
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2015-10-10




  • テストアプリをfabricか内部テスターで飛ばしてSlackに通知を自動化
  • 申請時に使う情報を全部なんかconfファイルとかに書いておいて、リリースノートとかも更新+申請を自動化




スクリーンショット 2015-10-10 9.44.49.png



sudo gem install fastlane
fastlane init




スクリーンショット 2015-10-10 9.56.34.png


# Customise this file, documentation can be found here:
# https://github.com/KrauseFx/fastlane/tree/master/docs
# All available actions: https://github.com/KrauseFx/fastlane/blob/master/docs/Actions.md
# can also be listed using the `fastlane actions` command

# Change the syntax highlighting to Ruby
# All lines starting with a # are ignored when running `fastlane`

# By default, fastlane will send which actions are used
# No personal data is shared, more information on https://github.com/fastlane/enhancer
# Uncomment the following line to opt out
# opt_out_usage

# If you want to automatically update fastlane if a new version is available:
# update_fastlane

# This is the minimum version number required.
# Update this, if you use features of a newer version

fastlane_version "1.32.1"

default_platform :ios

platform :ios do
  before_all do
    ENV["SLACK_URL"] = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXXXXX"

    # increment_build_number

    #xctool # run the tests of your app

  desc "Runs all the tests"
  lane :test do
    desc "Run Test Command."
    desc "Run UnitTest"

  desc "Submit a new Beta Build to Apple TestFlight"
  desc "This will also make sure the profile is up to date"
  lane :beta do
    gym # Build your app - more options available

    # sh "your_script.sh"
    # You can also use other beta testing services here

  desc "Deploy a new version to the App Store"
  lane :deploy do
  desc "** Full Markdown** Support: `code`"
    gym # Build your app - more options available
    deliver(force: true)
    # frameit

  # You can define as many lanes as you want

  # after_all do |lane|
  #  # This block is called, only if the executed lane was successful
  #  slack(
  #    message: "Successfully deployed new App Update!!"
  #  )
  # end

  # error do |lane, exception|
  #  slack(
  #    message: exception.message,
  #    success: false
  #  )

- Slack_urlを設定、Slackのwebhookの設定ページで発行できるURLを入れる
- increment_build_numberをコメントイン、整数値でビルド番号がfastlane実行毎に上がるようになる、CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSIONがbuild settingに書いてないとダメ
- after_allとerrorもコメントイン
- xctestを記述

before_all do
# https://{your_slack_name}-team.slack.com/services/{your_slack_room_name}?added=1
ENV["SLACK_URL"] = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXX"


    scheme: "Gitrend",
    destination: "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6,OS=8.4",


これだけで以下のコマンドを叩けば、とりあえずpod updateしてユニットテストして成功・失敗をslackに投げてくれる。

fastlane test

lane: XXX で定義されているものがfastlaneでの実行ターゲットになる。これをlaneとよぶ。
この場合 lane: testと描かれている処理を実行する、実行後に成功・失敗がSlackに投稿される。


