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4x4行列同士の掛算を高速化してみる ~Part2~

Last updated at Posted at 2017-07-10




  • NEON(Arm)版追加。(ただしdouble使えないのでfloatのみ)
  • float の4x4行列掛け算 (通常版、SSE2版、NEON版)
  • 逆行列(公式Ver)計算追加 (通常版、AVX2_FMA版)
  • 行列のコピー処理計測 (memcpy版、代入版、各種SIMD版)
  • マルチプラットフォーム対応




  • PerfTest_Matrix.cpp
  • common/multithread_tools.h



//#define ENABLE_SSE2
//#define ENABLE_AVX
//#define ENABLE_AVX_FMA
//#define ENABLE_AVX2_FMA

4x4行列floatの掛け算 SSE2版


void    MultMatrixF_SSE2( float result[16], const float base[16], const float mult[16] )
    __m128  xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7;

    xmm4    = _mm_loadu_ps( &mult[0] );
    xmm5    = _mm_loadu_ps( &mult[4] );
    xmm6    = _mm_loadu_ps( &mult[8] );
    xmm7    = _mm_loadu_ps( &mult[12] );

    // column0
    xmm0    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[0] );
    xmm1    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[1] );
    xmm2    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[2] );
    xmm3    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[3] );

    xmm0    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm0, xmm4 );
    xmm1    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm1, xmm5 );
    xmm2    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm2, xmm6 );
    xmm3    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm3, xmm7 );

    xmm0    = _mm_add_ps( xmm0, xmm1 );
    xmm2    = _mm_add_ps( xmm2, xmm3 );
    xmm0    = _mm_add_ps( xmm0, xmm2 );

    _mm_storeu_ps( &result[0], xmm0 );

    // column1
    xmm0    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[4] );
    xmm1    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[5] );
    xmm2    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[6] );
    xmm3    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[7] );

    xmm0    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm0, xmm4 );
    xmm1    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm1, xmm5 );
    xmm2    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm2, xmm6 );
    xmm3    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm3, xmm7 );

    xmm0    = _mm_add_ps( xmm0, xmm1 );
    xmm2    = _mm_add_ps( xmm2, xmm3 );
    xmm0    = _mm_add_ps( xmm0, xmm2 );

    _mm_storeu_ps( &result[4], xmm0 );

    // column2
    xmm0    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[8] );
    xmm1    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[9] );
    xmm2    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[10] );
    xmm3    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[11] );

    xmm0    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm0, xmm4 );
    xmm1    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm1, xmm5 );
    xmm2    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm2, xmm6 );
    xmm3    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm3, xmm7 );

    xmm0    = _mm_add_ps( xmm0, xmm1 );
    xmm2    = _mm_add_ps( xmm2, xmm3 );
    xmm0    = _mm_add_ps( xmm0, xmm2 );

    _mm_storeu_ps( &result[8], xmm0 );

    // column3
    xmm0    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[12] );
    xmm1    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[13] );
    xmm2    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[14] );
    xmm3    = _mm_load1_ps( &base[15] );

    xmm0    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm0, xmm4 );
    xmm1    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm1, xmm5 );
    xmm2    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm2, xmm6 );
    xmm3    = _mm_mul_ps( xmm3, xmm7 );

    xmm0    = _mm_add_ps( xmm0, xmm1 );
    xmm2    = _mm_add_ps( xmm2, xmm3 );
    xmm0    = _mm_add_ps( xmm0, xmm2 );

    _mm_storeu_ps( &result[12], xmm0 );

4x4行列floatの掛け算 NEON命令版


void    MultMatrixF_NEON( float result[16], const float base[16], const float mult[16] )
    float32x4_t c0, c1, c2, c3;
    float32x4_t r0, r1, r2, r3;

    c0  = vld1q_f32( &mult[0] );
    c1  = vld1q_f32( &mult[4] );
    c2  = vld1q_f32( &mult[8] );
    c3  = vld1q_f32( &mult[12] );

    // column 0
    r0  = vmulq_n_f32( c0, base[0] ); 
    r1  = vmulq_n_f32( c1, base[1] ); 
    r2  = vmulq_n_f32( c2, base[2] ); 
    r3  = vmulq_n_f32( c3, base[3] ); 

    r0  = vaddq_f32( r0, r1 );
    r2  = vaddq_f32( r2, r3 );
    r0  = vaddq_f32( r0, r2 );

    vst1q_f32( &result[0], r0 );

