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ディープラーニングによる超解像(Deeply-Recursive Convolutional Network)のtensorflow実装

Last updated at Posted at 2017-01-22


元論文:"Deeply-Recursive Convolutional Network for Image Super-Resolution", CVPR2016

これは同じCNNを何度もかけて少しづつ画像を綺麗にしていって、最終的に全ての結果をうまいこと混ぜ合わせて解像度の高い絵を得るものです。state of the artの結果を出しているとのこと。


drcn result.001.png
drcn result.002.png



DataSet Bicubic SRCN SelfEx My Result DRCN
Set5 x2 33.66 36.66 36.49 36.92 37.63
Set14 x2 30.24 32.42 32.22 32.47 33.04
BSD100 x2 29.56 31.36 31.18 31.47 31.85
Urban100 x2 26.88 29.50 29.54 29.31 30.75


  def build_embedding_graph(self):
    self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None, None, self.channels], name="X")
    self.y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None, None, self.channels], name="Y")

    # H-1 conv
    self.Wm1_conv = util.weight([self.cnn_size, self.cnn_size, self.channels, self.feature_num],
                                               stddev=self.weight_dev, name="W-1_conv", initializer=self.initializer)
    self.Bm1_conv = util.bias([self.feature_num], name="B-1")
    Hm1_conv = util.conv2d_with_bias_and_relu(self.x, self.Wm1_conv, self.cnn_stride, self.Bm1_conv, name="H-1")

    # H0 conv
    self.W0_conv = util.weight([self.cnn_size, self.cnn_size, self.feature_num, self.feature_num],
                                             stddev=self.weight_dev, name="W0_conv", initializer=self.initializer)
    self.B0_conv = util.bias([self.feature_num], name="B0")
    self.H_conv[0] = util.conv2d_with_bias_and_relu(Hm1_conv, self.W0_conv, self.cnn_stride, self.B0_conv, name="H0")

    if self.summary:
      # convert to tf.summary.image format [batch_num, height, width, channels]
      Wm1_transposed = tf.transpose(self.Wm1_conv, [3, 0, 1, 2])
      tf.summary.image("W-1" + self.model_name, Wm1_transposed, max_outputs=self.log_weight_image_num)
      util.add_summaries("B-1:" + self.model_name, self.Bm1_conv, mean=True, max=True, min=True)
      util.add_summaries("W-1:" + self.model_name, self.Wm1_conv, mean=True, max=True, min=True)

      util.add_summaries("B0:" + self.model_name, self.B0_conv, mean=True, max=True, min=True)
      util.add_summaries("W0:" + self.model_name, self.W0_conv, mean=True, max=True, min=True)

  def build_inference_graph(self):
    if self.inference_depth <= 0:

    self.W_conv = util.diagonal_weight([self.cnn_size, self.cnn_size, self.feature_num, self.feature_num], name="W_conv")
    self.B_conv = util.bias([self.feature_num], name="B")

    for i in range(0, self.inference_depth):
      self.H_conv[i+1] = util.conv2d_with_bias_and_relu(self.H_conv[i], self.W_conv, 1, self.B_conv, name="H%d"%(i+1))

    if self.summary:
      util.add_summaries("W:" + self.model_name, self.W_conv, mean=True, max=True, min=True)
      util.add_summaries("B:" + self.model_name, self.B_conv, mean=True, max=True, min=True)

  def build_reconstruction_graph(self):
    # HD+1 conv
    self.WD1_conv = util.weight([self.cnn_size, self.cnn_size, self.feature_num, self.feature_num],
                                             stddev=self.weight_dev, name="WD1_conv", initializer=self.initializer)
    self.BD1_conv = util.bias([self.feature_num], name="BD1")

