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Last updated at Posted at 2016-09-05


![ローカル開発環境の構築 [Windows編]]
(http://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=http://dotinstall.com/lessons/basic_localdev_win)ローカル開発環境の構築 [Windows編]

![ローカル開発環境の構築 [MacOS X編]]
(http://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=http://dotinstall.com/lessons/basic_localdev_mac)ローカル開発環境の構築 [MacOS X編]


① : rubyのバージョンをプロンプト入力できるようにする → でけた!!
② : MariaDB対応して更に、実行時にMySQL/MariaDBを選択できるようにする PostgreSQL対応もする ログの設定
③ : 最新のgitに対応する → でけた!!
④ : phpMyAdmin、phpPgAdmin対応する → でけた!!
⑤ : Xdebug対応してリモートデバッグできるようにする
⑥ : ベストプラクティスの構成に変更してみる → でけた!!
⑦ : serverspecでテストできるようにして、実際テストコードを書いてみる
⑧ : 鍵やファイアウォール等のセキュリティ設定する
⑨ : Zabbixを設定する
⑩ : cloud9を設定する Herokuを設定する → でけた!!
⑪ : Jenkinsを設定する → でけた!!
⑫ : Redmineを設定する
⑬ : GitBucketを設定する
⑭ : Owncloudを設定する

⑨ : Ubuntu版に書き換えてみる

下記レポジトリで改造中 。。。

- hosts: localhost
  become: yes
    - ruby_version: 2.2.2
    - url_repo_remi: http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm
    - url_repo_mysql: http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql57-community-release-el7-7.noarch.rpm
    - name: yum update
      yum: name=* state=latest

    - name: disable Firewalld stop
      service: name=firewalld state=stopped enabled=no

    - name: install libselinux-python
      yum: name=libselinux-python state=latest

    - name: remove localtime
      file: path=/etc/localtime state=absent

    - name: change timezone
      file: src=/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo dest=/etc/localtime state=link force=yes mode=0644

    - name: change locale
      command: localectl set-locale LANG=ja_JP.utf8

    - name: install remi repository
      yum: name={{ url_repo_remi }} state=present

    - name: install man
      yum: name=man state=latest

    - name: install apache
      yum: name=httpd state=latest

    - name: start apache and enabled
      service: name=httpd state=started enabled=yes

    - name: change owner
      file: dest=/var/www/html owner=vagrant recurse=yes

    - name: install gd-last
      yum: name=gd-last enablerepo=remi state=latest

    - name: install php
      yum: name={{item}} enablerepo=remi-php56 state=present
        - php
        - php-common
        - php-pdo
        - php-cli
        - php-devel
        - php-mysqlnd
        - php-mbstring
        - php-gd
        - php-intl
        - php-xml
        - restart apache

    - name: copy php.ini.custom
      copy: src=php.ini.custom dest=/etc/php.ini backup=yes
        - restart apache

    - name: install mysql repository
      yum: name={{ url_repo_mysql }} state=present

    - name: install mysql
      yum: name=mysql-community-server enablerepo=remi state=present

    - name: copy my.cnf.custom
      copy: src=my.cnf.custom dest=/etc/my.cnf backup=yes

    - name: start mysql and enabled
      service: name=mysqld state=started enabled=yes

    - name: install ruby dependencies
      yum: name={{item}} enablerepo=remi,epel state=present
        - gcc
        - openssl-devel
        - rpm-build
        - gcc-c++
        - bzip2
        - libtool
        - zlib
        - zlib-devel
        - httpd-devel
        - openssl-devel
        - curl-devel
        - ncurses-devel
        - gdbm-devel
        - readline
        - readline-devel
        - sqlite-devel
        - libyaml-devel
        - libffi-devel
        - bison

    - name: check rbenv installed
      command: test -x /home/vagrant/.rbenv
      register: rbenv_present
      ignore_errors: yes
      become: no

    - name: git clone rbenv
      git: repo=https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv.git dest=/home/vagrant/.rbenv
      when: rbenv_present.rc != 0
      become: no

    - name: update bash_profile
      copy: src=bash_profile.custom dest=/home/vagrant/.bash_profile backup=yes
      become: no

    - name: check ruby-build installed
      command: test -x /home/vagrant/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
      register: rbuild_present
      ignore_errors: yes
      become: no

    - name: git clone ruby-build
      git: repo=https://github.com/sstephenson/ruby-build.git dest=/home/vagrant/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
      when: rbuild_present.rc != 0
      become: no

    - name: update rbenv
      command: git pull --rebase chdir=/home/vagrant/.rbenv
      become: no

    - name: update ruby-build
      command: git pull --rebase chdir=/home/vagrant/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
      become: no

    - name: check ruby installed
      shell: /bin/bash -lc "rbenv versions | grep {{ruby_version}}"
      register: ruby_installed
      ignore_errors: yes
      become: no

    - name: install ruby
      shell: /bin/bash -lc "rbenv install {{ruby_version}} && rbenv rehash && rbenv global {{ruby_version}}"
      when: ruby_installed.rc != 0
      become: no

    - name: check node js installed
      shell: /bin/bash -lc "node -v"
      register: node_installed
      ignore_errors: yes
      become: no

    - name: install node script
      shell: /bin/bash -lc "curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup | bash -"
      when: node_installed.rc != 0
    - name: install nodejs

      yum: name=nodejs state=latest
      when: node_installed.rc != 0

    - name: restart apache
      service: name=httpd state=restarted

echo $'\e[33mcentOS/RedHatn\e[0m'
cat /etc/redhat-release
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mwget\e[0m'
wget --version | grep GNU
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mGit\e[0m'
git --version
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mAnsible\e[0m'
ansible --version
echo ""

echo $'\e[33mApache(httpd)\e[0m'
httpd -v
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mphp\e[0m'
php -v
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mperl\e[0m'
perl -version | grep version
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mpython\e[0m'
python --version
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mMySql\e[0m'
mysql --version
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mruby\e[0m'
ruby -v
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mrbenv\e[0m'
rbenv -v
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mnode\e[0m'
node -v
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mnpm -v\e[0m'
npm -v
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mfirewalld status\e[0m'
systemctl status firewalld
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mselinux status\e[0m'
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mlocaltime status\e[0m'
ls -la /etc/localtime
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mlocalectl status\e[0m'
localectl status
echo ''

echo $'\e[33mDocument Root\e[0m'
ls -la /var/www/ | grep html
echo ''

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