More than 5 years have passed since last update.

CHEF の recipe で AWS や SoftLayer などクラウドベンダーを自動判定するには?

Last updated at Posted at 2015-12-13


CHEFはプラットフォームの違いを吸収して自動設定できる便利なツールですが、実際は CHEFの Cookbook の recipe の Ruby コードの中で、Linux Distribution や クラウドベンダーを判定する必要があります。 このため CHEF には、サーバーの実行環境を取得する機能として、ohai があります。 さらに ohai には、クラウドベンダーのプラグインがあり、クラウドベンダーの固有情報を収集することができます。 ここでは、プライベート・クラウド、パブリック・クラウドのマルチクラウド環境下で共通のレシピが開発するためのコードを検討しました。




プロビジョニング時に実行されるスクリプトで、以下を実行することで、Ohaiのプラグインによって、クラウドベンダー特有の情報が収集されるようになります。 下記の softlayer.json となっている処を AWSでは、ec2.json に変更すればAWSのプラグインが動作する様になります。 同様に gce, digital_ocean, azure など環境に合わせて変更します。

mkdir -p /etc/chef/ohai/hints && touch ${_}/softlayer.json

さらに、SoftLayer の プロビジョニング・スクリプトからhintsを設定する例は、GitHub https://github.com/takara9/ProvisioningScript においてあります。 


case node['cloud']['provider']
  when 'ec2'
    AWS 用の設定コード  
  when 'softlayer'
    SoftLayer 用の設定コード
  when 'digital_ocean'
    DigitalOcean 用の設定コード
  when 'gce'
    Google Compute Engine 用の設定コード
  when 'azure'
    Azure 用の設定コード

このOhaiのソースコードは、GitHub の https://github.com/chef/ohai/blob/master/lib/ohai/plugins/cloud.rb にありますから、他にどんなクラウドが判別できるか解るでしょう。 このコードには、OpenStackの判定コードも含まれている様ですから、自社のプライベート・クラウドとパブリック・クラウドで共通のレシピが作れると思います。


次のSoftLayerの場合のリストとAWS-EC2の場合のリストは、GitHubに挙げたコード (GitHub https://github.com/takara9/ohai) を利用してリストしたものです。階層構造を字下げ(インデント)で表現していますから、例えば、CHEFのレシピからプライベート・ネットワーク側のIPアドレスを取得するには、node['cloud']['local_ipv4']とすれば取得することができます。


    [public_fqdn]= centos7bm.takara.org
    [region]= tok02
    [instance_id]= 425202
    [public_ips]= [""]
    [private_ips]= [""]
    [public_hostname]= centos7bm.takara.org
    [provider]= softlayer

GitHubのOhai情報取得のコード(GitHub https://github.com/takara9/ohai) は、クラウドベンダーに関係なく動作するので、AWSなど他のクラウド・インスタンス上で動作します。 以下はAWSのEC2で動作させた場合のクラウドベンダー共通と固有のデータのリストです。

    [ami_id]= ami-936d9d93
    [reservation_id]= r-c5469730
    [security_groups]= ["launch-wizard-8"]
    [public_ipv4_addrs]= [""]
    [local_ipv4_addrs]= [""]
    [provider]= ec2
    [public_hostname]= ec2-52-69-177-163.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
    [local_hostname]= ip-172-31-24-251.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal
    [public_ips]= [""]
    [private_ips]= [""]
    [public_hostname]= ec2-52-69-177-163.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
    [local_hostname]= ip-172-31-24-251.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal
    [provider]= ec2


ベアメタルサーバーと仮想サーバーで設定を変更したいという場合があります。例えば、仮想サーバーのネットワーク・インタフェースのデバイス名は、eth0eth1 となりますが、物理サーバー(ベアメタル)では、bond0bind1 になり、対応するとなると、仮想か物理かを判定する必要が出てきます。


物理サーバーでは、KVMを稼働させていなくても、LinuxカーネルにKVM機能が最初から組み込まれていますから['virtualization']のデータが収集されます。そこで、次の様に node['virtualization']['role'] を利用して判定することができます。また、自社のプライベート・クラウドとパブリック・クラウドのハイブリッド環境を作り場合にも、このコードは適用できると思います。

case node['virtualization']['role']
  when 'host'
  when 'guest'


GitHubのOhai情報取得のコード(GitHub https://github.com/takara9/ohai) を利用してリストしたデータです。

        [kvm]= host
    [system]= kvm
    [role]= host
        [xen]= guest
    [system]= xen
    [role]= guest


CHEFの機能を利用するには、Ohai の機能は大変重要なのですが、CHEFの初心者にも解りやすい情報が少ないですね。それから、SoftLayer のプラグインも最近バンドルされる様になったのですが、実際に利用するための情報が少ないと感じています。 この記事は、サーバーエンジニアの人材不足で困っておられるエンジニアの方々、そして、これからサーバー設定の自動化を始めたいと思っている方々の参考になれば幸いと思います。



