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新 App Store 審査ガイドライン 翻訳&差分ガイド 2017年9月号

Last updated at Posted at 2017-09-20


これは2017年9月14日付けで変更された App Store 審査ガイドラインの翻訳&差分ガイドです。

前回からの主な変更点は、Face ID と ARKit 関連、金銭授受の緩和などです。

規約だけを読むと、Face ID による顔認証が 13 歳未満に使用できるのかどうか微妙です。13 歳未満という制約から察するに COPPA 関連なのかと思ったのですが、Face ID 発表時にデータは送信しないと言及しているので他の理由があるはず。海外フォーラムの反応を漁って個人的に腑に落ちた説を整理すると、「COPPA に配慮した Apple ID は 13 歳未満では作成できない」→「13 歳未満が使う端末は保護者の管理下」→「管理者である保護者が Face ID の登録をする」→「Face ID の登録は端末に一つだけ」→「13 歳未満の利用者は Face ID の登録ができない」という流れで、それゆえに代替の認証機能を用意すべきと言われると 13 歳未満という制約に納得です。
(追記: 公式文書の Face ID Security によると精度的な懸念が理由のようです。)

また、他の顔認証技術が制限されたため、今後は OpenBR などの使用ができなくなるかもしれません。一方、ARKit については、表示するだけの単純なアプリを却下としつつも、他エンジンに対する言及はないため Vuforia などは引き続き使用できるようです。金銭授受の緩和については、チップがアプリ内課金経由で 30% 失われることを問題視していた中国圏への対策。

今回、日本語版のガイドラインも更新されていますが、2017 年 6 月版の古い内容なので、いつも通り英語版推奨です。ちなみに、中国語版は英語版同様の最新仕様、韓国語版は日本語版より古い状態だったので、鮮度的には (英語版=中国語版>日本語版>韓国語版) という状態でした。



2.5.13 顔認証には LocalAuthentication を使用。13 歳未満には代替の認証機能を用意。

Apps using facial recognition for account authentication must use LocalAuthentication (and not ARKit or other facial recognition technology), and must use an alternate authentication method for users under 13 years old.

3.2.1 Acceptable

(vii) ユーザ間の金銭授受は (a) 授与者による自由意志、(b) 受領者へ 100% 提供、であればアプリ内課金の適用外。デジタルコンテンツ関連にはアプリ内課金を使用。

Apps may enable individual users to give a monetary gift to another individual without using in-app purchase, provided that (a) the gift is a completely optional choice by the giver, and (b) 100% of the funds go to the receiver of the gift. However, a gift that is connected to or associated at any point in time with receiving digital content or services must use in-app purchase.


1.1.1 宗教・人種・性的指向・性別・国・民族や特定の個人や団体の誹謗中傷。政治風刺やユーモアは免除。

Defamatory, discriminatory, or mean-spirited content, including references or commentary about religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, national/ethnic origin, or other targeted groups, particularly if the app is likely to humiliate, intimidate, or place a targeted individual or group in harm’s way. Professional political satirists and humorists are generally exempt from this requirement.

discriminatory national/ethnic origin humiliate, intimidate を追記。

1.4.2 薬の服用計算は製造元や公共機関の認可が必要。長期サポートの必要有。

Drug dosage calculators must come from the drug manufacturer, a hospital, university, health insurance company, pharmacy or other approved entity, or receive approval by the FDA or one of its international counterparts. Given the potential harm to patients, we need to be sure that the app will be supported and updated over the long term.

pharmacy を追記。

2.3.1 隠し機能は不可。機能しないコンテンツは不可。悪質な違反は開発者登録を抹消。

Don’t include any hidden or undocumented features in your app; your app’s functionality should be clear to end-users and App Review. Similarly, you should not market your app on the App Store or offline as including content or services that it does not actually offer (e.g. iOS-based virus and malware scanners). Egregious or repeated behavior is grounds for removal from the Developer Program. We work hard to make the App Store a trustworthy ecosystem and expect our app developers to follow suit; if you’re dishonest, we don’t want to do business with you.

