More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2013-03-04



{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, Rank2Types, ExistentialQuantification #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.IORef

infix 9 .-
infix 9 .!

data Vec2 = Vec2 Float Float deriving Show

(&+) :: Vec2 -> Vec2 -> Vec2
Vec2 x0 y0 &+ Vec2 x1 y1 = Vec2 (x0 + x1) (y0 + y1)

newtype Default a = Default { getDefault :: a } deriving (Show)

ofDefault :: Iso (Default a) (Default b) a b
ofDefault = iso getDefault Default

-- 指定されたLensに対するメソッドの呼び出し
(.-) :: MonadState s m => Lens' s c -> StateT c m a -> m a
l .- m = do
    s <- get
    (a, s') <- zoom l m `runStateT` s
    put s'
    return a

-- IORefに対するメソッドの呼び出し
(.!) :: MonadIO m => IORef c -> StateT c m a -> m a
ref .! m = do
    s <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
    (a, s') <- runStateT m s
    liftIO $ writeIORef ref s'
    return a

data Obj = Obj -- 基底クラスのメンバー変数
    { _position :: Vec2
    , _velocity :: Vec2
    , _name :: String
    } deriving Show

makeClassy ''Obj

instance HasObj a => HasObj (Default a) where obj = ofDefault . obj

class Objs c where -- 基底クラスのメソッド
    update :: MonadState c m => m ()
    draw :: (MonadState c m, MonadIO m) => m ()

instance HasObj c => Objs (Default c) where -- メソッドの実装
    update = do
        v <- use velocity
        p <- use position
        position .= v &+ p
    draw = liftIO . print =<< use position 

data ObjA = ObjA -- クラスの継承(メンバー変数の拡張)
    { _superObjA :: Default Obj
    , _accel :: Vec2

makeLenses ''ObjA

instance HasObj ObjA where obj = superObjA . ofDefault

instance Objs ObjA where
    update = do
        a <- use accel
        v <- use velocity
        velocity .= a &+ v

        superObjA .- update -- スーパークラスのメソッドの呼び出し

    draw = superObjA .- draw

class Objs c => ObjsA c where -- クラスの継承(メソッドの拡張)
    reset :: MonadState c m => m ()

instance ObjsA ObjA where
    reset = superObjA . velocity .= Vec2 0 0

data WrapObjs = forall a. (Objs a, HasObj a) => WrapObjs (IORef a)

test = do
    a <- newIORef $ Default $ Obj { _position = Vec2 0 0, _velocity = Vec2 1 1 , _name = "Hoge" }
    b <- newIORef $ ObjA
        { _superObjA = Default $ Obj { _position = Vec2 10 0, _velocity = Vec2 (-1) (-4), _name = "Fuga" }
        , _accel = Vec2 0 0.5 }
    let objs = [WrapObjs a, WrapObjs b]
    forM_ [1..10] $ \_ -> do 
        forM_ objs $ \(WrapObjs i) -> do
            putStr =<< i .! use name
            putStr " "
            i .! update
            i .! draw

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