ohaiリスト作成のクックブックの実行結果 全リスト

CentOS7 SoftLayer Baremetal

[root@centos7bm ohai]# chef-solo -o ohai
[2015-12-13T01:24:48+09:00] WARN: *****************************************
[2015-12-13T01:24:48+09:00] WARN: Did not find config file: /etc/chef/solo.rb, using command line options.
[2015-12-13T01:24:48+09:00] WARN: *****************************************
Starting Chef Client, version 12.5.1
[2015-12-13T01:24:53+09:00] WARN: Run List override has been provided.
[2015-12-13T01:24:53+09:00] WARN: Original Run List: []
[2015-12-13T01:24:53+09:00] WARN: Overridden Run List: [recipe[ohai]]
Compiling Cookbooks...
[tags]= []
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 63
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
        [stepping]= 2
        [mhz]= 2124.750
        [cache_size]= 15360 KB
        [physical_id]= 0
        [core_id]= 0
        [cores]= 6
        [flags]= ["fpu", "vme", "de", "pse", "tsc", "msr", "pae", "mce", "cx8", "apic", "sep", "mtrr", "pge", "mca", "cmov", "pat", "pse36", "clflush", "dts", "acpi", "mmx", "fxsr", "sse", "sse2", "ss", "ht", "tm", "pbe", "syscall", "nx", "pdpe1gb", "rdtscp", "lm", "constant_tsc", "arch_perfmon", "pebs", "bts", "rep_good", "nopl", "xtopology", "nonstop_tsc", "aperfmperf", "eagerfpu", "pni", "pclmulqdq", "dtes64", "monitor", "ds_cpl", "vmx", "smx", "est", "tm2", "ssse3", "fma", "cx16", "xtpr", "pdcm", "pcid", "dca", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", "x2apic", "movbe", "popcnt", "tsc_deadline_timer", "aes", "xsave", "avx", "f16c", "rdrand", "lahf_lm", "abm", "arat", "epb", "xsaveopt", "pln", "pts", "dtherm", "tpr_shadow", "vnmi", "flexpriority", "ept", "vpid", "fsgsbase", "tsc_adjust", "bmi1", "avx2", "smep", "bmi2", "erms", "invpcid"]
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 63
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
        [stepping]= 2
        [mhz]= 1200.281
        [cache_size]= 15360 KB
        [physical_id]= 0
        [core_id]= 1
        [cores]= 6
        [flags]= ["fpu", "vme", "de", "pse", "tsc", "msr", "pae", "mce", "cx8", "apic", "sep", "mtrr", "pge", "mca", "cmov", "pat", "pse36", "clflush", "dts", "acpi", "mmx", "fxsr", "sse", "sse2", "ss", "ht", "tm", "pbe", "syscall", "nx", "pdpe1gb", "rdtscp", "lm", "constant_tsc", "arch_perfmon", "pebs", "bts", "rep_good", "nopl", "xtopology", "nonstop_tsc", "aperfmperf", "eagerfpu", "pni", "pclmulqdq", "dtes64", "monitor", "ds_cpl", "vmx", "smx", "est", "tm2", "ssse3", "fma", "cx16", "xtpr", "pdcm", "pcid", "dca", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", "x2apic", "movbe", "popcnt", "tsc_deadline_timer", "aes", "xsave", "avx", "f16c", "rdrand", "lahf_lm", "abm", "arat", "epb", "xsaveopt", "pln", "pts", "dtherm", "tpr_shadow", "vnmi", "flexpriority", "ept", "vpid", "fsgsbase", "tsc_adjust", "bmi1", "avx2", "smep", "bmi2", "erms", "invpcid"]
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 63
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
        [stepping]= 2
        [mhz]= 2399.906
        [cache_size]= 15360 KB
        [physical_id]= 0
        [core_id]= 2
        [cores]= 6
        [flags]= ["fpu", "vme", "de", "pse", "tsc", "msr", "pae", "mce", "cx8", "apic", "sep", "mtrr", "pge", "mca", "cmov", "pat", "pse36", "clflush", "dts", "acpi", "mmx", "fxsr", "sse", "sse2", "ss", "ht", "tm", "pbe", "syscall", "nx", "pdpe1gb", "rdtscp", "lm", "constant_tsc", "arch_perfmon", "pebs", "bts", "rep_good", "nopl", "xtopology", "nonstop_tsc", "aperfmperf", "eagerfpu", "pni", "pclmulqdq", "dtes64", "monitor", "ds_cpl", "vmx", "smx", "est", "tm2", "ssse3", "fma", "cx16", "xtpr", "pdcm", "pcid", "dca", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", "x2apic", "movbe", "popcnt", "tsc_deadline_timer", "aes", "xsave", "avx", "f16c", "rdrand", "lahf_lm", "abm", "arat", "epb", "xsaveopt", "pln", "pts", "dtherm", "tpr_shadow", "vnmi", "flexpriority", "ept", "vpid", "fsgsbase", "tsc_adjust", "bmi1", "avx2", "smep", "bmi2", "erms", "invpcid"]
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 63
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
        [stepping]= 2
        [mhz]= 2297.250
        [cache_size]= 15360 KB
        [physical_id]= 0
        [core_id]= 3
        [cores]= 6
        [flags]= ["fpu", "vme", "de", "pse", "tsc", "msr", "pae", "mce", "cx8", "apic", "sep", "mtrr", "pge", "mca", "cmov", "pat", "pse36", "clflush", "dts", "acpi", "mmx", "fxsr", "sse", "sse2", "ss", "ht", "tm", "pbe", "syscall", "nx", "pdpe1gb", "rdtscp", "lm", "constant_tsc", "arch_perfmon", "pebs", "bts", "rep_good", "nopl", "xtopology", "nonstop_tsc", "aperfmperf", "eagerfpu", "pni", "pclmulqdq", "dtes64", "monitor", "ds_cpl", "vmx", "smx", "est", "tm2", "ssse3", "fma", "cx16", "xtpr", "pdcm", "pcid", "dca", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", "x2apic", "movbe", "popcnt", "tsc_deadline_timer", "aes", "xsave", "avx", "f16c", "rdrand", "lahf_lm", "abm", "arat", "epb", "xsaveopt", "pln", "pts", "dtherm", "tpr_shadow", "vnmi", "flexpriority", "ept", "vpid", "fsgsbase", "tsc_adjust", "bmi1", "avx2", "smep", "bmi2", "erms", "invpcid"]
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 63
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
        [stepping]= 2
        [mhz]= 2191.500
        [cache_size]= 15360 KB
        [physical_id]= 0
        [core_id]= 4
        [cores]= 6
        [flags]= ["fpu", "vme", "de", "pse", "tsc", "msr", "pae", "mce", "cx8", "apic", "sep", "mtrr", "pge", "mca", "cmov", "pat", "pse36", "clflush", "dts", "acpi", "mmx", "fxsr", "sse", "sse2", "ss", "ht", "tm", "pbe", "syscall", "nx", "pdpe1gb", "rdtscp", "lm", "constant_tsc", "arch_perfmon", "pebs", "bts", "rep_good", "nopl", "xtopology", "nonstop_tsc", "aperfmperf", "eagerfpu", "pni", "pclmulqdq", "dtes64", "monitor", "ds_cpl", "vmx", "smx", "est", "tm2", "ssse3", "fma", "cx16", "xtpr", "pdcm", "pcid", "dca", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", "x2apic", "movbe", "popcnt", "tsc_deadline_timer", "aes", "xsave", "avx", "f16c", "rdrand", "lahf_lm", "abm", "arat", "epb", "xsaveopt", "pln", "pts", "dtherm", "tpr_shadow", "vnmi", "flexpriority", "ept", "vpid", "fsgsbase", "tsc_adjust", "bmi1", "avx2", "smep", "bmi2", "erms", "invpcid"]
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 63
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
        [stepping]= 2
        [mhz]= 1983.093
        [cache_size]= 15360 KB
        [physical_id]= 0
        [core_id]= 5
        [cores]= 6
        [flags]= ["fpu", "vme", "de", "pse", "tsc", "msr", "pae", "mce", "cx8", "apic", "sep", "mtrr", "pge", "mca", "cmov", "pat", "pse36", "clflush", "dts", "acpi", "mmx", "fxsr", "sse", "sse2", "ss", "ht", "tm", "pbe", "syscall", "nx", "pdpe1gb", "rdtscp", "lm", "constant_tsc", "arch_perfmon", "pebs", "bts", "rep_good", "nopl", "xtopology", "nonstop_tsc", "aperfmperf", "eagerfpu", "pni", "pclmulqdq", "dtes64", "monitor", "ds_cpl", "vmx", "smx", "est", "tm2", "ssse3", "fma", "cx16", "xtpr", "pdcm", "pcid", "dca", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", "x2apic", "movbe", "popcnt", "tsc_deadline_timer", "aes", "xsave", "avx", "f16c", "rdrand", "lahf_lm", "abm", "arat", "epb", "xsaveopt", "pln", "pts", "dtherm", "tpr_shadow", "vnmi", "flexpriority", "ept", "vpid", "fsgsbase", "tsc_adjust", "bmi1", "avx2", "smep", "bmi2", "erms", "invpcid"]
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 63
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
        [stepping]= 2
        [mhz]= 1272.656
        [cache_size]= 15360 KB
        [physical_id]= 1
        [core_id]= 0
        [cores]= 6
        [flags]= ["fpu", "vme", "de", "pse", "tsc", "msr", "pae", "mce", "cx8", "apic", "sep", "mtrr", "pge", "mca", "cmov", "pat", "pse36", "clflush", "dts", "acpi", "mmx", "fxsr", "sse", "sse2", "ss", "ht", "tm", "pbe", "syscall", "nx", "pdpe1gb", "rdtscp", "lm", "constant_tsc", "arch_perfmon", "pebs", "bts", "rep_good", "nopl", "xtopology", "nonstop_tsc", "aperfmperf", "eagerfpu", "pni", "pclmulqdq", "dtes64", "monitor", "ds_cpl", "vmx", "smx", "est", "tm2", "ssse3", "fma", "cx16", "xtpr", "pdcm", "pcid", "dca", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", "x2apic", "movbe", "popcnt", "tsc_deadline_timer", "aes", "xsave", "avx", "f16c", "rdrand", "lahf_lm", "abm", "arat", "epb", "xsaveopt", "pln", "pts", "dtherm", "tpr_shadow", "vnmi", "flexpriority", "ept", "vpid", "fsgsbase", "tsc_adjust", "bmi1", "avx2", "smep", "bmi2", "erms", "invpcid"]
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 63
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
        [stepping]= 2
        [mhz]= 1352.062
        [cache_size]= 15360 KB
        [physical_id]= 1
        [core_id]= 1
        [cores]= 6
        [flags]= ["fpu", "vme", "de", "pse", "tsc", "msr", "pae", "mce", "cx8", "apic", "sep", "mtrr", "pge", "mca", "cmov", "pat", "pse36", "clflush", "dts", "acpi", "mmx", "fxsr", "sse", "sse2", "ss", "ht", "tm", "pbe", "syscall", "nx", "pdpe1gb", "rdtscp", "lm", "constant_tsc", "arch_perfmon", "pebs", "bts", "rep_good", "nopl", "xtopology", "nonstop_tsc", "aperfmperf", "eagerfpu", "pni", "pclmulqdq", "dtes64", "monitor", "ds_cpl", "vmx", "smx", "est", "tm2", "ssse3", "fma", "cx16", "xtpr", "pdcm", "pcid", "dca", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", "x2apic", "movbe", "popcnt", "tsc_deadline_timer", "aes", "xsave", "avx", "f16c", "rdrand", "lahf_lm", "abm", "arat", "epb", "xsaveopt", "pln", "pts", "dtherm", "tpr_shadow", "vnmi", "flexpriority", "ept", "vpid", "fsgsbase", "tsc_adjust", "bmi1", "avx2", "smep", "bmi2", "erms", "invpcid"]
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 63
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
        [stepping]= 2
        [mhz]= 2018.250
        [cache_size]= 15360 KB
        [physical_id]= 1
        [core_id]= 2
        [cores]= 6
        [flags]= ["fpu", "vme", "de", "pse", "tsc", "msr", "pae", "mce", "cx8", "apic", "sep", "mtrr", "pge", "mca", "cmov", "pat", "pse36", "clflush", "dts", "acpi", "mmx", "fxsr", "sse", "sse2", "ss", "ht", "tm", "pbe", "syscall", "nx", "pdpe1gb", "rdtscp", "lm", "constant_tsc", "arch_perfmon", "pebs", "bts", "rep_good", "nopl", "xtopology", "nonstop_tsc", "aperfmperf", "eagerfpu", "pni", "pclmulqdq", "dtes64", "monitor", "ds_cpl", "vmx", "smx", "est", "tm2", "ssse3", "fma", "cx16", "xtpr", "pdcm", "pcid", "dca", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", "x2apic", "movbe", "popcnt", "tsc_deadline_timer", "aes", "xsave", "avx", "f16c", "rdrand", "lahf_lm", "abm", "arat", "epb", "xsaveopt", "pln", "pts", "dtherm", "tpr_shadow", "vnmi", "flexpriority", "ept", "vpid", "fsgsbase", "tsc_adjust", "bmi1", "avx2", "smep", "bmi2", "erms", "invpcid"]
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 63
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
        [stepping]= 2
        [mhz]= 2400.187
        [cache_size]= 15360 KB
        [physical_id]= 1
        [core_id]= 3
        [cores]= 6
        [flags]= ["fpu", "vme", "de", "pse", "tsc", "msr", "pae", "mce", "cx8", "apic", "sep", "mtrr", "pge", "mca", "cmov", "pat", "pse36", "clflush", "dts", "acpi", "mmx", "fxsr", "sse", "sse2", "ss", "ht", "tm", "pbe", "syscall", "nx", "pdpe1gb", "rdtscp", "lm", "constant_tsc", "arch_perfmon", "pebs", "bts", "rep_good", "nopl", "xtopology", "nonstop_tsc", "aperfmperf", "eagerfpu", "pni", "pclmulqdq", "dtes64", "monitor", "ds_cpl", "vmx", "smx", "est", "tm2", "ssse3", "fma", "cx16", "xtpr", "pdcm", "pcid", "dca", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", "x2apic", "movbe", "popcnt", "tsc_deadline_timer", "aes", "xsave", "avx", "f16c", "rdrand", "lahf_lm", "abm", "arat", "epb", "xsaveopt", "pln", "pts", "dtherm", "tpr_shadow", "vnmi", "flexpriority", "ept", "vpid", "fsgsbase", "tsc_adjust", "bmi1", "avx2", "smep", "bmi2", "erms", "invpcid"]
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 63
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
        [stepping]= 2
        [mhz]= 2399.906
        [cache_size]= 15360 KB
        [physical_id]= 1
        [core_id]= 4
        [cores]= 6
        [flags]= ["fpu", "vme", "de", "pse", "tsc", "msr", "pae", "mce", "cx8", "apic", "sep", "mtrr", "pge", "mca", "cmov", "pat", "pse36", "clflush", "dts", "acpi", "mmx", "fxsr", "sse", "sse2", "ss", "ht", "tm", "pbe", "syscall", "nx", "pdpe1gb", "rdtscp", "lm", "constant_tsc", "arch_perfmon", "pebs", "bts", "rep_good", "nopl", "xtopology", "nonstop_tsc", "aperfmperf", "eagerfpu", "pni", "pclmulqdq", "dtes64", "monitor", "ds_cpl", "vmx", "smx", "est", "tm2", "ssse3", "fma", "cx16", "xtpr", "pdcm", "pcid", "dca", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", "x2apic", "movbe", "popcnt", "tsc_deadline_timer", "aes", "xsave", "avx", "f16c", "rdrand", "lahf_lm", "abm", "arat", "epb", "xsaveopt", "pln", "pts", "dtherm", "tpr_shadow", "vnmi", "flexpriority", "ept", "vpid", "fsgsbase", "tsc_adjust", "bmi1", "avx2", "smep", "bmi2", "erms", "invpcid"]
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 63
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
        [stepping]= 2
        [mhz]= 2400.093
        [cache_size]= 15360 KB
        [physical_id]= 1
        [core_id]= 5
        [cores]= 6
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                []= 00:00:0c:9f:f0:01
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                []= 00:00:0c:9f:f0:01
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                [fe80::e6c7:22ff:fe61:8341]= e4:c7:22:61:83:41
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[macaddress]= 00:25:90:FA:94:1D
[ip6address]= fe80::225:90ff:fefa:941c
[os]= linux
[os_version]= 3.10.0-229.20.1.el7.x86_64
[platform]= centos
[platform_version]= 7.1.1503
[platform_family]= rhel
[uptime]= 18 minutes 59 seconds
[idletime]= 7 hours 34 minutes 40 seconds
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    [system]= kvm
    [role]= host
            [version]= 2.17
            [description]= GNU C Library (GNU libc) stable release version 2.17, by Roland McGrath et al.
        [version]= 5.1.4
        [version]= 5.16.3
        [archname]= x86_64-linux-thread-multi
        [version]= 5.4.16
        [builddate]= Jun 23 2015 21:17:27
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        [version]= 2.7.5
        [builddate]= Jun 24 2015, 00:41:19
        [platform]= x86_64-linux
        [version]= 2.1.6
        [release_date]= 2015-04-13
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        [target_vendor]= unknown
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        [host_cpu]= x86_64
        [host_os]= linux-gnu
        [host_vendor]= unknown
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        [ruby_bin]= /opt/chef/embedded/bin/ruby
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        [version]= 8.7.0
        [ohai_root]= /opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/ohai-8.7.0/lib/ohai
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    [region]= tok02
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    [private_ips]= [""]
    [public_hostname]= centos7bm.takara.org
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            [percent_used]= 49%
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            [device]= sysfs
            [mount]= /sys
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            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime"]
            [device]= securityfs
            [mount]= /sys/kernel/security
            [fs_type]= securityfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime"]