Similarly, you should not market your app on the App Store or offline as including content or services that it does not actually offer (e.g. iOS-based virus and malware scanners). を追記。

2.3.2 アプリ内課金を使うアプリは追加購入の必要性を明示。

If your app includes in-app purchases, make sure your app description, screenshots, and previews clearly indicate whether any featured items, levels, subscriptions, etc. require additional purchases. If you decide to promote in-app purchases on the App Store, ensure that the in-app purchase Display Name, Screenshot and Description are appropriate for a public audience and that your app properly handles the SKPaymentTransactionObserver method so that customers can seamlessly complete the purchase when your app launches.

the IAP Display Name and Description are written から the in-app purchase Display Name, Screenshot and Description are appropriate に変更。

the Purchase Intent API から the SKPaymentTransactionObserver method に変更。

2.3.3 スクリーンショットはアプリ使用中の画面を表示。起動画面などは不要。

Screenshots should show the app in use, and not merely the title art, log-in page, or splash screen. They may also include text and image overlays (e.g. to demonstrate input mechanisms, such as an animated touch point or Apple Pencil) and show extended functionality on device, such as Touch Bar.

include text overlays から include text and image overlays (e.g. to demonstrate input mechanisms, such as an animated touch point or Apple Pencil) に変更。

2.3.8 アイコン・スクリーンショット・プレビューは 4+ レーティングに準拠。「For Kids」などはキッズカテゴリ専用。各種のアプリ名とアイコンは混乱のないように統一。

Metadata should be appropriate for all audiences, so make sure your app and in-app purchase icons, screenshots, and previews adhere to a 4+ age rating even if your app is rated higher. For example, if your app is a game that includes violence, select images that don’t depict a gruesome death or a gun pointed at a specific character. Use of terms like “For Kids” and “For Children” in app metadata is reserved for the Kids Category. Remember to ensure your metadata, including app name and icons (small, large, Apple Watch app, alternate icons, etc.), are similar to avoid creating confusion.

icons (small, large, Apple Watch app, etc.) から icons (small, large, Apple Watch app, alternate icons, etc.) に変更。

2.5.2 アプリは自己完結型。指定領域外のアクセス不可。他実行形式の取り扱い不可。表示編集が可能な開発用コードのみダウンロードを許可。

Apps should be self-contained in their bundles, and may not read or write data outside the designated container area, nor may they download, install, or execute code, including other apps. Educational apps designed to teach, develop, or allow students to test executable code may, in limited circumstances, download code provided that such code is not used for other purposes. Such apps must make the source code provided by the Application completely viewable and editable by the user.

Educational allow students to を追記。

3.1.1 In-App Purchase:

● 機能制限の解除には使用必須。アプリ内課金通貨によるチップが可能。アプリ内課金以外の課金導線は不可。

If you want to unlock features or functionality within your app, (by way of example: subscriptions, in-game currencies, game levels, access to premium content, or unlocking a full version), you must use in-app purchase. Apps and their metadata may use in-app purchase currencies to enable customers to “tip” digital content providers in the app. Apps may not include buttons, external links, or other calls to action that direct customers to purchasing mechanisms other than in-app purchase.

and their metadata を追記。

other than IAP から other than in-app purchase に変更。

● 購入した通貨は期限切れなく消費可能。要復元機能。

Any credits or in-game currencies purchased via in-app purchase may not expire, and you should make sure you have a restore mechanism for any restorable in-app purchases.

via IAP から via in-app purchase に変更。

● 課金コンテンツのプレゼントは不可。

Apps should not directly or indirectly enable gifting of in-app purchase content, features, or consumable items to others.

