前回のキマブロ: atom.ioのstyles.lessについて
It's kind of silly to write up an entry on this, but I thought this would be something fun to share.
I've been using atom.io now for about a week and I've wanted to shuffle around my backgrounds. Seeing as how LESS doesn't seem to provide the facilities for doing random select of array elements (without unsafe script handling), I decided to move this into my init script.
Let's get started.
Going by what my coworker told me, I decided to make .editor
transparent. Doing that, my stylesheet gets very small:
@transparent_pink: rgba(255, 192, 203, .5);
@semitransparent_yellow: rgba(255, 255, 0, .75);
@editor_background: rgba(20, 20, 0, .7); // もっと夏っぽく!!!
.editor {
background: @editor_background;
.comment {
color: @semitransparent_yellow;
.editor {
.cursor {
border-color: pink;
border-width: 2px;
.selection .region {
background: @transparent_pink;
Yes, I did put that comment "夏っぽく" there because yellow-tinted pictures remind me of the yellow summer sunlight (though I believe the hue of the sunlight has more to do with the temperature, but I'm not sure).
This is where all the heavy lifting gets done. Because I didn't want to deal with multiple files yet (because I haven't consolidated/updated my dotfiles in a while on GitHub), I wanted to keep everything in one file. Unfortunately, that means I have some formatting code and also just raw data in my script.
There's only a few bits relevant to this article, so I'll just show them in slices.
First, we need to set the update interval on our background:
update_interval = 60 * 5
Then, we need a function for setting the background and backgroundSize style properties:
setBackground = (image_url) ->
pane = document.getElementsByClassName('pane')[0]
pane.style.background = "url('{image_url}')"
.replace('{image_url}', image_url)
pane.style.backgroundSize = "cover"
Populate a collection of images:
images = []
A random select function for the image to be set:
randomSelect = () ->
index = Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length)
Finally, the initialization of the first background and the intervals:
setInterval(randomSelect, (1000 * update_interval))
できました! Using this method, I was able to get a background image to rotate in my .pane
every 5 minutes.
You can view/copy my config here: https://gist.github.com/kimagure/8c57fd492eec7c363abc