
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

Publisher VBA Startセット(1) Typeステートメントと関数

Last updated at Posted at 2017-05-05


Private Sub Document_Open()
MsgBox "You Opened Template with Macro or File Which was made with template by QIIQ from Qiita. This Macro include Publisher Macro Starter Procedure. Push Alt+F11 and see Module 1." & vbCrLf & 
"Last Update 2018/4/8"
End Sub

標準モジュールを挿入し TypeSetModuleとして以下をコピーします

Option Explicit
'''Type Set List ''''
'Public Type AppSet
'Public Type pbOptionsSet
'Public Type pbShapeSize ' Ss
'Pulic Type pbShpRngCol
'Public Type ParagraphSet 'Para
'Public Type pbTableSet 'Ts
'Public Type PbTextFrameset 'TF
'Type PbTextRangeset 'TR
'''''''''-Field-''''''''''''' 'FlSet
'Public Type pbFieldSet
'Public Type FontSetting 'FS
'Public Type pbStroySet 'StSet
'Public Type pbHyperlinksSet 'PHSet
'Public Type pbWinSize

'///// Start Type Statements /////
Public Type AppSet
Build As Long
InsertBarcodeVisible As Boolean
Language As Long
Path As String
PathSeparator As String
ScreenUpdating As Boolean
ShowFollowUpCustom As String
SnapToGuides As Boolean
SnapToObjects As Boolean
TemplateFolderPath As String
ValidateAddressVisible As Boolean
Version As String
WizardCatalogVisible As Boolean
End Type

Public Type pbOptionsSet
AddHebDoubleQuote As Boolean 'Trueをヘブライ語のアルファベット番号を二重引用符を表示します。既定ではfalse を指定します。読み取り/書き込みブール値です。
AllowBackgroundSave As Boolean 'true。(既定値) を同時に他のアクションを実行できるように、バック グラウンドで文書を保存します。読み取り/書き込みブール値です。
AutoFormatWord As Boolean
AutoHyphenate As Boolean
AutoKeyboardSwitching As Boolean
DefaultPubDirection As PbDirectionType
DisplayStatusBar As Boolean
DragAndDropText As Boolean
HyphenationZone As Variant
MeasurementUnit As PbUnitType
PathForPictures As String
PathForPublications As String
SaveAutoRecoverInfo As Boolean
SaveAutoRecoverInfoInterval As Long
SequenceCheck As Boolean 'True系アジア言語のテキストの文字のシーケンスをチェックします。読み取り/書き込みブール値です。
ShowBasicColors As Boolean 'Microsoft Publisherのカラー パレットに基本色を表示するか
ShowScreenTipsOnObjects As Boolean 'マウス ポインターを置くときにポップ ヒントを表示します。ブール値です。
ShowTipPages As Boolean 'Trueバルーン ヒントを表示します。読み取り/書き込みブール値です。
TypeNReplace As Boolean 'Trueを無効なキーボード シーケンスによる読み取れないアジア系文字のクラスターを置き換えます。読み取り/書き込みブール値です。
UseCatalogAtStartup As Boolean '起動するときにカタログを表示するか。ブール値です。
UseWizardForBlankPublication As Boolean
End Type
Public Type pbPageSet
Height As Single
Width As Single
IgnoreMaster As Boolean
IsTrailing As Boolean
IsWizardPage As Boolean
Name As String
PageID As Long
PageIndex As Long
PageNumber As String
PageType As PbPageType
XOffsetWithinReaderSpread As Single
YOffsetWithinReaderSpread As Single
End Type
Public Type pbClrFmt
BaseCMYK As ColorCMYK '基本シアン、マゼンタ、黄-黒 (CMYK) では、 ColorFormatオブジェクトの親オブジェクトの値を色の濃淡の前に、色に網かけを設定または返します 読み取り専用
BaseRGB As MsoRGBType '色の濃淡を調整したり網かけを適用するなどして色を変更する前の、元の RGB 色の書式を表す
Ink As Long
SchemeColor As PbSchemeColorIndex
TintAndShade As Single
Transparency As Single
Type As PbColorType
End Type

