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TensorFlow > sine curveの学習 > weight,biasからの学習結果の再現 v0.1 (失敗)

Last updated at Posted at 2016-12-09
GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB)
ASRock Z170M Pro4S [Intel Z170chipset]
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS desktop amd64
TensorFlow v0.11
cuDNN v5.1 for Linux
CUDA v8.0
Python 2.7.6
IPython 5.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

関連 http://qiita.com/7of9/items/b364d897b95476a30754

sine curveを学習した時のweightとbiasをもとに自分でネットワークを再現して出力を計算しようとしている。

にてconvolutionを実装したので、実際にsine curveを再現しようとした。

code v0.1

v0.1 Dec. 10, 2016
    - add calc_sigmoid()
    - add fully_connected network
    - add input data for sine curve
=== [read_model_var.py] branched to [reproduce_sine.py] ===

v0.4 Dec. 10, 2016
    - add 2x2 network example
v0.3 Dec. 07, 2016
    - calc_conv() > add bias
v0.2 Dec. 07, 2016
    - fix calc_conv() treating src as a list
v0.1 Dec. 07, 2016
    - add calc_conv()

import numpy as np
import math

model_var = np.load('model_variables.npy')

print "all shape:",(model_var.shape)

def calc_sigmoid(x):
    return 1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(x))

def calc_conv(src, weight, bias):
    wgt = weight.shape
#   print wgt # debug
    #conv = list(range(bias.size))
    conv = [0.0] * bias.size
    # weight
    for idx1 in range(wgt[0]):
        for idx2 in range(wgt[1]):
            conv[idx2] = conv[idx2] + src[idx1] * weight[idx1,idx2]
    # bias
    for idx2 in range(wgt[1]):
        conv[idx2] = conv[idx2] + bias[idx2]
    # activation function
    for idx2 in range(wgt[1]):
        conv[idx2] = calc_sigmoid(conv[idx2])

    return conv # return list

inpdata = np.linspace(0, 1, 10).astype(float).tolist()

for din in inpdata:
    # input layer (1 node)
    inlist = [ din ]
    outdata = calc_conv(inlist, model_var[0], model_var[1])
    # hidden layer 1 (1 node)
    outdata = calc_conv(outdata, model_var[2], model_var[3])
    # hidden layer 2 (7 node)
    outdata = calc_conv(outdata, model_var[4], model_var[5])
    # hidden layer 3 (7 node)
    outdata = calc_conv(outdata, model_var[6], model_var[7])
    # output layer (1 node)
    outdata = calc_conv(outdata, model_var[8], model_var[9])
    dout = outdata[0] # ouput is 1 node
    print '%.3f, %.3f' % (din,dout)

いでよ!マイsine curve!!!

$ python reproduce_sine.py 
all shape: (10,)
0.000, 0.705
0.111, 0.991
0.222, 0.999
0.333, 0.999
0.444, 0.999
0.556, 0.999
0.667, 0.999
0.778, 0.999
0.889, 0.999
1.000, 0.999

きれいなsine curveが再現されました(棒読み)。



  • TensorFlowで途中計算の値を出力する
  • TensorBoardを利用するようにして、計算過程を確認する
    • TensorBoardの扱いが面倒だったりする
  • Fully connectedの計算資料を探す
    • sigmoid関数の適用・不適用など確認

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