    // column 1
    r0  = vmulq_n_f32( c0, base[4] ); 
    r1  = vmulq_n_f32( c1, base[5] ); 
    r2  = vmulq_n_f32( c2, base[6] ); 
    r3  = vmulq_n_f32( c3, base[7] ); 

    r0  = vaddq_f32( r0, r1 );
    r2  = vaddq_f32( r2, r3 );
    r0  = vaddq_f32( r0, r2 );

    vst1q_f32( &result[4], r0 );

    // column 2
    r0  = vmulq_n_f32( c0, base[8] ); 
    r1  = vmulq_n_f32( c1, base[9] ); 
    r2  = vmulq_n_f32( c2, base[10] ); 
    r3  = vmulq_n_f32( c3, base[11] ); 

    r0  = vaddq_f32( r0, r1 );
    r2  = vaddq_f32( r2, r3 );
    r0  = vaddq_f32( r0, r2 );

    vst1q_f32( &result[8], r0 );

    // column 3
    r0  = vmulq_n_f32( c0, base[12] ); 
    r1  = vmulq_n_f32( c1, base[13] ); 
    r2  = vmulq_n_f32( c2, base[14] ); 
    r3  = vmulq_n_f32( c3, base[15] ); 

    r0  = vaddq_f32( r0, r1 );
    r2  = vaddq_f32( r2, r3 );
    r0  = vaddq_f32( r0, r2 );

    vst1q_f32( &result[12], r0 );

4x4行列floatの掛け算 NEON版 Type2


void    MultMatrixF_NEON_type2( float result[16], const float base[16], const float mult[16] )
    float32x4_t c0, c1, c2, c3;
    float32x4_t r0, r1, r2, r3;

    c0  = vld1q_f32( &mult[0] );
    c1  = vld1q_f32( &mult[4] );
    c2  = vld1q_f32( &mult[8] );
    c3  = vld1q_f32( &mult[12] );

    // column 0
    r0  = vmulq_n_f32(     c0, base[0] ); 
    r0  = vmlaq_n_f32( r0, c1, base[1] );
    r0  = vmlaq_n_f32( r0, c2, base[2] );
    r0  = vmlaq_n_f32( r0, c3, base[3] );

    vst1q_f32( &result[0], r0 );

    // column 1
    r0  = vmulq_n_f32(     c0, base[4] ); 
    r0  = vmlaq_n_f32( r0, c1, base[5] );
    r0  = vmlaq_n_f32( r0, c2, base[6] );
    r0  = vmlaq_n_f32( r0, c3, base[7] );

    vst1q_f32( &result[4], r0 );

    // column 2
    r0  = vmulq_n_f32(     c0, base[8] ); 
    r0  = vmlaq_n_f32( r0, c1, base[9] );
    r0  = vmlaq_n_f32( r0, c2, base[10] );
    r0  = vmlaq_n_f32( r0, c3, base[11] );

    vst1q_f32( &result[8], r0 );

    // column 3
    r0  = vmulq_n_f32(     c0, base[12] ); 
    r0  = vmlaq_n_f32( r0, c1, base[13] );
    r0  = vmlaq_n_f32( r0, c2, base[14] );
    r0  = vmlaq_n_f32( r0, c3, base[15] );

    vst1q_f32( &result[12], r0 );





CPU : Allwinner H3 (Cortex-A7 1.2GHz x 4)
MEM : 512 MB
OS : Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 32bit (Official rom image, kernel=3.4.39)