% fastlane actions                                                                                                                                    [10:06:02]
|                                                   Available fastlane actions                                                    |
| Action                       | Description                                                                   | Author           |
| add_git_tag                  | This will add a git tag to the current branch                                 | lmirosevic       |
| appstore                     | Alias for the deliver action                                                  | KrauseFx         |
| artifactory                  | This action uploads an artifact to artifactory                                | koglinjg         |
| backup_file                  | This action backs up your file to "[path].back"                               | gin0606          |
| backup_xcarchive             | Save your [zipped] xcarchive elsewhere from default path                      | dral3x           |
| bundle_install               | This action runs `bundle install` (if available)                              | Multiple         |
| carthage                     | Runs `carthage bootstrap` for your project                                    | Multiple         |
| cert                         | Fetch or generate the latest available code signing identity                  | KrauseFx         |
| chatwork                     | Send a success/error message to ChatWork                                      | ChatWork Inc.    |
| clean_build_artifacts        | Deletes files created as result of running ipa or sigh                        | lmirosevic       |
| clipboard                    | Copies a given string into the clipboard. Works only on Mac OS X computers    | KrauseFx         |
| cocoapods                    | Runs `pod install` for the project                                            | Multiple         |
| commit_version_bump          | Creates a 'Version Bump' commit. Run after `increment_build_number`           | lmirosevic       |
| crashlytics                  | Upload a new build to Crashlytics Beta                                        | Multiple         |
| create_keychain              | Create a new Keychain                                                         | gin0606          |
| debug                        | Print out an overview of the lane context values                              | KrauseFx         |
| default_platform             | Defines a default platform to not have to specify the platform                | KrauseFx         |
| delete_keychain              | Delete keychains and remove them from the search list                         | gin0606          |
| deliver                      | Uses deliver to upload new app metadata and builds to iTunes Connect          | KrauseFx         |
| deploygate                   | Upload a new build to DeployGate                                              | tnj              |
| dotgpg_environment           | Reads in production secrets set in a dotgpg file and puts them in ENV         | simonlevy5       |
| download                     | Download a file from a remote server (e.g. JSON file)                         | KrauseFx         |
| dsym_zip                     | Creates a zipped dSYM in the project root from the .xcarchive                 | lmirosevic       |
| ensure_git_branch            | Raises an exception if not on a specific git branch                           | Multiple         |
| ensure_git_status_clean      | Raises an exception if there are uncommited git changes                       | lmirosevic       |
| ensure_no_debug_code         | Ensures the given text is nowhere in the code base                            | KrauseFx         |
| fastlane_version             | Verifies the minimum fastlane version required                                | KrauseFx         |
| frameit                      | Adds device frames around the screenshots using frameit                       | KrauseFx         |
| gcovr                        | Runs test coverage reports for your Xcode project                             | dtrenz           |
| get_build_number             | Get the build number of your project                                          | Liquidsoul       |
| get_github_release           | This will verify if a given release version is avialable on GitHub            | Multiple         |
| get_info_plist_value         | Returns value from Info.plist of your project as native Ruby data structures  | kohtenko         |
| get_version_number           | Get the version number of your project                                        | Liquidsoul       |
| git_branch                   | Returns the name of the current git branch                                    | KrauseFx         |
| git_commit                   | Directly commit the given file with the given message                         | KrauseFx         |
| git_pull                     | Executes a simple git pull command                                            | KrauseFx         |
| gym                          | Easily build and sign your app using `gym`                                    | KrauseFx         |
| hg_add_tag                   | This will add a hg tag to the current branch                                  | sjrmanning       |
| hg_commit_version_bump       | This will commit a version bump to the hg repo                                | sjrmanning       |
| hg_ensure_clean_status       | Raises an exception if there are uncommited hg changes                        | sjrmanning       |
| hg_push                      | This will push changes to the remote hg repository                            | sjrmanning       |
| hipchat                      | Send a error/success message to HipChat                                       | jingx23          |
| hockey                       | Upload a new build to HockeyApp                                               | KrauseFx         |
| import                       | Import another Fastfile to use its lanes                                      | KrauseFx         |
| import_certificate           | Import certificate from inputfile into a keychain                             | gin0606          |
| import_from_git              | Import another Fastfile from a remote git repository to use its lanes         | Multiple         |
| increment_build_number       | Increment the build number of your project                                    | KrauseFx         |
| increment_version_number     | Increment the version number of your project                                  | serluca          |
| ipa                          | Easily build and sign your app using shenzhen                                 | joshdholtz       |
| is_ci                        | Is the current run being executed on a CI system, like Jenkins or Travis      | KrauseFx         |
| lane_context                 | An alias to `Actions.lane_context`                                            | KrauseFx         |
| last_git_tag                 | Get the most recent git tag                                                   | KrauseFx         |
| lcov                         | Generates coverage data using lcov                                            | thiagolioy       |
| mailgun                      | Send a success/error message to an email group                                | thiagolioy       |
| nexus_upload                 | Upload a file to Sonatype Nexus platform                                      | xfreebird        |
