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Protractor 関連のパッケージ

Last updated at Posted at 2017-01-04


2016/12/30 時点の npm に登録されている Protractor 関連のパッケージを並べてみた

No TiTle cucumber report runner screenshot Ver comment
18 @kogai/protractor-flake v 1.0.5 A wrapper for protractor to automatically re-run failed specs for a specific number of attempts
305 @kogai/protractor-screenshot-reporter v 0.0.5 Use the screenshot reporter to capture screenshots from your Selenium nodes after each executed Protractor test case.
265 @mmmcorp/protractor-flake v 1.0.5 A wrapper for protractor to automatically re-run failed specs for a specific number of attempts
218 @ryancavanaugh/angular-protractor v 1.5.11-alpha Type definitions for Angular from https://www.github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
226 @ryancavanaugh/gulp-protractor v 1.0.15-alpha Type definitions for gulp-protractor v1.0.0 from https://www.github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
241 @ryancavanaugh/protractor v 1.5.3-alpha Type definitions for Angular Protractor 1.5.0 from https://www.github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
220 @ryancavanaugh/protractor-helpers v 1.0.12-alpha Type definitions for protractor-helpers v1.0.0 from https://www.github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
236 @ryancavanaugh/protractor-http-mock v 0.0.12-alpha Type definitions for protractor-http-mock from https://www.github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
249 @types/gulp-protractortypes v 1.0.29 TypeScript definitions for gulp-protractor v1.0.0
232 @types/protractor-helpers v 1.0.30 TypeScript definitions for protractor-helpers
254 @types/protractor-http-moc v 0.0.31 TypeScript definitions for protractor-http-mock
158 @uiuxengineering/uidk-ng-1x-view.sample v 0.0.7 View Sample for Angular 1x ES6 JSPM Gulp seed
145 abe-protractor v 0.1.3 A Protractor JS pre-processor to load ABE Specs as Angular Mocks
50 angular-component-way-webpack-starter-kit v 2.1.3 An Angular Webpack Starter kit featuring Angular 1.x with component way (component-router, Tests, E2E, Dev/Prod), Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Babel, Postcss, Jade, livereload, Webpack and CLI-generator)
100 angular-es6-webpack-starter v 0.1.4 An Angular 1 Starter kit featuring Angular 1, ES6, Webpack, UI-Router, SCSS, HMR, Protractor and multi environments.
255 angular-lib-seed v 0.0.1 An Angular 2 Webpack Starter kit featuring Angular 2 (Router, Http, Forms, Services, Tests, E2E, Coverage), Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, TypeScript, and Webpack by AngularClass
97 angular-material-protractor v 3.0.0 A collection of utility functions to make testing Angular Material based UIs easier to test.
61 angular-mock-backend v 1.2.0 AngularJS Mock Backend for Backend-less Development and Protractor Tests
258 angular-protractor-cucumber v 0.1.25 A collection of sentences for cucumber js
242 angular-require-typescript-seed v 0.0.8 angular-require-typescript-seed - the AngularJS and RequireJS using TypeScript Seed
216 angular-seed-app v 0.1.1 A basic AngularJS seed app with ESLint, Gulp, Karma, and Protractor and BrowserSync
107 angular-webpack-starter-kit v 5.2.1 An Angular Webpack Starter kit featuring Angular 1.x (ui-router, Tests, E2E, Dev/Prod), Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, Babel, Postcss, Jade, livereload and Webpack
153 angular2-boiler-plate v 1.0.0 Angular 2 Boiler plate that integrated with WebPack, TypeScript, DatePicker, RxJs for Reactive Extensions in Java Script , Karma , Jasmine for unit testing , WebKit ,protractor e2e testing
269 angular2-simple-ui v 1.1.1 Angular 2 Simple Material Design UI Components customisable with Simple 30 KB CSS with LESS support and full features support , just plugin up and run for clarity look at sample examples
101 angular2-webpack-starter v 1.0.0 An Angular 2 Webpack Starter kit featuring Angular 2 (Router, Http, Forms, Services, Tests, E2E, Coverage), Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, TypeScript, and Webpack by AngularClass
188 astrolabe v 0.3.6 Page objects for protractor
206 asyncshell v 0.3.16 Asynchronous shell and components for End2end test of JSON APIs and AngularJS user interfaces.
87 aurelia-protractor-plugin v 1.0.1 Protractor plugin for Aurelia.
179 bedrock-protractor v 3.3.0 Bedrock Protractor-based Test Framework
37 blueprint-test-runner v 3.1.2 Angular functional test runner using Drakov and Protractor
207 browserstack-protractor v 0.0.5 A wrapper to start browserstack local before protractor test are running.