Compile Command : g++ -O3 -pthread -std=c++11 -mfpu=neon PerfTest_Matrix.cpp

Function name Single Thread Multi Thread Performance(MT) MT/ST
MultMatrix_ForC<float> 2.3 M mul/s 9.0 M mul/s 1.006 Gflops 396 %
MultMatrix_ForR<float> 2.3 M mul/s 9.2 M mul/s 1.029 Gflops 400 %
MultMatrix_ExpC<float> 2.9 M mul/s 11.4 M mul/s 1.274 Gflops 393 %
MultMatrix_ExpR<float> 2.9 M mul/s 11.6 M mul/s 1.296 Gflops 401 %
MultMatrixF_NEON 5.8 M mul/s 22.5 M mul/s 2.518 Gflops 385 %
MultMatrixF_NEON_type2 6.0 M mul/s 23.0 M mul/s 2.579 Gflops 386 %
MultMatrix_ForC<double> 1.7 M mul/s 6.7 M mul/s 0.749 Gflops 403 %
MultMatrix_ForR<double> 1.7 M mul/s 6.7 M mul/s 0.747 Gflops 400 %
MultMatrix_ExpC<double> 2.0 M mul/s 8.1 M mul/s 0.907 Gflops 397 %
MultMatrix_ExpR<double> 2.0 M mul/s 8.1 M mul/s 0.912 Gflops 400 %
CalcInverse<float> 1.9 M inv/s 7.5 M inv/s 1.842 Gflops 399 %
CalcInverse<double> 1.2 M inv/s 4.6 M inv/s 1.131 Gflops 397 %
CopyMatrix_memcpy<double> 13.6 M cpy/s 55.8 M cpy/s 7.140 GB/sec 411 %
CopyMatrix_Expand<double> 27.7 M cpy/s 111.1 M cpy/s 14.224 GB/sec 401 %
CopyMatrixD_NEON 21.0 M cpy/s 83.9 M cpy/s 10.738 GB/sec 400 %

NanoPi NEO2


CPU : Allwinner H5 (Cortex-A53 1.0 GHz * 4)
MEM : 512 MB
OS : Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64bit (Official rom image, kernel=4.11.2)

CompileCommand : g++ -std=c++11 -pthread -O3 PerfTest_Matrix.cpp

Function name Single Thread Multi Thread Performance(MT) MT/ST
MultMatrix_ForC<float> 5.8 M mul/s 24.4 M mul/s 2.729 Gflops 421 %
MultMatrix_ForR<float> 2.5 M mul/s 10.1 M mul/s 1.134 Gflops 397 %
MultMatrix_ExpC<float> 2.7 M mul/s 11.2 M mul/s 1.253 Gflops 413 %
MultMatrix_ExpR<float> 2.8 M mul/s 11.2 M mul/s 1.253 Gflops 404 %
MultMatrixF_NEON 10.2 M mul/s 41.2 M mul/s 4.619 Gflops 406 %
MultMatrixF_NEON_type2 9.1 M mul/s 36.7 M mul/s 4.110 Gflops 403 %
MultMatrix_ForC<double> 2.6 M mul/s 10.2 M mul/s 1.144 Gflops 397 %
MultMatrix_ForR<double> 2.3 M mul/s 9.3 M mul/s 1.042 Gflops 404 %
MultMatrix_ExpC<double> 2.6 M mul/s 10.2 M mul/s 1.140 Gflops 398 %
MultMatrix_ExpR<double> 2.5 M mul/s 10.2 M mul/s 1.139 Gflops 403 %
CalcInverse<float> 2.1 M inv/s 8.6 M inv/s 2.115 Gflops 403 %
CalcInverse<double> 1.8 M inv/s 7.5 M inv/s 1.854 Gflops 409 %
CopyMatrix_memcpy<double> 20.1 M cpy/s 79.8 M cpy/s 10.209 GB/sec 397 %
CopyMatrix_Expand<double> 29.5 M cpy/s 117.2 M cpy/s 14.998 GB/sec 397 %
CopyMatrixD_NEON 23.3 M cpy/s 92.7 M cpy/s 11.869 GB/sec 397 %

NanoPi NEO4


CPU : RockChip RK3399 (Cortex-A72 1.8GHz x2 + Cortex-A53 1.4GHz x4)
MEM : 1024 MB
OS : Ubuntu 18.04 64bit (Official rom image FriendlyDesktop)

