
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

PHP7でポエムを書く (あるいは予約語プログラミングの楽しみ)

Last updated at Posted at 2016-01-18





class MyClass
    public static function new() { return new static();}
    public function abstract() { return $this; }
    public function and() { return $this; }
    public function array() { return $this; }
    public function as() { return $this; }
    public function break() { return $this; }
    public function callable() { return $this; }
    public function case() { return $this; }
    public function catch() { return $this; }
    public function class() { return $this; }
    public function clone() { return $this; }
    public function const() { return $this; }
    public function continue() { return $this; }
    public function declare() { return $this; }
    public function default() { return $this; }
    public function die() { return $this; }
    public function do() { return $this; }
    public function echo() { return $this; }
    public function else() { return $this; }
    public function elseif() { return $this; }
    public function empty() { return $this; }
    public function enddeclare() { return $this; }
    public function endfor() { return $this; }
    public function endforeach() { return $this; }
    public function endif() { return $this; }
    public function endswitch() { return $this; }
    public function endwhile() { return $this; }
    public function eval() { return $this; }
    public function exit() { return $this; }
    public function extends() { return $this; }
    public function final() { return $this; }
    public function finally() { return $this; }
    public function for() { return $this; }
    public function foreach() { return $this; }
    public function function() { return $this; }
    public function global() { return $this; }
    public function goto() { return $this; }
    public function if() { return $this; }
    public function implements() { return $this; }
    public function include() { return $this; }
    public function include_once() { return $this; }
    public function instanceof() { return $this; }
    public function insteadof() { return $this; }
    public function interface() { return $this; }
    public function isset() { return $this; }
    public function list() { return $this; }
    public function namespace() { return $this; }
    public function or() { return $this; }
    public function print() { return $this; }
    public function private() { return $this; }
    public function protected() { return $this; }
    public function public() { return $this; }
    public function require() { return $this; }
    public function require_once() { return $this; }
    public function return() { return $this; }
    public function static() { return $this; }
    public function switch() { return $this; }
    public function throw() { return $this; }
    public function trait() { return $this; }
    public function try() { return $this; }
    public function unset() { return $this; }
    public function use() { return $this; }
    public function var() { return $this; }
    public function while() { return $this; }
    public function yield() { return $this; }





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