Public Type FillFmt
BackColor As ColorFormat
ForeColor As ColorFormat
GradientDegree As Single
GradientVariant As Long
Pattern As MsoPatternType
PresetGradientType As MsoPresetGradientType
PresetTexture As MsoPresetTexture
TextureAlignment As MsoTextureAlignment
TextureHorizontalScale As Single
TextureName As String
TextureOffsetX As Single
TextureOffsetY As Single
TextureType As MsoTextureType
TextureVerticalScale As Single
Transparency As Single
Type As MsoFillType
End Type
Public Type pbLanguageSettings
LanguageID As MsoAppLanguageID
LanguagePreferredForEditing As MsoLanguageID
End Type
Public Type pbLineFormatSet
BackColor As ColorFormat
BeginArrowheadLength As MsoArrowheadLength
BeginArrowheadStyle As MsoArrowheadStyle
BeginArrowheadWidth As MsoArrowheadWidth
CapStyle As MsoLineCapStyle
DashStyle As MsoLineDashStyle
EndArrowheadLength As MsoArrowheadLength
EndArrowheadStyle As MsoArrowheadStyle
EndArrowheadWidth As MsoArrowheadWidth
ForeColor As ColorFormat
GradientAngle As Single
GradientColorType As MsoGradientColorType
GradientStyle As MsoGradientStyle
GradientVariant As Long
InsetPen As MsoTriState
JoinStyle As MsoLineJoinStyle
Pattern As MsoPatternType
PresetGradientType As MsoPresetGradientType
Style As MsoLineStyle
Transparency As Single
Type As MsoLineFillType
Visible As MsoTriState
Weight As Variant
End Type
Public pbLineFmtSet As pbLineFormatSet
Public Type pbShapeSize
Altext As String 'AlterNativText
BWmode As MsoBlackWhiteMode
l As Single
t As Single
w As Single
h As Single '2018/5/23 Change
End Type
Public Type pbShpRngCol
AlternativeText As String
AutoShapeType As MsoAutoShapeType
BCMode As MsoBlackWhiteMode
Callout As CalloutFormat
ConnectionSiteCount As Long
CNT As Long
HasTtbl As Boolean
HasTFrame As Boolean
Height As Single
HLink As Hyperlink
ID As Long
InlineAlignment As PbInlineAlignment
IsInline As MsoTriState
Line As LineFormat
Left As Single
Width As Single
Name As String
TextWrap As WrapFormat
WizardTag As PbWizardTag
Tags As Publisher.Tags
End Type

Public Type ParagraphSet
Ali As PbParagraphAlignmentType
AtT As Boolean 'AttachedTotext
CBFLIndent As Long 'CharBasedFirstLineIndent
FLIndent As Variant 'FirstLineIndente
KLT As MsoTriState 'KeepLinetogether
KWN As MsoTriState 'KeepWithNext
Lin As Variant 'LeftIndente
LS As Variant
LSR As PbLineSpacingRule
ListBulletFontName As String
ListBulletFontSize As Single
ListBulletText As String
ListIndent As Single
ListNumberSeparator As PbListSeparator
ListNumberStart As Long
ListType As PbListType
LockToBaseLine As MsoTriState
RightIndent As Variant
SpaceAfter As Variant
SpaceBefore As Variant
StartInNextTextBox As MsoTriState
TextDirection As PbTextDirection
TextStyle As Variant
End Type

Public Type pbTableSet
cells As CellRange
Cols As Columns
GTFT As Boolean
Rs As Rows
TD As PbTableDirectionType
TA As PbTabAlignmentType
TAUFT As PbTableAutoFormatType
TAFT As PbTextAutoFitType
End Type

Public Type PbTextFrameset
AutoFitText As PbTextAutoFitType
Columns As Long
ColumnSpacing As Variant
HasNextLink As MsoTriState
HasPreviousLink As MsoTriState
HasText As MsoTriState
IncludeContinuedFromPage As MsoTriState
IncludeContinuedOnPage As MsoTriState
MarginBottom As Variant
MarginLeft As Variant
MarginRight As Variant
MarginTop As Variant
NextLinkedTextFrame As TextFrame
Orientation As PbTextOrientation
Overflowing As MsoTriState
Story As Story
VerticalTextAlignment As PbVerticalTextAlignmentType
End Type

Type PbTextRangeset
BoundHeight As Single
BoundLeft As Single
BoundTop As Single
BoundWidth As Single
LanguageID As MsoLanguageID
Length As Long
LinesCount As Long
Script As PbFontScriptType
WordsCount As Long
End Type

Public Type pbFieldSet
CodeStr As String 'Code
PhoneG As PhoneticGuide
RstStr As String 'Result
Trng As TextRange
Ty As PbFieldType
End Type

