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AWSAdvent Calendar 2015

Day 10

awspec generateでどれくらいテストを生成できるか試してみる

Last updated at Posted at 2015-12-09

実は便利コマンドとして、awspec generate [rerouce type]というコマンド群があります。



$ awspec generate
awspec generate cloudwatch_alarm                    # Generate cloudwatch_alarm spec
awspec generate directconnect                       # Generate directconnect spec
awspec generate ebs                                 # Generate attached ebs spec
awspec generate ec2 [vpc_id]                        # Generate ec2 spec from VPC ID (or VPC "Name" tag)
awspec generate elb [vpc_id]                        # Generate elb spec from VPC ID (or VPC "Name" tag)
awspec generate help [COMMAND]                      # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
awspec generate iam_policy                          # Generate attached iam_policy spec
awspec generate network_acl [vpc_id]                # Generate network_acl spec from VPC ID (or VPC "Name" tag)
awspec generate rds [vpc_id]                        # Generate rds spec from VPC ID (or VPC "Name" tag)
awspec generate route53_hosted_zone [example.com.]  # Generate route53_hosted_zone spec from Domain name
awspec generate route_table [vpc_id]                # Generate route_table spec from VPC ID (or VPC "Name" tag)
awspec generate s3_bucket [backet_name]             # Generate s3_bucket spec from S3 bucket name. if NO args, Generate all.
awspec generate security_group [vpc_id]             # Generate security_group spec from VPC ID (or VPC "Name" tag)
awspec generate subnet [vpc_id]                     # Generate subnet spec from VPC ID (or VPC "Name" tag)
awspec generate vpc [vpc_id]                        # Generate vpc spec from VPC ID (or VPC "Name" tag)





Untitled (10).png




それでは早速テストファイルを生成します。すぐに rake spec が実行できるように初期設定も同時に行います。

$ mkdir advent2015aws
$ cd advent2015aws/
$ awspec init
 + spec/
 + spec/spec_helper.rb
 + Rakefile
 + spec/.gitignore
 + .rspec
$ echo "require 'spec_helper'" > spec/ec2_and_rds_spec.rb
$ awspec generate vpc my-vpc >> spec/ec2_and_rds_spec.rb
$ awspec generate ec2 my-vpc >> spec/ec2_and_rds_spec.rb
$ awspec generate elb my-vpc >> spec/ec2_and_rds_spec.rb
$ awspec generate network_acl my-vpc >> spec/ec2_and_rds_spec.rb
$ awspec generate rds my-vpc >> spec/ec2_and_rds_spec.rb
$ awspec generate route_table my-vpc >> spec/ec2_and_rds_spec.rb
$ awspec generate security_group my-vpc >> spec/ec2_and_rds_spec.rb
$ awspec generate subnet my-vpc >> spec/ec2_and_rds_spec.rb


これだけで生成されたテストケース ec2_and_rds_spec.rb はこちら。

require 'spec_helper'
describe vpc('my-vpc') do
  it { should exist }
  it { should be_available }
  its(:vpc_id) { should eq 'vpc-12a34567' }
  its(:cidr_block) { should eq '' }
  it { should have_route_table('my-route-table-private') }
  it { should have_route_table('rtb-98b76543') }
  it { should have_route_table('my-route-table-public') }
  it { should have_network_acl('acl-54321a98') }
describe ec2('my-instance') do
  it { should exist }
  it { should be_running }
  its(:instance_id) { should eq 'i-66b873e9' }
  its(:image_id) { should eq 'ami-b80b6db8' }
  its(:private_dns_name) { should eq 'ip-10-1-1-251.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal' }
  its(:public_dns_name) { should eq '' }
  its(:instance_type) { should eq 't2.micro' }
  its(:private_ip_address) { should eq '' }
  its(:public_ip_address) { should eq '' }
  it { should have_security_group('my-web-sg') }
  it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') }
  it { should belong_to_subnet('my-subnet-public-c') }
  it { should have_eip('') }
  it { should have_ebs('vol-71d442b8') }
  it { should have_ebs('vol-64d442ad') }

