More than 5 years have passed since last update.

Qiita and Kobito - Great Duet to manage your knowledge.

Last updated at Posted at 2012-11-22


Qiita is the best way to log and share programmers' knowledge. -- Qitta.com

What people do in Qiita?

  • Share your Hacking snippet

  • Programming Tips

  • Better way to orgnaize your gist

  • make new friends

and so much more.

Qiita is like a Twitter for programmer. In here, we follow/unfollow programming tweets, watch technologies we care about.


A Great Mac App. DELUXE Markdown editor. Ultra-fast Real-time preview. => Think of “Evernote with markdown
support -- non-crashed version” :P

How to register Qiita?

Setp 1: visit http://qiita.com/

For the first time => Qiita 新規登入。

Already a user => “既にアカウントを持っている方はログイン”

Signup via Github/Twitter Oauth.

Step 2: If you choose github oauth, authorize Qiita to get following info:

  • Read your public information.
  • Create and edit gists.

click allow,Neat!!!

Step 3: Fill in some info

  • email
  • password (if you want to use kobito app with qiita, you MUST set a password.)
  • click the buttom to agree terms & conditions.

Note: You MUST set a password in order to use Qiita with Kobito.

Step 4: Follow some topics you're interested in.

You can do it later,Japanese 101: “フォローする” = Follow

The key to learn a CJK language is like learning the recursion, by pattern recognition.

When you done, click “タグフォローを完了して次へ” :)

Start using Qiita

=> “スキップしてQiitaの利用を開始する”

Qiita Home

Home page explained:

Qiita Home Page.png


Found post you created / followed.

How to Put a post into stock?

Well, this should help you to get started using Qiita. The whole qiita.com's design is intuitive. Just follow your common sense :) Personally I don't know japanese. But I can guess the functionality by trying it out or look at the url or the hardcore way: translate it via google translate… :P

Qiita Flavored Markdown

Two highlights

Insert code:

you specify what the type of code you're writing and name it.

(blank line)

puts 'The best app to log and share programming knowledge.'


(blank line)

Syntax honey for table

It's honey because it's sweeter than suger :P

| Left align | Right align | Center align |
| This       |        This |     This     |
| column     |      column |    column    |
| will       |        will |     will     |
| be         |          be |      be      |
| left       |       right |    center    |
| aligned    |     aligned |   aligned    |

Much like normal markdown and GFM. Read more

Create Your First Qiita Post!

See Qiita Home Page.png, click the button noted by “Create a new item” to post your first qiita post.

You can post to your Github Gist, Twitter or Qitta Private.

Hey Mom!!! Come, Come, Comeeee to see Qiita. It's awesome!!!!!!!!

Qiita - upper right Nav bar explained.

User page

Similar to Twitter User Page, see:

Profile Setting プロフィール設定

Settings アカウント設定

Password Settings パスワード設定

Logout ログアウト

“ログアウト” => Logout Qiita


Qiita integrates Twitter and Github. Make use of the Gist enables us to share knowledge in a convenient and elegant way. But there is MORE...


Sorry, Mac OSX ONLY

Kobito is an amazing Mac app that manage your code snippet, notes with a experience that haven't been that far yet.

“OMG! It's Evernote for Developers. But this is even better than.” This is my first thought when I installed Kobito.

You record code snippet, tag it, search for it, all these operations done in clean UI, editing with Real-time Preview at ultrafast speed, BEAUTIFUL syntax highlighting… Makes a BEAUTIFUL app.

You've never seen anything like it. Because there's never been anything like it. -- MBPR

Well fit here because it's true.

Kobito Features

Real-time preview with your upgraded good old friend, markdown.


Ultrafast Real-time preview. Preview your markdown files at Blazing-fast speed.

Kobitto markdown syntax

Implements the standard markdown and add support for table and more.

Note your code with BEAUTIFUL syntax highlighting.

Syntax Highlightでコードをきれいに記録

This is the kind of syntax highlighting you will love about.

Click to post your thoughts to Qiita


Sync your notes to Qiita in single click

Simply click “Qiitaに投稿”,check Qiita, voila!

Use your favorite editor


Editing with your favorite editor

It's possible to edit using your favorite editor

Focus makes it FASTER.



There are no unnecessary functionalities. Focus on what you need makes kobito blazingly light and fast.

Support common Keyboard operation


Common keyboard operation supported. Mouse won't distract you and make you concentrate on what you're writing.

Easy to tag up your notes


Breadcrumb your knowledge.

Every note could attached multiple tags on it.

Search for specific type of post


Don't orgnize your stuff. Search for it.


If I want to find note with tag lisp:


Built-in Spell Checker

It's amazing to find out that so many typos could happen in a document.

Spell check your post to avoid bring shame to your family (I'm joking, don't take it seriously).

Kobito Screenshot

Kobito Official Info

Kobito Download Requirement: MacOSX 10.6+

Kobito Features

Kobito Docs

Beyond all above...

It's FREE.

I've edited markdown file of more than 3000 LOC. Smooth and haven't encountered crashes.

You should use it from today. Once you discover Kobito + Qiita, there was no going back. Enjoy and...

Bon Appétit!


Register as a new user and use Qiita more conveniently

  1. You get articles that match your needs
  2. You can efficiently read back useful information
  3. You can use dark theme
What you can do with signing up