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yum でコマンド名からインストール可能なパッケージを探す (CentOS)

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yum でコマンド名からインストール可能なパッケージを探す (CentOS)


たとえば、CentOS 7 を minimal インストールしたら locate が入っていない場合に locate が入っているパッケージを探す。


[root@localhost ~]# yum provides locate
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: ftp.iij.ad.jp
 * extras: ftp.iij.ad.jp
 * updates: ftp.iij.ad.jp
mlocate-0.26-6.el7.x86_64 : An utility for finding files by name
リポジトリー        : base
一致          :
ファイル名    : /usr/bin/locate

search all

[root@localhost ~]# yum search all locate
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: ftp.iij.ad.jp
 * extras: ftp.iij.ad.jp
 * updates: ftp.iij.ad.jp
===================================================== 一致: locate =====================================================
mlocate.x86_64 : An utility for finding files by name
booth.x86_64 : Ticket Manager for Multi-site Clusters
ctags.x86_64 : A C programming language indexing and/or cross-reference tool
dnsmasq.x86_64 : A lightweight DHCP/caching DNS server
findutils.x86_64 : The GNU versions of find utilities (find and xargs)
fontconfig.i686 : Font configuration and customization library
fontconfig.x86_64 : Font configuration and customization library
ledmon.x86_64 : Enclosure LED Utilities
libXcursor.i686 : Cursor management library
libXcursor.x86_64 : Cursor management library
libguestfs-tools.noarch : System administration tools for virtual machines
memkind.x86_64 : User Extensible Heap Manager
perl-Email-Address.noarch : RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation
perl-File-ShareDir.noarch : Locate per-dist and per-module shared files
perl-local-lib.noarch : Create and use a local lib/ for perl modules
postgresql.i686 : PostgreSQL client programs
postgresql.x86_64 : PostgreSQL client programs
targetd.noarch : Service to make storage remotely configurable
which.x86_64 : Displays where a particular program in your path is located
wvdial.x86_64 : A heuristic autodialer for PPP connections
xinetd.x86_64 : A secure replacement for inetd


[root@localhost ~]# yum install mlocate


OS: Linux localhost.localdomain 3.10.0-514.21.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 20 12:24:47 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux (CentOS 7)


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