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Unity Tilemapでウディタ規格のオートタイルを使う

Last updated at Posted at 2017-07-16

[2019/09/19追記] この記事で紹介しているスクリプトに様々な機能を追加した改善版をAsset Storeに公開しましたので、そちらをご利用いただけると幸いです。https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/sprite-management/fang-auto-tile-132602

この間、Unity2017.2 betaでTilemapが実装されたのに伴ってこんな記事を書きました。
Unity 2017.2b Tilemapでオートタイル


参考: マップチップ素材はどういう風に作ればいいの?


このコードを置くと、Projectウィンドウ右クリックでCreate > WolfAuto Tileが追加されます。あとは該当のSpriteのAssetをMultipleで5分割して、Advanced SettingsからRead/Writeにチェックを入れて、作成されたWolfAuto Tileの各スロットにぶち込んでください。あとはそいつをPaletteに配置すれば使えます。


using System;

using UnityEditor;

namespace UnityEngine.Tilemaps
    public class WolfAutoTile : TileBase
        public Sprite[] m_RawTilesSprites;

        public Sprite[] m_PatternedSprites;

        public override void RefreshTile(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tileMap)
            for (int yd = -1; yd <= 1; yd++)
                for (int xd = -1; xd <= 1; xd++)
                    Vector3Int position = new Vector3Int(location.x + xd, location.y + yd, location.z);
                    if (TileValue(tileMap, position))

        public override void GetTileData(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tileMap, ref TileData tileData)
            UpdateTile(location, tileMap, ref tileData);

        private void UpdateTile(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tileMap, ref TileData tileData)
            if (m_PatternedSprites == null)
                if (m_RawTilesSprites[0] && m_RawTilesSprites[1] && m_RawTilesSprites[2] && m_RawTilesSprites[3] && m_RawTilesSprites[4])
            tileData.transform = Matrix4x4.identity;
            tileData.color = Color.white;

            int mask = TileValue(tileMap, location + new Vector3Int(0, 1, 0)) ? 1 : 0;
            mask += TileValue(tileMap, location + new Vector3Int(1, 1, 0)) ? 2 : 0;
            mask += TileValue(tileMap, location + new Vector3Int(1, 0, 0)) ? 4 : 0;
            mask += TileValue(tileMap, location + new Vector3Int(1, -1, 0)) ? 8 : 0;
            mask += TileValue(tileMap, location + new Vector3Int(0, -1, 0)) ? 16 : 0;
            mask += TileValue(tileMap, location + new Vector3Int(-1, -1, 0)) ? 32 : 0;
            mask += TileValue(tileMap, location + new Vector3Int(-1, 0, 0)) ? 64 : 0;
            mask += TileValue(tileMap, location + new Vector3Int(-1, 1, 0)) ? 128 : 0;

            int index = GetIndex((byte)mask);
            if (index >= 0 && index < m_PatternedSprites.Length && TileValue(tileMap, location))
                tileData.sprite = m_PatternedSprites[index];
                tileData.color = Color.white;
                tileData.flags = (TileFlags.LockTransform | TileFlags.LockColor);
                tileData.colliderType = Tile.ColliderType.Sprite;

        private bool TileValue(ITilemap tileMap, Vector3Int position)
            TileBase tile = tileMap.GetTile(position);
            return (tile != null && tile == this);

        private int GetIndex(byte mask)
            string[] patternTexts = {
            int index = -1;
            for (int j = 0; j < patternTexts.Length; j++)
                bool flag = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    if (patternTexts[j][i] != 'x')
                        char currentBitChar = ((mask & (byte)Mathf.Pow(2, 7 - i)) != 0) ? '1' : '0';
                        if (patternTexts[j][i] != currentBitChar)
                            flag = false;
                if (flag)
                    index = j;
            return index;


        Sprite[,] Segments = new Sprite[5, 4];
        int[][] Patterns = new int[][]
            new int[] {0,2,1,4},
            new int[] {2,2,4,4},
            new int[] {2,0,4,1},
            new int[] {2,2,3,4},
            new int[] {2,2,4,3},
            new int[] {3,4,4,4},
            new int[] {4,3,4,4},
            new int[] {0,0,1,1},
            new int[] {1,4,1,4},
            new int[] {4,4,4,4},
            new int[] {4,1,4,1},
            new int[] {1,4,1,3},
            new int[] {4,1,3,1},
            new int[] {4,4,3,4},
            new int[] {4,4,4,3},
            new int[] {1,1,1,1},

            new int[] {1,4,0,2},
            new int[] {4,4,2,2},
            new int[] {4,1,2,0},
            new int[] {1,3,1,4},
            new int[] {3,1,4,1},
            new int[] {3,4,4,3},
            new int[] {4,3,3,4},
            new int[] {1,1,0,0},

            new int[] {0,2,1,3},
            new int[] {2,2,3,3},
            new int[] {2,0,3,1},
            new int[] {3,4,2,2},
            new int[] {4,3,2,2},
            new int[] {4,3,3,3},
            new int[] {3,4,3,3},
            new int[] {4,4,3,3},

            new int[] {1,3,1,3},

            new int[] {3,3,3,3},

            new int[] {3,1,3,1},
            new int[] {4,3,4,3},
            new int[] {3,4,3,4},
            new int[] {3,3,4,3},
            new int[] {3,3,3,4},
            new int[] {3,3,4,4},

