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Typical colors to suit the Lion Dance Costume are red

Last updated at Posted at 2017-04-14

Children in China, and around the world, have their own versions of the Lion Dance for New Year and other celebrations, such as weddings, graduations, family reunions, etc. Lion Dance Shop and Dragon are more commonly associated with martial arts schools. If you are interested in participating or just watching a performance, checks associations Kung Fu and Martial Arts in your neighborhood.The dance is traditionally accompanied by a drum, one or more pairs of cymbals and a gong; the owners of the houses or premises that comparsa of dancers visit accustomed to burning firecrackers, representing the next good luck. In the days of the Chinese Lunar New Year practitioners from different schools of Chinese martial arts take to the streets to greet with their dances the neighbors, which are visited lion standing at the door of your home or commercial establishment include a red envelope with money inside, accompanied by a lettuce. This symbolizes long life and wealth, augurs well for the year as its Cantonese pronunciation Sang Choy, has a sound very similar to these words.
Lion Dance Costume
Here -> http://www.liondancecostume.com/ you will find an excellent assortment of costumes for the Lion Dance for both children and adults. Lion costumes include the heads and tails and come in different sizes

Typical colors to suit the Lion Dance Costume are red, representing courage, green, representing friendship and goodwill, and gold, which represents vitality and a dynamic spirit.
In the guise of the lion’s head is no levers with which the dancer controls the eyes, mouth and ears of the Lion. On his forehead, the Lion normally carries a mirror, in order that evil spirits panic and withdraw seeing his own image reflected.
Chinese Lion Costume
Lion heads can also be used as cute decorations for the New Year.


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