211 buenos-protractor v 0.1.0
129 caravaggio-protractor v 0.0.4 Caravaggio is a dead simple visual regression testing plugin for taking and comparing screenshots with Protractor
60 chai-smoothie v 0.1.3 Chai assertions for Serenity/JS and Protractor
102 cms-protractor-helper v 1.0.0 Helper functions library for protractor tests
283 compass-for-protractor v 0.2.0 A component wrapper around Angular's Protractor Framework
112 cucumber-chai-wd v 0.2.1 WebDriverJS asapter for cucumber and chai
135 cucumber-protractor-report v 1.1.0 Shows report of which features pass or fail as well as which scenario statements pass or fail from running Angular's Protractor via Cucumber.
245 cucumber-protractor-steps v 0.1.1 Commonly used test steps for Cucumber + Protractor BDD testing (based on cucumber-mink)
83 cucumber-tests-html-reporter v 0.0.4 Generate html report from JSON file returned by cucumber-js json formatter
36 cukefarm v 4.0.0 An opinionated template for writing Cucumber tests with Protractor
276 daspec-protractor-adapter v 1.0.0
270 deBijenkorf-protractor-tests v 1.0.2 e2e tests for deBijenkorf
288 definitely-typed-angular-protractor v 1.0.0 Definitely Typed Angular Protractor
126 elementor v 2.1.0 Elementor allows you test locators against a live Protractor session by entering them directly into Chrome or your IDE.
267 encryptjs v 2.0.0 A library to encrypt and decrypt a string
54 eslint-config-clicknow v 1.12.0 ESLint shareable config for ClickNow
4 eslint-plugin-protractor v 1.32.0 ESLint rules for Protractor
295 example-gulp-protractor v 0.0.1
292 expect-promise v 0.0.3 Write better assertions for Promises
130 eyes.it v 1.0.232 Easily integrate protractor with eyes when using jasmine2 as testing framework. All you have to do is use eyes.it in your tests instead of it and it will run the test with screenshots sent to eyes after each browser.get()
94 eyes.protractor v 0.0.57 Applitools Eyes SDK For Protractor over Selenium JavaScript WebDriver
49 eyes.selenium v 0.0.54 Applitools Eyes SDK For Selenium JavaScript WebDriver
238 ez-bdd v 0.6.0 BDD Toolkit
68 febp v 1.11.0 Frontend boilerplate
298 fis3-hook-e2e v 0.0.3 fis3 e2e test plugin
275 fit-facebook v 0.0.1 ` Display an example of a small social media app using angularJs, jasmine.Js and protractor.js
310 fork-grunt-protractor-runner v 1.2.3 A Grunt plugin for running protractor runner.
243 gabriel v 0.0.1 Page objects abstraction layer on top of the Protractor
247 galenframework-protractor-plugin v 0.0.3-dev An protractor plugin to connect Galenframework with Protractor for page interaction
240 gebddui_utils v 1.0.29 Common protractor utilities to help with testing
296 Generate a simple SPA project v 0.1.0 slush-spa-clickbusletanure
197 generator-ally v 0.0.2 Generate an Ally application
95 generator-angular-2-appruffiem v 0.0.5 Angular2 application scaffolder packed up with typescript, sass, karma, protractor...
319 generator-angular-proxy-protractor v 0.0.3 Yeoman generator for Angular JS + grunt connect-proxy + grunt protractor-runner
169 generator-angular2-webpack-starter v 0.1.1 Angular2 Webpack Starter Yeoman Generator
120 generator-aspnetcore-angular2 v 3.0.0 Generate a Visual Studio/Code project for ASP.NET Core, Angular 2, and TypeScript
98 generator-cc-angular v 1.0.3 BDD of Enterprise AngularJS projects with pleasure.
186 generator-flux-react v 0.1.2 A yeoman generator for apps, based on Flux/React architecture
180 generator-gulp-angular-semantic-ui v 0.9.0 A yeoman generator for frontend webapp
191 generator-hyper-angular v 0.1.6-0 Yeoman generator for AngularJS/Express/node.js apps emphasizing modularity, configuration, and testing
96 generator-iac v 1.0.1 CLI to help you quickly start developing mobile apps with Ionic Framework, using great tools to increase your development productivity while applying some of the best practices known.
70 generator-m-ionic v 1.10.1 Advanced workflows for building rock-solid Ionic apps: develop, prototype, test, build and deliver high quality apps with Yeoman, Gulp, Bower, Angular, Cordova and of course Ionic. All in one sexy generator.
