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Import Jenkins Configuration to a dockerized jenkins

Posted at

I have been maintaining a lightweight docker container for
Below is a tutorial on how to migrate using it.

First, create a "data volume". In the following example, I named this source
"jenkins". From the subsequent management, I will be referring to this

docker run -v /jenkins -name jenkins busybox true

We then import our jenkins job by linking the volume to a tar command

tar -c jobs/*/config.xml | docker run -a stdin -i --volumes-from jenkins busybox tar -xC /jenkins

Now that the Jenkins workspace is pre-populated, the same volume can be referred
to when launching a container.

docker run --volumes-from jenkins -d aespinosa/jenkins

Originally posted in http://aespinosa.github.io/blog/2014-03-05-import-jenkins-configuration-to-docker.html


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