Function name Single Thread Multi Thread Performance(MT) MT/ST
MultMatrix_ForC 27.6 M mul/s 92.9 M mul/s 10.407 Gflops 336 %
MultMatrix_ForR 18.4 M mul/s 50.6 M mul/s 5.671 Gflops 275 %
MultMatrix_ExpC 16.0 M mul/s 48.6 M mul/s 5.442 Gflops 304 %
MultMatrix_ExpR 15.8 M mul/s 48.4 M mul/s 5.416 Gflops 306 %
MultMatrixF_NEON 53.2 M mul/s 169.8 M mul/s 19.022 Gflops 319 %
MultMatrixF_NEON_type2 39.7 M mul/s 132.3 M mul/s 14.815 Gflops 333 %
MultMatrix_ForC 12.7 M mul/s 40.6 M mul/s 4.553 Gflops 320 %
MultMatrix_ForR 16.9 M mul/s 52.0 M mul/s 5.819 Gflops 307 %
MultMatrix_ExpC 14.9 M mul/s 45.3 M mul/s 5.068 Gflops 303 %
MultMatrix_ExpR 15.1 M mul/s 45.5 M mul/s 5.091 Gflops 302 %
CalcInverse 10.2 M inv/s 39.5 M inv/s 9.766 Gflops 388 %
CalcInverse 4.7 M inv/s 23.0 M inv/s 5.683 Gflops 492 %
CopyMatrix_memcpy 81.1 M cpy/s 286.2 M cpy/s 36.628 GB/sec 353 %
CopyMatrix_Expand 104.4 M cpy/s 320.5 M cpy/s 41.025 GB/sec 307 %
CopyMatrixD_NEON 112.0 M cpy/s 353.5 M cpy/s 45.249 GB/sec 316 %

Rock Pi S

CPU : ARM Cortex-A35 (quad-core) @ ?.?? GHz
MEM : 512 MB
OS : Debian

Function name Single Thread Multi Thread Performance(MT) MT/ST
MultMatrix_ForC 4.4 M mul/s 17.8 M mul/s 1.991 Gflops 400 %
MultMatrix_ForR 2.2 M mul/s 8.8 M mul/s 0.990 Gflops 400 %
MultMatrix_ExpC 2.5 M mul/s 9.9 M mul/s 1.106 Gflops 400 %
MultMatrix_ExpR 2.5 M mul/s 9.8 M mul/s 1.102 Gflops 399 %
MultMatrixF_NEON 8.8 M mul/s 35.1 M mul/s 3.927 Gflops 400 %
MultMatrixF_NEON_type2 7.9 M mul/s 31.5 M mul/s 3.526 Gflops 400 %
MultMatrix_ForC 2.4 M mul/s 9.8 M mul/s 1.093 Gflops 400 %
MultMatrix_ForR 2.2 M mul/s 8.8 M mul/s 0.989 Gflops 400 %
MultMatrix_ExpC 2.5 M mul/s 9.8 M mul/s 1.103 Gflops 400 %
MultMatrix_ExpR 2.5 M mul/s 9.8 M mul/s 1.103 Gflops 400 %
CalcInverse 1.7 M inv/s 6.9 M inv/s 1.694 Gflops 400 %
CalcInverse 1.4 M inv/s 5.5 M inv/s 1.355 Gflops 400 %
CopyMatrix_memcpy 17.8 M cpy/s 71.3 M cpy/s 9.121 GB/sec 400 %
CopyMatrix_Expand 19.2 M cpy/s 76.8 M cpy/s 9.828 GB/sec 400 %
CopyMatrixD_NEON 27.7 M cpy/s 110.8 M cpy/s 14.187 GB/sec 400 %

Jetson Nano

nVidia のDeepLearning用SBC

CPU : ARM Cortex-A57 (quad-core) @ 1.43GHz
MEM : 4096 MB
OS : Jetson用。

Function name Single Thread Multi Thread Performance(MT) MT/ST
MultMatrix_ForC 20.6 M mul/s 82.0 M mul/s 9.179 Gflops 397 %
MultMatrix_ForR 9.8 M mul/s 38.8 M mul/s 4.347 Gflops 397 %
MultMatrix_ExpC 10.0 M mul/s 39.5 M mul/s 4.429 Gflops 397 %
MultMatrix_ExpR 10.0 M mul/s 39.5 M mul/s 4.427 Gflops 397 %
MultMatrixF_NEON 39.9 M mul/s 158.8 M mul/s 17.780 Gflops 398 %
MultMatrixF_NEON_type2 27.9 M mul/s 111.1 M mul/s 12.441 Gflops 398 %
MultMatrix_ForC 8.0 M mul/s 31.9 M mul/s 3.573 Gflops 398 %
MultMatrix_ForR 9.7 M mul/s 38.7 M mul/s 4.333 Gflops 397 %
MultMatrix_ExpC 9.8 M mul/s 39.0 M mul/s 4.370 Gflops 397 %
MultMatrix_ExpR 9.7 M mul/s 38.7 M mul/s 4.333 Gflops 397 %
CalcInverse 6.0 M inv/s 24.0 M inv/s 5.937 Gflops 400 %
CalcInverse 2.3 M inv/s 9.0 M inv/s 2.232 Gflops 397 %
CopyMatrix_memcpy 55.5 M cpy/s 229.7 M cpy/s 29.398 GB/sec 414 %
CopyMatrix_Expand 72.7 M cpy/s 306.2 M cpy/s 39.194 GB/sec 421 %
CopyMatrixD_NEON 74.8 M cpy/s 311.5 M cpy/s 39.872 GB/sec 416 %