115 generator-misha v 0.3.2 Create Ionic hybrid mobile applications that can be developed in Agile teams.
301 generator-mock-protractor-tests v 0.0.0 Use to create mock protractor tests for blackbird crm
38 generator-ng-poly v 0.13.0 Yeoman generator for modular AngularJS apps with Gulp and optional Polymer support
161 generator-ng-semantic-seed v 0.0.1 A yeoman generator for frontend webapp with angular and semantic ui
79 generator-nswebangularjovica.conkic v 1.4.0 NS Web Development - Yeoman generator for AngularJS applications with GruntJS
184 generator-pageboy v 0.0.2 protractor + jasmine + yeoman + pageobjects
202 generator-pro v 0.1.0 A yeoman generator for scaffolding protractor e2e tests
131 generator-protractor v 0.5.0 A Yeoman code generator for Protractor. Protractor is an end to end test framework for Angular applications built on top of webdriverJS.
124 generator-protractor-ruru v 0.0.2 Generates a Protractor project with all the stuff we like and/or think is useful
317 generator-revert v 0.0.0 Generate a Revert application
125 generator-scaffold-webfin v 2.0.2 Scaffold
204 generator-simple-webapp v 0.1.9 Yeoman generator that utilises bower-installer and creates karma/grunt/protractor configs
109 generator-spa-angular v 1.0.0 scaffolding enterprise AngularJS SPA
75 generator-vulgar v 0.8.3 A MEAN stack development kit featuring Angular 2 (Router, Http, Forms, Services, Tests, E2E, Coverage), Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Node, PassportJS, Socket.io, Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, TypeScript, and Webpack
92 generator-webapp-full-mocha v 1.0.1 A generator for Yeoman, with Mocha, Chai + Chai as Promised for server unit, client unit and e2e tests
229 gestrecjheer v 1.0.0 JavaScript Gesture Recognizer using the Protractor algorithm.
137 grunt-angular-protractor v 0.0.5 Run protractor with grunt task runner
34 grunt-blueprint-test-runner v 2.1.0 API Blueprint Protractor Test Runner
155 grunt-mocha-protractor v 0.5.2 Run e2e angular tests with webdriver.
230 grunt-painless-protractor v 0.0.2 Grunt plugin for installing/setting up selnium protractor, and running tests against a local instance of your server
85 grunt-phantom-jasmine v 0.1.5 Run jasmine specs headlessly through PhantomJS.
160 grunt-pr v 0.1.7 A Grunt plugin for running protractor runner.
315 grunt-protractor v 0.0.0 grunt plugin for protractor
149 grunt-protractor-coverage v 0.2.17 Instrument your code and gather coverage data from Protractor E2E tests
168 grunt-protractor-cucumber v 0.5.4 Grunt runner for protractor using cucumber framework
46 grunt-protractor-cucumber-html-reportr v 0.2.8 Generate html report from JSON file returned by cucumber-js json formatter
284 grunt-protractor-invoker v 0.1.0 just to invoke global protractor
21 grunt-protractor-runner v 4.0.0 A Grunt plugin for running protractor runner.
17 grunt-protractor-runner-mulesoft v 4.0.2 A Grunt plugin for running protractor runner.
23 grunt-protractor-runner4 v 4.0.1 A Grunt plugin for running protractor runner.
227 grunt-protractor-simpleboroth v 1.0.4 A simple grunt plugin for registering Protractor tasks. No support for flags at the moment.
159 grunt-protractor-webdriver v 0.2.5 grunt plugin for starting Protractor's bundled Selenium Webdriver
42 grunt-protractor3-runner v 3.0.0 A Grunt plugin for running protractor v3.x and above
71 grunt-ptor v 1.0.10 Run Protractor e2e tests.
48 grunt-simple-protractor v 1.0.5 A simple protractor task for grunt
224 grunt-web-development v 0.0.1 Description.
228 grunt-webdriver-protractorvelan v 0.0.3 A simple grunt plugin that starts webdriver, runs protractor tests and stops webdriver
210 gsf.billing-summary v 1.0.0 Boilerplate using AngularJS, SASS, Gulp, and Browserify while also utilizing best practices.
239 gsf.document-list v 1.0.1 Boilerplate using AngularJS, SASS, Gulp, and Browserify while also utilizing best practices.
26 gulp-angular-protractor v 0.3.0 Based on the gulp-protractor plugin with an option to start / stop automatically the webdriver server
65 gulp-browserstack v 1.0.3 Start and stop SSH tunnels to BrowserStack in your Gulp pipeline.