IAP content から in-app purchase content に変更。

3.1.3 “Reader” Apps: 課金導線がなければ購入済みコンテンツの利用は可能。

Apps may allow a user to access previously purchased content or content subscriptions (specifically: magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, video, access to professional databases, VoIP, cloud storage, and approved services such as educational apps that manage student grades and schedules), as well as consumable items in multi-platform games, provided that you agree not to directly or indirectly target iOS users to use a purchasing method other than in-app purchase, and your general communications about other purchasing methods are not designed to discourage use of in-app purchase.

other than IAP から other than in-app purchase に変更。

use of IAP から use of in-app purchase に変更。

3.1.4 Content Codes: コンテンツや機能の解除コードは使用不可。環境に依存する機能の解除はアプリ内課金の適用外。認可製品と連携する機能にはアプリ内課金の使用も可能。機能解除に無関係な要求は不可。

Apps may not use their own mechanisms to unlock content or functionality, such as license keys, augmented reality markers, QR codes, etc. In limited circumstances, such as when features are dependent upon specific hardware to function, the app may unlock that functionality without using in-app purchase (e.g. an astronomy app that adds features when synced with a telescope). App features that work in combination with an approved physical product (such as a toy) on an optional basis may unlock functionality without using in-app purchase, provided that an in-app purchase option is available as well. You may not, however, require users to purchase unrelated products or engage in advertising or marketing activities to unlock app functionality.

without using IAP から without using in-app purchase に変更。

IAP option から in-app purchase option に変更。

3.1.5 Physical Goods and Services Outside of the App: 物品や外部サービスの支払いはアプリ内課金の適用外。仮想通貨の利用は対象地域の法令を遵守。

If your app enables people to purchase goods or services that will be consumed outside of the app, you must use purchase methods other than in-app purchase to collect those payments, such as Apple Pay or traditional credit card entry. Apps may facilitate transmission of approved virtual currencies (e.g. Bitcoin, DogeCoin) provided that they do so in compliance with all state and federal laws for the territories in which the app functions.

other than IAP から other than in-app purchase に変更。

3.2.1 Acceptable

(v) 保険アプリは完全無料で対象地域の法令を遵守。

Insurance apps must be free, in legal-compliance in the regions distributed, and cannot use in-app purchase.

cannot use IAP から cannot use in-app purchase に変更。

4.2.1 API やフレームワークは本来の目的に使用。統合関係はアプリ説明欄に記載。ARKit 対応アプリは優れた拡張現実体験が必要。

Apps should use APIs and frameworks for their intended purposes and indicate that integration in their app description. For example, the HomeKit framework should provide home automation services; and HealthKit should be used for health and fitness purposes and integrate with the Health app. Apps using ARKit should provide rich and integrated augmented reality experiences; merely dropping a model into an AR view or replaying animation is not enough.

Apps using ARKit should provide rich and integrated augmented reality experiences; merely dropping a model into an AR view or replaying animation is not enough. を追記。

4.4 Extensions

App Extension Programming Guide を遵守。ヘルプ画面と設定インターフェースを含める必要有。拡張機能は説明に明記。宣伝やアプリ内課金を含めることは不可。

Apps hosting or containing extensions must comply with the App Extension Programming Guide or the Safari Extensions Development Guide and should include some functionality, such as help screens and settings interfaces where possible. You should clearly and accurately disclose what extensions are made available in the app’s marketing text, and the extensions may not include marketing, advertising, or in-app purchases.

and the extensions may not include marketing, advertising, or in-app purchases. を追記。(4.4.1 から移動)

4.4.1 キーボード拡張機能の追加規則。

They must not:

Include marketing, advertising, or in-app purchases; が消滅。(4.4 に移動)

4.7 HTML5 Games, Bots, etc.

ストア形式でなければ他者提供のコードを実行可能。ソフトウェアは (1) 無料かアプリ内課金、(2) WebKit 内の機能限定、(3) Apple Developer Program の開発者提供、(4) App Review Guidelines を遵守。

Apps may contain or run code that is not embedded in the binary (e.g. HTML5-based games, bots, etc.), as long as code distribution isn’t the main purpose of the app, the code is not offered in a store or store-like interface, and provided that the software (1) is free or purchased using in-app purchase; (2) only uses capabilities available in a standard WebKit view; your app must use WebKit and JavaScript Core to run third party software and should not attempt to extend or expose native platform APIs to third party software; (3) is offered by developers that have joined the Apple Developer Program and signed the Apple Developer Program License Agreement; and (4) adheres to the terms of these App Review Guidelines (e.g. does not include objectionable content; uses in-app purchase to unlock features and functionality). You must provide an index of software and metadata available in your app upon request.

