
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2015-10-30





見た感じ明らかにfull widthな文字が1文字分の幅扱いだったり、mb_strwidthによる文字幅判定は結構危ないかも・・・

U+0000 - U+10FFFFの範囲内で"mb_strwidthとして"正しい仕様

character width
U+0000 - U+10FF 1
U+1100 - U+115F 2
U+1160 - U+11A2 1
U+11A3 - U+11A7 2
U+11A8 - U+11F9 1
U+11FA - U+11FF 2
U+1200 - U+2328 1
U+2329 - U+232A 2
U+232B - U+2E7F 1
U+2E80 - U+2E99 2
U+2E9A - U+2E9A 1
U+2E9B - U+2EF3 2
U+2EF4 - U+2EFF 1
U+2F00 - U+2FD5 2
U+2FD6 - U+2FEF 1
U+2FF0 - U+2FFB 2
U+2FFC - U+2FFF 1
U+3000 - U+303E 2
U+303F - U+3040 1
U+3041 - U+3096 2
U+3097 - U+3098 1
U+3099 - U+30FF 2
U+3100 - U+3104 1
U+3105 - U+312D 2
U+312E - U+3130 1
U+3131 - U+318E 2
U+318F - U+318F 1
U+3190 - U+31BA 2
U+31BB - U+31BF 1
U+31C0 - U+31E3 2
U+31E4 - U+31EF 1
U+31F0 - U+321E 2
U+321F - U+321F 1
U+3220 - U+3247 2
U+3248 - U+324F 1
U+3250 - U+32FE 2
U+32FF - U+32FF 1
U+3300 - U+4DBF 2
U+4DC0 - U+4DFF 1
U+4E00 - U+A48C 2
U+A48D - U+A48F 1
U+A490 - U+A4C6 2
U+A4C7 - U+A95F 1
U+A960 - U+A97C 2
U+A97D - U+ABFF 1
U+AC00 - U+D7A3 2
U+D7A4 - U+D7AF 1
U+D7B0 - U+D7C6 2
U+D7C7 - U+D7CA 1
U+D7CB - U+D7FB 2
U+D7FC - U+F8FF 1
U+F900 - U+FAFF 2
U+FB00 - U+FE0F 1
U+FE10 - U+FE19 2
U+FE1A - U+FE2F 1
U+FE30 - U+FE52 2
U+FE53 - U+FE53 1
U+FE54 - U+FE66 2
U+FE67 - U+FE67 1
U+FE68 - U+FE6B 2
U+FE6C - U+FF00 1
U+FF01 - U+FF60 2
U+FF61 - U+FFDF 1
U+FFE0 - U+FFE6 2
U+FFE7 - U+1AFFF 1
U+1B000 - U+1B001 2
U+1B002 - U+1F1FF 1
U+1F200 - U+1F202 2
U+1F203 - U+1F20F 1
U+1F210 - U+1F23A 2
U+1F23B - U+1F23F 1
U+1F240 - U+1F248 2
U+1F249 - U+1F24F 1
U+1F250 - U+1F251 2
U+1F252 - U+1FFFF 1
U+20000 - U+2FFFD 2
U+30000 - U+3FFFD 2
U+3FFFE - U+10FFFF 1


PHP 5.6.15

PHP Manualにある仕様

PHP: mb_strwidth - Manual

character width
U+0000 - U+0019 0
U+0020 - U+1FFF 1
U+2000 - U+FF60 2
U+FF61 - U+FF9F 1
U+FFA0 - 2



mb_strwidth('※', 'UTF-8') === 2; // is false
mb_strwidth('※', 'UTF-8') === 1; // is true
var char_code = ''.charCodeAt(0);
var width = 0;
if (0x0000 <= char_code && char_code <= 0x0019) {
} else if (0x0020 <= char_code && char_code <= 0x1FFF) {
    width = 1;
} else if (0x2000 <= char_code && char_code <= 0xFF60) {
    width = 2;
} else if (0xFF61 <= char_code && char_code <= 0xFF9F) {
    width = 1;
} else if (0xFFA0 <= char_code) {
    width = 2;
width == 2; // is true

