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ionic コマンド一覧

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 |_|\___/|_| |_|_|\___|  CLI v2.2.1

Usage: ionic task args

Available tasks: 
(use --help or -h for more info)

   start  ..........  指定されたPATHで新しいIonicプロジェクトを開始する
   serve  ..........  アプリの開発、またはテストのためのローカルサーバーの起動
   setup  ..........  ビルドツールを使用してプロジェクトを設定 (beta版)
   generate  .......  ページとコンポーネントの生成
   platform  .......  Ionic appへプラットホーム追加
   run  ............  接続されたデバイスでIonicプロジェクトを実行
   emulate  ........  シミュレータまたはエミュレータで、Ionicプロジェクトをエミュレートする
   build  ..........  特定のプラットフォームのIonicプロジェクトをビルド

   plugin  .........  Cordovaプラグインの追加
   resources  ......  Automatically create icon and splash screen resources (beta)
              Put your images in the ./resources directory, named splash or icon.
              Accepted file types are .png, .ai, and .psd.
              Icons should be 192x192 px without rounded corners.
              Splashscreens should be 2208x2208 px, with the image centered in the middle.

   upload  .........  Upload an app to your Ionic account
   share  ..........  Share an app with a client, co-worker, friend, or customer
   lib  ............  Gets Ionic library version or updates the Ionic library
   login  ..........  Login to your Ionic account
   io  .............  Integrate your app with Ionic Cloud services
   security  .......  Store your app's credentials for the Ionic Cloud
   push  ...........  Upload APNS and GCM credentials to Ionic Push
   package  ........  Use Ionic Package to build your app
   config  .........  Set configuration variables for your ionic app
   service  ........  Add an Ionic service package and install any required plugins
   add  ............  Add an Ion, bower component, or addon to the project
   remove  .........  Remove an Ion, bower component, or addon from the project
   list  ...........  List Ions, bower components, or addons in the project
   info  ...........  List information about the users runtime environment
   help  ...........  Provides help for a certain command
   link  ...........  Sets your Ionic App ID for your project
   hooks  ..........  Manage your Ionic Cordova hooks
   state  ..........  Saves or restores state of your Ionic Application using the package.json file
   docs  ...........  Opens up the documentation for Ionic


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