describe network_acl('acl-54321a98') do
  it { should exist }
  it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') }
  it { should have_subnet('my-subnet-private-rds-a') }
  it { should have_subnet('my-subnet-private-rds-c') }
  it { should have_subnet('my-subnet-public-c') }
  its(:outbound) { should be_allowed.protocol('ALL').source('').rule_number(100) }
  its(:outbound) { should be_denied.protocol('ALL').source('').rule_number('*') }
  its(:inbound) { should be_allowed.protocol('ALL').source('').rule_number(100) }
  its(:inbound) { should be_denied.protocol('ALL').source('').rule_number('*') }
  its(:inbound_entries_count) { should eq 2 }
  its(:outbound_entries_count) { should eq 2 }
describe rds('my-rds') do
  it { should exist }
  it { should be_available }
  its(:db_instance_identifier) { should eq 'my-rds' }
  its(:db_instance_class) { should eq 'db.t2.micro' }
  its(:multi_az) { should eq false }
  its(:availability_zone) { should eq 'ap-northeast-1a' }
  it { should have_security_group('my-db-sg') }
  it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') }
  it { should belong_to_db_subnet_group('my-rds-subnet-group') }
  it { should have_db_parameter_group('my-rds-pg') }
  it { should have_option_group('default:mysql-5-6') }
describe route_table('my-route-table-private') do
  it { should exist }
  it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') }
  it { should have_route('').target(gateway: 'local') }
  it { should have_subnet('my-subnet-private-rds-c') }
  it { should have_subnet('my-subnet-private-rds-a') }

describe route_table('rtb-98b76543') do
  it { should exist }
  it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') }
  it { should have_route('').target(gateway: 'local') }

describe route_table('my-route-table-public') do
  it { should exist }
  it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') }
  it { should have_route('').target(gateway: 'local') }
  it { should have_route('').target(gateway: 'igw-2015a123') }
  it { should have_subnet('my-subnet-public-c') }
describe security_group('default') do
  it { should exist }
  its(:group_id) { should eq 'sg-1ab2cd34' }
  its(:group_name) { should eq 'default' }
  its(:inbound) { should be_opened }
  its(:outbound) { should be_opened }
  its(:inbound_rule_count) { should eq 1 }
  its(:outbound_rule_count) { should eq 1 }
  its(:inbound_permissions_count) { should eq 1 }
  its(:outbound_permissions_count) { should eq 1 }
  it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') }
describe security_group('my-web-sg') do
  it { should exist }
  its(:group_id) { should eq 'sg-9ed8cba' }
  its(:group_name) { should eq 'my-web-sg' }
  its(:inbound) { should be_opened(22).protocol('tcp').for('') }
  its(:outbound) { should be_opened }
  its(:inbound_rule_count) { should eq 1 }
  its(:outbound_rule_count) { should eq 1 }
  its(:inbound_permissions_count) { should eq 1 }
  its(:outbound_permissions_count) { should eq 1 }
  it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') }

describe security_group('my-db-sg') do
  it { should exist }
  its(:group_id) { should eq 'sg-12b3bb4b' }
  its(:group_name) { should eq 'my-db-sg' }
  its(:inbound) { should be_opened(3306).protocol('tcp').for('sg-9ed8cba') }
  its(:outbound) { should be_opened }
  its(:inbound_rule_count) { should eq 1 }
  its(:outbound_rule_count) { should eq 1 }
  its(:inbound_permissions_count) { should eq 1 }
  its(:outbound_permissions_count) { should eq 1 }
  it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') }
describe subnet('my-subnet-public-c') do
  it { should exist }
  it { should be_available }
  it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') }
  its(:subnet_id) { should eq 'subnet-999999c9' }
  its(:cidr_block) { should eq '' }

describe subnet('my-subnet-private-rds-a') do
  it { should exist }
  it { should be_available }
  it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') }
  its(:subnet_id) { should eq 'subnet-a1111111' }
  its(:cidr_block) { should eq '' }

describe subnet('my-subnet-private-rds-c') do
  it { should exist }
  it { should be_available }
  it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') }
  its(:subnet_id) { should eq 'subnet-989898cc' }
  its(:cidr_block) { should eq '' }


$ rake spec


Finished in 3.64 seconds (files took 6.75 seconds to load)
103 examples, 0 failures

GREEN! :white_check_mark:


このように、awspec generateも実用的になってきています。



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