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            [mount]= /dev/pts
            [fs_type]= devpts
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            [fs_type]= cgroup
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            [mount]= /sys/fs/pstore
            [fs_type]= pstore
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime"]
            [device]= cgroup
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            [fs_type]= cgroup
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            [fs_type]= cgroup
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            [device]= cgroup
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            [fs_type]= cgroup
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            [device]= cgroup
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/devices
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "devices"]
            [device]= cgroup
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "freezer"]
            [device]= cgroup
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "net_cls"]
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            [fs_type]= cgroup
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            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "perf_event"]
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            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/hugetlb
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "hugetlb"]
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            [fs_type]= configfs
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            [device]= systemd-1
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            [fs_type]= autofs
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            [mount]= /dev/mqueue
            [fs_type]= mqueue
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
            [device]= debugfs
            [mount]= /sys/kernel/debug
            [fs_type]= debugfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
            [device]= hugetlbfs
            [mount]= /dev/hugepages
            [fs_type]= hugetlbfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
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            [device]= /dev/sda2
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            [device]= rootfs
            [mount]= /
            [fs_type]= rootfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
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    [smbios_version]= 2.8
        [count]= 131
        [size]= 6390
    [table_location]= 0x7BAAC000
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0000", "size"=>"0", "application_identifier"=>"BIOS Information", "Vendor"=>"American Megatrends Inc.", "Version"=>"1.0c", "Release Date"=>"03/23/2015", "Address"=>"0xF0000", "Runtime Size"=>"64 kB", "ROM Size"=>"16384 kB", "Characteristics"=>{"PCI is supported"=>nil, "BIOS is upgradeable"=>nil, "BIOS shadowing is allowed"=>nil, "Boot from CD is supported"=>nil, "Selectable boot is supported"=>nil, "BIOS ROM is socketed"=>nil, "EDD is supported"=>nil, "5.25\"/1.2 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)"=>nil, "3.5\"/720 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)"=>nil, "3.5\"/2.88 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)"=>nil, "Print screen service is supported (int 5h)"=>nil, "8042 keyboard services are supported (int 9h)"=>nil, "Serial services are supported (int 14h)"=>nil, "Printer services are supported (int 17h)"=>nil, "ACPI is supported"=>nil, "USB legacy is supported"=>nil, "BIOS boot specification is supported"=>nil, "Targeted content distribution is supported"=>nil, "UEFI is supported"=>nil}, "BIOS Revision"=>"5.6"}]
        [vendor]= American Megatrends Inc.
        [version]= 1.0c
        [release_date]= 03/23/2015
        [address]= 0xF0000
        [runtime_size]= 64 kB
        [rom_size]= 16384 kB
        [bios_revision]= 5.6
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0001", "size"=>"1", "application_identifier"=>"System Information", "Manufacturer"=>"Supermicro", "Product Name"=>"PIO-618U-T4T+-ST031", "Version"=>"0123456789", "Serial Number"=>"A16675614A05066", "UUID"=>"00000000-0000-0000-0000-002590FA941C", "Wake-up Type"=>"Power Switch", "SKU Number"=>"To be filled by O.E.M.", "Family"=>"To be filled by O.E.M."}]
        [manufacturer]= Supermicro
        [product_name]= PIO-618U-T4T+-ST031
        [version]= 0123456789
        [serial_number]= A16675614A05066
        [uuid]= 00000000-0000-0000-0000-002590FA941C
        [wake_up_type]= Power Switch
        [sku_number]= To be filled by O.E.M.
        [family]= To be filled by O.E.M.
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0002", "size"=>"2", "application_identifier"=>"Base Board Information", "Manufacturer"=>"Supermicro", "Product Name"=>"X10DRU-i+", "Version"=>"1.01", "Serial Number"=>"OM149S026435", "Asset Tag"=>"To be filled by O.E.M.", "Features"=>{"Board is a hosting board"=>nil, "Board is replaceable"=>nil}, "Location In Chassis"=>"To be filled by O.E.M.", "Chassis Handle"=>"0x0003", "Type"=>"Motherboard", "Contained Object Handles"=>"0"}]
        [manufacturer]= Supermicro
        [product_name]= X10DRU-i+
        [version]= 1.01
        [serial_number]= OM149S026435
        [asset_tag]= To be filled by O.E.M.
        [location_in_chassis]= To be filled by O.E.M.
        [chassis_handle]= 0x0003
        [type]= Motherboard
        [contained_object_handles]= 0
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0003", "size"=>"3", "application_identifier"=>"Chassis Information", "Manufacturer"=>"Supermicro", "Type"=>"Other", "Lock"=>"Not Present", "Version"=>"0123456789", "Serial Number"=>"C819UAD43A10571", "Asset Tag"=>"To Be Filled By O.E.M.", "Boot-up State"=>"Safe", "Power Supply State"=>"Safe", "Thermal State"=>"Safe", "Security Status"=>"None", "OEM Information"=>"0x00000000", "Height"=>"Unspecified", "Number Of Power Cords"=>"1", "Contained Elements"=>{"<OUT OF SPEC> (0)"=>nil}, "SKU Number"=>"To be filled by O.E.M."}]
        [manufacturer]= Supermicro
        [type]= Other
        [lock]= Not Present
        [version]= 0123456789
        [serial_number]= C819UAD43A10571
        [asset_tag]= To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        [boot_up_state]= Safe
        [power_supply_state]= Safe
        [thermal_state]= Safe
        [security_status]= None
        [oem_information]= 0x00000000
        [height]= Unspecified
        [number_of_power_cords]= 1
        [sku_number]= To be filled by O.E.M.
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0024", "size"=>"11", "application_identifier"=>"OEM Strings", "String 1"=>"Intel Haswell/Wellsburg/Grantley", "String 2"=>"Supermicro motherboard-X10 Series"}]
        [string_1]= Intel Haswell/Wellsburg/Grantley
        [string_2]= Supermicro motherboard-X10 Series
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0080", "size"=>"4", "application_identifier"=>"Processor Information", "Socket Designation"=>"CPU1", "Type"=>"Central Processor", "Family"=>"Xeon", "Manufacturer"=>"Intel", "ID"=>"F2 06 03 00 FF FB EB BF", "Signature"=>"Type 0, Family 6, Model 63, Stepping 2", "Flags"=>{"FPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)"=>nil, "VME (Virtual mode extension)"=>nil, "DE (Debugging extension)"=>nil, "PSE (Page size extension)"=>nil, "TSC (Time stamp counter)"=>nil, "MSR (Model specific registers)"=>nil, "PAE (Physical address extension)"=>nil, "MCE (Machine check exception)"=>nil, "CX8 (CMPXCHG8 instruction supported)"=>nil, "APIC (On-chip APIC hardware supported)"=>nil, "SEP (Fast system call)"=>nil, "MTRR (Memory type range registers)"=>nil, "PGE (Page global enable)"=>nil, "MCA (Machine check architecture)"=>nil, "CMOV (Conditional move instruction supported)"=>nil, "PAT (Page attribute table)"=>nil, "PSE-36 (36-bit page size extension)"=>nil, "CLFSH (CLFLUSH instruction supported)"=>nil, "DS (Debug store)"=>nil, "ACPI (ACPI supported)"=>nil, "MMX (MMX technology supported)"=>nil, "FXSR (FXSAVE and FXSTOR instructions supported)"=>nil, "SSE (Streaming SIMD extensions)"=>nil, "SSE2 (Streaming SIMD extensions 2)"=>nil, "SS (Self-snoop)"=>nil, "HTT (Multi-threading)"=>nil, "TM (Thermal monitor supported)"=>nil, "PBE (Pending break enabled)"=>nil}, "Version"=>"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz", "Voltage"=>"1.8 V", "External Clock"=>"100 MHz", "Max Speed"=>"4000 MHz", "Current Speed"=>"2400 MHz", "Status"=>"Populated, Enabled", "Upgrade"=>"Socket LGA2011-3", "L1 Cache Handle"=>"0x007D", "L2 Cache Handle"=>"0x007E", "L3 Cache Handle"=>"0x007F", "Serial Number"=>"Not Specified", "Asset Tag"=>"Not Specified", "Part Number"=>"Not Specified", "Core Count"=>"6", "Core Enabled"=>"6", "Thread Count"=>"12", "Characteristics"=>{"64-bit capable"=>nil, "Multi-Core"=>nil, "Hardware Thread"=>nil, "Execute Protection"=>nil, "Enhanced Virtualization"=>nil, "Power/Performance Control"=>nil}}, {"record_id"=>"0x0084", "size"=>"4", "application_identifier"=>"Processor Information", "Socket Designation"=>"CPU2", "Type"=>"Central Processor", "Family"=>"Xeon", "Manufacturer"=>"Intel", "ID"=>"F2 06 03 00 FF FB EB BF", "Signature"=>"Type 0, Family 6, Model 63, Stepping 2", "Flags"=>{"FPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)"=>nil, "VME (Virtual mode extension)"=>nil, "DE (Debugging extension)"=>nil, "PSE (Page size extension)"=>nil, "TSC (Time stamp counter)"=>nil, "MSR (Model specific registers)"=>nil, "PAE (Physical address extension)"=>nil, "MCE (Machine check exception)"=>nil, "CX8 (CMPXCHG8 instruction supported)"=>nil, "APIC (On-chip APIC hardware supported)"=>nil, "SEP (Fast system call)"=>nil, "MTRR (Memory type range registers)"=>nil, "PGE (Page global enable)"=>nil, "MCA (Machine check architecture)"=>nil, "CMOV (Conditional move instruction supported)"=>nil, "PAT (Page attribute table)"=>nil, "PSE-36 (36-bit page size extension)"=>nil, "CLFSH (CLFLUSH instruction supported)"=>nil, "DS (Debug store)"=>nil, "ACPI (ACPI supported)"=>nil, "MMX (MMX technology supported)"=>nil, "FXSR (FXSAVE and FXSTOR instructions supported)"=>nil, "SSE (Streaming SIMD extensions)"=>nil, "SSE2 (Streaming SIMD extensions 2)"=>nil, "SS (Self-snoop)"=>nil, "HTT (Multi-threading)"=>nil, "TM (Thermal monitor supported)"=>nil, "PBE (Pending break enabled)"=>nil}, "Version"=>"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz", "Voltage"=>"1.8 V", "External Clock"=>"100 MHz", "Max Speed"=>"4000 MHz", "Current Speed"=>"2400 MHz", "Status"=>"Populated, Enabled", "Upgrade"=>"Socket LGA2011-3", "L1 Cache Handle"=>"0x0081", "L2 Cache Handle"=>"0x0082", "L3 Cache Handle"=>"0x0083", "Serial Number"=>"Not Specified", "Asset Tag"=>"Not Specified", "Part Number"=>"Not Specified", "Core Count"=>"6", "Core Enabled"=>"6", "Thread Count"=>"12", "Characteristics"=>{"64-bit capable"=>nil, "Multi-Core"=>nil, "Hardware Thread"=>nil, "Execute Protection"=>nil, "Enhanced Virtualization"=>nil, "Power/Performance Control"=>nil}}]
        [type]= Central Processor
        [family]= Xeon
        [manufacturer]= Intel
        [id]= F2 06 03 00 FF FB EB BF
        [signature]= Type 0, Family 6, Model 63, Stepping 2
        [version]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
        [voltage]= 1.8 V
        [external_clock]= 100 MHz
        [max_speed]= 4000 MHz
        [current_speed]= 2400 MHz
        [status]= Populated, Enabled
        [upgrade]= Socket LGA2011-3
        [serial_number]= Not Specified
        [asset_tag]= Not Specified
        [part_number]= Not Specified
        [core_count]= 6
        [core_enabled]= 6
        [thread_count]= 12
[hostname]= centos7bm
[machinename]= centos7bm.takara.org
[fqdn]= centos7bm.takara.org
[domain]= takara.org
[init_package]= systemd
        [host_rsa_public]= AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDMxsDRuhqTrg3JkbJ6pV1ucqFAj7a8m8vmTkf8obrwX/RKI0BNW5qPCdp4mSo1nRuUXgqYvkQXn+aPTxTcnmllKlD2v985HBThZXcsvQZhBu8mgX9btOqDw0H2p2lIg1+qkBdh4Riz7ATHcf9yr39kf+PoLojHDJCCXX9HDxNqQpwP840Eq+X0txxdOMRaA2Ujy6xAbsO2KkPwZXD1kewhF7vordlHfcHx3cwW+Nj7kfsURWyaAHzPACL85HXvADsY4P9UyavjPezuOi37fc+aqPyFM5Q8pQe3Ir1zzCMXqx8ELNsO0k02g4/N9WpG8X+Bn4Ed3VI9y+REDrDDsVc5
        [host_ecdsa_public]= AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBLhs65y2fCKHK67A3MY26rGSDiWxG7v/HXsQJMnZz74crFsD1qiAMticTL2TZzfnmCa4UQ93wFZOdjsxb0Io2M8=
        [host_ecdsa_type]= ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
        [host_ed25519_public]= AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKr/IvnhHxsuMElMjuoCPX2bKL5xYEDop7NJ9XKcdtE1
        [size]= 1953525168
        [removable]= 0
        [model]= ST1000NM0033-9ZM
        [rev]= SN03
        [state]= running
        [timeout]= 30
        [vendor]= ATA
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 1953525168
        [removable]= 0
        [model]= ST1000NM0033-9ZM
        [rev]= SN03
        [state]= running
        [timeout]= 30
        [vendor]= ATA
        [rotational]= 1
            [dir]= /root
            [shell]= /bin/bash
            [gecos]= root
            [dir]= /bin
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= bin
            [dir]= /sbin
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= daemon
            [dir]= /var/adm
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= adm
            [dir]= /var/spool/lpd
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= lp
            [dir]= /sbin
            [shell]= /bin/sync
            [gecos]= sync
            [dir]= /sbin
            [shell]= /sbin/shutdown
            [gecos]= shutdown
            [dir]= /sbin
            [shell]= /sbin/halt
            [gecos]= halt
            [dir]= /var/spool/mail
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= mail
            [dir]= /root
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= operator
            [dir]= /usr/games
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= games
            [dir]= /var/ftp
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= FTP User
            [dir]= /
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Nobody
            [dir]= /
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= System message bus
            [dir]= /
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= User for polkitd
            [dir]= /var/run/avahi-daemon
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack
            [dir]= /var/lib/avahi-autoipd
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Avahi IPv4LL Stack
            [dir]= /etc/ntp
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [dir]= /var/spool/postfix
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [dir]= /var/empty/sshd
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Privilege-separated SSH
            [dir]= /dev/null
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Account used by the trousers package to sandbox the tcsd daemon
            [dir]= /usr/share/httpd
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Apache
            [dir]= /run/saslauthd
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= "Saslauthd user"
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["postfix"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
[current_user]= root
[root_group]= root
[recipes]= ["ohai", "ohai::default"]
[expanded_run_list]= ["ohai::default"]
[roles]= []
        [version]= 0.1.0
        [version]= 0.1.0