| notify                       | Shows a Mac OS X notification                                                 | champo           |
| oclint                       | Lints implementation files with OCLint                                        | HeEAaD           |
| opt_out_usage                | This will stop uploading the information which actions were run               | KrauseFx         |
| pem                          | Makes sure a valid push profile is active and creates a new one if needed     | KrauseFx         |
| pilot                        | Upload a new binary to iTunes Connect for TestFlight beta testing             | KrauseFx         |
| pod_push                     | Push a Podspec to Trunk or a private repository                               | squarefrog       |
| produce                      | Creates the given application on iTC and the Dev Portal if necessary          | KrauseFx         |
| prompt                       | Ask the user for a value or for confirmation                                  | KrauseFx         |
| push_git_tags                | Push local tags to the remote - this will only push tags                      | vittoriom        |
| push_to_git_remote           | Push local changes to the remote branch                                       | lmirosevic       |
| puts                         | Prints out the given text                                                     | KrauseFx         |
| read_podspec                 | Loads a CocoaPods spec as JSON                                                | czechboy0        |
| register_devices             | Registers new devices to the Apple Dev Portal                                 | lmirosevic       |
| reset_git_repo               | Resets git repo to a clean state by discarding uncommited changes             | lmirosevic       |
| resign                       | Codesign an existing ipa file                                                 | lmirosevic       |
| restore_file                 | This action restore your file that was backuped with the `backup_file` action | gin0606          |
| s3                           | Generates a plist file and uploads all to AWS S3                              | joshdholtz       |
| say                          | This action speaks out loud the given text                                    | KrauseFx         |
| set_build_number_repository  | Set the build number from the current repository                              | pbrooks          |
| set_changelog                | Set the changelog for all languages on iTunes Connect                         | KrauseFx         |
| set_github_release           | This will create a new release on GitHub and upload assets for it             | czechboy0        |
| set_info_plist_value         | Sets value to Info.plist of your project as native Ruby data structures       | kohtenko         |
| sigh                         | Generates a provisioning profile. Stores the profile in the current folder    | KrauseFx         |
| slack                        | Send a success/error message to your Slack group                              | KrauseFx         |
| slather                      | Use slather to generate a code coverage report                                | mattdelves       |
| snapshot                     | Generate new localised screenshots on multiple devices                        | KrauseFx         |
| splunkmint                   | Upload dSYM file to Splunk MINT                                               | xfreebird        |
| team_id                      | Specify the Team ID you want to use for the Apple Developer Portal            | KrauseFx         |
| team_name                    | Set a team to use by its name                                                 | KrauseFx         |
| testflight                   | Alias for the pilot action                                                    | KrauseFx         |
| testmunk                     | Run tests on real devices using Testmunk                                      | Multiple         |
| typetalk                     | Post a message to Typetalk                                                    | Nulab Inc.       |
| unlock_keychain              | Unlock a keychain                                                             | xfreebird        |
| update_app_group_identifiers | This action changes the app group identifiers in the entitlements file        | mathiasAichinger |
| update_fastlane              | Makes sure fastlane-tools are up-to-date when running fastlane                | milch            |
| update_info_plist            | Update a Info.plist file with bundle identifier and display name              | tobiasstrebitzer |
| update_project_code_signing  | Updated code signing settings from 'Automatic' to a specific profile          | KrauseFx         |
| update_project_provisioning  | Update projects code signing settings from your profisioning profile          | Multiple         |
| verify_xcode                 | Verifies that the Xcode installation is properly signed by Apple              | KrauseFx         |
| version_bump_podspec         | Increment or set the version in a podspec file                                | Multiple         |
| version_get_podspec          | Receive the version number from a podspec file                                | Multiple         |
| xcarchive                    | Archives the project using `xcodebuild`                                       | dtrenz           |
| xcbuild                      | Builds the project using `xcodebuild`                                         | dtrenz           |
| xcclean                      | Cleans the project using `xcodebuild`                                         | dtrenz           |
| xcexport                     | Exports the project using `xcodebuild`                                        | dtrenz           |
| xcode_select                 | Change the xcode-path to use. Useful for beta versions of Xcode               | dtrenz           |
| xcode_server_get_assets      | Downloads Xcode Bot assets like the `.xcarchive` and logs                     | czechboy0        |
| xcodebuild                   | Use the `xcodebuild` command to build and sign your app                       | dtrenz           |
| xctest                       | Runs tests on the given simulator                                             | dtrenz           |
| xctool                       | Run tests using xctool                                                        | KrauseFx         |
  Total of 105 actions

Get more information for one specific action using `fastlane action [name]`




| say       | This action speaks out loud the given text                                   | KrauseFx         |


% fastlane actions say                                                                                                                                [10:07:47]
Loading documentation for say:

|                    say                     |
| This action speaks out loud the given text |
|                                            |
| Created by KrauseFx                        |

No available options

More information can be found on https://github.com/KrauseFx/fastlane/blob/master/docs/Actions.md



  before_all do
    say ["がんばれ"]
    # https://{your_slack_name}-team.slack.com/services/{your_slack_room_name}?added=1
    ENV["SLACK_URL"] = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/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"


    #xctool # run the tests of your app







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