            new int[] {1,3,0,2},
            new int[] {3,3,2,2},
            new int[] {3,1,2,0},
            new int[] {0,2,0,2},
            new int[] {2,2,2,2},
            new int[] {2,0,2,0},
            new int[] {0,0,0,0}

        public void GeneratePatterns()
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                Texture2D tex = m_RawTilesSprites[i].texture;
                int y = (int)m_RawTilesSprites[i].rect.y;
                int x = (int)m_RawTilesSprites[i].rect.x;
                int height = (int)m_RawTilesSprites[i].rect.height;
                int width = (int)m_RawTilesSprites[i].rect.width;
                int height_half = height / 2;
                int width_half = width / 2;
                Segments[i, 0] = Sprite.Create(tex, new Rect(x, y, width_half, height_half), Vector2.zero);
                Segments[i, 1] = Sprite.Create(tex, new Rect(x + width_half, y, width_half, height_half), Vector2.zero);
                Segments[i, 2] = Sprite.Create(tex, new Rect(x, y + height_half, width_half, height_half), Vector2.zero);
                Segments[i, 3] = Sprite.Create(tex, new Rect(x + width_half, y + height_half, width_half, height_half), Vector2.zero);


            m_PatternedSprites = new Sprite[47];
            for (int i = 0; i < 47; i++)
                m_PatternedSprites[i] = CombineTextures(Patterns[i]);

        private Sprite CombineTextures(int[] TypeIndex)
            int[] fixedArray = new int[4];
            fixedArray[0] = TypeIndex[2];
            fixedArray[1] = TypeIndex[3];
            fixedArray[2] = TypeIndex[0];
            fixedArray[3] = TypeIndex[1];

            Color[][] texs = new Color[4][];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

                int x = (int)Segments[fixedArray[i], i].rect.x;
                int y = (int)Segments[fixedArray[i], i].rect.y;
                int w = (int)Segments[fixedArray[i], i].rect.width;
                int h = (int)Segments[fixedArray[i], i].rect.height;
                texs[i] = Segments[fixedArray[i], i].texture.GetPixels(x, y, w, h);

            int width_half = (int)Segments[0, 0].rect.width;
            int height_half = (int)Segments[0, 0].rect.height;
            int width = width_half * 2;
            int height = height_half * 2;

            Color[] texArray = new Color[width * height];
            for (int i = 0; i < height_half; i++)
                Array.Copy(texs[0], i * width_half, texArray, i * width, width_half);

            for (int i = 0; i < height_half; i++)
                Array.Copy(texs[1], i * width_half, texArray, i * width + width_half, width_half);

            for (int i = 0; i < height_half; i++)
                Array.Copy(texs[2], i * width_half, texArray, (i + height_half) * width, width_half);

            for (int i = 0; i < height_half; i++)
                Array.Copy(texs[3], i * width_half, texArray, (i + height_half) * width + width_half, width_half);
            Texture2D ret = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
            ret.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            ret.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            return Sprite.Create(ret, new Rect(0, 0, width, height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), width);

        [MenuItem("Assets/Create/WolfAuto Tile")]
        public static void CreateTerrainTile()
            string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject("Save WolfAuto Tile", "New WolfAuto Tile", "asset", "Save WolfAuto Tile", "Assets");

            if (path == "")

            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<WolfAutoTile>(), path);


    public class WolfAutoTileEditor : Editor
        private WolfAutoTile tile { get { return (target as WolfAutoTile); } }

        public void OnEnable()
            if (tile.m_RawTilesSprites == null || tile.m_RawTilesSprites.Length != 15)
                tile.m_RawTilesSprites = new Sprite[15];
            if (tile.m_RawTilesSprites[0] && tile.m_RawTilesSprites[1] && tile.m_RawTilesSprites[2] && tile.m_RawTilesSprites[3] && tile.m_RawTilesSprites[4])

        public override void OnInspectorGUI()

            float oldLabelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
            EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 210;

            tile.m_RawTilesSprites[0] = (Sprite)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("上下左右どこにもこのオートタイルがない(直角に配置したときの外側の角に現れる)", tile.m_RawTilesSprites[0], typeof(Sprite), false, null);
            tile.m_RawTilesSprites[1] = (Sprite)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("上下にこのオートタイルがある", tile.m_RawTilesSprites[1], typeof(Sprite), false, null);
            tile.m_RawTilesSprites[2] = (Sprite)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("左右にこのオートタイルがある", tile.m_RawTilesSprites[2], typeof(Sprite), false, null);
            tile.m_RawTilesSprites[3] = (Sprite)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("直角にこのオートタイルを配置したとき、内側の角に現れる", tile.m_RawTilesSprites[3], typeof(Sprite), false, null);
            tile.m_RawTilesSprites[4] = (Sprite)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("このオートタイルに周囲を全て囲まれている", tile.m_RawTilesSprites[4], typeof(Sprite), false, null);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                if (tile.m_RawTilesSprites[0] && tile.m_RawTilesSprites[1] && tile.m_RawTilesSprites[2] && tile.m_RawTilesSprites[3] && tile.m_RawTilesSprites[4])


            EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = oldLabelWidth;

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