This slide was used in Security-JAWS 【第3回】2016年10月28日(金)
2016/10/28 @ Tokyo
Who am I
- Kota Kanbe (Twitter, GitHub, [Facebook] ( )
- Programmer @ Future architect, Inc. Japan
- Author of GitHub Vuls
- Owner of Mohikan Slack
Vulnerability Management on AWS
Inspector can scan only OS packages.
We need to manage vulnerabilities of programming language libraries.
Today, I talk about how to manage it automatically and the way to notify the scan report by slack or E-Mail in Japanese by using Vuls and OWASP Dependency Check.
Vuls (VULnerability Scanner)
- Vulnerability scanner for Linux/FreeBSD, agentless, written in Go
- Not for web vulnerability scanner
- GitHub Vuls
- 異常なほど詳しい日本語README
What's Vuls
Buzzed All Over The World

Got First Place In GitHub Trending
Features (日本語)
- Scan for any vulnerabilities in Linux/FreeBSD Server
- Supports Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Amazon Linux, RHEL, FreeBSD
- Cloud, on-premise, Docker
- Scan middleware that are not included in OS package management
- Agentless architecture
- User is required to only setup one machine that is connected to other target servers via SSH
- Nondestructive testing
- Pre-authorization is not necessary before scanning on AWS
- Email and Slack notification are both available. (supports Japanese language)
- Scan result is viewable on accessory software, TUI Viewer terminal or Web UI (VulsRepo).
Usage: Scan vulnerabilities of non-OS packages
host = ""
user = "ec2-user"
keyPath = "/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa"
cpeNames = [
Sample: NVD Vulnerability Database
<entry id="CVE-2016-2098">
<vuln:cwe id="CWE-20"/>
<vuln:summary>Action Pack in Ruby on Rails before, 4.x before, and 4.2.x before allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary Ruby code by leveraging an application's unrestricted use of the render method.</vuln:summary>
How to find CPE names of libraries
NVD: Search Common Platform Enumerations (CPE)
- It’s such a hassle
go-cpe-dictionary is a good choice for geeks.
- It’s a hassle
When you update the libraries, you also have to update the config.toml of Vuls ;)
OWASP Dependency Check
- Dependency-Check is a utility that identifies project dependencies
- checks if there are any known, publicly disclosed, vulnerabilities.
- Currently Java and .NET are supported;
- additional experimental support has been added for Ruby, Node.js, Python, and limited support for C/C++ build systems (autoconf and cmake).

OWASP Dependency Check Report
Integrate with OWASP Dependency Check
- #232
- Execute OWASP Dependency Check with
option. - Define the xml file path of dependency check in config.toml.
host = ""
port = "22"
user = "vuls"
keyPath = "/path/to/.ssh/id_rsa"
dependencyCheckXMLPath = "/tmp/dependency-check-report.xml"
Benefit Of Integrating Vuls And OWASP Dependency Check
- Automatic Update of Vuls config when the libraries are updated.
- Reporting in Japanese
- OWASP Dependency Check supports only English
- Reporting by Email or Slack by using Vuls.
Tagging To EC2
What I'm planning to do next
Presentation (in Japan)
7/6-8 JANOG387/27 July Tech Fest 201610/5-7 Security Days Fall 201610/22 AVTokyo10/26 GREE社内勉強会- 10/28 Security-JAWS #3
- 11/22 OSSユーザのための勉強会#16 Vuls
- 12/1 Internet Week 2016
How To Catchup Vuls
- Vuls README is awesome
- VulsMatsuri #1
- 2016/9/26 about 100 people
- Slides@connpass
- Links
- Join Slack Team
We Are Hiring Hacker And Engineer!
If you are interested, please contact me ( Twitter: @kotakanbe )
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