項目名を Third-Party Software から HTML5 Games, Bots, etc. に変更。

provided by third party developers から that is not embedded in the binary に変更。

(e.g. HTML5-based games) から (e.g. HTML5-based games, bots, etc.) に変更。

code distribution isn’t the main purpose of the app を追記。

uses IAP から uses in-app purchase に変更。

third party software から software に変更。

5. Legal


Apps must comply with all legal requirements in any location where you make them available (if you’re not sure, check with a lawyer). We know this stuff is complicated, but it is your responsibility to understand and make sure your app conforms with all local laws, not just the guidelines below. And of course, apps that solicit, promote, or encourage criminal or clearly reckless behavior will be rejected. In extreme cases, such as apps that are found to facilitate human trafficking and/or the exploitation of children, appropriate authorities will be notified.

In extreme cases, such as apps that are found to facilitate human trafficking and/or the exploitation of children, appropriate authorities will be notified. を追記。

5.1.1 Data Collection and Storage

(i) ユーザデータの収集にはプライバシーポリシーと同意が必要。アクセス要求可否に応じた動作を説明。

Apps that collect user or usage data must have a privacy policy and secure user consent for the collection. This includes—but isn’t limited to—apps that implement HealthKit or other health/medical technologies, apps that utilize ARKit, Camera APIs, Photo APIs, or other software for depth of facial mapping information, HomeKit, Keyboard extensions, Apple Pay, Stickers and iMessage extensions, include a login, or access user data from the device. Your app description should let people know what types of access (e.g. location, contacts, calendar, etc.) are requested by your app, and what aspects of the app won’t work if the user doesn’t grant permission.

apps that utilize ARKit, Camera APIs, Photo APIs, or other software for depth of facial mapping information, を追記。

5.1.2 Data Use and Sharing

(i) 匿名データによるユーザ特定は不可。事前同意と用途説明のない個人データの取り扱いは不可。

You may not attempt, facilitate, or encourage others to identify anonymous users or reconstruct user profiles based on data collected from depth and/or facial mapping tools (e.g. ARKit, Camera APIs, or Photo APIs), or data that you say has been collected in an “anonymized,” “aggregated,” or otherwise non-identifiable way. You may not use or transmit someone’s personal data without first obtaining their permission and providing access to information about how and where the data will be used.

identify users から identify anonymous users に変更。

collected from depth and/or facial mapping tools (e.g. ARKit, Camera APIs, or Photo APIs), or data を追記。

(iii) HomeKit API やマッピング機能から収集したデータは広告や他のデータマイニングに使用不可。

Data gathered from the HomeKit API or from depth and/or facial mapping tools (e.g. ARKit, Camera APIs, or Photo APIs) may not be used for advertising or other use-based data mining, including by third parties.

or from depth and/or facial mapping tools (e.g. ARKit, Camera APIs, or Photo APIs) を追記。

including by third parties. を追記。

5.2.5 Apple 製品に類似したインターフェースは不可。iTunes ミュージック試聴のコンテンツ利用は不可。アクティビティコントロールに類似した表現は不可。

Apple Products: Don’t create an app that appears confusingly similar to an existing Apple product, interface (e.g. Finder), app (such as the App Store, iTunes Store, or Messages) or advertising theme. Apps and extensions, including third party keyboards and Sticker packs, may not include Apple emoji. iTunes music previews may not be used for their entertainment value (e.g. as the background music to a photo collage or the soundtrack to a game) or in any other unauthorized manner. If your app displays Activity rings, they should not visualize Move, Exercise, or Stand data in a way that resembles the Activity control. The Human Interface Guidelines have more information on how to use Activity rings.

and don’t misspell Apple product names (i.e., GPS for Iphone, iTunz). が消滅。

do not modify the look and feel of the rings themselves or the data they represent. から they should not visualize Move, Exercise, or Stand data in a way that resembles the Activity control. に変更。


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