    # HD+2 conv
    self.WD2_conv = util.weight([self.cnn_size, self.cnn_size, self.feature_num, self.channels],
                                              stddev=self.weight_dev, name="WD2_conv", initializer=self.initializer)
    self.BD2_conv = util.bias([1], name="BD2")

    self.Y1_conv = (self.inference_depth + 1) * [None]
    self.Y2_conv = (self.inference_depth + 1) * [None]
    self.W = tf.Variable( np.full(fill_value=1.0 / (self.inference_depth + 1), shape=[self.inference_depth + 1], dtype=np.float32), name="layer_weight")
    W_sum = tf.reduce_sum(self.W)

    for i in range(0, self.inference_depth+1):
      self.Y1_conv[i] = util.conv2d_with_bias_and_relu(self.H_conv[i], self.WD1_conv, self.cnn_stride, self.BD1_conv, name="Y%d_1"%i)
      self.Y2_conv[i] = util.conv2d_with_bias_and_relu(self.Y1_conv[i], self.WD2_conv, self.cnn_stride, self.BD2_conv, name="Y%d_2"%i)
      y_ = tf.mul(self.W[i], self.Y2_conv[i], name="Y%d_mul" % i)
      y_ = tf.div(y_, W_sum, name="Y%d_div" % i)
      if i == 0:
        self.y_ = y_
        self.y_ = self.y_ + y_

    if self.summary:
      util.add_summaries("BD1:" + self.model_name, self.BD1_conv)
      util.add_summaries("WD1:" + self.model_name, self.WD1_conv, mean=True, max=True, min=True)
      util.add_summaries("WD2:" + self.model_name, self.WD2_conv, mean=True, max=True, min=True)

  def build_optimizer(self):
    self.lr_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[], name="LearningRate")
    self.loss_alpha_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[], name="Alpha")

    mse = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(self.y_ - self.y), name="Loss1")
    if self.debug:
      mse = tf.Print(mse, [mse], message="MSE: ")

    if self.loss_alpha == 0.0 or self.inference_depth == 0:
      loss = mse
      loss1_mse = self.inference_depth * [None]

      for i in range(0, self.inference_depth):
        inference_sub = tf.sub(self.y, self.Y2_conv[i], name="Loss1_%d_sub" % i)
        inference_square = tf.square(inference_sub, name="Loss1_%d_squ" % i)
        loss1_mse[i] = tf.reduce_mean(inference_square, name="Loss1_%d" % i)

      loss1 = loss1_mse[0]
      for i in range(1, self.inference_depth):
        if i == self.inference_depth:
          loss1 = tf.add(loss1, loss1_mse[i], name="Loss1")
          loss1 = tf.add(loss1, loss1_mse[i], name="Loss1_%d_add" % i)

      loss1 = tf.mul(1.0 / self.inference_depth, loss1, name="Loss1_weight")
      loss2 = mse
      if self.visualize:
        tf.summary.scalar("L1:" + self.model_name, loss1)
        tf.summary.scalar("L2:" + self.model_name, loss2)
      loss1 = tf.mul(self.loss_alpha_input, loss1, name="Loss1_alpha")
      loss2 = tf.mul(1 - self.loss_alpha_input, loss2, name="Loss2_alpha")

      if self.loss_beta > 0.0:
        with tf.name_scope('Loss3') as scope:
          loss3 = tf.nn.l2_loss(self.Wm1_conv) + tf.nn.l2_loss(self.W0_conv) \
                  + tf.nn.l2_loss(self.W_conv) + tf.nn.l2_loss(self.WD1_conv) \
                  + tf.nn.l2_loss(self.WD2_conv)
          loss3 *= self.loss_beta

        if self.visualize:
          tf.summary.scalar("L3:" + self.model_name, loss3)
        loss = loss1 + loss2 + loss3
        loss = loss1 + loss2

    if self.visualize:
      tf.summary.scalar("Loss:" + self.model_name, loss)

    self.loss = loss
    self.mse = mse
    self.train_step = self.add_optimizer_op(loss, self.lr_input)

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