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Quantum computer

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  • Quantum computer
  • Cryptographic security


Explain before introducing the news...

  • Moore's Law is said to be the limit (High integration) moore
  • In the future, a new breakthrough is necessary
    • Quantum computer
  • Expected quantum computer to be active in various fields
    • Machine learning
    • Optimization problem

quantum computer

  • Instead of the logic gate, performing quantum computation using quantum gate
  • Use Quantum bits
  • Quantum bits can take both "0" and "1" states with the same probability
    • At the same timing

Break RSA encryption?

  • RSA core concept: Huge number of prime factorization is difficult with classical computers
    • Public-key cryptograph pub
  • Even though the multiplication of prime numbers is EASY!(hard for humans...)
  • It takes a huge time for prime factorization of a huge number
  • But...There is an algorithm that can solve prime factorization in polynomial time
    • Polynomial time $O(n^c)$ <<<<< Exponential time $O(c^n)$
  • Will it break if it is a quantum computer?
    • The answer? is in the following article



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