Public Type FontSetting
isBld As Boolean ' bold
isiTa As Boolean ' Italic
LineF As LineFormat
N As String 'Name
Ns As PbNumberStylesType
P As Variant 'Position
Sz As Variant 'Font Size
isSmallcap As MsoTriState 'SmallCap
iStThrough As MsoTriState 'StrikeThrough 打消し線
isSubSc As MsoAlertButtonType 'Subscript
Trc As Variant 'tracking
TrPrSet As PbTrackingPresetType
UdLine As PbUnderlineType
End Type

Public Type pbStroySet
HasTable As MsoTriState
HasTextFrame As MsoTriState
Type As PbStoryType
End Type

Public Type pbHyperlinksSet
Address As String
EmailSubject As String
PageID As Long
TargetType As PbHlinkTargetType
TextToDisplay As String
Type As MsoHyperlinkType
End Type

Public Type pbWinSize
l As Long
t As Long
w As Long
h As Long
End Type
Public Type PicFormatSet
Brightness As Single
ColorModel As PbColorModel
ColorsInPalette As Long
ColorType As MsoPictureColorType
Contrast As Single
CropLeft As Variant
CropTop As Variant
CropBottom As Variant
EffectiveResolution As Long
Filename As String
FileSize As Long
HasAlphaChannel As MsoTriState
HasTransparencyColor As Boolean
Height As Variant
Width As Variant
HorizontalScale As Long
IsEmpty As MsoTriState
IsGreyScale As MsoTriState
IsLinked As MsoTriState
IsRecolored As MsoTriState
IsTrueColor As MsoTriState
LinkedFileStatus As PbLinkedFileStatus
OriginalColorsInPalette As Long
OriginalHasAlphaChannel As MsoTriState
OriginalHeight As Variant
OriginalWidth As Variant
OriginalIsTrueColor As MsoTriState
OriginalResolution As Long
TransparencyColor As MsoRGBType
TransparentBackground As MsoTriState
VerticalScale As Long
End Type

Public Type iColorRGB
R As Double
B As Double
G As Double
End Type

'For Color RGB Value Constitution
'Reffernce http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49072
Public Const Max_ColorValue = 16777215
Public Const BLUE_OFFSET = 65536
Public Const GREEN_OFFSET = 256
Public Const RED_OFFSET = 1
Public Const ColVbBl = 16711680
Public Const ColVbR = 255
Public Const ColVBW = 16777215
Public Const ColVBB = 0
Public Const ColVBM = 16711935
Public Const ColVBC = 16776960
Public Const ColVBG = 65280
Public Const ColVBY = 65535

Public LFSt As pbLineFormatSet
' /// Functions Block
Function fnShapeTypeString(i as long) As String
Select Case i
Case Is = 1
shpTypeString = "pbAutoShape"
Case Is = 113
shpTypeString = "pbBarCodePictureHolder"
Case Is = 116
shpTypeString = "pbWebWebComponent" 'Web の Web コンポーネント
Case Is = 2
shpTypeString = "pbCallout"
Case Is = 111
shpTypeString = "pbCatalogMergArea"
Case Is = 3
shpTypeString = "pbChart"
Case Is = 4
shpTypeString = "pbComment"
Case Is = 8
shpTypeString = "pbFormControle"
Case Is = 5
shpTypeString = "pbFreeForm"
Case Is = 6
shpTypeString = "pbGroup"
Case Is = 118
shpTypeString = "pbGroupWizard"
Case Is = 10
shpTypeString = "pbLinkedOLEObject"
Case Is = 11
shpTypeString = "pbLinkedPicture"
Case Is = 12
shpTypeString = "pbOLEControlObject"
Case Is = 13
shpTypeString = "pbPicture"
Case Is = 16
shpTypeString = "pbMedia"
Case Is = -2
shpTypeString = "pbShapeTyepMixed"
Case Is = 9
shpTypeString = "pbLine"
Case Is = 15
shpTypeString = "pbTextEffect"
Case Is = 17
shpTypeString = "pbTextFrame"
Case Is = 7
shpTypeString = "pbEmbeddedOLEObject"
End Select
End Function

Public Function MtP(mm As Long)
MtP = Fix(Application.MillimetersToPoints(mm) * 10000) / 10000
End Function
Public Function Ptmm(ptSingle As Single) As Long
Ptmm = Fix(Application.PointsToMillimeters(ptSingle) * 10000) / 10000
End Function
Public Function xlRnd(i As Long, degit As Long)
Dim xlapp As Object: Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlRnd = xlapp.Worksheetfunction.Round(i, degit)
Set xlapp = Nothing
End Function

