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BYOP > Application > Message to your friends / family v0.1

Last updated at Posted at 2016-03-12

This article is for my hackaday.io project (BYOP).

By way of the message station, you can communicate with your friends or your family.

Store the message to send

Following is the steps to message communication

  1. Prepare name.txt and send.txt on USB flash having the volume name BYOP
  2. Boot the PiZero having FileMessenger auto run
  3. Insert the USB flash to the PiZero

Then, your PiZero is ready for BYOP.

Message exchange using the message station

At the place where you can find the message station, you can get/post the message from/to your friends and family.

  1. Connect the GPIO (UART TX/RX/GND) between the message station and PiZero
  2. Power on the PiZero
    • PiZero will automatically get/post message using BYOP-main.py script
    • If the message station has the 8x2 LCD, you can see the progress of the get/post messages.
  3. Shutdown the PiZero
    • TODO: need some shutdown feature (GPIO?)

Then, your PiZero might have messages from your friends or family.

With the same procedure on Store the message to send, you can obtain rcvd.txt from PiZero to USB flash. Then you can see the received message on PC/Mac/Linux.


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