9 gulp-protractor v 3.0.0 A helper for protactor and gulp
157 gulp-protractor-burked v 0.0.1 A helper for protactor and gulp forked by bullgare
274 gulp-protractor-cucumber v 0.1.1 Gulp plugin for protractor using cucumber framework
76 gulp-protractor-cucumber-html-report v 0.1.2 Generate html report from JSON file returned by cucumber-js json formatter
209 gulp-protractor-qaramonvictor v 0.2.0 Gulp Protractor QA warns you on the fly whether all element() selectors could be found or not within your AngularJS view files.
222 hangar-factory-girlnnattawat v 0.1.3 Library to use Hangar with protractor
271 hangarjs v 0.1.1 Use hangar factories from protractor
31 http-backend-proxy v 1.4.3 A proxy that allows configuring the AngularJs e2e $httpBackend service from within protractor based tests and enables protractor-to-browser data sharing.
57 httpbackend v 2.0.0 Module for mock http request (http backend) with protractor for testing angular app
111 httpbackendext v 1.2.3 Module for mock http request (http backend) with protractor for testing angular app
52 jasmine-allure-reporter v 1.0.1 Allure Framework reporter to Jasmine and its derivatives (Protractor)
181 jasmine-bamboo-reporter v 0.0.1 A reporter for Jasmine which produces a report compatible with Atlassian Bamboo Mocha Test Parser.
219 jasmine-disable-remaining v 0.3.0 Disable all remaining specs on the first spec failure.
154 jasmine-fauxpas-reporter v 0.0.2 Reporter for Faux
134 jasmine-html-reporter v 0.0.7 Creates HTML Report from Jasmine test results
261 jasmine-json-test-reporter v 1.0.0-beta Write Jasmine test results to disk in JSON format
11 jasmine-protractor-matchers v 1.0.1 Collection of additional jasmine matchers, that is useful for those who develop e2e tests using protractor
203 jasmine-screenshot-reporter v 0.0.6 Use the screenshot reporter to capture screenshots from your Selenium nodes after each executed Protractor test case.
2 jasmine-spec-reporter v 2.7.0 Spec reporter for jasmine behavior-driven development framework
58 jasmine-suite-reporter v 1.0.7 Simple suite Reporter for Jasmine 2
136 jasmine-tfs-report v 1.0.0 Jasmine/Protractor plugin for reporting test results to TFS
235 jasmine-xml2html-converter v 0.0.2 A node module to convert jasmine xml reports to html
77 jasmine2-protractor-utils v 1.3.0 Utilities for Protractor with jasmine2 [HTML Reports, Screenshot, Browser Console log and more]
162 js-auto-test v 0.0.2 Scaffolding on top of protractor to follow the Page Object pattern for Automated UI tests.
300 js-automation-coreservices v 0.2.6 Automation Package for Core Services
253 junit-xml2html-converter v 0.0.1 A node module to convert junit xml reports to html
313 k1ngdr3w-gulp-protractor v 1.0.2 Forked - A helper for protactor and gulp
304 k1ngdr3w-protractor v 2.2.2 Fork of Webdriver E2E test wrapper for Angular.
51 karma-and-protractor-reporter v 1.0.6 A command line reporter for protractor and karma for Test Driven Development. The output is compact and has stacktrace highlighting so it's easy to see which tests are failing as quickly as possible.
213 karma-junitp-reporter v 0.2.3 A Karma plugin. Report results in junit xml format that are compatible with protractor.
56 lawl-spec-reporter v 1.0.0 Spec reporter for jasmine, based on jasmine-spec-reporter, outputs in LolSpeak
103 le-regression v 1.2.23 Protractor automated visual regression testing tool
15 log4js-protractor-appender v 1.1.2 Log4js appender suited for Protractor
303 minijasminenode-relaunchable v 0.0.1 Experimental hack on minijasminenode v1.1.1 by Julie Ralph ju.ralph@gmail.com, used by package protractor-relaunchable used by package asyncshell http://github.com/carrascoMDD/asyncshell, part of protractor v1.3.1, to reset state kept in certain propertie
93 minijasminenode23 v 2.0.0 minijasminenode with Jasmine node 2.3 and grunt support
289 mocha-docfullmajuj v 0.2.6 A report for Mocha, creating a HTML file with the test results, based on doc and xunit-file
178 mocha-proshot v 1.0.1 Mocha reporter that takes screenshot after protractor tests
91 mocha-protractor-generator v 1.0.0 Enable support for ES6 generators through Protractor ControlFlow in Mocha tests
223 mochawesome-local-screenshots v 0.1.1 A Gorgeous HTML/CSS Reporter for Mocha.js - updated with local screenshot management
86 mochawesome-screenshots v 1.4.7 A Gorgeous HTML/CSS Reporter for Mocha.js
201 mockery-protractor-plugin v 0.2.0 A protractor plugin for mocking server responses when not using angular $http service
278 ng-mock-e2e v 0.1.1 Mocking out HTTP backend implementation in Protractor end-to-end tests the same way it's done in AngularJS unit tests.
