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DatadogのProcess Checkを使う際の注意点

Last updated at Posted at 2015-09-01

Datadogが提供するProcess Checkは非常に強力です、サーバー内で動作しているProcessの状況をメトリクスとして集めてくれるます。しかしながら、yamlを設定する際に注意して欲しい点があります。


#  - name: (required) STRING. It will be used to uniquely identify your metrics as they will be tagged with this name
#    search_string: (required) LIST OF STRINGS. If one of the elements in the list matches,
#                    return the counter of all the processes that contain the string
#    exact_match: (optional) Boolean. Default to True, if you want to look for an arbitrary
#                 string, use exact_match: False
#    cpu_check_interval: (optional) CPU percent check interval: 0.1 - 1.0 sec.
#    ignore_denied_access: (optional) Boolean. Default to True, when getting the number of files descriptors, dd-agent user might
#    get a denied access. Set this to true to not issue a warning if that happens.
#    thresholds: (optional) Two ranges: critical and warning
#         warning: (optional) List of two values: If the number of processes found is below the first value or
#                  above the second one, the process check will return WARNING.
#         critical: (optional) List of two values: If the number of processes found is below the first value or
#                   above the second one, the process check will return CRITICAL.
#     In this example, process check will return OK for 3 to 5 process. WARNING for 1, 2, 6, 7 processes and Critical below 1 or above 7.
#     CRITICAL is always dominant in case of overlapping.

この中の、 exact_matchfalseで記述しておくことをおすすめします。


Process checkを設定してみて、実際にprocessが実行されているのに検索している結果が0出ている場合は、yaml設定ファイルにexact_match: Falseを設定してみてください。


  - name: postgres
    search_string: ['postgres']
    ignore_denied_access: True
    exact_match: False    



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