Sublime Text 2で使っていたのがそのままだと動かなかったので、下のように直して使っています。
「Preferences -> Browes Packages」で開いたフォルダの「User」フォルダの中に置いてます。
// This build system will build your cs file to exe file and will run it
"file_regex": "^(...*?)[(]([0-9]*),([0-9]*)[)]",
// By default csc is not in your PATH, so add it to your path
// or uncomment "path" and check that it has correct value
"path": "C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/",
"shell": true, // Without this sublime has hard times to parse "&" in out command line
"selector": "source.cs",
"cmd": ["del", "${file/\\.cs/\\.exe/}", "2>NUL", "&", "csc", "/nologo", "/out:${file/\\.cs/\\.exe/}", "$file"],
"encoding": "cp932",
"name": "Run",
"cmd": ["del", "${file/\\.cs/\\.exe/}", "2>NUL", "&", "csc", "/nologo", "/out:${file/\\.cs/\\.exe/}", "$file", "&", "${file/\\.cs/\\.exe/}"],
"encoding": "cp932",