110 ngpo v 1.0.2 Simple template to create page objects for AngularJS Protractor tests
299 ngpo-ui-select v 1.0.0 AngularJS Protractor page object for angular-ui ui-select widget using ngpo template
82 node-gherkin-runner v 1.0.7 node module that run tests using mocha, protractor or jasmine-node using gherkin
41 opentok-test-scripts v 3.2.1 Testing scripts for OpenTok applications
252 packer-e2e v 0.0.6 The e2e plugin executes Protractor tests. The Protractor tests are placed in the /test/e2e folder. There can be two types of files in this folder. The files with the suffix .spec.js which contains the test scripts specified with th
27 parallel-protractorbahmutov v 1.0.0 Running parallel end 2 end tests from the same spec file using Protractor
272 perftrender v 0.1.0 Reusing Angular e2e tests for performance analysis
306 pesto v 0.0.7 The perfect recipe for running integration tests of AngularJS based web applications.
246 pitsa v 0.1.1 Visual regression testing for Protractor and CircleCI
29 pix-diff v 1.2.0 Protractor plugin for image comparison
89 pix-diff2 v 0.0.2 Protractor plugin for image comparison. Forked from pix-diff of Koola.
45 pixel-diff v 1.0.1 A lightweight image comparison tool
99 progalenor v 0.0.11 A protractor helper library for responsive testing
309 propertyfile_in_protractor v 1.0.0 this code is used to read value based on key from property file
16 proquery v 2.0.0 jQuery like syntactical sugar for Protractor
1 protractor v 4.0.14 Webdriver E2E test wrapper for Angular.
122 protractor-accessibility-plugin v 0.3.0 Runs a set of accessibility audits
81 protractor-angular-screenshot-reporter v 0.1.2 An npm module and which generates your Protractor test reports in HTML (angular) with screenshots
307 protractor-angulardatepicker v 1.0.3 A module to help choose date and time for angular date time picker in protractor tests
164 protractor-axs v 1.0.1 Protractor plugin for accessibility testing
182 protractor-base-page v 0.0.4 A base object to give structure describing a page, selectors, steps. Additionally some helper functions are included
24 protractor-browser-logs v 1.0.337 Provides tools for asserting browser logs inside protractor tests
183 protractor-browsertime v 0.0.4 Analyze the speed of your web page
143 protractor-build-verification-testreport v 0.0.4 A Node.js module used to generate readability HTML test report based on Protractor environment
311 protractor-capabilities v 0.0.1
175 protractor-ci v 0.0.2-alpha6 Easily run protactor using Travis CI and Sauce Labs.
264 protractor-cj2 v 4.0.11 Webdriver E2E test wrapper for Angular.
316 protractor-coffee-preprocessor v 0.0.1 Protractor plugin that compiles coffeescript on the fly
33 protractor-compasss v 1.0.0 An intuitive, action-based, chainable helper library for Protractor
5 protractor-console v 2.0.1 Print console logging statements that occur during Protractor test runs.
177 protractor-console-plugin v 0.1.1 Protractor plugin that checks the browser log after each test for warnings and errors
251 protractor-cucumber v 0.1.8 Cucumber support for protractor
8 protractor-cucumber-framework v 0.6.0 Protractor framework for Cucumber.js
28 protractor-cucumber-junit v 1.1.3 Converts the JSON output of protractor cucumber framework to JUnitXML
287 protractor-cucumber-pages v 0.0.2 A module that holds generic methods to handle working with the protractor-cucumber-framework and page objects.
273 protractor-cucumber-report-gulp v 0.1.4 Generate html report from JSON file returned by cucumber-js json formatter
233 protractor-dart v 0.0.5 Webdriver E2E test wrapper for AngularDart.
133 protractor-dev v 0.23.6 Webdriver E2E test wrapper for AngularJS and AngularDart.
212 protractor-e2e-coverage v 1.3.0 Protractor plugin for E2E coverage
308 protractor-elementor v 2.0.0 Webdriver E2E test wrapper for Angular.
297 protractor-expected-conditions-for-all-elements v 1.0.0 protractor expected conditions for all elements
205 protractor-extensions v 0.2.1 API extensions for Protractor ElementFinder
282 protractor-extras v 0.0.1 Add some extra functionality to protractor to make writing tests easier.