CentOS6 SoftLayer 仮想サーバー

[tags]= []
    [name]= Linux
    [release]= 2.6.32-573.7.1.el6.x86_64
    [version]= #1 SMP Tue Sep 22 22:00:00 UTC 2015
    [machine]= x86_64
    [os]= GNU/Linux
            [size]= 2351
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 9154
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 1483
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 1492
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 79206
            [refcount]= 2
            [size]= 2793
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 17831
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 5705
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 335525
            [refcount]= 10
            [size]= 112205
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 18994
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 240580
            [refcount]= 2
            [size]= 80652
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 8193
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 21998
            [refcount]= 5
            [size]= 14384
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 12085
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 9930
            [refcount]= 2
            [size]= 99168
            [refcount]= 2
[os]= linux
[os_version]= 2.6.32-573.7.1.el6.x86_64
[platform]= centos
[platform_version]= 6.7
[platform_family]= rhel
        [cached]= 0kB
        [total]= 2096444kB
        [free]= 2096444kB
    [total]= 1016108kB
    [free]= 291356kB
    [buffers]= 32272kB
    [cached]= 494708kB
    [active]= 274456kB
    [inactive]= 354676kB
    [dirty]= 4752kB
    [writeback]= 0kB
    [anon_pages]= 102196kB
    [mapped]= 12868kB
    [slab]= 77308kB
    [slab_reclaimable]= 58196kB
    [slab_unreclaim]= 19112kB
    [page_tables]= 2836kB
    [nfs_unstable]= 0kB
    [bounce]= 0kB
    [commit_limit]= 2604496kB
    [committed_as]= 221776kB
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    [vmalloc_used]= 5748kB
    [vmalloc_chunk]= 34359731548kB
        [xen]= guest
    [system]= xen
    [role]= guest
[uptime]= 12 minutes 59 seconds
[idletime]= 11 minutes 58 seconds
            [mtu]= 65536
            [flags]= ["LOOPBACK", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
            [encapsulation]= Loopback
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 8
                    [scope]= Node
                    [family]= inet6
                    [prefixlen]= 128
                    [scope]= Node
            [state]= unknown
            [routes]= [{"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}]
            [type]= eth
            [number]= 0
            [mtu]= 1500
            [flags]= ["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
            [encapsulation]= Ethernet
                    [family]= lladdr
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 26
                    [scope]= Global
                    [family]= inet6
                    [prefixlen]= 64
                    [scope]= Link
            [state]= up
                []= 00:00:0c:9f:f0:01
            [routes]= [{"destination"=>"", "family"=>"inet", "scope"=>"link", "proto"=>"kernel", "src"=>""}, {"destination"=>"", "family"=>"inet", "scope"=>"link", "metric"=>"1002"}, {"destination"=>"", "family"=>"inet", "via"=>""}, {"destination"=>"fe80::/64", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"256", "proto"=>"kernel"}]
            [type]= eth
            [number]= 1
            [mtu]= 1500
            [flags]= ["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
            [encapsulation]= Ethernet
                    [family]= lladdr
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 28
                    [scope]= Global
                    [family]= inet6
                    [prefixlen]= 64
                    [scope]= Link
            [state]= up
                []= 00:00:0c:9f:f0:01
            [routes]= [{"destination"=>"", "family"=>"inet", "scope"=>"link", "proto"=>"kernel", "src"=>""}, {"destination"=>"", "family"=>"inet", "scope"=>"link", "metric"=>"1003"}, {"destination"=>"default", "family"=>"inet", "via"=>""}, {"destination"=>"fe80::/64", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"256", "proto"=>"kernel"}]
                [fe80::e6c7:22ff:fe63:c1c1]= e4:c7:22:63:c1:c1
                [fe80::e6c7:22ff:fe61:8341]= e4:c7:22:61:83:41
    [default_interface]= eth1
                    [bytes]= 0
                    [packets]= 0
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
                    [overrun]= 0
                    [bytes]= 0
                    [packets]= 0
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
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                    [collisions]= 0
                    [queuelen]= 1000
                    [bytes]= 1438057
                    [packets]= 21170
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
                    [carrier]= 0
                    [collisions]= 0
                    [bytes]= 73588841
                    [packets]= 50568
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
                    [overrun]= 0
                    [queuelen]= 1000
                    [bytes]= 178647
                    [packets]= 3204
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
                    [carrier]= 0
                    [collisions]= 0
                    [bytes]= 44811648
                    [packets]= 30464
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
                    [overrun]= 0
[macaddress]= 06:D5:00:13:71:B8
[ip6address]= fe80::446:b6ff:fe03:dafe
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 63
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2683 v3 @ 2.00GHz
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        [mhz]= 2000.074
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        [physical_id]= 5
        [core_id]= 0
        [cores]= 1
        [flags]= ["fpu", "de", "tsc", "msr", "pae", "cx8", "sep", "cmov", "pat", "clflush", "mmx", "fxsr", "sse", "sse2", "ss", "ht", "syscall", "nx", "lm", "constant_tsc", "up", "rep_good", "unfair_spinlock", "pni", "pclmulqdq", "ssse3", "fma", "cx16", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", "movbe", "popcnt", "tsc_deadline_timer", "f16c", "rdrand", "hypervisor", "lahf_lm", "abm", "arat", "epb", "pln", "pts", "dts", "fsgsbase", "erms"]
        [kb_size]= 25544012
        [kb_used]= 1564664
        [kb_available]= 22681788
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        [mount]= /
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        [inodes_used]= 60404
        [inodes_available]= 1561612
        [inodes_percent_used]= 4%
        [fs_type]= ext3
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        [uuid]= cb8aa1fa-00c4-4cd6-9d7c-9c9df6124d6f
        [kb_size]= 508052
        [kb_used]= 0
        [kb_available]= 508052
        [percent_used]= 0%
        [mount]= /dev/shm
        [total_inodes]= 127013
        [inodes_used]= 1
        [inodes_available]= 127012
        [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
        [fs_type]= tmpfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw"]
        [kb_size]= 253871
        [kb_used]= 64096
        [kb_available]= 176668
        [percent_used]= 27%
        [mount]= /boot
        [total_inodes]= 65536
        [inodes_used]= 44
        [inodes_available]= 65492
        [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
        [fs_type]= ext3
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime"]
        [uuid]= 26d2872f-4dd5-49d4-abf4-5efc85637e7f
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        [fs_type]= proc
        [mount_options]= ["rw"]
        [mount]= /sys
        [fs_type]= sysfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw"]
        [mount]= /dev/pts
        [fs_type]= devpts
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        [mount]= /proc/xen
        [fs_type]= xenfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw"]
        [fs_type]= swap
        [uuid]= d51fcca0-6b10-4934-a572-f3898dfd8840
        [label]= SWAP-xvdb1
        [mount]= /
        [fs_type]= rootfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw"]
        [mount]= /dev
        [fs_type]= devtmpfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime", "size=469076k", "nr_inodes=117269", "mode=755"]
        [mount]= /proc/bus/usb
        [fs_type]= usbfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
[init_package]= init
    [ps]= ps -ef
            [version]= 2.12
            [description]= GNU C Library stable release version 2.12, by Roland McGrath et al.
        [version]= 5.1.4
        [version]= 5.10.1
        [archname]= x86_64-linux-thread-multi
        [platform]= x86_64-linux
        [version]= 2.1.6
        [release_date]= 2015-04-13
        [target]= x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
        [target_cpu]= x86_64
        [target_vendor]= unknown
        [target_os]= linux
        [host]= x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
        [host_cpu]= x86_64
        [host_os]= linux-gnu
        [host_vendor]= unknown
        [bin_dir]= /opt/chef/embedded/bin
        [ruby_bin]= /opt/chef/embedded/bin/ruby
        [gems_dir]= /opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0
        [gem_bin]= /opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem
        [version]= 2.6.6
        [builddate]= Jul 23 2015, 15:22:56
    [public_fqdn]= centos6.takara.org
    [region]= tok02
    [instance_id]= 14532559
    [public_ips]= [""]
    [private_ips]= [""]
    [public_hostname]= centos6.takara.org
    [provider]= softlayer
        [host_dsa_public]= 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
        [host_rsa_public]= AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAwLt772Oa6w8hHBesFGIDiE9uHAOqPndn/bIfZfGiNY2pTAD/wK4bVbHxyyXZdhCbsFMGKZStgkJsFTfIHxNaH+KUO/rNoMxxLUbU4NfVLIAFoTHCDBkkRius6jZ8GP+c2x/BongDfPQo65hI6OYnPVoPabymb8LTFtswApy0Xf57Sk/GrFfEZt9seu5W+D0+2ktWkccsGkmWCa47Hm+NuOdTGKWwqHUZ3uA5U100dAybCrHywtZY8iLYSCicRbM6ukbG2rqM2hUkMhRdVqmH5KZwbBNIjzUTOjDJboY2YhKZMdbSwe7tdwtYk+ZnkA2Q6d7FnRwiEQEyYXWsjXfQKQ==
[hostname]= centos6
[machinename]= centos6.takara.org
[fqdn]= centos6.takara.org
[domain]= takara.org
            [kb_size]= 25544012
            [kb_used]= 1564664
            [kb_available]= 22681788
            [percent_used]= 7%
            [total_inodes]= 1622016
            [inodes_used]= 60404
            [inodes_available]= 1561612
            [inodes_percent_used]= 4%
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime"]
            [uuid]= cb8aa1fa-00c4-4cd6-9d7c-9c9df6124d6f
            [mounts]= ["/"]
            [kb_size]= 508052
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 508052
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [total_inodes]= 127013
            [inodes_used]= 1
            [inodes_available]= 127012
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [mounts]= ["/dev/shm"]
            [kb_size]= 253871
            [kb_used]= 64096
            [kb_available]= 176668
            [percent_used]= 27%
            [total_inodes]= 65536
            [inodes_used]= 44
            [inodes_available]= 65492
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime"]
            [uuid]= 26d2872f-4dd5-49d4-abf4-5efc85637e7f
            [mounts]= ["/boot"]
            [fs_type]= proc
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [mounts]= ["/proc"]
            [fs_type]= sysfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [mounts]= ["/sys"]
            [fs_type]= devpts
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "gid=5", "mode=620"]
            [mounts]= ["/dev/pts"]
            [fs_type]= xenfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [mounts]= ["/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc", "/proc/xen"]
            [mounts]= []
            [fs_type]= swap
            [uuid]= d51fcca0-6b10-4934-a572-f3898dfd8840
            [label]= SWAP-xvdb1
            [mounts]= []
            [mounts]= []
            [fs_type]= rootfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [mounts]= ["/"]
            [fs_type]= devtmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime", "size=469076k", "nr_inodes=117269", "mode=755"]
            [mounts]= ["/dev"]
            [fs_type]= usbfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
            [mounts]= ["/proc/bus/usb"]
            [kb_size]= 25544012
            [kb_used]= 1564664
            [kb_available]= 22681788
            [percent_used]= 7%
            [total_inodes]= 1622016
            [inodes_used]= 60404
            [inodes_available]= 1561612
            [inodes_percent_used]= 4%
            [fs_type]= rootfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [uuid]= cb8aa1fa-00c4-4cd6-9d7c-9c9df6124d6f
            [devices]= ["/dev/xvda2", "rootfs"]
            [kb_size]= 508052
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 508052
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [total_inodes]= 127013
            [inodes_used]= 1
            [inodes_available]= 127012
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [devices]= ["tmpfs"]
            [kb_size]= 253871
            [kb_used]= 64096
            [kb_available]= 176668
            [percent_used]= 27%
            [total_inodes]= 65536
            [inodes_used]= 44
            [inodes_available]= 65492
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime"]
            [uuid]= 26d2872f-4dd5-49d4-abf4-5efc85637e7f
            [devices]= ["/dev/xvda1"]
            [fs_type]= proc
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [devices]= ["proc"]
            [fs_type]= sysfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [devices]= ["sysfs"]
            [fs_type]= devpts
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "gid=5", "mode=620"]
            [devices]= ["devpts"]
            [fs_type]= binfmt_misc
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [devices]= ["none"]
            [fs_type]= xenfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [devices]= ["none"]
            [fs_type]= devtmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime", "size=469076k", "nr_inodes=117269", "mode=755"]
            [devices]= ["devtmpfs"]
            [fs_type]= usbfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
            [devices]= ["/proc/bus/usb"]
            [device]= /dev/xvda2
            [kb_size]= 25544012
            [kb_used]= 1564664
            [kb_available]= 22681788
            [percent_used]= 7%
            [mount]= /
            [total_inodes]= 1622016
            [inodes_used]= 60404
            [inodes_available]= 1561612
            [inodes_percent_used]= 4%
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime"]
            [uuid]= cb8aa1fa-00c4-4cd6-9d7c-9c9df6124d6f
            [device]= tmpfs
            [kb_size]= 508052
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 508052
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [mount]= /dev/shm
            [total_inodes]= 127013
            [inodes_used]= 1
            [inodes_available]= 127012
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= /dev/xvda1
            [kb_size]= 253871
            [kb_used]= 64096
            [kb_available]= 176668
            [percent_used]= 27%
            [mount]= /boot
            [total_inodes]= 65536
            [inodes_used]= 44
            [inodes_available]= 65492
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime"]
            [uuid]= 26d2872f-4dd5-49d4-abf4-5efc85637e7f
            [device]= proc
            [mount]= /proc
            [fs_type]= proc
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= sysfs
            [mount]= /sys
            [fs_type]= sysfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= devpts
            [mount]= /dev/pts
            [fs_type]= devpts
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "gid=5", "mode=620"]
            [device]= none
            [mount]= /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
            [fs_type]= binfmt_misc
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= none
            [mount]= /proc/xen
            [fs_type]= xenfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= /dev/xvdb
            [device]= /dev/xvdb1
            [fs_type]= swap
            [uuid]= d51fcca0-6b10-4934-a572-f3898dfd8840
            [label]= SWAP-xvdb1
            [device]= /dev/xvda
            [device]= rootfs
            [mount]= /
            [fs_type]= rootfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= devtmpfs
            [mount]= /dev
            [fs_type]= devtmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime", "size=469076k", "nr_inodes=117269", "mode=755"]
            [device]= /proc/bus/usb
            [mount]= /proc/bus/usb
            [fs_type]= usbfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
        [version]= 8.7.0
        [ohai_root]= /opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/ohai-8.7.0/lib/ohai
        [version]= 12.5.1
        [chef_root]= /opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/chef-12.5.1/lib
[root_group]= root
    [dmidecode_version]= 2.12
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 32768
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 4194304
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 0
        [size]= 52428800
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 0
            [dir]= /root
            [shell]= /bin/bash
            [gecos]= root
            [dir]= /bin
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= bin
            [dir]= /sbin
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= daemon
            [dir]= /var/adm
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= adm
            [dir]= /var/spool/lpd
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= lp
            [dir]= /sbin
            [shell]= /bin/sync
            [gecos]= sync
            [dir]= /sbin
            [shell]= /sbin/shutdown
            [gecos]= shutdown
            [dir]= /sbin
            [shell]= /sbin/halt
            [gecos]= halt
            [dir]= /var/spool/mail
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= mail
            [dir]= /var/spool/uucp
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= uucp
            [dir]= /root
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= operator
            [dir]= /usr/games
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= games
            [dir]= /var/gopher
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= gopher
            [dir]= /var/ftp
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= FTP User
            [dir]= /
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Nobody
            [dir]= /
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= System message bus
            [dir]= /dev
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= virtual console memory owner
            [dir]= /etc/abrt
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [dir]= /
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= HAL daemon
            [dir]= /etc/ntp
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [dir]= /var/empty/saslauth
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= "Saslauthd user"
            [dir]= /var/spool/postfix
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [dir]= /var/empty/sshd
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Privilege-separated SSH
            [dir]= /
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["bin", "daemon"]
            [members]= ["bin", "daemon"]
            [members]= ["bin", "adm"]
            [members]= ["adm", "daemon"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["daemon"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["mail", "postfix"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["haldaemon"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
[current_user]= root
[recipes]= ["ohai", "ohai::default"]
[expanded_run_list]= ["ohai::default"]
[roles]= []
        [version]= 0.1.0
        [version]= 0.1.0

