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Last updated at Posted at 2016-09-08




注目画素 P0 の8近傍の画素 P1〜P8 を以下のように定義する.

P(4) P(3) P(2)
P(5) P(0) P(1)
P(6) P(7) P(8)


N_8 = \left\{ P_1, P_2, P_3, P_4, P_5, P_6, P_7, P_8 \right\}
N_{odd} = \left\{P_1, P_3, P_5, P_7 \right\}

また,画素 Pi (i=0...8) の階調値を B(Pi) (i=0...8) と表記する.ただし,ここで背景がその階調値を0, 前景画素の階調値を1とする.

原画像をラスタ走査し,ある注目画素 P0 (前景画素)が次の6つの条件を全て満たしたとき,画素 P0 の階調値を-1,すなわち B(P0)=-1 とする.


B(P_0) = 1


\sum_{k \ni N_{odd}} \left\{ 1-|B(P_k)| \right\} \geq 1


\sum_{k \ni N_8} |B(P_k)| \geq 2


\sum_{k \ni N_8} C_k \geq 1, C_k = \left\{ \begin{array}{} 1 & for & B(P_k) = 1 \\ 0 & for & B(P_k) \neq 1 \end{array} \right\}


N^{8}_{C} (P_0) = 1, WHERE, N^{8}_C (P_0) = \sum_{k \ni N_{odd}} \left\{D(P_k)-D(P_k) D(P_{k+1}) D(P_{k+2}) \right\}


全ての n (n = 0...8) に対して,次のいずれかが成り立つ.

(i) \hspace{10pt} B(P_n) \neq -1 \\
(ii) \hspace{10pt} B(P_n) = 0, THAN, N^{8}_{C} = 1



 *  @brief Thinning (Hilditxh method)
 *  @param src Source image pixels pointer (depth: 8UC)
 *  @param dst Output image pixels pointer (dspth: 8UC)
 *  @param w   Source image width
 *  @param h   Source image height
void hilditchThinning(const unsigned char* src, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h)
    int offset[9][2] = {{0,0}, {1,0}, {1,-1}, {0,-1}, {-1,-1}, {-1,0}, {-1,1}, {0,1}, {1,1}};
    int nOdd[4] = {1, 3, 5, 7};
    int b[9];
    int px, py;
    bitset<6> condition;
    memcpy(dst, src, w * h);
    int path = 1;
    int counter;
    auto funcNc8 = [&nOdd](int *b)
        array<int, 10> d;
        int j;
        int sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i <= 9; ++i)
            j = i;
            if (i == 9) j = 1;
            if (abs( *(b + j)) == 1)
                d[i] = 1;
                d[i] = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            j = nOdd[i];
            sum = sum + d[j] - d[j] * d[j+1] * d[j+2];
        return sum;
    cout << "start thinning " << endl;
    clock_t beginTime = clock();
    do {
        cout << ".";
        counter = 0;
        for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
            for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
                for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                    b[i] = 0;
                    px = x + offset[i][0];
                    py = y + offset[i][1];
                    if (px >= 0 && px < w && py >= 0 && py < h)
                        int idx = w * py + px;
                        if (dst[idx] == 255)
                            b[i] = 1;
                        else if (dst[idx] == 127)
                            b[i] = -1;
                // Condition 1
                if (b[0] == 1) condition.set(0, true);
                // Condition 2
                int sum = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    sum = sum + 1 - abs(b[nOdd[i]]);
                if (sum >= 1) condition.set(1, true);
                // Condition 3
                sum = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i <= 8; ++i)
                    sum = sum + abs(b[i]);
                if (sum >= 2) condition.set(2, true);
                // Condition 4
                sum = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i <= 8; ++i)
                    if (b[i] == 1) ++sum;
                if (sum >= 1) condition.set(3, true);
                // Condition 5
                if (funcNc8(b) == 1) condition.set(4, true);
                // Condition 6
                sum = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i <= 8; ++i)
                    if (b[i] != -1)
                    else {
                        int copy = b[i];
                        b[i] = 0;
                        if (funcNc8(b) == 1) ++sum;
                        b[i] = copy;
                if (sum == 8) condition.set(5, true);
                // Final judgement
                if (condition.all())
                    int idx = y * w + x;
                    dst[idx] = 127;
        if (counter != 0)
            for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
                    int idx = y * w + x;
                    if (dst[idx] == 127)
                        dst[idx] = 0;
    while (counter != 0);
    clock_t endTime = clock() - beginTime;
    cout << " Done! Time: " << (double)(endTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " sec, Num Path: " << path << endl;


第一引数に予め読み込んだ画像のピクセル(unsigned char, 8bit, single channel),第二引数は同じ型の出力画像ピクセル,第三,第四引数に入力画像の横幅,縦幅を入れます.










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