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Last updated at Posted at 2015-04-14

"最も影響力のある100人の技術系ツイッターユーザー"というBusiness Insiderの記事よりBeautifulsoupでハンドルネームを抜き出して、Twitter REST APIでTwitterアカウント情報を取得するコードです。

The 100 Most Influential Tech People On Twitter


# coding: utf-8

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests,json
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, ReadTimeout, SSLError

res = requests.get("http://www.businessinsider.com/100-influential-tech-people-on-twitter-2014-4?op=1")
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text)
count = 100

user_list = []
user = {}
for line in soup.body.get_text().split('\n'):
    if line.find('Occupation:') > -1:
        if len(user.keys()) != 0:
            user = {}
        print count, line
        user['rank'] = count
        user['occupation'] = line.replace('Occupation:','').replace(u'\xa0','')
        count -=1
    for c in ['@','Why:','Tech PI:','PI:']:
        if line.find(c) > -1:
            print '   ', line
            if line.find('Tech PI:') >-1 :
                user['tech_pi'] = line.replace('Tech PI:','').replace(u'\xa0','')
            elif line.find('PI:') >-1:
                user['pi'] = line.replace('PI:','').replace(u'\xa0','')
            elif line.find('@') >-1 :
                user['handle'] = line.replace('Handle:','') .replace(u'\xa0','').replace(u'@','') 
            elif line.find('Why:') >-1 :
                user['Why:'] = line.replace('Why:','').replace(u'\xa0','')

handle_list = [d['handle'] for d in user_list]

KEYS = { # 自分のアカウントで入手したキーを設定

twitter = OAuth1Session(KEYS['consumer_key'],KEYS['consumer_secret'],

url = 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/lookup.json?'
params = {'screen_name':','.join(handle_list)}
req = twitter.get(url, params = params)
user_list = json.loads(req.text)

for u in user_list:
    d_data = json.dumps(u, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    print d_data


100 Occupation: CEO/founder of News Corporation; Creator of FOX Broadcasting
    Handle: @rupertmurdoch
    Why: See how tech fits into the greater news cycle from Rupert himself. Yeah, he writes his own tweets.
    Tech PI: 83
    PI: 86
99 Occupation: Assistant professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill with her own tech site at www.technosociology.org
    Handle: @zeynep
    Why: Catch Zeynep's musings on everything ranging from international Web policies to  social justice.
    Tech PI: 84
    PI: 77
98 Occupation: Data Scientist in Residence at Accel, Scientist Emeritus at bitly, co-founder of HackNY, co-host of DataGotham, and member of NYCResistor
    Handle: @hmason
    Why: Hilary is on top of the chatter when it comes to today's tech news.
    Tech PI: 84
    PI: 77

REST APIで取ってきた情報はjsonで保持します。

  "contributors_enabled": false, 
    "created_at": "Sat Dec 31 18:29:24 +0000 2011", 
    "default_profile": true, 
    "default_profile_image": false, 
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    "screen_name": "rupertmurdoch", 
    "status": {
        "contributors": null, 
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        "created_at": "Fri Apr 10 12:33:22 +0000 2015", 
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        "source": "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/#!/download/ipad\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter for iPad</a>", 
        "text": "Guardian today suggests my dad's expose of Gallipoli fiasco led to my anti-establishment views.  Maybe, but confirmed by many later \nevents.", 
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