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Modularized Morphing Of Neural Networks

Last updated at Posted at 2017-03-11
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About this Publication


  1. inherite entire knowledge from a well-trained network to a new one
  2. booster performance
  3. explore new model and architecture for constitutional neural network

Previous works

  • not practical use
    • limits the change of network parameters including width, depth and kernel size
    • allow to apply a limited layers in a CNN


  • design the architecture allowing to apply hundreds of layers with primitive operations

What you would learn from this presentation

  1. an idea of the architecture for knowledge inheritance in neural networks

  2. some technical terminology about neural networks

Proposition - Network Morphism

explore a morphing space and apply changes of the basic modules to modularized networks

1. simple
2. scalability

[for beginners] What is CNN (Convolutional Neural Network)?


[for beginners] What is modularized network?

a network that is divided into a set of functional units (modules)


Goal of Network Morphism

When a CNN $B_i$ grows to a new CNN $B_j$, $B_i$ applies convolutional layers $G_i$.
To be specific, a convolutional layer $G_i$ is morphed into two convolutional layers $F_l$ and $F_{l+1}$.

core algorithm

  1. create irreducible networks according to the types of morphable networks
  2. create a new convolution layers only if an irreducible network impacts to all fixed layers (if needed)

Types of Morphable Networks

  1. Simple morphable networks

    • morphed with atomic morphing operations
      • TYPE-I: a convolutional layer is morphed into two convolutional layers
      • TYPE-II: a convolutional layer is morphed into two-way convolutional layers
  2. Complex morphable networks


Classify 4 networks into simple and complex morphable networks

Answer [1/2]

  • Simple morphable network = (A) (B) (C)
  • Complex morphable network = (D)

Answer [2/2]

  • Simple morphable network

  • Complex morphable module

How to solve Complex Morphable Networks

  1. create a irreducible network from a complex morphable network
  2. apply atomic morphing operations and create a new convolutional layer for the network


The authors extend the proposed morphable algorithm in ResNet


[for beginners] ResNet

  • a winner @ ILSVRC 2015
  • Residual Learning
    • conquer the proportional error rate to the number of convolutional layers

List of Evaluated Morphable Network



  • CIFAR10

    • consists of 32×32 color images in 10 categories, with 50,000 training images and 10,000 testing images.
  • CIFAR100

    • consists of 500 training images in 100 categories and 100 testing images per category
  • ImageNet

    • consists of 1.28 million training images in 1,000 object categories and 50K validation images

Experimental Results (CIFAR10)



  • Network morphism is an effective learning scheme to morph a well-trained neural network to a new one with the network function completely preserved

  • In benchmark, CNNs with the network morphism shows smaller error rate compared to CNNs by compromising the higher calculation cost

Discussions @ coffee with science meetup




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