const View = React.createClass({
mixins: [NativeMethodsMixin],
viewConfig: {
uiViewClassName: 'RCTView',
validAttributes: ReactNativeViewAttributes.RCTView
statics: {
propTypes: {
accessible: PropTypes.bool,
accessibilityLabel: PropTypes.string,
accessibilityComponentType: PropTypes.oneOf(AccessibilityComponentType),
* const AccessibilityComponentType = [
* 'none',
* 'button',
* 'radiobutton_checked',
* 'radiobutton_unchecked',
* ];
accessibilityLiveRegion: PropTypes.oneOf([
// @platform android
importantForAccessibility: PropTypes.oneOf([
* - `'none'` - The element has no traits.
* - `'button'` - The element should be treated as a button.
* - `'link'` - The element should be treated as a link.
* - `'header'` - The element is a header that divides content into sections.
* - `'search'` - The element should be treated as a search field.
* - `'image'` - The element should be treated as an image.
* - `'selected'` - The element is selected.
* - `'plays'` - The element plays sound.
* - `'key'` - The element should be treated like a keyboard key.
* - `'text'` - The element should be treated as text.
* - `'summary'` - The element provides app summary information.
* - `'disabled'` - The element is disabled.
* - `'frequentUpdates'` - The element frequently changes its value.
* - `'startsMedia'` - The element starts a media session.
* - `'adjustable'` - The element allows adjustment over a range of values.
* - `'allowsDirectInteraction'` - The element allows direct touch interaction for VoiceOver users.
* - `'pageTurn'` - Informs VoiceOver that it should scroll to the next page when it finishes reading the contents of the element.
* @platform ios
accessibilityTraits: PropTypes.oneOfType([
onAccessibilityTap: PropTypes.func,
onMagicTap: PropTypes.func,
testID: PropTypes.string,
* touch interactions
* func: (nativeEvent) => {}
* - `nativeEvent`
* - `changedTouches` - Array of all touch events that have changed since the last event.
* - `identifier` - The ID of the touch.
* - `locationX` - The X position of the touch, relative to the element.
* - `locationY` - The Y position of the touch, relative to the element.
* - `pageX` - The X position of the touch, relative to the root element.
* - `pageY` - The Y position of the touch, relative to the root element.
* - `target` - The node id of the element receiving the touch event.
* - `timestamp` - A time identifier for the touch, useful for velocity calculation.
* - `touches` - Array of all current touches on the screen.
// The View is now responding for touch events
// reponderがactiveになる時に発火
onResponderGrant: PropTypes.func,
// The user is moving their finger.
// ユーザの指が動いた時に発火
onResponderMove: PropTypes.func,
// Another responder is already active and will not release it to that `View` asking to be the responder.
// 他のresponderがactiveで、responderがreleaseされずにこのresponderが発火できない時に発火
onResponderReject: PropTypes.func,
// Fired at the end of the touch.
// responderがreleaseされる時に発火
onResponderRelease: PropTypes.func,
// The responder has been taken from the `View`
// responderが終了された時に発火
onResponderTerminate: PropTypes.func,
// Some other `View` wants to become responder and is asking this `View` to release its responder.
// Returning `true` allows its release.
// 他のViewがresponderを扱いたいというリクエストを受信した時に発火
// trueを返せばresponderをrelease
onResponderTerminationRequest: PropTypes.func,
// Does this view want to become responder on the start of a touch?
// touch開始時にresponderになるかどうか、trueかfalseを返す必要あり
onStartShouldSetResponder: PropTypes.func,
// If a parent `View` wants to prevent a child `View` from becoming responder on a touch start,
// it should have this handler which returns `true`.
// childrenのViewがtouch開始時にresponderを扱うことを防ぐ場合はtrueを返す
onStartShouldSetResponderCapture: PropTypes.func,
// Does this view want to "claim" touch responsiveness?
// touchに主張した時はtrueを返す
onMoveShouldSetResponder: PropTypes.func,
// If a parent `View` wants to prevent a child `View` from becoming responder on a move,
// it should have this handler which returns `true`.
// childrenのViewがmove時にresponderを扱うことを防ぐ場合はtrueを返す
onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture: PropTypes.func,
* This defines how far a touch event can start away from the view.