PHP Manualにある仕様に則って作ったのに差分があるじゃないか!
※ '※'は0x203Bのため、U+2000 - U+FF60の範囲に入ります。




<table border="1">
            <td>start char</td>
            <td>code (dex)</td>
function int2utf8($code_point) {
    if ($code_point < 0) {
        throw new \Exception(sprintf('%1$s is out of range UTF-16 code point (0x000000 - 0x10FFFF)', $code_point));
    if (0x10FFFF < $code_point) {
        throw new \Exception(sprintf('0x%1$X is out of range UTF-16 code point (0x000000 - 0x10FFFF)', $code_point));

    if (0xD800 <= $code_point && $code_point <= 0xDFFF) {
        throw new \Exception(sprintf('0x%X is in of range surrogate pair code point (0xD800 - 0xDFFF)', $code_point));

    if ($code_point < 0x80) {
        return chr($code_point);

    if ($code_point < 0xA0) {
        return chr(0xC0 | $code_point >> 6) . chr(0x80 | $code_point & 0x3F);

    return html_entity_decode('&#'. $code_point .';');

$stacker            = [];
$prev_width         = -1;
$prev_dec_char_code = 0;
$start                       = hexdec('0x0');
$end                         = hexdec('0x10FFFF');

for ($i = $start;$i <= $end;$i++) {
    if (0xD800 <= $i && $i <= 0xDFFF) {
    $char = int2utf8($i);

    $current_width = mb_strwidth($char, 'UTF-8');
    if ($prev_width !== $current_width) {
        $stacker[] = [
            'char'                  => $char,
            'dec_char_code'         => $i,
            'width'                 => $current_width,

        $prev_dec_char_code = $i;
        $prev_width         = $current_width;

$i = 1;
foreach ($stacker as $stack) {
    $next = isset($stacker[$i]) ? $stacker[$i] : ['dec_char_code' => $end + 1];
            <td><?= $stack['char'] ?></td>
            <td><?= sprintf('0x%X', $stack['dec_char_code']) ?> (<?= $stack['dec_char_code'] ?>)</td>
            <td><?= sprintf("U+%X - U+%X", $stack['dec_char_code'], $next['dec_char_code'] - 1); ?></td>
            <td><?= $stack['width'] ?></td>
            <td><?= sprintf("[hexdec('0x%X'), hexdec('0x%X'), %s],", $stack['dec_char_code'], $next['dec_char_code'] - 1, $stack['width']); ?></td>



diff countが0なら問題無し。


function int2utf8($code_point) {
    if ($code_point < 0) {
        throw new \Exception(sprintf('%1$s is out of range UTF-16 code point (0x000000 - 0x10FFFF)', $code_point));
    if (0x10FFFF < $code_point) {
        throw new \Exception(sprintf('0x%1$X is out of range UTF-16 code point (0x000000 - 0x10FFFF)', $code_point));

    if (0xD800 <= $code_point && $code_point <= 0xDFFF) {
        throw new \Exception(sprintf('0x%X is in of range surrogate pair code point (0xD800 - 0xDFFF)', $code_point));

    if ($code_point < 0x80) {
        return chr($code_point);

    if ($code_point < 0xA0) {
        return chr(0xC0 | $code_point >> 6) . chr(0x80 | $code_point & 0x3F);

    return html_entity_decode('&#'. $code_point .';');