CentOS7 SoftLayer 仮想サーバー

[root@centos7 cookbooks]# chef-solo -o ohai
[2015-12-13T00:24:34+09:00] WARN: *****************************************
[2015-12-13T00:24:34+09:00] WARN: Did not find config file: /etc/chef/solo.rb, using command line options.
[2015-12-13T00:24:34+09:00] WARN: *****************************************
Starting Chef Client, version 12.5.1
[2015-12-13T00:24:39+09:00] WARN: Run List override has been provided.
[2015-12-13T00:24:39+09:00] WARN: Original Run List: []
[2015-12-13T00:24:39+09:00] WARN: Overridden Run List: [recipe[ohai]]
Compiling Cookbooks...
[tags]= []
        [version]= 5.16.3
        [archname]= x86_64-linux-thread-multi
        [platform]= x86_64-linux
        [version]= 2.1.6
        [release_date]= 2015-04-13
        [target]= x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
        [target_cpu]= x86_64
        [target_vendor]= unknown
        [target_os]= linux
        [host]= x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
        [host_cpu]= x86_64
        [host_os]= linux-gnu
        [host_vendor]= unknown
        [bin_dir]= /opt/chef/embedded/bin
        [ruby_bin]= /opt/chef/embedded/bin/ruby
        [gems_dir]= /opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0
        [gem_bin]= /opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem
            [version]= 2.17
            [description]= GNU C Library (GNU libc) stable release version 2.17, by Roland McGrath et al.
        [version]= 5.1.4
        [version]= 2.7.5
        [builddate]= Jun 24 2015, 00:41:19
            [mtu]= 65536
            [flags]= ["LOOPBACK", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
            [encapsulation]= Loopback
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 8
                    [scope]= Node
                    [family]= inet6
                    [prefixlen]= 128
                    [scope]= Node
            [state]= unknown
            [routes]= [{"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}, {"destination"=>"unreachable", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"1024"}]
            [type]= eth
            [number]= 0
            [mtu]= 1500
            [flags]= ["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
            [encapsulation]= Ethernet
                    [family]= lladdr
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 26
                    [scope]= Global
                    [family]= inet6
                    [prefixlen]= 64
                    [scope]= Link
            [state]= up
                []= 00:00:0c:9f:f0:01
            [routes]= [{"destination"=>"", "family"=>"inet", "via"=>""}, {"destination"=>"", "family"=>"inet", "scope"=>"link", "proto"=>"kernel", "src"=>""}, {"destination"=>"", "family"=>"inet", "scope"=>"link", "metric"=>"1002"}, {"destination"=>"fe80::/64", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"256", "proto"=>"kernel"}]
            [type]= eth
            [number]= 1
            [mtu]= 1500
            [flags]= ["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
            [encapsulation]= Ethernet
                    [family]= lladdr
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 28
                    [scope]= Global
                    [family]= inet6
                    [prefixlen]= 64
                    [scope]= Link
            [state]= up
                []= 00:00:0c:9f:f0:01
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[macaddress]= 06:0C:FD:AD:15:B4
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[ip6address]= fe80::40c:fdff:fead:15b4
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        [label]= SWAP-xvdb1
        [mount]= /
        [fs_type]= rootfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw"]
    [name]= Linux
    [release]= 3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64
    [version]= #1 SMP Tue Sep 15 15:05:51 UTC 2015
    [machine]= x86_64
    [os]= GNU/Linux
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[os]= linux
[os_version]= 3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64
[platform]= centos
[platform_version]= 7.1.1503
[platform_family]= rhel
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        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2683 v3 @ 2.00GHz
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        [host_rsa_public]= AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDI7gUs9ZaKLsWlEQytVPV2WENjZ1kErb6ntsdYRXDQaPIZiYFt0a3BlOWqHm2B70okE+ayt5/17J/1bqhNyle7U4SkV5pTehlWIhA1Sgbv0Dlakk7aBu3+pPcPtnF7H7CXsRFW2ArHK37jRk4WJ6nGpH+P8sLHt8EmWk6JmPZQjXqs9sFLd+QXros1XbiHCgANeTCsdule89+hpLZrX0wtGyTxkFs020J0aC7fB3b5dQWda9yyl31SSEXszzGL4up7xC5wuuNsrdsq3JxRbEck9rIfgSqNvS9Uz0uDQtFcdx3GhXmt0gF78rZ7k4OkBjISiDt0J/pVb/LKtVzyBsZj
        [host_ecdsa_public]= AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBGAx+kfNBkaMRhk1LuSJ463rgaNnHUFk6c69CIHJtCUm8oV+im3l0NbYkU8ws/GzZqySkpShaHjoTINsjnCu0kQ=
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        [host_ed25519_public]= AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIItc8dPnkRMwxf3euMkeEJFICIUK3Qnj7RnvFr+ccvhZ
[uptime]= 7 minutes 03 seconds
[idletime]= 5 minutes 35 seconds
        [xen]= guest
    [system]= xen
    [role]= guest
            [dir]= /root
            [shell]= /bin/bash
            [gecos]= root
            [dir]= /bin
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= bin
            [dir]= /sbin
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= daemon
            [dir]= /var/adm
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= adm
            [dir]= /var/spool/lpd
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= lp
            [dir]= /sbin
            [shell]= /bin/sync
            [gecos]= sync
            [dir]= /sbin
            [shell]= /sbin/shutdown
            [gecos]= shutdown
            [dir]= /sbin
            [shell]= /sbin/halt
            [gecos]= halt
            [dir]= /var/spool/mail
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= mail
            [dir]= /root
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= operator
            [dir]= /usr/games
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= games
            [dir]= /var/ftp
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= FTP User
            [dir]= /
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Nobody
            [dir]= /
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= System message bus
            [dir]= /
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= User for polkitd
            [dir]= /var/run/avahi-daemon
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack
            [dir]= /var/lib/avahi-autoipd
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Avahi IPv4LL Stack
            [dir]= /var/spool/postfix
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [dir]= /var/empty/sshd
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Privilege-separated SSH
            [dir]= /dev/null
            [shell]= /sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Account used by the trousers package to sandbox the tcsd daemon
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["postfix"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
[current_user]= root
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            [kb_size]= 497688
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            [kb_size]= 505924
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            [inodes_used]= 13
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            [mounts]= ["/proc"]
            [fs_type]= sysfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime"]
            [mounts]= ["/sys"]
            [fs_type]= securityfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime"]
            [mounts]= ["/sys/kernel/security"]
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            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "noexec", "relatime", "gid=5", "mode=620", "ptmxmode=000"]
            [mounts]= ["/dev/pts"]
            [fs_type]= cgroup
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            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
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            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
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            [mounts]= []
            [mounts]= []
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            [devices]= ["debugfs"]
            [fs_type]= mqueue
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
            [devices]= ["mqueue"]
            [fs_type]= xenfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
            [devices]= ["none"]
            [device]= /dev/xvda2
            [kb_size]= 25412940
            [kb_used]= 1467716
            [kb_available]= 22647664
            [percent_used]= 7%
            [mount]= /
            [total_inodes]= 1622016
            [inodes_used]= 52633
            [inodes_available]= 1569383
            [inodes_percent_used]= 4%
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime", "data=ordered"]
            [uuid]= cc5c4f51-5e29-481c-bd46-f9495524e560
            [device]= devtmpfs
            [kb_size]= 497688
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 497688
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [mount]= /dev
            [total_inodes]= 124422
            [inodes_used]= 318
            [inodes_available]= 124104
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= devtmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "size=497688k", "nr_inodes=124422", "mode=755"]
            [device]= tmpfs
            [kb_size]= 505924
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 505924
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [mount]= /dev/shm
            [total_inodes]= 126481
            [inodes_used]= 1
            [inodes_available]= 126480
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev"]
            [device]= tmpfs
            [kb_size]= 505924
            [kb_used]= 6588
            [kb_available]= 499336
            [percent_used]= 2%
            [mount]= /run
            [total_inodes]= 126481
            [inodes_used]= 305
            [inodes_available]= 126176
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "mode=755"]
            [device]= tmpfs
            [kb_size]= 505924
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 505924
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup
            [total_inodes]= 126481
            [inodes_used]= 13
            [inodes_available]= 126468
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "mode=755"]
            [device]= /dev/xvda1
            [kb_size]= 245679
            [kb_used]= 111033
            [kb_available]= 121539
            [percent_used]= 48%
            [mount]= /boot
            [total_inodes]= 65536
            [inodes_used]= 345
            [inodes_available]= 65191
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime", "data=ordered"]
            [uuid]= 01bba995-dff8-443f-9203-7d2cc433c4d4
            [device]= proc
            [mount]= /proc
            [fs_type]= proc
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime"]
            [device]= sysfs
            [mount]= /sys
            [fs_type]= sysfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime"]
            [device]= securityfs
            [mount]= /sys/kernel/security
            [fs_type]= securityfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime"]
            [device]= devpts
            [mount]= /dev/pts
            [fs_type]= devpts
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "noexec", "relatime", "gid=5", "mode=620", "ptmxmode=000"]
            [device]= cgroup
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "xattr", "release_agent=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-cgroups-agent", "name=systemd"]
            [device]= pstore
            [mount]= /sys/fs/pstore
            [fs_type]= pstore
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime"]
            [device]= cgroup
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "cpuset"]
            [device]= cgroup
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "cpuacct", "cpu"]
            [device]= cgroup
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/memory
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "memory"]
            [device]= cgroup
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/devices
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "devices"]
            [device]= cgroup
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "freezer"]
            [device]= cgroup
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "net_cls"]
            [device]= cgroup
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "blkio"]
            [device]= cgroup
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "perf_event"]
            [device]= cgroup
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/hugetlb
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev", "noexec", "relatime", "hugetlb"]
            [device]= configfs
            [mount]= /sys/kernel/config
            [fs_type]= configfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
            [device]= systemd-1
            [mount]= /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
            [fs_type]= autofs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime", "fd=35", "pgrp=1", "timeout=300", "minproto=5", "maxproto=5", "direct"]
            [device]= hugetlbfs
            [mount]= /dev/hugepages
            [fs_type]= hugetlbfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
            [device]= debugfs
            [mount]= /sys/kernel/debug
            [fs_type]= debugfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
            [device]= mqueue
            [mount]= /dev/mqueue
            [fs_type]= mqueue
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
            [device]= none
            [mount]= /proc/xen
            [fs_type]= xenfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime"]
            [device]= /dev/xvda
            [device]= /dev/xvdb
            [device]= /dev/xvdb1
            [fs_type]= swap
            [uuid]= d51fcca0-6b10-4934-a572-f3898dfd8840
            [label]= SWAP-xvdb1
            [device]= rootfs
            [mount]= /
            [fs_type]= rootfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
[init_package]= systemd
[root_group]= root
[hostname]= centos7
[machinename]= centos7
[fqdn]= centos7.takara.org
[domain]= takara.org
    [public_fqdn]= centos7.takara.org
    [region]= tok02
    [instance_id]= 14532427
    [ps]= ps -ef
        [version]= 8.7.0
        [ohai_root]= /opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/ohai-8.7.0/lib/ohai
        [version]= 12.5.1
        [chef_root]= /opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/chef-12.5.1/lib
    [dmidecode_version]= 2.12
    [smbios_version]= 2.4
        [count]= 11
        [size]= 357
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0000", "size"=>"0", "application_identifier"=>"BIOS Information", "Vendor"=>"Xen", "Version"=>"4.1.5", "Release Date"=>"11/28/2013", "Address"=>"0xE8000", "Runtime Size"=>"96 kB", "ROM Size"=>"64 kB", "Characteristics"=>{"PCI is supported"=>nil, "EDD is supported"=>nil, "Targeted content distribution is supported"=>nil}, "BIOS Revision"=>"4.1"}]
        [vendor]= Xen
        [version]= 4.1.5
        [release_date]= 11/28/2013
        [address]= 0xE8000
        [runtime_size]= 96 kB
        [rom_size]= 64 kB
        [bios_revision]= 4.1
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0100", "size"=>"1", "application_identifier"=>"System Information", "Manufacturer"=>"Xen", "Product Name"=>"HVM domU", "Version"=>"4.1.5", "Serial Number"=>"7ac5cc2b-801a-b357-06a0-9579e529fd74", "UUID"=>"7AC5CC2B-801A-B357-06A0-9579E529FD74", "Wake-up Type"=>"Power Switch", "SKU Number"=>"Not Specified", "Family"=>"Not Specified"}]
        [manufacturer]= Xen
        [product_name]= HVM domU
        [version]= 4.1.5
        [serial_number]= 7ac5cc2b-801a-b357-06a0-9579e529fd74
        [uuid]= 7AC5CC2B-801A-B357-06A0-9579E529FD74
        [wake_up_type]= Power Switch
        [sku_number]= Not Specified
        [family]= Not Specified
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0300", "size"=>"3", "application_identifier"=>"Chassis Information", "Manufacturer"=>"Xen", "Type"=>"Other", "Lock"=>"Not Present", "Version"=>"Not Specified", "Serial Number"=>"Not Specified", "Asset Tag"=>"Not Specified", "Boot-up State"=>"Safe", "Power Supply State"=>"Safe", "Thermal State"=>"Safe", "Security Status"=>"Unknown"}]
        [manufacturer]= Xen
        [type]= Other
        [lock]= Not Present
        [version]= Not Specified
        [serial_number]= Not Specified
        [asset_tag]= Not Specified
        [boot_up_state]= Safe
        [power_supply_state]= Safe
        [thermal_state]= Safe
        [security_status]= Unknown
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0401", "size"=>"4", "application_identifier"=>"Processor Information", "Socket Designation"=>"CPU 1", "Type"=>"Central Processor", "Family"=>"Other", "Manufacturer"=>"Intel", "ID"=>"F2 06 03 00 FF FB 89 07", "Version"=>"Not Specified", "Voltage"=>"Unknown", "External Clock"=>"Unknown", "Max Speed"=>"2000 MHz", "Current Speed"=>"2000 MHz", "Status"=>"Populated, Enabled", "Upgrade"=>"Other"}]
        [socket_designation]= CPU 1
        [type]= Central Processor
        [family]= Other
        [manufacturer]= Intel
        [id]= F2 06 03 00 FF FB 89 07
        [version]= Not Specified
        [voltage]= Unknown
        [external_clock]= Unknown
        [max_speed]= 2000 MHz
        [current_speed]= 2000 MHz
        [status]= Populated, Enabled
        [upgrade]= Other
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0B00", "size"=>"11", "application_identifier"=>"OEM Strings", "String 1"=>"Xen", "String 2"=>"MS_VM_CERT/SHA1/bdbeb6e0a816d43fa6d3fe8aaef04c2bad9d3e3d"}]
        [string_1]= Xen
        [string_2]= MS_VM_CERT/SHA1/bdbeb6e0a816d43fa6d3fe8aaef04c2bad9d3e3d
    [public_ips]= [""]
    [private_ips]= [""]
    [public_hostname]= centos7.takara.org
    [provider]= softlayer
        [size]= 52428800
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 0
        [size]= 4194304
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 0
[recipes]= ["ohai", "ohai::default"]
[expanded_run_list]= ["ohai::default"]
[roles]= []
        [version]= 0.1.0
        [version]= 0.1.0

