★17644 enaqx/awesome-react
- A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem.
★383 kohei-takata/learnyoureact
- Let's learn React.js and server side rendering!
★249 dimaip/server-side-rendering
- Interactive guide to server-side rendering with Webpack, React, React Transmit, CSS modules and more
- Server-Side Rendering With React, Node And Express – Smashing Magazine
- React + Expressでのサーバーサイドレンダリング方法のまとめ - Qiita
★2491 airbnb/hypernova
- A service for server-side rendering your JavaScript views
★1652 aickin/react-dom-stream
- A streaming server-side rendering library for React.
★308 walmartlabs/react-ssr-optimization
- React.js server-side rendering optimization with component memoization and templatization
★830 halt-hammerzeit/webpack-isomorphic-tools
- Server-side rendering for your Webpack-built applications (e.g. React)
★259 gabrielbull/react-router-server
- Server Side Rendering library for React Router v4.
★552 Rezonans/redux-async-connect
- It allows you to request async data, store them in redux state and connect them to your react component.
★337 makeomatic/redux-connect
- Provides decorator for resolving async props in react-router, extremely useful for handling server-side rendering in React
★1449 DavidWells/isomorphic-react-example
- ReactJS + NodeJS ( express ) demo tutorial with video. Universal/Isomorphic JS = Shared JavaScript that runs on both the client & server.
★1448 mhart/react-server-example
- A simple example of how to do server-side rendering with React (no compilation needed)
★440 ryanflorence/react-router-mega-demo
- WIP Move Along
★310 webpack/react-webpack-server-side-example
- Example of an react application with webpack including server-side rendering.
★267 barbar/vortigern
- A universal boilerplate for building web applications w/ TypeScript, React, Redux, Server Side Rendering and more.
★240 mhart/react-server-routing-example
- An example using universal client/server routing and data in React with AWS DynamoDB
★172 jesstelford/react-isomorphic-boilerplate
- Isomorphic Server & Browser Side Rendering with React >= 0.12
- ★86 jmfurlott/react-isomorphic-boilerplate
★29 koba04/react-server-side-rendering-sample at minimum
- My attempt at providing an isomorphic React app
★23 Spraso/modern-web-series
- Code supporting the Developing for a modern web with React.js series
★258 zen-js-code/react-universal-web-apps
- The application contains several variants, each in its separate branch, progressively demonstrating various paradigms for writing universal JavaScript with React, React Router, Node and Express.
- 基本的にはReduxのドキュメントにあるような感じで、特別な実装は入らない
- AsyncなStateに対応するために、makeomatic/redux-connectを使う
- サーバーサイドレンダリングされたReact DOMに対しても、要素を破棄することなくJavaScript側の処理が正しく適応される
- hypernova serverが落ちていた場合、サーバーサイドレンダリングは行われないが、JavaScriptは正常に機能するため、DOMが表示されないということがない(fall-back)
- RailsでReduxコンテナをサーバサイドレンダリング (use Hypernova by airbnb) - Qiita