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More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2016-05-11




#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-5.8 runghc

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}

import Data.Proxy
import System.IO

class ShowType (t :: k) where
    showType :: Proxy t -> String

instance ShowType () where
    showType _ = "()"
instance ShowType Int where
    showType _ = "Int"
instance ShowType Double where
    showType _ = "Double"
instance ShowType String where
    showType _ = "String"
instance ShowType Bool where
    showType _ = "Bool"
instance ShowType IO where
    showType _ = "IO"
instance ShowType Maybe where
    showType _ = "Maybe"
instance ShowType [] where
    showType _ = "[]"
instance ShowType (->) where
    showType _ = "(->)"

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (ShowType a, ShowType b) => ShowType (a, b) where
    showType _ = "(" ++ showType (Proxy :: Proxy a) ++ ", " ++ showType (Proxy :: Proxy b) ++ ")"
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ShowType a => ShowType [a] where
    showType _ = "[" ++ showType (Proxy :: Proxy a) ++ "]"
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (ShowType b, ShowType c) => ShowType (b -> c) where
    showType _ = showType (Proxy :: Proxy b) ++ " -> " ++ showType (Proxy :: Proxy c)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (ShowType b, ShowType c, ShowType d) => ShowType ((b -> c) -> d) where
    showType _ = "(" ++ showType (Proxy :: Proxy b) ++ " -> " ++ showType (Proxy :: Proxy c) ++ ") -> " ++ showType (Proxy :: Proxy d)

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (ShowType f, ShowType t) => ShowType (f t) where
    showType _ = showType (Proxy :: Proxy f) ++ " " ++ showType (Proxy :: Proxy t)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (ShowType a, ShowType b, ShowType c) => ShowType (a b c) where
    showType _ = showType (Proxy :: Proxy a)
        ++ " " ++ showType (Proxy :: Proxy b)
        ++ " " ++ showType (Proxy :: Proxy c)

logType :: forall t. ShowType t => t -> IO ()
logType _ = hPutStrLn stderr $ showType (Proxy :: Proxy t)

main = do
    logType (1 :: Int)
    logType (3.4 :: Double)
    logType getLine
    logType putStrLn
    logType (Just "Heyhey")
    logType (even :: Int -> Bool)
    logType ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int)
    logType [True, False]
    logType (map :: (Int -> String) -> [Int] -> [String])
    logType (undefined :: [Int -> IO String] -> [Int] -> IO [String])
    logType (undefined :: ([(Int -> Int) -> IO String] -> [Int] -> IO [String]) -> Maybe Bool)
    logType (True, "hey")





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