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Apache Spark ドキュメント和訳 - Apache Spark on AWS EC2

Last updated at Posted at 2014-06-09

Apache Sparkについて

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Quick StartやEC2での導入ガイドも和訳していますのであわせてご覧ください。

Running Spark on EC2 (Spark をEC2で起動する)

The spark-ec2 script, located in Spark’s ec2 directory, allows you to launch, manage and shut down Spark clusters on Amazon EC2. It automatically sets up Spark, Shark and HDFS on the cluster for you. This guide describes how to use spark-ec2 to launch clusters, how to run jobs on them, and how to shut them down. It assumes you’ve already signed up for an EC2 account on the Amazon Web Services site.

Sparkのec2フォルダに配置されているspark-ec2スクリプトを使えば、Amazon EC2上のSparkクラスターを起動・管理・停止することができる。
このスクリプトは自動的にSpark, Shark, HDFSをクラスタ上にセットアップする。

spark-ec2 is designed to manage multiple named clusters. You can launch a new cluster (telling the script its size and giving it a name), shutdown an existing cluster, or log into a cluster.


Each cluster is identified by placing its machines into EC2 security groups whose names are derived from the name of the cluster.


For example, a cluster named test will contain a master node in a security group called test-master, and a number of slave nodes in a security group called test-slaves.


The spark-ec2 script will create these security groups for you based on the cluster name you request. You can also use them to identify machines belonging to each cluster in the Amazon EC2 Console.

spark-ec2スクリプトはこれらのセキュリティグループをあなたが要求したクラスタ名に基づいて生成する。あなたはそれらをAmazon EC2コンソールからそれぞれのインスタンスを所属させて利用することができる。

Before You Start (起動の前に)

Create an Amazon EC2 key pair for yourself. This can be done by logging into your Amazon Web Services account through the AWS console, clicking Key Pairs on the left sidebar, and creating and downloading a key. Make sure that you set the permissions for the private key file to 600 (i.e. only you can read and write it) so that ssh will work.


Whenever you want to use the spark-ec2 script, set the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to your Amazon EC2 access key ID and secret access key. These can be obtained from the AWS homepage by clicking Account > Security Credentials > Access Credentials.



Launching a Cluster(クラスターを起動する)

Go into the ec2 directory in the release of Spark you downloaded.


Run ./spark-ec2 -k -i -s launch , where is the name of your EC2 key pair (that you gave it when you created it), is the private key file for your key pair, is the number of slave nodes to launch (try 1 at first), and is the name to give to
your cluster.


./spark-ec2 -k <keypair> -i <key-file> -s <num-slaves> launch <cluster-name>


After everything launches, check that the cluster scheduler is up and sees all the slaves by going to its web UI, which will be printed at the end of the script (typically http://:8080).

全て起動した後にクラスタースケジューラーが木同士全てのスレーブがweb UIから確認できるかチェックしてください。Web UIのURLはスクリプト実行の最後に表示されます。
(一般的に http://master-hostname>:8080/)

You can also run ./spark-ec2 --help to see more usage options. The following options are worth pointing out:

./spark-ec2 --helpを実行すれば利用可能なオプションを表示できる。下記のオプションは有用な一部オプションの抜粋です。

--instance-type= can be used to specify an EC2 instance type to use. For now, the script only supports 64-bit instance types, and the default type is m1.large (which has 2 cores and 7.5 GB RAM). Refer to the Amazon pages about EC2 instance types and EC2 pricing for information about other instance types.

EC2インスタンスタイプを指定できます。現在は64bitインスタンスタイプのみサポートしています。デフォルトのタイプはm2.large(2コア:7.5GBメモリ)です。他のインスタンスタイプについてはAmazon EC2のインスタンスタイプと料金表のページを参照してください。

--region= specifies an EC2 region in which to launch instances. The default region is us-east-1.


--zone= can be used to specify an EC2 availability zone to launch instances in. Sometimes, you will get an error because there is not enough capacity in one zone, and you should try to launch in another.


--ebs-vol-size=GB will attach an EBS volume with a given amount of space to each node so that you can have a persistent HDFS cluster on your nodes across cluster restarts (see below).


--spot-price=PRICE will launch the worker nodes as Spot Instances, bidding for the given maximum price (in dollars).


--spark-version=VERSION will pre-load the cluster with the specified version of Spark. VERSION can be a version number (e.g. “0.7.3”) or a specific git hash. By default, a recent version will be used.


If one of your launches fails due to e.g. not having the right permissions on your private key file, you can run launch with the --resume option to restart the setup process on an existing cluster.

