$ ./ruby/bin/gem install bundler
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'bundler' (>= 0), here is why:
Unable to download data from https://rubygems.org/ - SSL_set_tlsext_host_name: cert already in hash table (https://rubygems.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz)
$ ./ruby/bin/gem source --add http://rubygems.org
https://rubygems.org is recommended for security over http://rubygems.org
Do you want to add this insecure source? [yn] y
http://rubygems.org added to sources
$ ./ruby/bin/gem install bundler
Fetching: bundler-1.3.5.gem (100%)
Successfully installed bundler-1.3.5
Parsing documentation for bundler-1.3.5
Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.3.5
WARNING: Unable to pull data from 'https://rubygems.org/': SSL_set_tlsext_host_name: cert already in hash table (https://rubygems.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz)
1 gem installed