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Dartで第一回 オフラインリアルタイムどう書く

Last updated at Posted at 2013-03-10

第一回 オフラインリアルタイムどう書くの問題をDartで解いてみました。

import "dart:io";
import "dart:math";

final List<int> clearFlags = [7, 56, 448, 73, 146, 292, 273, 84];

int nthBit(n) => 1 << (n - 1);

bool isClear(int state) => clearFlags.any((int flag) => (flag & state) == flag);

String solve_tic_tack_toe(String input) {
  int playerO = 0;
  int playerX = 0;
  int common = 0;

  for(var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
    int bit = nthBit(int.parse(input[i]));

    if(i % 2 == 0) {
      if((bit & common) != 0) return "Foul : x won.";
      playerO |= bit;
      if(isClear(playerO)) return "o won.";
    } else {
      if((bit & common) != 0) return "Foul : o won.";
      playerX |= bit;
      if(isClear(playerX)) return "x won.";
    common |= bit;
  return "Draw game.";

test(input, expect) {
  assert(solve_tic_tack_toe(input) == expect);

main() {
  test("79538246"    , "x won.");
  test("35497162193" , "x won.");
  test("61978543"    , "x won.");
  test("254961323121", "x won.");
  test("6134278187"  , "x won.");
  test("4319581"     , "Foul : x won.");
  test("9625663381"  , "Foul : x won.");
  test("7975662"     , "Foul : x won.");
  test("2368799597"  , "Foul : x won.");
  test("18652368566" , "Foul : x won.");
  test("965715"      , "o won.");
  test("38745796"    , "o won.");
  test("371929"      , "o won.");
  test("758698769"   , "o won.");
  test("42683953"    , "o won.");
  test("618843927"   , "Foul : o won.");
  test("36535224"    , "Foul : o won.");
  test("882973"      , "Foul : o won.");
  test("653675681"   , "Foul : o won.");
  test("9729934662"  , "Foul : o won.");
  test("972651483927", "Draw game.");
  test("5439126787"  , "Draw game.");
  test("142583697"   , "Draw game.");
  test("42198637563" , "Draw game.");
  test("657391482"   , "Draw game.");

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