148 protractor-fail-fast v 2.0.0 Allow Protractor tests to "fail-fast", exiting on the first failure instead of running all tests no matter what. This can save a great deal of time as Protractor tests are typically slow and expensive.
20 protractor-fake-backend v 1.2.0 Mock the http calls of your angular application when testing it with protractor
105 protractor-firebase v 0.3.0 Firebase wrapper for use in Protractor tests
114 protractor-fixture-provider v 1.0.2 Spec fixture provider for protractor tests
6 protractor-flake v 2.2.0 A wrapper for protractor to automatically re-run failed specs for a specific number of attempts
280 protractor-flake-fork v 1.1.0 A wrapper for protractor to automatically re-run failed specs for a specific number of attempts
294 protractor-flake-tclarke v 1.0.3 A wrapper for protractor to automatically re-run failed specs for a specific number of attempts
221 protractor-full-body-shapshot v 1.0.6
192 protractor-gardener v 1.0.0 Protractor Helper
121 protractor-helpers v 1.0.2 Additional matchers / locators and helpers for system tests using protractor and Jasmine
167 protractor-hotkeys v 0.0.5 An angular-hotkeys styled API for triggering keyboard shortcuts in Protractor tests
90 protractor-html-hierarchical-reporter v 1.6.0 protractor jasmine hierarchical html reporter
106 protractor-html-reportere v 1.2.4 Generates HTML report with pie charts based on xml file.
147 protractor-html-screenshot-reporter v 0.0.21 An npm module and grunt plugin which generates your Protractor test reports in HTML with screenshots
7 protractor-http-mock v 0.9.1 Mock HTTP calls in your protractor specs.
323 protractor-http-mock-async v 0.1.0-temp Mock HTTP calls in your protractor specs.
170 protractor-http-mock-sample-plugin v 0.0.1 Sample plugin for protractor-http-mock
30 protractor-http-snitch v 0.2.4 HTTP requests sometimes fail. Protractor won't talk, let's hire a snitch.
22 protractor-image-compar v 1.0.0 npm-module to compare images with protractor
13 protractor-intercept v 1.0.2 Intercept AJAX requests from
217 protractor-ionic-locatort v 0.0.1 Adds a locators to a protractor instance that find ionic specific elements.
12 protractor-istanbul-plugin v 2.0.0 Protractor plugin that collects istanbul coverage results from a page and dumps them to coverage.json files (one per spec).
214 protractor-jasmine-ci-repoter v 0.0.4
146 protractor-jasmine-cucumber v 0.2.2 cucumber-like api for protractor and jasmine
113 protractor-jasmine2-fail-whale v 1.2.2 Bails Jasmine 2 tests fast when a Spec fails. Takes screenshots.
138 protractor-jasmine2-html-reporter v 0.0.6 HTML reporter for Jasmine2 and Protractor
132 protractor-jasmine2-report v 1.1.0 Use the reporter to capture screenshots and browser logs after each executed Protractor test case.
322 protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-report v 0.1.2 Use the screenshot reporter to capture screenshots after each executed Protractor test case.
88 protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter v 0.3.2 Use the screenshot reporter to capture screenshots after each executed Protractor test case.
302 protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter-2 v 0.0.1 Use the screenshot reporter to capture screenshots after each executed Protractor test case.
279 protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter-gs v 0.3.0 Use the screenshot reporter to capture screenshots after each executed Protractor test case.
156 protractor-jasmine2-screenshots-reporter v 1.0.0 Takes a screenshot when a Spec fails.
19 protractor-linkuisref-locator v 1.1.2 A protractor locator that finds anchor elements by their ui-sref attribute.
256 protractor-master v 0.0.0 protractor-master
128 protractor-memory v 0.1.2 Test browser memory usage and find memory leaks using protractor and Chrome
40 protractor-mock-backend v 0.9.1 Mock HTTP calls in your protractor specs.
286 protractor-mock-helper v 0.0.4 Another protractor http backend mock helper. It uses similar aproach to http-backend-proxy and protractor-http-mock.
53 protractor-multi-synchronizer v 0.0.6 Protractor helper lib for real-time web app.
312 protractor-multicapabilities v 0.0.1
318 protractor-multicapabilities-builder v 0.0.7 Utility to generate sauce-protractor multicapabilities config on runtime.
