in describing themselves or their beliefs Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was the first political philosopher to call himself an anarchist marking the formal birth of anarchism in the mid-nineteenth century Since the 1890s from France the term libertarianism has often been used as a synonym for anarchism and was used almost exclusively in this sense until the 1950s in the United States its use as a synonym is still common outside the United States On the other hand some use libertarianism to refer to individualistic free-market philosophy only referring to free-market anarchism as libertarian anarchism
The earliest anarchist themes can be found in the 6th century BC among the works of Taoist philosopher Laozi and in later centuries by Zhuangzi and Bao Jingyan Zhuangzi's philosophy has been described by various sources as anarchist Zhuangzi wrote A petty thief is put in jail A great brigand becomes a ruler of a Nation Diogenes of Sinope and the Cynics their contemporary Zeno of Citium the founder of Stoicism also introduced similar topics Jesus is sometimes considered the first anarchist in the Christian anarchist tradition Georges Lechartier wrote that The true founder of anarchy was Jesus Christ and  the first anarchist society was that of the apostles In early Islamic history some manifestations of anarchic thought are found during the Islamic civil war over the Caliphate where the Kharijites insisted that the imamate is a right for each individual within the Islamic society Later some Muslim scholars such as Amer al-Basri and Abu Hanifa led movements of boycotting the rulers paving the way to the waqf endowments tradition which served as an alternative to and asylum from the centralized authorities of the emirs But such interpretations reverberates subversive religious conceptions like the aforementioned seemingly anarchistic Taoist teachings and that of other anti-authoritarian religious traditions creating a complex relationship regarding the question as to whether or not anarchism and religion are compatible This is exemplified when the glorification of the state is viewed as a form of sinful idolatry














なお、最初はWikipediaの1/10サンプリングを使っていたのですが、問題85でMemory Errorの壁にぶつかってしまい、1/100サンプリングに切り替えました^^;


実行結果には、100本ノックで用いるコーパス・データで配布されているデータの一部が含まれます。この第9章で用いているデータのライセンスはクリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示-継承 3.0 非移植日本語訳)です。


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