$spec_list = [
    [hexdec('0x0'), hexdec('0x10FF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x1100'), hexdec('0x115F'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x1160'), hexdec('0x11A2'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x11A3'), hexdec('0x11A7'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x11A8'), hexdec('0x11F9'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x11FA'), hexdec('0x11FF'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x1200'), hexdec('0x2328'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x2329'), hexdec('0x232A'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x232B'), hexdec('0x2E7F'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x2E80'), hexdec('0x2E99'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x2E9A'), hexdec('0x2E9A'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x2E9B'), hexdec('0x2EF3'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x2EF4'), hexdec('0x2EFF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x2F00'), hexdec('0x2FD5'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x2FD6'), hexdec('0x2FEF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x2FF0'), hexdec('0x2FFB'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x2FFC'), hexdec('0x2FFF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x3000'), hexdec('0x303E'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x303F'), hexdec('0x3040'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x3041'), hexdec('0x3096'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x3097'), hexdec('0x3098'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x3099'), hexdec('0x30FF'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x3100'), hexdec('0x3104'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x3105'), hexdec('0x312D'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x312E'), hexdec('0x3130'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x3131'), hexdec('0x318E'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x318F'), hexdec('0x318F'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x3190'), hexdec('0x31BA'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x31BB'), hexdec('0x31BF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x31C0'), hexdec('0x31E3'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x31E4'), hexdec('0x31EF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x31F0'), hexdec('0x321E'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x321F'), hexdec('0x321F'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x3220'), hexdec('0x3247'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x3248'), hexdec('0x324F'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x3250'), hexdec('0x32FE'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x32FF'), hexdec('0x32FF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x3300'), hexdec('0x4DBF'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x4DC0'), hexdec('0x4DFF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x4E00'), hexdec('0xA48C'), 2],
    [hexdec('0xA48D'), hexdec('0xA48F'), 1],
    [hexdec('0xA490'), hexdec('0xA4C6'), 2],
    [hexdec('0xA4C7'), hexdec('0xA95F'), 1],
    [hexdec('0xA960'), hexdec('0xA97C'), 2],
    [hexdec('0xA97D'), hexdec('0xABFF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0xAC00'), hexdec('0xD7A3'), 2],
    [hexdec('0xD7A4'), hexdec('0xD7AF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0xD7B0'), hexdec('0xD7C6'), 2],
    [hexdec('0xD7C7'), hexdec('0xD7CA'), 1],
    [hexdec('0xD7CB'), hexdec('0xD7FB'), 2],
    [hexdec('0xD7FC'), hexdec('0xF8FF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0xF900'), hexdec('0xFAFF'), 2],
    [hexdec('0xFB00'), hexdec('0xFE0F'), 1],
    [hexdec('0xFE10'), hexdec('0xFE19'), 2],
    [hexdec('0xFE1A'), hexdec('0xFE2F'), 1],
    [hexdec('0xFE30'), hexdec('0xFE52'), 2],
    [hexdec('0xFE53'), hexdec('0xFE53'), 1],
    [hexdec('0xFE54'), hexdec('0xFE66'), 2],
    [hexdec('0xFE67'), hexdec('0xFE67'), 1],
    [hexdec('0xFE68'), hexdec('0xFE6B'), 2],
    [hexdec('0xFE6C'), hexdec('0xFF00'), 1],
    [hexdec('0xFF01'), hexdec('0xFF60'), 2],
    [hexdec('0xFF61'), hexdec('0xFFDF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0xFFE0'), hexdec('0xFFE6'), 2],
    [hexdec('0xFFE7'), hexdec('0x1AFFF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x1B000'), hexdec('0x1B001'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x1B002'), hexdec('0x1F1FF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x1F200'), hexdec('0x1F202'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x1F203'), hexdec('0x1F20F'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x1F210'), hexdec('0x1F23A'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x1F23B'), hexdec('0x1F23F'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x1F240'), hexdec('0x1F248'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x1F249'), hexdec('0x1F24F'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x1F250'), hexdec('0x1F251'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x1F252'), hexdec('0x1FFFF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x20000'), hexdec('0x2FFFD'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x2FFFE'), hexdec('0x2FFFF'), 1],
    [hexdec('0x30000'), hexdec('0x3FFFD'), 2],
    [hexdec('0x3FFFE'), hexdec('0x10FFFF'), 1],

$spec = array_shift($spec_list);

$diff_cnt = 0;

<table border="2">
        <td>code (dex)</td>
        <td>spec width</td>
for ($i = hexdec('0x0000'), $end = hexdec('0x10FFFF');$i <= $end;$i++) {
    if (0xD800 <= $i && $i <= 0xDFFF) {
    $target_text = int2utf8($i);

    if ($spec[1] < $i) {
        $spec = array_shift($spec_list);

    if (mb_strwidth($target_text) !== $spec[2]) {
        <td><?= $target_text ?></td>
        <td><?= sprintf('0x%X', $i) ?> (<?= $i ?>)</td>
        <td><?= $spec[2] ?></td>
        <td><?= mb_strwidth($target_text) ?></td>

diff count : <?= $diff_cnt; ?>


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