277 protractor-multicapabilities-htmlreporter v 0.0.5 Utility to generate html report for protractor multicapabilities automation results
193 protractor-multicapabilities-htmlreporter_v2 v 0.0.6 Utility to generate html report for multicapabilities automation results
321 protractor-nav v 0.0.1 Just a protractor navigator.
198 protractor-ng-hint-plugin v 0.1.2 Adds run-time hinting to AngularJS projects
123 protractor-ngstrictdi-plugin v 0.1.0 A Protractor plugin to look for and report dependency injection errors in Angular
43 protractor-nosync v 1.0.2 A wrapper to execute arbitrary methods under protractor without browser synchronization.
127 protractor-notify-plugin v 1.0.0 Notifies users when protractor tests have failed or passed using node-notifier
10 protractor-page-objects v 1.1.0 A page object factory for angular protractor
171 protractor-pageobject v 0.0.1 Page object pattern implementation for protractor and webdriverjs.
268 protractor-perf-reports v 0.1.0 Jasmine reports for protractor-perf - https://github.com/axemclion/protractor-perf
67 protractor-perfaxemclion v 0.2.3 Reusing Angular e2e tests for performance analysis
39 protractor-plus v 1.3.5 Some helper methods for dealing with protractor tests.
320 protractor-polyglot v 0.0.1 Make protractor speaking something different !
63 protractor-redbox v 2.5.1 Webdriver E2E test wrapper for Angular.
187 protractor-relaunchable v 0.0.1 Experimental hack on protractor v1.3.1 originally by Julie Ralph ju.ralph@gmail.com, used by package asyncshell http://github.com/carrascoMDD/asyncshell to reset state kept in certain properties, such that it allows relaunching protractor multiple times w
84 protractor-screenshot-plugin v 0.0.1 Protractor plugin that takes a screenshot after the test failed
215 protractor-screenshot-reporter v 0.0.5 Use the screenshot reporter to capture screenshots from your Selenium nodes after each executed Protractor test case.
32 protractor-screenshoter-plugin v 0.2.3 A jasmine2 protractor plugin that captures for each browser instance a screenshot and browsers' console logs. The snapshot is made optionally for each expect or spec. Plugins comes with a beautiful angular based analytics tool to visually check and fix te
225 protractor-screenshots v 0.0.8 Integrates protractor and webdriver to let tests take and compare screenshots at different sizes.
151 protractor-selenium-server-vagrant v 0.0.10 A Vagrant VM with Protractor, Selenium standalone server, and Xvfb for headless browser end to end testing of AngularJS applications.
152 protractor-server-jar-resolver v 0.0.3 selenium jar file location resolver for protractor
237 protractor-simple-screenshot-reportersteveaquino v 0.0.4 A simple screenshot reporter for Protractor.
47 protractor-snapshot v 1.2.0 Protractor screenshot and html snapshot utility
119 protractor-take-screenshots-on-demand v 1.2.0 Protractor take screenshots on demand makes screenshot in any place where it is needed
141 protractor-tartare v 1.0.1 Tartare framework plugin for Protractor
314 protractor-test-helper v 0.0.1
257 protractor-test-objects v 0.3.0 A library to help with use of page/component objects when testing with protractor
14 protractor-testability-plugi v 1.2.0
117 protractor-timeline-plugin v 0.2.0 Gathers test timeline information and presents the output visually
259 protractor-trx-reporter v 0.1.2 Visual Studio TRX format reporter for Protractor
25 protractor-uisref-locator v 1.2.0 Adds a locator to a protractor instance that finds elements by their ui-sref attribute.
260 protractor-upa-stream-helper v 1.0.4 Helper para llamadas async en base a un trackerid
118 protractor-utility-for-dalelotts-angular-date-time-picker v 1.0.5 A simple protractor utility for automating picking time on dalelotts angular date time picker.
200 protractor-utils v 0.0.1 Small utils for Protractor.
142 protractor-video-reporter v 0.2.0 A jasmine2 reporter to capture a video screen cast of Protractor specs run with xvfb
185 protractor-wait-helpers v 0.0.1 Helper functions for wait()ing with expected conditions using Protractor
104 protractor-watcher-plugin v 0.0.5 Watcher Plugin for Protractor
44 protractor-xhr-only-plugin v 1.0.1 A plugin to make Protractor wait for XHR calls and nothing else.
196 protractorhelpers v 1.0.0 a layer on top of protractor which abstracts test code into neater, more robust, methods
244 proui-utils v 1.1.33 Common protractor utilities to help with testing
250 ProUI-Utils v 1.0.32 Common protractor utilities to help with testing
281 rally-test-case-export v 1.2.3 Generate a test case stubs from a rally test case
173 recombine-gulp-protractor v 0.0.1 A helper for protactor and gulp
64 recombine-protractor v 1.8.1 Webdriver E2E test wrapper for Angular.
