
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2017-06-07


それぞれのサンプルコードのRelease Noteも見ていきます。

AVCam-iOS: Using AVFoundation to Capture Images and Movies

iOS 11.0から導入されたdepth dataを扱うサンプルコードです。

2017-06-06: Updated for new camera features in iOS 11.0.

The sample has a record button for recording movies, a photo button for capturing photos, a Live Photo mode button for enabling Live Photo capture, a Depth Data delivery button for enabling depth data delivery in capture, a capture mode control for toggling between photo and movie capture modes, and a camera button for switching between front and back cameras (on supported devices). AVCam runs only on an actual device, either an iPad or iPhone, and cannot be run in Simulator.

AVCamPhotoFilter: Using AVFoundation to Capture photos with image processing

2017-06-06: Updated for latest AVFoundation Capture APIs.

AVCamPhotoFilter demonstrates how to use the AVFoundation capture API to capture photos and use CoreImage to apply a filter to the captured photo and the live preview. It shows how to properly propagate sample buffer attachments and attributes, including EXIF and color space information (like wide gamut).


2017-06-06: Rewritten in Swift.

This sample contains examples of several common control elements with various implementations and code to make them accessible, including using the accessibility methods of NSControl subclasses and implementing accessibility protocols for custom elements.

AudioUnitV3Example: A Basic AudioUnit Extension and Host Implementation

2017-06-06: Now demonstrates UI view size negotiation.

Demonstrates how to build functioning examples of two Audio Unit extensions and a simple Audio Unit host app for iOS and macOS with the version 3 Audio Unit APIs.

The Audio Unit Extensions API introduces a mechanism for developers to deliver Audio Units on both iOS and OS X using the same API and also provides a bridging mechanism for existing version 2 Audio Units and hosts allowing them to work with new version 3 Audio Units.

The targets in this sample are all prefixed by their respective platform designation, "iOS" or "OSX":

  • FilterDemoApp, FilterDemoAppExtension
  • Effect Audio Unit
  • InstrumentDemoApp, InstrumentDemoAppExtension
  • Instrument Audio Unit
  • AUv3Host
  • Audio Unit Host

Example app using Photos framework

2017-06-06: Updated for new API.

A basic Photos-like app to demonstrate the Photos framework.

  • Lists albums and built-in collections (Recently Added, Favorites, etc)
  • Displays assets (all photos or those from a collection) in a thumbnail grid
  • Displays a single photo, video, or Live Photo asset
  • Allows the following actions:
    • simple edit with canned filters (for still photos, Live Photos, and videos)
    • creating an album and adding assets to it
    • removing assets from an album * deleting assets and albums
    • favoriting an asset

SpeedySloth: Using HealthKit to build a workout app for Apple Watch

2017-06-06: Updated for new HealthKit APIs.

This sample demonstrates how to use HealthKit to build a workout app that runs in the background, collects data from the Apple Watch sensors, and contributes to Activity rings.

TVML Catalog: Using TVML Templates

2017-06-06: Updated for RTL and DataBinding support.

This sample demonstrates how to use the TVMLKit framework to display TVML content in a tvOS application, and provides a catalog of the primary TVML templates. For a complete list of templates and available elements, see the Apple TV Markup Language Reference.

TVML Guide: Core concepts in TVML and TVMLKit

2017-06-06: Updated for RTL and DataBinding support.

This sample is a collection of projects that each demonstrate a single concept for working with TVML and TVMLKit. These include document navigation, media playback, custom content, and using TVML without a web server.

Checking and Requesting Access to Data Classes in Privacy Settings

2017-06-12: Upgraded to iOS 10.3 SDK. Added support for Apple Music, Camera, Siri, and Speech Recognition. Added the Apple Music, Camera, Health sharing, HomeKit, Siri, and Speech Recognition usage descriptions to the app's Info.plist. Added support for the microphone access status. Adopted Modern Objective-C.

PrivacyPrompts shows how to check and request access to data classes such as Location, Contacts, and social media in Privacy Settings on iOS.


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