Ubuntu 14.04 SoftLayer 仮想サーバー

root@test02:/var/chef/cookbooks/ohai# chef-solo -o ohai
[2015-12-12T23:57:59+09:00] WARN: *****************************************
[2015-12-12T23:57:59+09:00] WARN: Did not find config file: /etc/chef/solo.rb, using command line options.
[2015-12-12T23:57:59+09:00] WARN: *****************************************
Starting Chef Client, version 12.5.1
[2015-12-12T23:58:05+09:00] WARN: Run List override has been provided.
[2015-12-12T23:58:05+09:00] WARN: Original Run List: []
[2015-12-12T23:58:05+09:00] WARN: Overridden Run List: [recipe[ohai]]
Compiling Cookbooks...
[tags]= []
    [name]= Linux
    [release]= 3.13.0-65-generic
    [version]= #105-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 21 18:50:58 UTC 2015
    [machine]= x86_64
    [os]= GNU/Linux
            [size]= 12521
            [refcount]= 6
            [size]= 13537
            [refcount]= 3
            [size]= 12541
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 17717
            [refcount]= 10
            [size]= 12711
            [refcount]= 13
            [size]= 12884
            [refcount]= 18
            [size]= 12635
            [refcount]= 4
            [size]= 12665
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 12589
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 12770
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 21841
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 18638
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 18894
            [refcount]= 8
            [size]= 34768
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 12815
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 27025
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 15012
            [refcount]= 8
            [size]= 12758
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 18498
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 12760
            [refcount]= 16
            [size]= 97202
            [refcount]= 8
            [size]= 12810
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 27239
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 34059
            [refcount]= 13
            [size]= 12978
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 13243
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 18333
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 25146
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 57278
            [refcount]= 2
            [size]= 89279
            [refcount]= 3
            [size]= 14289
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 13113
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 13216
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 20359
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 17759
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 42348
            [refcount]= 1
[os]= linux
[os_version]= 3.13.0-65-generic
    [id]= Ubuntu
    [release]= 14.04
    [codename]= trusty
    [description]= Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
[platform]= ubuntu
[platform_version]= 14.04
[platform_family]= debian
    [dmidecode_version]= 2.12
        [xen]= guest
    [system]= xen
    [role]= guest
        [cached]= 0kB
        [total]= 2096444kB
        [free]= 2096444kB
    [total]= 1013708kB
    [free]= 41024kB
    [buffers]= 77148kB
    [cached]= 675332kB
    [active]= 468500kB
    [inactive]= 390704kB
    [dirty]= 108kB
    [writeback]= 0kB
    [anon_pages]= 110404kB
    [mapped]= 17688kB
    [slab]= 93928kB
    [slab_reclaimable]= 85600kB
    [slab_unreclaim]= 8328kB
    [page_tables]= 2680kB
    [nfs_unstable]= 0kB
    [bounce]= 0kB
    [commit_limit]= 2603296kB
    [committed_as]= 203344kB
    [vmalloc_total]= 34359738367kB
    [vmalloc_used]= 4868kB
    [vmalloc_chunk]= 34359727524kB
        [kb_size]= 25424764
        [kb_used]= 1290920
        [kb_available]= 22835668
        [percent_used]= 6%
        [mount]= /
        [total_inodes]= 1623840
        [inodes_used]= 76220
        [inodes_available]= 1547620
        [inodes_percent_used]= 5%
        [fs_type]= ext3
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime", "errors=remount-ro", "barrier=0"]
        [uuid]= cf9bf191-0ed7-4a50-a637-5b65196c2efd
        [kb_size]= 102400
        [kb_used]= 0
        [kb_available]= 102400
        [percent_used]= 0%
        [mount]= /proc/xen
        [total_inodes]= 126713
        [inodes_used]= 2
        [inodes_available]= 126711
        [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
        [fs_type]= xenfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw"]
        [kb_size]= 497104
        [kb_used]= 4
        [kb_available]= 497100
        [percent_used]= 1%
        [mount]= /dev
        [total_inodes]= 124276
        [inodes_used]= 390
        [inodes_available]= 123886
        [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
        [fs_type]= devtmpfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "mode=0755"]
        [kb_size]= 101372
        [kb_used]= 188
        [kb_available]= 101184
        [percent_used]= 1%
        [mount]= /run
        [total_inodes]= 126713
        [inodes_used]= 259
        [inodes_available]= 126454
        [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
        [fs_type]= tmpfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "size=10%", "mode=0755"]
        [kb_size]= 236876
        [kb_used]= 18304
        [kb_available]= 206131
        [percent_used]= 9%
        [mount]= /boot
        [total_inodes]= 62248
        [inodes_used]= 21
        [inodes_available]= 62227
        [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
        [fs_type]= ext3
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime", "barrier=0"]
        [uuid]= 8957e182-f52e-4e78-a06d-a354dcb7a0e2
        [mount]= /proc
        [fs_type]= proc
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev"]
        [mount]= /sys
        [fs_type]= sysfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev"]
        [mount]= /dev/pts
        [fs_type]= devpts
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "gid=5", "mode=0620"]
        [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
        [fs_type]= cgroup
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev", "none", "name=systemd"]
        [fs_type]= swap
        [uuid]= d51fcca0-6b10-4934-a572-f3898dfd8840
        [label]= SWAP-xvdb1
        [mount]= /
        [fs_type]= rootfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw"]
        [mount]= /
        [fs_type]= ext3
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime", "nobarrier", "errors=remount-ro", "data=ordered"]
            [mtu]= 65536
            [flags]= ["LOOPBACK", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
            [encapsulation]= Loopback
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 8
                    [scope]= Node
                    [family]= inet6
                    [prefixlen]= 128
                    [scope]= Node
            [state]= unknown
            [type]= eth
            [number]= 0
            [mtu]= 1500
            [flags]= ["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
            [encapsulation]= Ethernet
                    [family]= lladdr
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 26
                    [scope]= Global
                    [family]= inet6
                    [prefixlen]= 64
                    [scope]= Link
            [state]= up
                []= e4:c7:22:61:7a:41
                []= e4:c7:22:63:c2:c1
                []= 00:00:0c:9f:f0:01
            [routes]= [{"destination"=>"", "family"=>"inet", "via"=>""}, {"destination"=>"", "family"=>"inet", "scope"=>"link", "proto"=>"kernel", "src"=>""}, {"destination"=>"fe80::/64", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"256", "proto"=>"kernel"}]
            [type]= eth
            [number]= 1
            [mtu]= 1500
            [flags]= ["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
            [encapsulation]= Ethernet
                    [family]= lladdr
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 28
                    [scope]= Global
                    [family]= inet6
                    [prefixlen]= 64
                    [scope]= Global
                    [family]= inet6
                    [prefixlen]= 64
                    [scope]= Link
            [state]= up
                []= e4:c7:22:63:c1:c1
                []= 00:00:0c:9f:f0:01
            [routes]= [{"destination"=>"default", "family"=>"inet", "via"=>""}, {"destination"=>"", "family"=>"inet", "scope"=>"link", "proto"=>"kernel", "src"=>""}, {"destination"=>"2401:c900:1001:150::/64", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"256", "proto"=>"kernel"}, {"destination"=>"fe80::/64", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"256", "proto"=>"kernel"}, {"destination"=>"default", "family"=>"inet6", "via"=>"2401:c900:1001:150::1", "metric"=>"1024"}]
                [2401:c900:1001:150:ffff:ffff:ffff:ff7f]= e4:c7:22:61:83:41
                [2401:c900:1001:150:ffff:ffff:ffff:ff7e]= e4:c7:22:63:c1:c1
                [2401:c900:1001:150::1]= 00:05:73:a0:00:02
                [fe80::e6c7:22ff:fe63:c1c1]= e4:c7:22:63:c1:c1
                [fe80::e6c7:22ff:fe61:8341]= e4:c7:22:61:83:41
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 32
                    [scope]= Global
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 32
                    [scope]= Global
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 32
                    [scope]= Global
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 32
                    [scope]= Global
    [default_interface]= eth1
    [default_inet6_interface]= eth1
    [default_inet6_gateway]= 2401:c900:1001:150::1
                    [bytes]= 0
                    [packets]= 0
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
                    [overrun]= 0
                    [bytes]= 0
                    [packets]= 0
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
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                    [queuelen]= 1000
                    [bytes]= 23147217
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                    [drop]= 0
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                    [bytes]= 90263738
                    [packets]= 124808
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                    [drop]= 0
                    [overrun]= 0
                    [queuelen]= 1000
                    [bytes]= 214737
                    [packets]= 3349
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
                    [carrier]= 0
                    [collisions]= 0
                    [bytes]= 45233112
                    [packets]= 61091
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                    [drop]= 0
                    [overrun]= 0
[macaddress]= 06:CD:49:04:9D:56
[ip6address]= 2401:c900:1001:150::2
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 63
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2683 v3 @ 2.00GHz
        [stepping]= 2
        [mhz]= 2000.058
        [cache_size]= 35840 KB
        [physical_id]= 0
        [core_id]= 3
        [cores]= 1
        [flags]= ["fpu", "de", "tsc", "msr", "pae", "cx8", "apic", "sep", "cmov", "pat", "clflush", "mmx", "fxsr", "sse", "sse2", "ss", "ht", "syscall", "nx", "lm", "constant_tsc", "rep_good", "nopl", "pni", "pclmulqdq", "ssse3", "fma", "cx16", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", "movbe", "popcnt", "tsc_deadline_timer", "f16c", "rdrand", "hypervisor", "lahf_lm", "abm", "arat", "epb", "pln", "pts", "dtherm", "fsgsbase", "erms"]
        [platform]= x86_64-linux
        [version]= 2.1.6
        [release_date]= 2015-04-13
        [target]= x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
        [target_cpu]= x86_64
        [target_vendor]= unknown
        [target_os]= linux
        [host]= x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
        [host_cpu]= x86_64
        [host_os]= linux-gnu
        [host_vendor]= unknown
        [bin_dir]= /opt/chef/embedded/bin
        [ruby_bin]= /opt/chef/embedded/bin/ruby
        [gems_dir]= /opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0
        [gem_bin]= /opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem
        [version]= 5.18.2
        [archname]= x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
        [version]= 2.7.6
        [builddate]= Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13
    [public_fqdn]= test02.takara.org
    [region]= tok02
    [instance_id]= 14526139
        [host_rsa_public]= AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDec1juz4km1AE8EdMIbhNc9YncGiLAepHw9KC+LyVe5g7YgKB5/dW7cecOzNCYNnxiyyh0ZhaLemYiFEwkKWXfbKhFrWnxYIvrZID3qC4XcbmW7N19YPHY42mro3UfxYSvcH/iEoqc2Dx7SY3e+ZYli9ua28WOpdASQ8KM7wtir7wp5udcnPlNWMry2Rvaeyx0uQq667w0kKKAZnwVn6QXKCbaAd8ahWPn7A5dTKbCHX2xxGWBD3YlhCOG3BK7fT7wxPKj8Aulz+Bjz9hes/yHqcjpPegLf7n7dQj1nZrBYLMBbnSbMseKClto433O3OP1kG4Y8rZqPNbAaVuASm/r
        [host_dsa_public]= 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
        [host_ecdsa_public]= AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBLeE13fMgRrJNh9TzMFGBp1A0bpvX84eLbaGbsS2a+zzSvJjBUQ7GaX2r3v2FMKgcNhLIGROWy+dpM0pYdofB4w=
        [host_ecdsa_type]= ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
        [host_ed25519_public]= AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAWIV1LgTV1ZJo3Ufhmo6ICFoZF4nUgSGmvginDjV2o2
[uptime]= 11 hours 33 minutes 22 seconds
[idletime]= 11 hours 22 minutes 51 seconds
[init_package]= init
    [public_ips]= [""]
    [private_ips]= [""]
    [public_hostname]= test02.takara.org
    [provider]= softlayer
            [kb_size]= 25424764
            [kb_used]= 1290920
            [kb_available]= 22835668
            [percent_used]= 6%
            [total_inodes]= 1623840
            [inodes_used]= 76220
            [inodes_available]= 1547620
            [inodes_percent_used]= 5%
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime", "errors=remount-ro", "barrier=0"]
            [uuid]= cf9bf191-0ed7-4a50-a637-5b65196c2efd
            [mounts]= ["/"]
            [kb_size]= 102400
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 102400
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [total_inodes]= 126713
            [inodes_used]= 2
            [inodes_available]= 126711
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= xenfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [mounts]= ["/sys/fs/cgroup", "/run/lock", "/run/shm", "/run/user", "/sys/fs/fuse/connections", "/sys/kernel/debug", "/sys/kernel/security", "/sys/fs/pstore", "/proc/xen"]
            [kb_size]= 497104
            [kb_used]= 4
            [kb_available]= 497100
            [percent_used]= 1%
            [total_inodes]= 124276
            [inodes_used]= 390
            [inodes_available]= 123886
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= devtmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "mode=0755"]
            [mounts]= ["/dev"]
            [kb_size]= 101372
            [kb_used]= 188
            [kb_available]= 101184
            [percent_used]= 1%
            [total_inodes]= 126713
            [inodes_used]= 259
            [inodes_available]= 126454
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "size=10%", "mode=0755"]
            [mounts]= ["/run"]
            [kb_size]= 236876
            [kb_used]= 18304
            [kb_available]= 206131
            [percent_used]= 9%
            [total_inodes]= 62248
            [inodes_used]= 21
            [inodes_available]= 62227
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime", "barrier=0"]
            [uuid]= 8957e182-f52e-4e78-a06d-a354dcb7a0e2
            [mounts]= ["/boot"]
            [fs_type]= proc
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev"]
            [mounts]= ["/proc"]
            [fs_type]= sysfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev"]
            [mounts]= ["/sys"]
            [fs_type]= devpts
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "gid=5", "mode=0620"]
            [mounts]= ["/dev/pts"]
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev", "none", "name=systemd"]
            [mounts]= ["/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd"]
            [mounts]= []
            [mounts]= []
            [fs_type]= swap
            [uuid]= d51fcca0-6b10-4934-a572-f3898dfd8840
            [label]= SWAP-xvdb1
            [mounts]= []
            [fs_type]= rootfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [mounts]= ["/"]
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime", "nobarrier", "errors=remount-ro", "data=ordered"]
            [mounts]= ["/"]
            [kb_size]= 25424764
            [kb_used]= 1290920
            [kb_available]= 22835668
            [percent_used]= 6%
            [total_inodes]= 1623840
            [inodes_used]= 76220
            [inodes_available]= 1547620
            [inodes_percent_used]= 5%
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime", "nobarrier", "errors=remount-ro", "data=ordered"]
            [uuid]= cf9bf191-0ed7-4a50-a637-5b65196c2efd
            [devices]= ["/dev/xvda2", "rootfs", "/dev/disk/by-uuid/cf9bf191-0ed7-4a50-a637-5b65196c2efd"]
            [kb_size]= 4
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 4
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [total_inodes]= 126713
            [inodes_used]= 2
            [inodes_available]= 126711
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [devices]= ["none"]
            [kb_size]= 497104
            [kb_used]= 4
            [kb_available]= 497100
            [percent_used]= 1%
            [total_inodes]= 124276
            [inodes_used]= 390
            [inodes_available]= 123886
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= devtmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "mode=0755"]
            [devices]= ["udev"]
            [kb_size]= 101372
            [kb_used]= 188
            [kb_available]= 101184
            [percent_used]= 1%
            [total_inodes]= 126713
            [inodes_used]= 259
            [inodes_available]= 126454
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "size=10%", "mode=0755"]
            [devices]= ["tmpfs"]
            [kb_size]= 5120
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 5120
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [total_inodes]= 126713
            [inodes_used]= 1
            [inodes_available]= 126712
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev", "size=5242880"]
            [devices]= ["none"]
            [kb_size]= 506852
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 506852
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [total_inodes]= 126713
            [inodes_used]= 1
            [inodes_available]= 126712
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev"]
            [devices]= ["none"]
            [kb_size]= 102400
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 102400
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [total_inodes]= 126713
            [inodes_used]= 2
            [inodes_available]= 126711
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev", "size=104857600", "mode=0755"]
            [devices]= ["none"]
            [kb_size]= 236876
            [kb_used]= 18304
            [kb_available]= 206131
            [percent_used]= 9%
            [total_inodes]= 62248
            [inodes_used]= 21
            [inodes_available]= 62227
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime", "barrier=0"]
            [uuid]= 8957e182-f52e-4e78-a06d-a354dcb7a0e2
            [devices]= ["/dev/xvda1"]
            [fs_type]= proc
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev"]
            [devices]= ["proc"]
            [fs_type]= sysfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev"]
            [devices]= ["sysfs"]
            [fs_type]= fusectl
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [devices]= ["none"]
            [fs_type]= debugfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [devices]= ["none"]
            [fs_type]= securityfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [devices]= ["none"]
            [fs_type]= devpts
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "gid=5", "mode=0620"]
            [devices]= ["devpts"]
            [fs_type]= pstore
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [devices]= ["none"]
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev", "none", "name=systemd"]
            [devices]= ["systemd"]
            [fs_type]= xenfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [devices]= ["none"]
            [device]= /dev/xvda2
            [kb_size]= 25424764
            [kb_used]= 1290920
            [kb_available]= 22835668
            [percent_used]= 6%
            [mount]= /
            [total_inodes]= 1623840
            [inodes_used]= 76220
            [inodes_available]= 1547620
            [inodes_percent_used]= 5%
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime", "errors=remount-ro", "barrier=0"]
            [uuid]= cf9bf191-0ed7-4a50-a637-5b65196c2efd
            [device]= none
            [kb_size]= 4
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 4
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup
            [total_inodes]= 126713
            [inodes_used]= 2
            [inodes_available]= 126711
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= udev
            [kb_size]= 497104
            [kb_used]= 4
            [kb_available]= 497100
            [percent_used]= 1%
            [mount]= /dev
            [total_inodes]= 124276
            [inodes_used]= 390
            [inodes_available]= 123886
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= devtmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "mode=0755"]
            [device]= tmpfs
            [kb_size]= 101372
            [kb_used]= 188
            [kb_available]= 101184
            [percent_used]= 1%
            [mount]= /run
            [total_inodes]= 126713
            [inodes_used]= 259
            [inodes_available]= 126454
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "size=10%", "mode=0755"]
            [device]= none
            [kb_size]= 5120
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 5120
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [mount]= /run/lock
            [total_inodes]= 126713
            [inodes_used]= 1
            [inodes_available]= 126712
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev", "size=5242880"]
            [device]= none
            [kb_size]= 506852
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 506852
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [mount]= /run/shm
            [total_inodes]= 126713
            [inodes_used]= 1
            [inodes_available]= 126712
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "nosuid", "nodev"]
            [device]= none
            [kb_size]= 102400
            [kb_used]= 0
            [kb_available]= 102400
            [percent_used]= 0%
            [mount]= /run/user
            [total_inodes]= 126713
            [inodes_used]= 2
            [inodes_available]= 126711
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= tmpfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev", "size=104857600", "mode=0755"]
            [device]= /dev/xvda1
            [kb_size]= 236876
            [kb_used]= 18304
            [kb_available]= 206131
            [percent_used]= 9%
            [mount]= /boot
            [total_inodes]= 62248
            [inodes_used]= 21
            [inodes_available]= 62227
            [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime", "barrier=0"]
            [uuid]= 8957e182-f52e-4e78-a06d-a354dcb7a0e2
            [device]= proc
            [mount]= /proc
            [fs_type]= proc
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev"]
            [device]= sysfs
            [mount]= /sys
            [fs_type]= sysfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev"]
            [device]= none
            [mount]= /sys/fs/fuse/connections
            [fs_type]= fusectl
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= none
            [mount]= /sys/kernel/debug
            [fs_type]= debugfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= none
            [mount]= /sys/kernel/security
            [fs_type]= securityfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= devpts
            [mount]= /dev/pts
            [fs_type]= devpts
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "gid=5", "mode=0620"]
            [device]= none
            [mount]= /sys/fs/pstore
            [fs_type]= pstore
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= systemd
            [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
            [fs_type]= cgroup
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev", "none", "name=systemd"]
            [device]= none
            [mount]= /proc/xen
            [fs_type]= xenfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= /dev/xvda
            [device]= /dev/xvdb
            [device]= /dev/xvdb1
            [fs_type]= swap
            [uuid]= d51fcca0-6b10-4934-a572-f3898dfd8840
            [label]= SWAP-xvdb1
            [device]= rootfs
            [mount]= /
            [fs_type]= rootfs
            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= /dev/disk/by-uuid/cf9bf191-0ed7-4a50-a637-5b65196c2efd
            [mount]= /
            [fs_type]= ext3
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "noatime", "nobarrier", "errors=remount-ro", "data=ordered"]
    [ps]= ps -ef
[hostname]= test02
[machinename]= test02
[fqdn]= test02.takara.org
[domain]= takara.org
        [version]= 8.7.0
        [ohai_root]= /opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/ohai-8.7.0/lib/ohai
        [version]= 12.5.1
        [chef_root]= /opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/chef-12.5.1/lib
            [dir]= /root
            [shell]= /bin/bash
            [gecos]= root
            [dir]= /usr/sbin
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= daemon
            [dir]= /bin
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= bin
            [dir]= /dev
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= sys
            [dir]= /bin
            [shell]= /bin/sync
            [gecos]= sync
            [dir]= /usr/games
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= games
            [dir]= /var/cache/man
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= man
            [dir]= /var/spool/lpd
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= lp
            [dir]= /var/mail
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= mail
            [dir]= /var/spool/news
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= news
            [dir]= /var/spool/uucp
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= uucp
            [dir]= /bin
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= proxy
            [dir]= /var/www
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= www-data
            [dir]= /var/backups
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= backup
            [dir]= /var/list
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Mailing List Manager
            [dir]= /var/run/ircd
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= ircd
            [dir]= /var/lib/gnats
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin)
            [dir]= /nonexistent
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= nobody
            [dir]= /var/lib/libuuid
            [dir]= /home/syslog
            [shell]= /bin/false
            [dir]= /var/run/dbus
            [shell]= /bin/false
            [dir]= /var/run/sshd
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["syslog"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
[current_user]= root
[root_group]= root
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 52428800
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 0
        [size]= 4194304
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 0
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
[recipes]= ["ohai", "ohai::default"]
[expanded_run_list]= ["ohai::default"]
[roles]= []
        [version]= 0.1.0
        [version]= 0.1.0

