
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

Azure CLIを試す (for windows)

Last updated at Posted at 2017-01-19


  1. bashが使えるWindows環境(必要ないかも)
  2. node.js, npmインストール済み ※参考 http://yohshiy.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-307.html
  3. Microsoftアカウントとサブスクリプションの追加
  4. azureのデプロイモードはリソースマネージャー(ARM)


# npm install -g azure-cli


# azure --help
info:            /_\  |_  / | | | _ \ __|
info:      _ ___/ _ \__/ /| |_| |   / _|___ _ _
info:    (___  /_/ \_\/___|\___/|_|_\___| _____)
info:       (_______ _ _)         _ ______ _)_ _
info:              (______________ _ )   (___ _ _)
info:    Microsoft Azure: Microsoft's Cloud Platform
info:    Tool version 0.10.8
help:    Display help for a given command
help:      help [options] [command]
help:    Log in to an Azure subscription using Active Directory or a Microsoft account identity.
help:      login [options]
help:    Log out from Azure subscription using Active Directory. Currently, the user can log out only via Microsoft organizational account
help:      logout [options] [username]
help:    Open the portal in a browser
help:      portal [options]
help:    Manages the data collection preference.
help:      telemetry [options]
help:    Commands:
help:      account                                               Commands to manage your account information and publish settings
help:      account env                                           Commands to manage your account environment
help:      acs                                                   Commands to manage your container service.
help:      acs config                                            Commands to manage configuration of container-service in the parameter file.
help:      acs config agent-pool-profiles                        Commands to configure agent-pool-profiles of acs in config file.
help:      acs config container-service                          Commands to configure container-service of acs in config file.
help:      acs config diagnostics-profile                        Commands to configure diagnostics-profile of acs in config file.
help:      acs config linux-profile                              Commands to configure linux-profile of acs in config file.
help:      acs config master-profile                             Commands to configure master-profile of acs in config file.
help:      acs config orchestrator-profile                       Commands to configure orchestrator-profile of acs in config file.
help:      acs config public-keys                                Commands to configure public-keys of acs in config file.
help:      acs config ssh                                        Commands to configure ssh of acs in config file.
~ 中略 ~
help:    Options:
help:      -h, --help     output usage information
help:      -v, --version  output the application version
help:    Current Mode: arm (Azure Resource Management)


# azure login
info:    Executing command login
info:    To sign in, use a web browser to open the page http://aka.ms/devicelogin. Enter the code XXXXXXXXX to authenticate.

コマンド実行後、ブラウザでhttp://aka.ms/devicelogin へアクセス、ログイン、コマンド実行結果に表示されているコード(XXXXXXXXX箇所)を入力する。

info:    Added subscription Visual Studio Ultimate with MSDN
info:    Added subscription Azure Free Trial
info:    Setting subscription "Visual Studio Ultimate with MSDN" as default
info:    login command OK


# azure account list
info:    Executing command account list
data:    Name                      Id                                    Current  State
data:    ------------------------  ------------------------------------  -------  -------
data:    Microsoft Azure エンタープライズ  ###############################  true     Enabled
info:    account list command OK



# azure vm image list japaneast Openlogic
info:    Executing command vm image list
info:    Getting virtual machine image offers (Publisher: "Openlogic" Location:"japaneast")
data:    Publisher  Offer       Sku   OS     Version       Location   Urn
data:    ---------  ----------  ----  -----  ------------  ---------  -------------------------------------
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.5   Linux  6.5.201501    japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.5:6.5.201501
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.5   Linux  6.5.201503    japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.5:6.5.201503
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.5   Linux  6.5.201506    japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.5:6.5.201506
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.5   Linux  6.5.20150904  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.5:6.5.20150904
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.5   Linux  6.5.20160309  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.5:6.5.20160309
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.6   Linux  6.6.201501    japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.6:6.6.201501
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.6   Linux  6.6.201503    japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.6:6.6.201503
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.6   Linux  6.6.201506    japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.6:6.6.201506
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.6   Linux  6.6.20150706  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.6:6.6.20150706
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.6   Linux  6.6.20150731  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.6:6.6.20150731
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.6   Linux  6.6.20160309  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.6:6.6.20160309
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.7   Linux  6.7.20150815  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.7:6.7.20150815
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.7   Linux  6.7.20160303  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.7:6.7.20160303
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.7   Linux  6.7.20160310  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.7:6.7.20160310
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.8   Linux  6.8.20160620  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.8:6.8.20160620
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.8   Linux  6.8.20161026  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.8:6.8.20161026
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      6.8   Linux  6.8.20170105  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:6.8:6.8.20170105
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.0   Linux  7.0.20150128  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.0:7.0.20150128
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.0   Linux  7.0.20150325  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.0:7.0.20150325
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.0   Linux  7.0.20150605  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.0:7.0.20150605
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.0   Linux  7.0.20150904  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.0:7.0.20150904
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.0   Linux  7.0.20160309  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.0:7.0.20160309
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.1   Linux  7.1.20150410  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.1:7.1.20150410
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.1   Linux  7.1.20150605  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.1:7.1.20150605
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.1   Linux  7.1.20150731  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.1:7.1.20150731
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.1   Linux  7.1.20160308  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.1:7.1.20160308
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.2   Linux  7.2.20160303  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.2:7.2.20160303
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.2   Linux  7.2.20160308  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.2:7.2.20160308
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.2   Linux  7.2.20160620  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.2:7.2.20160620
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.2   Linux  7.2.20161026  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.2:7.2.20161026
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.2   Linux  7.2.20170105  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.2:7.2.20170105
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.2n  Linux  7.2.20160629  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.2n:7.2.20160629
data:    Openlogic  CentOS      7.3   Linux  7.3.20161221  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS:7.3:7.3.20161221
data:    Openlogic  CentOS-HPC  6.5   Linux  6.5.20160408  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS-HPC:6.5:6.5.20160408
data:    Openlogic  CentOS-HPC  7.1   Linux  7.1.20160408  japaneast  Openlogic:CentOS-HPC:7.1:7.1.20160408
info:    vm image list command OK

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