174 retyped-angular-protractor-tsd-ambient v 1.5.0-0 TypeScript typings for angular-protractor
189 retyped-gulp-protractor-tsd-ambient v 1.0.0-0 TypeScript typings for gulp-protractor
194 retyped-protractor-http-mock-tsd-ambient v 0.0.0-0 TypeScript typings for protractor-http-mock
62 ruru-protractor-html-screenshot-reporter v 0.0.6 Protractor test results in HTML format with screen captures.
59 ruru-protractor-junit-reporter v 0.0.1 A post-processor that will output Protractor test results in JUnit xml format.
163 saucelabs-multicapabilities-generator v 0.0.1 generate protractor compliant multicapabilities array of saucelabs browsers from browserslist strings
291 screenshot-protractor v 1.0.0 Take screenshots in protractor with a simple command
80 screenshoter-report-analyzer v 0.3.0 A beautiful angular based analytics tool to visually check and fix protractor tests results.
35 sg-protractor-tools v 1.0.4 Library of reusable helper functions for testing HTML5 applications with Protractor
231 shard-runner v 1.0.2 reruner for protractor test using shard run
263 skutterashthos v 1.0.4 Skutter: Opinionated BDD Browser based test framework
73 snappit-mocha-protractor v 0.5.3 Take screenshots of just a section of your screen in Protractor tests. For Mocha.
165 snappit-mocha-protractor-clone v 0.0.2 Take screenshots of just a section of your screen in Protractor tests. For Mocha.
176 spectangular v 0.9.9 Simple Protractor e2e Component Testing for Angular
116 ss-protractor v 1.1.0 Helper methods for linking a protractor test suite to a SilverStripe backend
290 starter-module-api v 0.0.0 An Angular 2 Webpack Starter kit featuring Angular 2 (Router, Http, Forms, Services, Tests, E2E, Coverage), Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, TypeScript, and Webpack by AngularClass
199 tdme v 0.0.4 A TDD Boilerplate generator
234 tdme-cli v 0.0.5 A command line interface for TDMe Generator
139 tern-protractor v 0.2.0 A Tern plugin adding support for Protractor. E2E test framework for Angular apps.
262 test-filter v 0.0.1 Filter which tests are executed by integrating issue management systems
266 TESTdelete123 v 1.1.3 Common protractor utilities to help with testing
72 testrail-promise v 0.1.12 TestRail API wrapper using promises
74 testx v 2.4.2 A library for executing keyword driven tests with Protractor.
144 testx-html-reporter v 0.1.0 HTML reporter for testx
172 tractor v 0.10.0-beta.0 A UI around Gherkin & Protractor to help write E2E tests for Angular applications without needing to know JavaScript.
150 tractor-plugin-browser v 0.1.0 Plugin for tractor that contains a subset of Protractor browser methods.
140 vagrant-e2etesting-protractor v 0.0.19 Pre-installed Selenium server Vagrant configuration for a complete AngularJS E2E Testing with Protractor
195 validio v 0.0.4 A Promises implementation for model validation, schema validation and validation formats.
293 vangularjs-meetup-march-5-2014 v 0.0.0 AngularJS March: TDD Kata and ETE Testing with Protractor
108 visualreview-protractor v 0.3.0 Provides an API to send screenshots to VisualReview from Protractor tests.
248 waxillium-protractor v 0.0.1 A Protractor plugin to track and diff changes to computed styles on web pages and in web apps
208 wd-tractor v 0.1.0 A port of protractor to the admc/wd driver. Angularjs e2e and midway testing using a straightforward api.
3 webdriver-manager v 11.1.0 A selenium server and browser driver manager for your end to end tests.
285 webdriver-tool v 0.1.0 Webdriver tool to manage selenium standalone server
78 wordwrap-protractor-jasmine2-html-reporter v 0.0.11 HTML reporter for Jasmine2 and Protractor
166 wt-protractor-boilerplate v 0.2.1 Protractor browserstack cross-browser testing boilerplate
66 wt-protractor-runner v 0.5.0 Gulp (or anywhere else) protractor runner task
69 wt-protractor-utils v 1.0.0 Protractor utils
190 xenon v 0.1.4 Composable page objects framework for Protractor written in typescript.
55 zpgulp v 1.0.0 Boilerplate using AngularJS, LESS, Gulp, and Browserify while also utilizing best practices.

もしかして angular1 と 2 ,Jasmine1 と 2 混在ってことか・・・


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