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問題はこちら : http://nabetani.sakura.ne.jp/hena/ord4tetroid/

operator <<はデバッグ用(判定には使ってません)。operator >>の実装はかなりテキトーです。

#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>

struct Tetromino
    int a, b, c, d;

    void normalize()
        struct Pos
            int x, y;
            Pos(int n) : x(n / 10), y(n % 10) {}
            operator int () const { return x * 10 + y; }
        Pos ap(a), bp(b), cp(c), dp(d);

        int minx = std::min(std::min(ap.x, bp.x), std::min(cp.x, dp.x));
        int miny = std::min(std::min(ap.y, bp.y), std::min(cp.y, dp.y));
        ap.x -= minx; bp.x -= minx; cp.x -= minx; dp.x -= minx;
        ap.y -= miny; bp.y -= miny; cp.y -= miny; dp.y -= miny;
        a = ap; b = bp; c = cp; d = dp;

    bool operator == (const Tetromino& other) const
        return a == other.a && b == other.b && c == other.c && d == other.d;

    bool operator != (const Tetromino& other) const
        return ! (*this == other);

std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& in, Tetromino& t)
    char c;
    int  p[4];
    in >> p[0] >> c >> p[1] >> c >> p[2] >> c >> p[3];
    std::sort(p, p + 4);
    t.a = p[0]; t.b = p[1]; t.c = p[2]; t.d = p[3];
    return in;

std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const Tetromino& t)
    return out << t.a << ", " << t.b << ", " << t.c << ", " << t.d;

Tetromino Ls[] = { {00, 01, 02, 12}, {00, 01, 10, 20}, {00, 10, 11, 12}, {01, 11, 20, 21},
                   {00, 01, 11, 21}, {00, 01, 02, 10}, {00, 10, 20, 21}, {02, 10, 11, 12} };
Tetromino Is[] = { {00, 10, 20, 30}, {00, 01, 02, 03} };
Tetromino Ts[] = { {00, 10, 11, 20}, {00, 01, 02, 11}, {01, 10, 11, 21}, {01, 10, 11, 12} };
Tetromino Os[] = { {00, 01, 10, 11} };
Tetromino Ss[] = { {00, 01, 11, 12}, {01, 02, 10, 11}, {01, 10, 11, 20}, {00, 10, 11, 21} };

Tetromino* LsEnd = Ls + 8;
Tetromino* IsEnd = Is + 2;
Tetromino* TsEnd = Ts + 4;
Tetromino* OsEnd = Os + 1;
Tetromino* SsEnd = Ss + 4;

std::string getTetrominoType(const std::string& s)
    Tetromino          t;
    std::istringstream iss(s);
    iss >> t;

    if(std::find(Ls, LsEnd, t) != LsEnd) return "L";
    if(std::find(Is, IsEnd, t) != IsEnd) return "I";
    if(std::find(Ts, TsEnd, t) != TsEnd) return "T";
    if(std::find(Os, OsEnd, t) != OsEnd) return "O";
    if(std::find(Ss, SsEnd, t) != SsEnd) return "S";

    return "-";

テスト。いつものようにGoogle Test使ってます。

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <string>

std::string getTetrominoType(const std::string& s);

#define test(A, E) ASSERT_EQ(std::string(E), getTetrominoType(A))

TEST(TetrominoTest, test1)
    /* #1*/ test("55, 55, 55, 55", "-");
    /* #2*/ test("07, 17, 06, 05", "L");
    /* #3*/ test("21, 41, 31, 40", "L");
    /* #4*/ test("62, 74, 73, 72", "L");
    /* #5*/ test("84, 94, 74, 75", "L");
    /* #6*/ test("48, 49, 57, 47", "L");
    /* #7*/ test("69, 89, 79, 68", "L");
    /* #8*/ test("90, 82, 91, 92", "L");
    /* #9*/ test("13, 23, 03, 24", "L");
    /*#10*/ test("24, 22, 25, 23", "I");
    /*#11*/ test("51, 41, 21, 31", "I");
    /*#12*/ test("64, 63, 62, 65", "I");
    /*#13*/ test("49, 69, 59, 79", "I");
    /*#14*/ test("12, 10, 21, 11", "T");
    /*#15*/ test("89, 99, 79, 88", "T");
    /*#16*/ test("32, 41, 43, 42", "T");
    /*#17*/ test("27, 16, 36, 26", "T");
    /*#18*/ test("68, 57, 58, 67", "O");
    /*#19*/ test("72, 62, 61, 71", "O");
    /*#20*/ test("25, 24, 15, 14", "O");
    /*#21*/ test("43, 54, 53, 42", "S");
    /*#22*/ test("95, 86, 76, 85", "S");
    /*#23*/ test("72, 73, 84, 83", "S");
    /*#24*/ test("42, 33, 32, 23", "S");
    /*#25*/ test("66, 57, 67, 58", "S");
    /*#26*/ test("63, 73, 52, 62", "S");
    /*#27*/ test("76, 68, 77, 67", "S");
    /*#28*/ test("12, 11, 22, 01", "S");
    /*#29*/ test("05, 26, 06, 25", "-");
    /*#30*/ test("03, 11, 13, 01", "-");
    /*#31*/ test("11, 20, 00, 21", "-");
    /*#32*/ test("84, 95, 94, 86", "-");
    /*#33*/ test("36, 56, 45, 35", "-");
    /*#34*/ test("41, 33, 32, 43", "-");
    /*#35*/ test("75, 94, 84, 95", "-");
    /*#36*/ test("27, 39, 28, 37", "-");
    /*#37*/ test("45, 34, 54, 35", "-");
    /*#38*/ test("24, 36, 35, 26", "-");
    /*#39*/ test("27, 27, 27, 27", "-");
    /*#40*/ test("55, 44, 44, 45", "-");
    /*#41*/ test("70, 73, 71, 71", "-");
    /*#42*/ test("67, 37, 47, 47", "-");
    /*#43*/ test("43, 45, 41, 42", "-");
    /*#44*/ test("87, 57, 97, 67", "-");
    /*#45*/ test("49, 45, 46, 48", "-");
    /*#46*/ test("63, 63, 52, 72", "-");
    /*#47*/ test("84, 86, 84, 95", "-");
    /*#48*/ test("61, 60, 62, 73", "-");
    /*#49*/ test("59, 79, 69, 48", "-");
    /*#50*/ test("55, 57, 77, 75", "-");

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