Intel Atom z3795

CPU : Intel Atom z3795 (2.4G Hz? x 4)
MEM : 4 GB
OS : Windows10 Professional (32bit)

Compile: VisualStudio 2015, 速度優先

Function name Single Thread Multi Thread Performance(MT) MT/ST
MultMatrix_ForC<float> 7.4 M mul/s 28.1 M mul/s 3.143 Gflops 378 %
MultMatrix_ForR<float> 7.5 M mul/s 28.3 M mul/s 3.169 Gflops 378 %
MultMatrix_ExpC<float> 10.0 M mul/s 37.4 M mul/s 4.190 Gflops 376 %
MultMatrix_ExpR<float> 9.9 M mul/s 37.4 M mul/s 4.191 Gflops 376 %
MultMatrixF_SSE2 26.8 M mul/s 100.8 M mul/s 11.292 Gflops 377 %
MultMatrix_ForC<double> 7.0 M mul/s 26.4 M mul/s 2.951 Gflops 375 %
MultMatrix_ForR<double> 7.1 M mul/s 26.7 M mul/s 2.988 Gflops 375 %
MultMatrix_ExpC<double> 8.8 M mul/s 32.8 M mul/s 3.677 Gflops 374 %
MultMatrix_ExpR<double> 8.8 M mul/s 33.0 M mul/s 3.700 Gflops 376 %
MultMatrixD_SSE2 11.0 M mul/s 40.9 M mul/s 4.576 Gflops 373 %
CalcInverse<float> 3.5 M inv/s 13.1 M inv/s 3.230 Gflops 378 %
CalcInverse<double> 2.5 M inv/s 9.5 M inv/s 2.350 Gflops 377 %
CopyMatrix_memcpy<double> 24.9 M cpy/s 86.8 M cpy/s 11.110 GB/sec 348 %
CopyMatrix_Expand<double> 48.8 M cpy/s 184.3 M cpy/s 23.585 GB/sec 378 %
CopyMatrixD_SSE2 87.8 M cpy/s 316.7 M cpy/s 40.540 GB/sec 361 %

Intel Pentium 4415Y @ 1.6GHz

PC : Microsoft SurfaceGo
CPU : Intel Pentium 4415Y @ 1.6GHz (1.6G Hz? x 2)
MEM : 8 GB
OS : Windows10 Home (64bit)

Compile: VisualStudio 2017, 速度優先

Function name Single Thread Multi Thread Performance(MT) MT/ST
MultMatrix_ForC 19.7 M mul/s 38.1 M mul/s 4.266 Gflops 194 %
MultMatrix_ForR 19.6 M mul/s 37.8 M mul/s 4.233 Gflops 193 %
MultMatrix_ExpC 19.5 M mul/s 38.8 M mul/s 4.351 Gflops 199 %
MultMatrix_ExpR 19.7 M mul/s 39.5 M mul/s 4.420 Gflops 200 %
MultMatrixF_SSE2 78.7 M mul/s 157.2 M mul/s 17.601 Gflops 200 %
MultMatrix_ForC 19.5 M mul/s 37.0 M mul/s 4.147 Gflops 190 %
MultMatrix_ForR 19.3 M mul/s 38.0 M mul/s 4.261 Gflops 197 %
MultMatrix_ExpC 19.6 M mul/s 37.5 M mul/s 4.197 Gflops 191 %
MultMatrix_ExpR 19.6 M mul/s 39.1 M mul/s 4.379 Gflops 200 %
MultMatrixD_SSE2 41.9 M mul/s 83.5 M mul/s 9.355 Gflops 199 %
CalcInverse 11.9 M inv/s 27.2 M inv/s 6.715 Gflops 228 %
CalcInverse 10.5 M inv/s 25.9 M inv/s 6.394 Gflops 246 %
CopyMatrix_memcpy 157.9 M cpy/s 274.7 M cpy/s 35.167 GB/sec 174 %
CopyMatrix_Expand 93.1 M cpy/s 186.5 M cpy/s 23.868 GB/sec 200 %
CopyMatrixD_SSE2 158.3 M cpy/s 315.2 M cpy/s 40.342 GB/sec 199 %