Ubuntu14.04 AWS EC2

root@ip-172-31-24-251:/var/chef/cookbooks/ohai# cd
root@ip-172-31-24-251:~# chef-solo -o ohai
[2015-12-12T16:45:52+00:00] WARN: *****************************************
[2015-12-12T16:45:52+00:00] WARN: Did not find config file: /etc/chef/solo.rb, using command line options.
[2015-12-12T16:45:52+00:00] WARN: *****************************************
Starting Chef Client, version 12.5.1
[2015-12-12T16:45:54+00:00] WARN: Run List override has been provided.
[2015-12-12T16:45:54+00:00] WARN: Original Run List: []
[2015-12-12T16:45:54+00:00] WARN: Overridden Run List: [recipe[ohai]]
Compiling Cookbooks...
[tags]= []
            [mtu]= 65536
            [flags]= ["LOOPBACK", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
            [encapsulation]= Loopback
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 8
                    [scope]= Node
                    [family]= inet6
                    [prefixlen]= 128
                    [scope]= Node
            [state]= unknown
            [type]= eth
            [number]= 0
            [mtu]= 9001
            [flags]= ["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
            [encapsulation]= Ethernet
                    [family]= lladdr
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 20
                    [scope]= Global
                    [family]= inet6
                    [prefixlen]= 64
                    [scope]= Link
            [state]= up
                []= 0a:b4:3f:d8:61:73
            [routes]= [{"destination"=>"default", "family"=>"inet", "via"=>""}, {"destination"=>"", "family"=>"inet", "scope"=>"link", "proto"=>"kernel", "src"=>""}, {"destination"=>"fe80::/64", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"256", "proto"=>"kernel"}]
    [default_interface]= eth0
                    [bytes]= 0
                    [packets]= 0
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
                    [overrun]= 0
                    [bytes]= 0
                    [packets]= 0
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
                    [carrier]= 0
                    [collisions]= 0
                    [queuelen]= 1000
                    [bytes]= 766207446
                    [packets]= 3556656
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
                    [carrier]= 0
                    [collisions]= 0
                    [bytes]= 722213249
                    [packets]= 3582535
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
                    [overrun]= 0
[macaddress]= 0A:65:D3:79:35:0B
    [ami_id]= ami-936d9d93
    [ami_launch_index]= 0
    [ami_manifest_path]= (unknown)
    [block_device_mapping_ami]= /dev/sda1
    [block_device_mapping_root]= /dev/sda1
    [hostname]= ip-172-31-24-251.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal
    [instance_action]= none
    [instance_id]= i-13b5dae6
    [instance_type]= t2.micro
    [local_hostname]= ip-172-31-24-251.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal
    [mac]= 0a:65:d3:79:35:0b
    [metrics_vhostmd]= <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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            [interface_id]= eni-4ea66216
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            [mac]= 0a:65:d3:79:35:0b
            [owner_id]= 102321567306
            [public_hostname]= ec2-52-69-177-163.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
            [security_group_ids]= sg-f395fa96
            [security_groups]= launch-wizard-8
            [subnet_id]= subnet-53f8c415
            [vpc_id]= vpc-76648413
    [placement_availability_zone]= ap-northeast-1c
    [profile]= default-hvm
    [public_hostname]= ec2-52-69-177-163.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
    [public_keys_0_openssh_key]= ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCpypXDxX4BKhZYzsZJQnL+mWHOw1MGYHAcd36IkYA/7nJZHWvmIzu/D+tLlqyp9PIjHse3Py3s9P2ARACr5in4oIbM1drbTUg0k1s4QgdXvosQUXRJTkOfpnsBBVXAh9wlBTLAt5o43n3YL0LHICunJaMUOOR0wmoIlB/AZcfMlomD2H7UrKahNoPV+3TpNC+RrdMbCoMr5IPOF2dHEaCvGNCjE1JsrgptrwLPcx+WlBT7Gi8rtZmHIlya4ZJ1QPukTW/zPK3McC8LlRXnfb7ECyxvRhU9WVmhjDmYsyYV3PD1caoWLT2d1mdDqvF0Gmt17zoZk9By5CWy74JSj5oD takara2

    [reservation_id]= r-c5469730
    [security_groups]= ["launch-wizard-8"]
    [name]= Linux
    [release]= 3.13.0-48-generic
    [version]= #80-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 12 11:16:15 UTC 2015
    [machine]= x86_64
    [os]= GNU/Linux
            [size]= 23177
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            [size]= 14289
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 13113
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 12529
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 12701
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            [size]= 13462
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            [size]= 17131
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            [size]= 13990
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            [size]= 13597
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            [size]= 20359
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            [size]= 69418
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    [public_ipv4_addrs]= [""]
    [local_ipv4_addrs]= [""]
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    [local_hostname]= ip-172-31-24-251.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal
[ip6address]= fe80::865:d3ff:fe79:350b
        [version]= 2.7.6
        [builddate]= Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56
            [version]= 4.8.4
            [description]= gcc version 4.8.4 (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04) 
        [platform]= x86_64-linux
        [version]= 2.1.6
        [release_date]= 2015-04-13
        [target]= x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
        [target_cpu]= x86_64
        [target_vendor]= unknown
        [target_os]= linux
        [host]= x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
        [host_cpu]= x86_64
        [host_os]= linux-gnu
        [host_vendor]= unknown
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        [ruby_bin]= /opt/chef/embedded/bin/ruby
        [gems_dir]= /opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0
        [gem_bin]= /opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem
        [version]= 5.18.2
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[root_group]= root
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        [kb_used]= 324
        [kb_available]= 101308
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        [fs_type]= proc
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        [mount]= /sys
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[os]= linux
[os_version]= 3.13.0-48-generic
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    [release]= 14.04
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[platform]= ubuntu
[platform_version]= 14.04
[platform_family]= debian
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            [percent_used]= 1%
            [total_inodes]= 125797
            [inodes_used]= 403
            [inodes_available]= 125394
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            [mounts]= []
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            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= none
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            [device]= none
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            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
            [device]= systemd
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            [device]= /dev/xvda
            [device]= rootfs
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            [mount_options]= ["rw"]
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            [mount]= /
            [fs_type]= ext4
            [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime", "discard", "data=ordered"]
[uptime]= 158 days 15 hours 19 minutes 04 seconds
[idletime]= 158 days 12 hours 13 minutes 25 seconds
[hostname]= ip-172-31-24-251
[machinename]= ip-172-31-24-251
[fqdn]= ip-172-31-24-251.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal
[domain]= ap-northeast-1.compute.internal
            [dir]= /root
            [shell]= /bin/bash
            [gecos]= root
            [dir]= /usr/sbin
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= daemon
            [dir]= /bin
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= bin
            [dir]= /dev
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= sys
            [dir]= /bin
            [shell]= /bin/sync
            [gecos]= sync
            [dir]= /usr/games
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= games
            [dir]= /var/cache/man
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= man
            [dir]= /var/spool/lpd
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= lp
            [dir]= /var/mail
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= mail
            [dir]= /var/spool/news
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= news
            [dir]= /var/spool/uucp
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= uucp
            [dir]= /bin
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= proxy
            [dir]= /var/www
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= www-data
            [dir]= /var/backups
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= backup
            [dir]= /var/list
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Mailing List Manager
            [dir]= /var/run/ircd
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= ircd
            [dir]= /var/lib/gnats
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin)
            [dir]= /nonexistent
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= nobody
            [dir]= /var/lib/libuuid
            [dir]= /home/syslog
            [shell]= /bin/false
            [dir]= /var/run/dbus
            [shell]= /bin/false
            [dir]= /var/lib/landscape
            [shell]= /bin/false
            [dir]= /var/run/sshd
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [dir]= /var/cache/pollinate
            [shell]= /bin/false
            [dir]= /home/ubuntu
            [shell]= /bin/bash
            [gecos]= Ubuntu
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["syslog", "ubuntu"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["ubuntu"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["ubuntu"]
            [members]= ["ubuntu"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["ubuntu"]
            [members]= ["ubuntu"]
            [members]= ["ubuntu"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["ubuntu"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["ubuntu"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["ubuntu"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
[current_user]= root
    [dmidecode_version]= 2.12
    [smbios_version]= 2.4
        [count]= 11
        [size]= 310
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0000", "size"=>"0", "application_identifier"=>"BIOS Information", "Vendor"=>"Xen", "Version"=>"4.2.amazon", "Release Date"=>"05/06/2015", "Address"=>"0xE8000", "Runtime Size"=>"96 kB", "ROM Size"=>"64 kB", "Characteristics"=>{"PCI is supported"=>nil, "EDD is supported"=>nil, "Targeted content distribution is supported"=>nil}, "BIOS Revision"=>"4.2"}]
        [vendor]= Xen
        [version]= 4.2.amazon
        [release_date]= 05/06/2015
        [address]= 0xE8000
        [runtime_size]= 96 kB
        [rom_size]= 64 kB
        [bios_revision]= 4.2
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0100", "size"=>"1", "application_identifier"=>"System Information", "Manufacturer"=>"Xen", "Product Name"=>"HVM domU", "Version"=>"4.2.amazon", "Serial Number"=>"ec29878d-0851-42aa-0bd8-ca7bc116885a", "UUID"=>"EC29878D-0851-42AA-0BD8-CA7BC116885A", "Wake-up Type"=>"Power Switch", "SKU Number"=>"Not Specified", "Family"=>"Not Specified"}]
        [manufacturer]= Xen
        [product_name]= HVM domU
        [version]= 4.2.amazon
        [serial_number]= ec29878d-0851-42aa-0bd8-ca7bc116885a
        [uuid]= EC29878D-0851-42AA-0BD8-CA7BC116885A
        [wake_up_type]= Power Switch
        [sku_number]= Not Specified
        [family]= Not Specified
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0300", "size"=>"3", "application_identifier"=>"Chassis Information", "Manufacturer"=>"Xen", "Type"=>"Other", "Lock"=>"Not Present", "Version"=>"Not Specified", "Serial Number"=>"Not Specified", "Asset Tag"=>"Not Specified", "Boot-up State"=>"Safe", "Power Supply State"=>"Safe", "Thermal State"=>"Safe", "Security Status"=>"Unknown"}]
        [manufacturer]= Xen
        [type]= Other
        [lock]= Not Present
        [version]= Not Specified
        [serial_number]= Not Specified
        [asset_tag]= Not Specified
        [boot_up_state]= Safe
        [power_supply_state]= Safe
        [thermal_state]= Safe
        [security_status]= Unknown
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0401", "size"=>"4", "application_identifier"=>"Processor Information", "Socket Designation"=>"CPU 1", "Type"=>"Central Processor", "Family"=>"Other", "Manufacturer"=>"Intel", "ID"=>"E4 06 03 00 FF FB 89 17", "Version"=>"Not Specified", "Voltage"=>"Unknown", "External Clock"=>"Unknown", "Max Speed"=>"2500 MHz", "Current Speed"=>"2500 MHz", "Status"=>"Populated, Enabled", "Upgrade"=>"Other"}]
        [socket_designation]= CPU 1
        [type]= Central Processor
        [family]= Other
        [manufacturer]= Intel
        [id]= E4 06 03 00 FF FB 89 17
        [version]= Not Specified
        [voltage]= Unknown
        [external_clock]= Unknown
        [max_speed]= 2500 MHz
        [current_speed]= 2500 MHz
        [status]= Populated, Enabled
        [upgrade]= Other
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0B00", "size"=>"11", "application_identifier"=>"OEM Strings", "String 1"=>"Xen"}]
        [string_1]= Xen
[init_package]= init
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 16777216
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 0
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
    [public_ips]= [""]
    [private_ips]= [""]
    [public_hostname]= ec2-52-69-177-163.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
    [local_hostname]= ip-172-31-24-251.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal
    [provider]= ec2
[recipes]= ["ohai", "ohai::default"]
[expanded_run_list]= ["ohai::default"]
[roles]= []
        [version]= 0.1.0
        [version]= 0.1.0