もしも[not having the righe permissions on your private key file,]等表示されて起動に失敗した場合は、--resumeオプションをつけてリスタートさせることで存在するクラスタのセットアッププロセスを利用できます。

Running Applications (アプリケーションを稼働させる)

Go into the ec2 directory in the release of Spark you downloaded.


Run ./spark-ec2 -k -i login to SSH into the cluster, where and are as above. (This is just for convenience; you could also use the EC2 console.)


./spark-ec2 -k <keypair> -i <key-file> login <cluster-name>


To deploy code or data within your cluster, you can log in and use the provided script ~/spark-ec2/copy-dir, which, given a directory path, RSYNCs it to the same location on all the slaves.


If your application needs to access large datasets, the fastest way to do that is to load them from Amazon S3 or an Amazon EBS device into an instance of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) on your nodes. The spark-ec2 script already sets up a HDFS instance for you. It’s installed in /root/ephemeral-hdfs, and can be accessed using the bin/hadoop script in that directory. Note that the data in this HDFS goes away when you stop and restart a machine.

もしあなたのアプリケーションが巨大なデータセットにアクセスする必要があるなら、もっとも早い方法はAmazonS3かAmazon EBSでバイスからノード上のインスタンスのHDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System)に読み込むことです。

There is also a persistent HDFS instance in /root/persistent-hdfs that will keep data across cluster restarts. Typically each node has relatively little space of persistent data (about 3 GB), but you can use the --ebs-vol-size option to spark-ec2 to attach a persistent EBS volume to each node for storing the persistent HDFS.


Finally, if you get errors while running your application, look at the slave’s logs for that application inside of the scheduler work directory (/root/spark/work). You can also view the status of the cluster using the web UI: http://:8080.

Web UI(http://:8080/)で状態を確認することもできます。

Configuration (設定)

You can edit /root/spark/conf/spark-env.sh on each machine to set Spark configuration options, such as JVM options. This file needs to be copied to every machine to reflect the change. The easiest way to do this is to use a script we provide called copy-dir. First edit your spark-env.sh file on the master, then run ~/spark-ec2/copy-dir /root/spark/conf to RSYNC it to all the workers.

最初にマスター上でspark-env.shファイルを編集し、~/spark-ec2/copy-dir /root/spark/confをRSYNCすることで全てのワーカーに同期されます。

The configuration guide describes the available configuration options.


Terminating a Cluster (クラスターを破棄する)

Note that there is no way to recover data on EC2 nodes after shutting them down! Make sure you have copied everything important off the nodes before stopping them.


Go into the ec2 directory in the release of Spark you downloaded.
Run ./spark-ec2 destroy .

./spark-ec2 destory を実行してください。


Pausing and Restarting Clusters (一時停止と再稼働)

The spark-ec2 script also supports pausing a cluster. In this case, the VMs are stopped but not terminated, so they lose all data on ephemeral disks but keep the data in their root partitions and their persistent-hdfs. Stopped machines will not cost you any EC2 cycles, but will continue to cost money for EBS storage.


To stop one of your clusters, go into the ec2 directory and run ./spark-ec2 stop .


./spark-ec2 stop <cluster-name>

To restart it later, run ./spark-ec2 -i start .


./spark-ec2 -i <key-file> start <cluster-name>

To ultimately destroy the cluster and stop consuming EBS space, run ./spark-ec2 destroy as described in the previous section.

最後にクラスタを破棄、EBSスペースを使い果たしてストップする場合は前述のspark-ec2 destory を利用してください。

Limitations (制限事項)

Support for “cluster compute” nodes is limited – there’s no way to specify a locality group. However, you can launch slave nodes in your -slaves group manually and then use spark-ec2 launch --resume to start a cluster with them.
If you have a patch or suggestion for one of these limitations, feel free to contribute it!


Accessing Data in S3 (S3上のデータにアクセス)

Spark’s file interface allows it to process data in Amazon S3 using the same URI formats that are supported for Hadoop.

SparkのファイルインターフェイスはHadoopでサポートされているようにAmazon S3に対して同じURIフォーマットでアクセスをサポートしています。

You can specify a path in S3 as input through a URI of the form s3n:///path.


You will also need to set your Amazon security credentials, either by setting the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY before your program or through SparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.


Full instructions on S3 access using the Hadoop input libraries can be found on the Hadoop S3 page.

Hadoopの入力ライブラリを通したS3へのアクセスの導入はHadoop S3のページをご覧ください。



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