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Go で簡単に Excelを作成するライブラリ。 色、罫線、網掛けを事前定義済

Last updated at Posted at 2016-01-21

goexcel https://github.com/mikeshimura/goexcel


生成した Excel サンプル



  • 色は事前定義済み。 色濃度にも対応。
  • スタイルは、基本スタイルを継承出来るので、管理が容易。

サンプル program


package example

import (
	ge "github.com/mikeshimura/goexcel"

func Simple1() {
	list := ReadTextFile("simple1.txt", 8)
	excel := ge.CreateGoexcel()
	excel.CreateStyleByKey("base", "Verdana", 10, "", "")

	//Style TBLR
	excel.CopyStyle("base", "TBLR")
	excel.SetBorder("TBLR", "TBLR", ge.BDR_Hair)
	excel.SetFill("TBLR", ge.PTN_Solid,
   ge.ColorDencity(ge.CLR_Blue, 20), ge.Color(ge.CLR_Yellow))

	//Style TBLR_Right
	excel.CopyStyle("TBLR", "TBLR_R")
	excel.SetHorizontalAlign("TBLR_R", ge.H_Right)

	//Style TITLE
	excel.CreateStyleByKey("TITLE", "Arial", 24, "TBLR", ge.BDR_Double)
	excel.SetFill("TITLE", ge.PTN_Gray125,
   ge.ColorDencity(ge.CLR_Black, 50), "CCCCFF")
	excel.SetItalic("TITLE", true)
	excel.SetHorizontalAlign("TITLE", ge.H_Center)
	//Style DATE
	excel.CreateStyleByKey("DATE", "Arial", 11, "", "")
	excel.SetFontColor("DATE", ge.ColorDencity(ge.CLR_Black, 60))

	//Style Header
	excel.CopyStyle("TBLR", "HEADER")
	excel.SetBold("HEADER", true)
	excel.SetFill("HEADER", ge.PTN_Solid, ge.ColorDencity(ge.CLR_Blue, 40),  
	excel.SetBorder("HEADER", "TB", ge.BDR_Medium)
	excel.SetHorizontalAlign("HEADER", ge.H_Center)

	//Style Header Left
	excel.CopyStyle("HEADER", "HEADER_L")
	excel.SetBorder("HEADER_L", "L", ge.BDR_Medium)

	//Style Header Right
	excel.CopyStyle("HEADER", "HEADER_R")
	excel.SetBorder("HEADER_R", "R", ge.BDR_Medium)
	excel.SetColWidth(0, 0, 9)
	excel.SetColWidth(1, 1, 6)
	excel.SetColWidth(2, 2, 11)
	excel.SetColWidth(3, 3, 8)
	excel.SetColWidth(4, 4, 13)
	excel.SetColWidth(5, 5, 7)
	excel.SetColWidth(6, 6, 9)
	excel.SetColWidth(7, 7, 6)
	excel.SetColWidth(8, 8, 11)
	for col := 1; col < 7; col++ {
		excel.SetStyleByKey(1, col, "TITLE")
	excel.Merge(1, 1, 1, 6)
	excel.SetString(1, 1, "Goexcel Sample Report-Simple1")

	excel.SetStyleByKey(0, 8, "DATE")
	excel.SetDateFormat(0, 8, time.Now(), "yyyy/mm/dd")

	excel.SetStyleByKey(4, 0, "HEADER_L")
	for col := 1; col < 8; col++ {
		excel.SetStyleByKey(4, col, "HEADER")
	excel.SetStyleByKey(4, 8, "HEADER_R")
	excel.SetString(4, 0, "Date")
	excel.SetString(4, 1, "Deptno")
	excel.SetString(4, 2, "Dept")
	excel.SetString(4, 3, "Slip")
	excel.SetString(4, 4, "Stock Code")
	excel.SetString(4, 5, "Name")
	excel.SetString(4, 6, "Unit Price")
	excel.SetString(4, 7, "Qty")
	excel.SetString(4, 8, "Amount")
	for i, l := range list {
		cols := l.([]string)
		excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 0, "TBLR")
		excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 1, "TBLR")
		excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 2, "TBLR")
		excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 3, "TBLR")
		excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 4, "TBLR")
		excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 5, "TBLR")
		excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 6, "TBLR_R")
		excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 7, "TBLR_R")
		excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 8, "TBLR_R")
		t, err := time.Parse("2006/01/02", cols[0])
		if err != nil {
			panic(cols[0] + " is not Date")
		excel.SetDateFormat(5+i, 0, t, "yyyy/mm/dd")
		excel.SetString(5+i, 1, cols[1])
		excel.SetString(5+i, 2, cols[2])
		excel.SetString(5+i, 3, cols[3])
		excel.SetString(5+i, 4, cols[4])
		excel.SetString(5+i, 5, cols[5])
		excel.SetFloatFormat(5+i, 6, ge.ParseFloatPanic(cols[6]), "#,##0.00")
		excel.SetIntFormat(5+i, 7, ge.AtoiPanic(cols[7]), "#,##0")
		excel.SetFormat(5+i, 8, "#,##0.00")
		excel.SetFormula(5+i, 8, "G"+strconv.Itoa(6+i)+"*H"+strconv.Itoa(6+i))

	err := excel.Save("simple1.xlsx")
	if err != nil {
	//	excel2 := ge.CreateGoexcel()
	//	excel2.OpenFile("simple1.xlsx")
	//	excel2.Save("simple1_test.xlsx")

func ReadTextFile(filename string, colno int) []interface{} {
	res, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
	lines := strings.Split(string(res), "\r\n")
	list := make([]interface{}, 0, 100)
	for _, line := range lines {
		cols := strings.Split(line, "\t")
		if len(cols) < colno {
		list = append(list, cols)
	return list

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