Public Function xlFx(i As Double, idegit As Long)
Dim i1 As Long
Dim x As Double
If idegit >= 0 Then
x = 1
For i1 = 1 To Fix(idegit)
x = x * 10
ElseIf idegit <= -1 Then
x = 1
For i1 = 1 To Abs(Fix(idegit)) - 1
x = x / 10
Next i1
End If
If x = 0 Then x = 1
xlFx = Fix(i * x + 0.5) / x
End Function

Public Sub lineformatpropertyset(Lineformatobject As LineFormat)
With Lineformatobject
On Error Resume Next
LFSt.BackColor = .BackColor
LFSt.BeginArrowheadLength = .BeginArrowheadLength
LFSt.BeginArrowheadStyle = .BeginArrowheadStyle
LFSt.BeginArrowheadWidth = .BeginArrowheadWidth
LFSt.DashStyle = .DashStyle
LFSt.CapStyle = .CapStyle
LFSt.EndArrowheadLength = .EndArrowheadLength
LFSt.EndArrowheadStyle = .EndArrowheadStyle
LFSt.EndArrowheadWidth = .EndArrowheadWidth
LFSt.ForeColor = .ForeColor
LFSt.GradientAngle = .GradientAngle
LFSt.InsetPen = .InsetPen
LFSt.JoinStyle = .JoinStyle
LFSt.Pattern = .Pattern
LFSt.PresetGradientType = .GradientColorType
LFSt.Style = .Style
LFSt.Transparency = .Transparency
LFSt.Type = .Type
LFSt.Visible = .Visible
LFSt.Weight = .Weight
End With
End Sub
Function rgbarray(colorvalue) As Collection
' この関数は、ユーザーによる入力内容を配列に挿入し、
' 配列を返します。
'Refference https://msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/cc376074.aspx
Dim astrItems As New Collection
Dim iRGB As iColorRGB
Dim Blue2Green As Long
Dim ar, br, i As Long
Dim strColorString As String
ar = Array(ColVBB, ColVBW, ColVbBl, ColVBM, ColVbR, ColVBY, ColVBG, ColVBC)
br = Array("Black", "White", "Blue", "Magenta", "Red", "Yellow", "Green", "Cyan")
If colorvalue > Max_ColorValue Then colorvalue = Max_ColorValue
For i = LBound(ar) To UBound(ar)
If ar(i) = colorvalue Then strColorString = br(i): Exit For
Next i
'Caluculate RGB Color Number
iRGB.B = Fix(colorvalue / BLUE_OFFSET)
Blue2Green = colorvalue - (iRGB.B * BLUE_OFFSET)
iRGB.G = Fix(Blue2Green _
iRGB.R = Blue2Green - (iRGB.G * GREEN_OFFSET)
'End:Caluculate RGB Color Number
astrItems.Add (iRGB.R)
astrItems.Add (iRGB.B)
astrItems.Add (iRGB.G)
astrItems.Add (strColorString)
Set rgbarray = astrItems
If Not astrItems Is Nothing Then Set astrItems = Nothing
End Function


Publsiher VBA 今回の想定使用状況





''''Type Set List ''''
'Public Type AppSet(2017/5/8追加)
'Public Type pbOptionsSet(2017/5/8追加)
'Public Type pbShapeSize ' Ss
'Pulic Type pbShpRngCol
'Public Type ParagraphSet 'Para
'Public Type pbTableSet 'Ts
'Public Type PbTextFrameset 'TF
'Type PbTextRangeset 'TR
'''''''''-Field-''''''''''''' 'FlSet
'Public Type pbFieldSet
'Public Type FontSetting 'FS
'Public Type pbStroySet 'StSet
'Public Type pbHyperlinksSet 'PHSet
'Public Type pbWinSize


pbWinSize 窓用 あまり今は使わない
pbStroySet ストーリーオブジェクト用
pbShapeSize Shapeオブジェクト(一番よく使う)

pbTableSet テーブル(表)
Document Page Shpaes Shape Textframe Textrange Paragraph text
Dim ss As pbHaplesize





Public Function MtP(mm As Long)

Public Function Ptmm(ptSingle As Single) As Long

Public Function xlRnd(i As Long, degit As Long)

Public Function xlFx(i As Double, idegit As Long)


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