Ubunut14.04 Digital Ocean

root@server1:/var/chef/cookbooks# chef-solo -o ohai
[2015-12-12T16:53:21+00:00] WARN: *****************************************
[2015-12-12T16:53:21+00:00] WARN: Did not find config file: /etc/chef/solo.rb, using command line options.
[2015-12-12T16:53:21+00:00] WARN: *****************************************
Starting Chef Client, version 12.4.1
[2015-12-12T16:53:24+00:00] WARN: Run List override has been provided.
[2015-12-12T16:53:24+00:00] WARN: Original Run List: []
[2015-12-12T16:53:24+00:00] WARN: Overridden Run List: [recipe[ohai]]
Compiling Cookbooks...
[tags]= []
        [host_rsa_public]= AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCuWgfhPJLyPlqA7KEkc+2S+ErXJ9HF0vC2HKOJXFIxd1AfuiiYInQO+utaiqpcY+mqAgZW66yullNw2v0BYBFL7gGUGTpv8U1kIZiDSQikfaBGN43+IEiEJBGy7IXXwfq/t3CnEBI1F6H95d2u+gV+33pz+mpTXjtFVIIOVEDcqUIPcWLruW4KqYSxGAuEbU8lkJBAaJOeiTg8py2xgtjRszRgmV6jxlG7Wa6K/DwdOtrfZR0YeJcP+ibT9qbMcgUKwEGT6un0Wg8s+vNOGhJnAynBBA+XBz6Gm3+bD6xF45Ed9J1k7tZdQChN3wHujb6PqMU1poOfC0gcW1mSvNVd
        [host_dsa_public]= 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
        [host_ecdsa_public]= AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBIoEoFGZerGbBkk1QlsT5pMyXlCzd+xoigZurD28aQdPFlgHh4ZKUDMuwrY8aR+7xm+8FqTpwRS8URTACM6GhTU=
        [host_ecdsa_type]= ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
    [ps]= ps -ef
[uptime]= 272 days 13 hours 59 minutes 19 seconds
[idletime]= 271 days 09 hours 25 minutes 31 seconds
            [mtu]= 65536
            [flags]= ["LOOPBACK", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
            [encapsulation]= Loopback
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 8
                    [scope]= Node
                    [family]= inet6
                    [prefixlen]= 128
                    [scope]= Node
            [state]= unknown
            [type]= eth
            [number]= 0
            [mtu]= 1500
            [flags]= ["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"]
            [encapsulation]= Ethernet
                    [family]= lladdr
                    [family]= inet
                    [prefixlen]= 20
                    [scope]= Global
                    [family]= inet6
                    [prefixlen]= 64
                    [scope]= Link
            [state]= up
                []= 04:01:18:6a:c1:01
                []= 04:01:15:dc:79:01
                []= 04:01:66:5d:25:01
                []= 00:00:5e:00:01:69
            [routes]= [{"destination"=>"default", "family"=>"inet", "via"=>""}, {"destination"=>"", "family"=>"inet", "scope"=>"link", "proto"=>"kernel", "src"=>""}, {"destination"=>"fe80::/64", "family"=>"inet6", "metric"=>"256", "proto"=>"kernel"}]
    [default_interface]= eth0
                    [bytes]= 8954624
                    [packets]= 36670
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
                    [overrun]= 0
                    [bytes]= 8954624
                    [packets]= 36670
                    [errors]= 0
                    [drop]= 0
                    [carrier]= 0
                    [collisions]= 0
                    [queuelen]= 1000
                    [bytes]= 8191004503
                    [packets]= 42458696
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                    [drop]= 0
                    [carrier]= 0
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                    [bytes]= 44027340150
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[macaddress]= 04:01:1C:E1:C7:01
        [vendor_id]= GenuineIntel
        [family]= 6
        [model]= 62
        [model_name]= Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630L v2 @ 2.40GHz
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        [core_id]= 0
        [cores]= 1
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        [kb_available]= 24127624
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        [mount]= /
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        [inodes_available]= 1714521
        [inodes_percent_used]= 13%
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        [uuid]= 535f66ee-14e8-4b9f-9e27-cc7deb87f25d
        [label]= DOROOT
        [kb_size]= 102400
        [kb_used]= 0
        [kb_available]= 102400
        [percent_used]= 0%
        [mount]= /sys/fs/pstore
        [total_inodes]= 127241
        [inodes_used]= 2
        [inodes_available]= 127239
        [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
        [fs_type]= pstore
        [mount_options]= ["rw"]
        [kb_size]= 498144
        [kb_used]= 8
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        [percent_used]= 1%
        [mount]= /dev
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        [inodes_available]= 124143
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        [kb_size]= 101796
        [kb_used]= 328
        [kb_available]= 101468
        [percent_used]= 1%
        [mount]= /run
        [total_inodes]= 127241
        [inodes_used]= 311
        [inodes_available]= 126930
        [inodes_percent_used]= 1%
        [fs_type]= tmpfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "size=10%", "mode=0755"]
        [mount]= /proc
        [fs_type]= proc
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev"]
        [mount]= /sys
        [fs_type]= sysfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev"]
        [mount]= /dev/pts
        [fs_type]= devpts
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "gid=5", "mode=0620"]
        [mount]= /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
        [fs_type]= cgroup
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev", "none", "name=systemd"]
        [mount]= /
        [fs_type]= rootfs
        [mount_options]= ["rw"]
        [mount]= /
        [fs_type]= ext4
        [mount_options]= ["rw", "relatime", "errors=remount-ro", "data=ordered"]
[ip6address]= fe80::601:1cff:fee1:c701
    [id]= Ubuntu
    [release]= 14.04
    [codename]= trusty
    [description]= Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
    [name]= Linux
    [release]= 3.13.0-27-generic
    [version]= #50-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 15 18:06:16 UTC 2014
    [machine]= x86_64
    [os]= GNU/Linux
            [size]= 835954
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 97812
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 21411
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 74890
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 17332
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 912173
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 12644
            [refcount]= 2
            [size]= 143060
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 451511
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 14289
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 13113
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 13216
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 55624
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 17131
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 13286
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 14951
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 13990
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 13597
            [refcount]= 1
            [size]= 20359
            [refcount]= 3
            [size]= 13462
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 102222
            [refcount]= 0
            [size]= 69418
            [refcount]= 0
[os]= linux
[os_version]= 3.13.0-27-generic
[platform]= ubuntu
[platform_version]= 14.04
[platform_family]= debian
        [cached]= 0kB
        [total]= 0kB
        [free]= 0kB
    [total]= 1017928kB
    [free]= 71280kB
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    [committed_as]= 630864kB
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    [vmalloc_used]= 4108kB
    [vmalloc_chunk]= 34359704688kB
        [kvm]= host
    [system]= kvm
    [role]= host
        [platform]= x86_64-linux
        [version]= 2.0.0
        [release_date]= 2013-11-22
        [target]= x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
        [target_cpu]= x86_64
        [target_vendor]= unknown
        [target_os]= linux
        [host]= x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
        [host_cpu]= x86_64
        [host_os]= linux-gnu
        [host_vendor]= unknown
        [bin_dir]= /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p353/bin
        [ruby_bin]= /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p353/bin/ruby
        [gems_dir]= /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353
        [gem_bin]= /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p353/bin/gem
        [version]= 0.10.37
        [version]= 5.18.2
        [archname]= x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
            [version]= 4.8.4
            [description]= gcc version 4.8.4 (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04) 
        [version]= 1.7.0_79
            [name]= OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
            [build]= 24.79-b02, mixed mode
        [version]= 2.7.6
        [builddate]= Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13
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        [vendor]= 0x1af4
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        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 0
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
        [size]= 131072
        [removable]= 0
        [rotational]= 1
[root_group]= root
    [dmidecode_version]= 2.12
    [smbios_version]= 2.4
        [count]= 10
        [size]= 263
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0000", "size"=>"0", "application_identifier"=>"BIOS Information", "Vendor"=>"Bochs", "Version"=>"Bochs", "Release Date"=>"01/01/2011", "Address"=>"0xE8000", "Runtime Size"=>"96 kB", "ROM Size"=>"64 kB", "Characteristics"=>{"BIOS characteristics not supported"=>nil, "Targeted content distribution is supported"=>nil}, "BIOS Revision"=>"1.0"}]
        [vendor]= Bochs
        [version]= Bochs
        [release_date]= 01/01/2011
        [address]= 0xE8000
        [runtime_size]= 96 kB
        [rom_size]= 64 kB
        [bios_revision]= 1.0
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0100", "size"=>"1", "application_identifier"=>"System Information", "Manufacturer"=>"Bochs", "Product Name"=>"Bochs", "Version"=>"Not Specified", "Serial Number"=>"Not Specified", "UUID"=>"03D56DD5-9C6A-44DB-821D-40506A8C018E", "Wake-up Type"=>"Power Switch", "SKU Number"=>"Not Specified", "Family"=>"Not Specified"}]
        [manufacturer]= Bochs
        [product_name]= Bochs
        [version]= Not Specified
        [serial_number]= Not Specified
        [uuid]= 03D56DD5-9C6A-44DB-821D-40506A8C018E
        [wake_up_type]= Power Switch
        [sku_number]= Not Specified
        [family]= Not Specified
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0300", "size"=>"3", "application_identifier"=>"Chassis Information", "Manufacturer"=>"Bochs", "Type"=>"Other", "Lock"=>"Not Present", "Version"=>"Not Specified", "Serial Number"=>"Not Specified", "Asset Tag"=>"Not Specified", "Boot-up State"=>"Safe", "Power Supply State"=>"Safe", "Thermal State"=>"Safe", "Security Status"=>"Unknown", "OEM Information"=>"0x00000000", "Height"=>"Unspecified", "Number Of Power Cords"=>"Unspecified"}]
        [manufacturer]= Bochs
        [type]= Other
        [lock]= Not Present
        [version]= Not Specified
        [serial_number]= Not Specified
        [asset_tag]= Not Specified
        [boot_up_state]= Safe
        [power_supply_state]= Safe
        [thermal_state]= Safe
        [security_status]= Unknown
        [oem_information]= 0x00000000
        [height]= Unspecified
        [number_of_power_cords]= Unspecified
        [all_records]= [{"record_id"=>"0x0401", "size"=>"4", "application_identifier"=>"Processor Information", "Socket Designation"=>"CPU 1", "Type"=>"Central Processor", "Family"=>"Other", "Manufacturer"=>"Bochs", "ID"=>"E4 06 03 00 FF FB 8B 0F", "Version"=>"Not Specified", "Voltage"=>"Unknown", "External Clock"=>"Unknown", "Max Speed"=>"2000 MHz", "Current Speed"=>"2000 MHz", "Status"=>"Populated, Enabled", "Upgrade"=>"Other", "L1 Cache Handle"=>"Not Provided", "L2 Cache Handle"=>"Not Provided", "L3 Cache Handle"=>"Not Provided"}]
        [socket_designation]= CPU 1
        [type]= Central Processor
        [family]= Other
        [manufacturer]= Bochs
        [id]= E4 06 03 00 FF FB 8B 0F
        [version]= Not Specified
        [voltage]= Unknown
        [external_clock]= Unknown
        [max_speed]= 2000 MHz
        [current_speed]= 2000 MHz
        [status]= Populated, Enabled
        [upgrade]= Other
        [l1_cache_handle]= Not Provided
        [l2_cache_handle]= Not Provided
        [l3_cache_handle]= Not Provided
            [dir]= /root
            [shell]= /bin/bash
            [gecos]= root
            [dir]= /usr/sbin
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= daemon
            [dir]= /bin
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= bin
            [dir]= /dev
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= sys
            [dir]= /bin
            [shell]= /bin/sync
            [gecos]= sync
            [dir]= /usr/games
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= games
            [dir]= /var/cache/man
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= man
            [dir]= /var/spool/lpd
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= lp
            [dir]= /var/mail
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= mail
            [dir]= /var/spool/news
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= news
            [dir]= /var/spool/uucp
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= uucp
            [dir]= /bin
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= proxy
            [dir]= /var/www
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= www-data
            [dir]= /var/backups
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= backup
            [dir]= /var/list
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Mailing List Manager
            [dir]= /var/run/ircd
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= ircd
            [dir]= /var/lib/gnats
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin)
            [dir]= /nonexistent
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [gecos]= nobody
            [dir]= /var/lib/libuuid
            [shell]= /bin/sh
            [dir]= /home/syslog
            [shell]= /bin/false
            [dir]= /var/run/dbus
            [shell]= /bin/false
            [dir]= /var/run/sshd
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [dir]= /var/run/avahi-daemon
            [shell]= /bin/false
            [gecos]= Avahi mDNS daemon,,,
            [dir]= /nonexistent
            [shell]= /bin/false
            [gecos]= MySQL Server,,,
            [dir]= /home/rails
            [shell]= /bin/sh
            [dir]= /var/spool/postfix
            [shell]= /bin/false
            [dir]= /var/lib/colord
            [shell]= /bin/false
            [gecos]= colord colour management daemon,,,
            [dir]= /var/lib/mosquitto
            [shell]= /usr/sbin/nologin
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= ["syslog"]
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
            [members]= []
[current_user]= root
        [v4]= [{"ip_address"=>"", "type"=>"public", "netmask"=>""}]
        [v6]= [{"ip_address"=>"fe80:0000:0000:0000:0601:1cff:fee1:c701", "type"=>"public", "cidr"=>128}]
    [public_ips]= [{"ip_address"=>"", "type"=>"public", "netmask"=>""}, {"ip_address"=>"fe80:0000:0000:0000:0601:1cff:fee1:c701", "type"=>"public", "cidr"=>128}]
    [private_ips]= []
        [type]= public
        [ip_address]= fe80:0000:0000:0000:0601:1cff:fee1:c701
        [type]= public
    [provider]= digital_ocean
    [public_ipv4_addrs]= [""]
    [public_ipv6_addrs]= ["fe80::601:1cff:fee1:c701"]
    [provider]= digital_ocean
    [public_ipv6]= fe80::601:1cff:fee1:c701
[hostname]= server1
[machinename]= server1
[fqdn]= server1
        [version]= 12.4.1
        [chef_root]= /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353/gems/chef-12.4.1/lib
        [version]= 8.5.1
        [ohai_root]= /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353/gems/ohai-8.5.1/lib/ohai
[init_package]= init
[recipes]= ["ohai::default"]
[expanded_run_list]= ["ohai::default"]
[roles]= []
        [version]= 0.1.0
        [version]= 0.1.0

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