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go-on-rails: A Rails generator to develop or generate a Go application

Last updated at Posted at 2017-09-21

The project's repo: https://github.com/railstack/go-on-rails

go-on-rails is a Rails generator aims to:

  • Integrate some APIs written in Golang to existed Rails app for high performance
  • Use your farmiliar Rails tools to develope and manage a Golang app project
  • Convert a not very complicated Rails app to Golang equivalent

Here's a simple example(tutorial) shows the basic usage of go-on-rails generator, and another example shows how to integrate Go APIs in a Rails project.


  • Rails 4.2+
  • Golang 1.7+


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'go-on-rails', '~> 0.3.0'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install go-on-rails


You must have a Rails app or to create one before you can try go-on-rails generator to convert a Rails app to Golang codes.

After that you can just run the command to convert the application:

rails g gor [dev(elopment) | pro(duction) | test] [-m model_a model_b model_c ...]

Then a directory named "go_app" with Golang codes will be generated under your Rails app root path.

Install the dependent Golang packages:

rails gor:deps

Then change to the go_app directory and run:

go run main.go

You can visit the page in http://localhost:4000 by default.

More command details about go-on-rails generator:

rails g gor --help

More details to visit the project's repo: https://github.com/railstack/go-on-rails

Issues and PRs are very Welcome !!


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