* Typical interface guidelines recommend touch targets that are at least
* 30 - 40 points/density-independent pixels.
* For example, if a touchable view has a height of 20 the touchable height can be extended to
* 40 with `hitSlop={{top: 10, bottom: 10, left: 0, right: 0}}`
* touchできる範囲を指定する
hitSlop: EdgeInsetsPropType,
* Invoked on mount and layout changes with:
* `{nativeEvent: { layout: {x, y, width, height}}}`
* This event is fired immediately once the layout has been calculated, but
* the new layout may not yet be reflected on the screen at the time the
* event is received, especially if a layout animation is in progress.
* layoutが変化した時に一度呼ばれる
onLayout: PropTypes.func,
// touch eventのtagetになるかを指定する
pointerEvents: PropTypes.oneOf([
style: stylePropType,
// subviewをたくさん持っている場合に不必要に表示しないようにする?
removeClippedSubviews: PropTypes.bool,
// Whether this `View` should render itself (and all of its children) into a
// single hardware texture on the GPU.
// @platform android
renderToHardwareTextureAndroid: PropTypes.bool,
// Whether this `View` should be rendered as a bitmap before compositing.
// @platform ios
shouldRasterizeIOS: PropTypes.bool,
// childrenを描画するためだけの場合に表示を最適化する
// @platform android
collapsable: PropTypes.bool,
// @platform android
needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing: PropTypes.bool,
主にtouch eventを制御するpropsですね。
render: function() {
// WARNING: This method will not be used in production mode as in that mode we
// replace wrapper component View with generated native wrapper RCTView. Avoid
// adding functionality this component that you'd want to be available in both
// dev and prod modes.
return <RCTView {...this.props} />;
const RCTView = requireNativeComponent('RCTView', View, {
nativeOnly: {
nativeBackgroundAndroid: true,
let ViewToExport = RCTView;
if (__DEV__) {
ViewToExport = View;
} else {
Object.assign(RCTView, statics);
module.exports = ViewToExport;
の場合にView Componentがexportされて、productionではRCTViewがexportされているようです。
function requireNativeComponent(
viewName: string,
componentInterface?: ?ComponentInterface,
extraConfig?: ?{nativeOnly?: Object},
): Function {
var viewConfig = UIManager[viewName];
if (!viewConfig || !viewConfig.NativeProps) {
warning(false, 'Native component for "%s" does not exist', viewName);
return UnimplementedView;
var nativeProps = {
viewConfig.uiViewClassName = viewName;
viewConfig.validAttributes = {};
viewConfig.propTypes = componentInterface && componentInterface.propTypes;
for (var key in nativeProps) {
var useAttribute = false;
var attribute = {};
var differ = TypeToDifferMap[nativeProps[key]];
if (differ) {
attribute.diff = differ;
useAttribute = true;
var processor = TypeToProcessorMap[nativeProps[key]];
if (processor) {
attribute.process = processor;
useAttribute = true;
viewConfig.validAttributes[key] = useAttribute ? attribute : true;
} = ReactNativeStyleAttributes;
return createReactNativeComponentClass(viewConfig);
type ReactNativeBaseComponentViewConfig = {
validAttributes: Object;
uiViewClassName: string;
propTypes?: Object,
var createReactNativeComponentClass = function(
viewConfig: ReactNativeBaseComponentViewConfig
): ReactClass<any> {
var Constructor = function(element) {
this._currentElement = element;
this._topLevelWrapper = null;
this._hostParent = null;
this._hostContainerInfo = null;
this._rootNodeID = null;
this._renderedChildren = null;
Constructor.displayName = viewConfig.uiViewClassName;
Constructor.viewConfig = viewConfig;
Constructor.propTypes = viewConfig.propTypes;
Constructor.prototype = new ReactNativeBaseComponent(viewConfig);
Constructor.prototype.constructor = Constructor;
return ((Constructor: any): ReactClass<any>);
ReactClassのprototype chainしたConstructorが返されるようですね。
type ReactNativeBaseComponentViewConfig = {
validAttributes: Object;
uiViewClassName: string;
var ReactNativeBaseComponent = function(
viewConfig: ReactNativeBaseComponentViewConfig
) {
this.viewConfig = viewConfig;
次回は何かしらのtouch eventの仕組みを見ていこうと思います。