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Fetch PR from Github filtered by labels using PyGithub

Last updated at Posted at 2016-04-26

Label cannot fetch from Github PR API. Therefere, Issue API should be used. Current implementation, I filter pr in local. It is better to filter Github API lebel. There is API for filtering issue by label. I will update this post.

from github import Github

token = 'YOUR_TOKEN'
g = Github(token)

repos = ['YOUR_REPO', 'YOUR_REPO']
# You can change get_organization to get_user()
org = g.get_organization('YOUR_ORG')

git_repos ={repo: org.get_repo(repo) for repo in repos}

# Issue is a equivalent to pr
# Issue API should be called first to fetch tags
def get_pr_from_issues(issues):
    for issue in issues:
        if issue.pull_request is not None:
            pr_id = int(issue.pull_request.html_url.split("/")[-1])
            yield issue.repository.get_pull(pr_id), issue.labels

repo_prs = {}
for repo_name, repo in git_repos.items():
    repo_prs[repo_name] = get_pr_from_issues(repo.get_issues(state='open'))


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