Intel Core i7-6700K

CPU : Intel Core i7-6700K(定格動作、Single=4.2GHz Multi=4.0GHz, Logical=8core, Physical=4core)
MEM : 16GB (DDR4-3000 DualChannel, Overclocked)
OS : Windows10 Professional (64bit)

Compile: VisualStudio 2015, 速度優先

Function name Single Thread Multi Thread Performance(MT) MT/ST
MultMatrix_ForC<float> 55.5 M mul/s 215.7 M mul/s 24.160 Gflops 389 %
MultMatrix_ForR<float> 55.6 M mul/s 214.4 M mul/s 24.017 Gflops 385 %
MultMatrix_ExpC<float> 60.6 M mul/s 232.6 M mul/s 26.049 Gflops 384 %
MultMatrix_ExpR<float> 59.5 M mul/s 232.4 M mul/s 26.028 Gflops 391 %
MultMatrixF_SSE2 207.2 M mul/s 794.2 M mul/s 88.955 Gflops 383 %
MultMatrix_ForC<double> 55.9 M mul/s 213.0 M mul/s 23.861 Gflops 381 %
MultMatrix_ForR<double> 55.8 M mul/s 215.7 M mul/s 24.163 Gflops 387 %
MultMatrix_ExpC<double> 60.4 M mul/s 229.3 M mul/s 25.687 Gflops 380 %
MultMatrix_ExpR<double> 60.4 M mul/s 230.8 M mul/s 25.854 Gflops 382 %
MultMatrixD_SSE2 110.6 M mul/s 422.0 M mul/s 47.266 Gflops 381 %
MultMatrixD_AVX 220.9 M mul/s 859.0 M mul/s 96.203 Gflops 389 %
MultMatrixD_AVX_FMA 247.0 M mul/s 959.3 M mul/s 107.445 Gflops 388 %
MultMatrixD_AVX_FMA_type2 266.1 M mul/s 1025.5 M mul/s 114.857 Gflops 385 %
CalcInverse<float> 30.7 M inv/s 133.3 M inv/s 32.928 Gflops 434 %
CalcInverse<double> 27.1 M inv/s 130.0 M inv/s 32.109 Gflops 480 %
CalcInverseD_AVX2_FMA 61.8 M inv/s 262.6 M inv/s 64.873 Gflops 425 %
CopyMatrix_memcpy<double> 461.7 M cpy/s 1670.1 M cpy/s 213.766 GB/sec 362 %
CopyMatrix_Expand<double> 240.3 M cpy/s 923.4 M cpy/s 118.198 GB/sec 384 %
CopyMatrixD_SSE2 462.2 M cpy/s 1775.9 M cpy/s 227.311 GB/sec 384 %
CopyMatrixD_AVX 652.0 M cpy/s 2290.2 M cpy/s 293.147 GB/sec 351 %



  • ARM系でのg++ O3オプションは、自動的にベクトル化され、著しい性能向上する場合がある。NanoPi-NEO2のMultMatrix_ForC
  • ただし、上手くベクトル化できず、性能が出ないときもある。NanoPi-NEO2のMultMatrix_ForR
  • 自力で書いたNEONは、やはり速い(笑
  • 小容量のデータコピーは、memcpyより直接代入したほうが速いケースが多い。
  • Arm Cortex-A53 と Atom z3795 はクロック当たりの性能はほぼ一緒に見える。
  • i7-6700K と Cortex-A53 の性能差は20倍程度ある。
  • 逆行列計算(公式Ver)は、SIMD使ってもそこまで速くなれない。。。

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